The Kōji Takazawa Collection of Japanese Social Movement Materials

The Kōji Takazawa Collection of Japanese Social Movement Materials

The Kōji Takazawa Collection of Japanese Social Movement Materials 高沢文庫 日本の社会運動資料 university of Hawai‘i ハワイ大学 Honolulu © 2014 Patricia G. Steinhoff Honolulu, Hawai‘i All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured from the copyright holder to reproduce any part of this book. CoNTeNTS 書籍 Books .....................................................................................................1 I. 文献目録と事典 Bibliographies and Dictionaries .................................. 3 II. 全集と縮刷版 Sets and Reprint editions ...............................................15 III. 戦前戦後日本の歴史と思想 Prewar and early Postwar History and Thought ...............................................................................................41 IV. 1960安保前後 1960 Ampo and its Aftermath .................................75 V. 1960後半1970前半の社会運動 ..........................................................93 Late 1960s-early 1970s Movements VI. 赤軍派関連運動 Sekigunha and Related Movements .......................147 VII. 1970-1980年代社会運動や思想 .....................................................166 1970s-1980s Movements and Thought VIII. 差別:部落問題や沖縄問題 ............................................................................197 Discrimination Issues: Burakumin and okinawa IX. 1960-1970年代の感想 ...................................................................208 Reflections on the 1960s and 1970s X. 思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ..........................227 XI. 韓国、朝鮮、在日韓国人 ..................................................................................285 Koreans in Japan, South and North Korea XII. 中国と東亜 China and Asia ....................................................................303 XIII. 女性問題 Women’s Issues ......................................................................311 XIV. よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea .................320 XV. 1990年代における日本の問題 1990s Issues in Japan .....................376 XVI. 歴史の研究資料 Historical Research ....................................................384 書籍 BooKS I. 文献目録と事典 Bibliographies and Dictionaries 安保闘争文献目録. 東京: 湖北社, 1979. item_ID: 1 Anpo tōsō bunken mokuroku. Tōkyō: Kohokusha, 1979, pp. 5, 241. This is a bibliography of the materials available at the Diet Library on the 1960 Anpo Tōsō. This remains the most current bibliography that has been produced on these materials as of 1999, although new materials have been added to the collection since the bibliography’s original publication in 1979. 「安保闘争」関係文献・資料目録: 一九六○年 五月ー六月. 東京: 国 item_ID: 2 立国会図書館, 1960. “Anpo Tōsō” kankei bunken, shiryō mokuroku: 1960 nen 5 gatsu-6 gatsu. Tōkyō: Kokuritsu Kokkai Toshokan, 1960, pp. 6, 97. This bibliography was produced immediately after the 1960 Anpo Tōsō. Since it was published so soon after the event, this collection does not include reflective, historical materials, but instead contains fresh materials from the struggle itself. 安保闘争における学生運動資料集: 1960年4月ー6月、学生問 item_ID: 3 題資料集 第1冊, 1. 東京: 学生問題研究所, 1961. Anpo tōsō ni okeru gakusei undō shiryōshū: 1960 nen 4 gatsu-6 gatsu, Gakusei mondai shiryōshū Dai 1 satsu, 1. Tōkyō: Gakusei Mondai Kenkyūjo, 1961, pp. 67. This bibliography was produced during the 1960 Anpo movement. The editing orga- nization was a research branch of Tokyo University. 戦後における日本の学生運動資料目録. 東京: 学生問題研究所, 1961. item_ID: 4 Sengo ni okeru Nihon no gakusei undō shiryō mokuroku. Tōkyō: Gakusei Mondai Kenkyūjo, 1961, pp. 14. This bibliography covers postwar student movements prior to the 1960 Anpo Tōsō. The gakusei mondai kenkyusho was a research institute at Tokyo University, but is no longer in existence. 国立国会図書館所蔵発禁図書目録: 1945年以前. 東京: 国立国 item_ID: 5 会図書館, 1980. Kokuritsu kokkai toshokan shozō hakkin tosho mokuroku: 1945 nen izen. Tōkyō: Kokuritsu Kokkai Toshokan, 1980, pp. 124, 27. This is a bibliography of the publications that were censored by the Japanese govern- ment prior to the end of the war in 1945. occupation authorities in postwar Japan seized the materials and took them to the United States, but returned them to Ja- pan after the Occupation ended. The bibliography of the items was compiled by the National Diet Library. Most of the items are ideological and many concern the com- munist movement before and during the war. 3 4 ❖ 書籍 Books 島成郎文書総目録: 総合仮目録(第1稿). 東京: 高沢オフィス, 1985. item_ID: 6 Shima Shigeo bunsho sōmokuroku: sōgō kari mokuroku (Dai 1 kō). Tōkyō: Takazawa Office, 1985, pp. 488. Shima Shigeo was the head of the secretariat of bund during the 1960 Anpo Tōsō. This is a bibliography of the materials he had in his personal collection concerning the 1960 Anpo Tōsō. 「大学」問題に関する文献目録: 本学図書館所蔵. 大阪: 桃山学院大 item_ID: 7 学図書館, 1969. “Daigaku” mondai ni kansuru bunken mokuroku: hongaku toshokan shozō. Ōsaka: Momoya- ma Gakuin Daigaku Toshokan, 1969, pp. 14. Bibliography of materials owned by Momoyama Gakuin Daigaku concerning student movements. It is not limited to movements at the school. 日本社会運動史研究史論: 文献目録とその解説、1899・1956. 東京: item_ID: 8 新泉社, 1976. Nihon shakai undō-shi kenkyū-shi ron: bunken mokuroku to sono kaisetsu, 1899-1956. Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1976, pp. 349. Bibliography of social movements, including labor movements, the communist move- ment, etc. It includes some prewar materials as well as postwar materials. This is the first of two volumes, covering 1899 to 1956. 小山弘健( 著 ). item_ID: 9 続日本社会運動史研究史論: その文献と研究の現状、1957・1976. 東京: 新泉社, 1979. Koyama, Hirotake (author). Zoku Nihon shakai undō-shi kenkyū-shi ron: sono bunken to kenkyū no genjō, 1957-1976. Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1979, pp. 483, 8. Bibliography of social movements, including labor movements, the communist move- ment, etc. It includes some prewar materials as well as postwar materials. This is the second of two volumes, covering 1957 to 1976. 部落解放・人権図書目録刊行会( 編 ). item_ID: 10 部落解放・人権図書目録 1991, 8. 東京: 部落解放・人権図書目録刊行会, 1990. Buraku Kaihō Jinken Tosho Mokuroku Kankōkai (editor). Buraku kaihō, Jinken tosho mokuroku 1991, 8. Tōkyō: Buraku Kaihō Jinken Tosho Moku- roku Kankō Kai, 1990, pp. 157. bibliography of buraku Kaihō movement materials. This is a yearbook that did not always appear each year, and the collection only has this one issue. ME書誌編集委員会( 編 ). item_ID: 11 マルクスーエンゲルス邦訳文献目録(暫定版). 東京: 極東書店, 1973. 文献目録と事典 Bibliographies and Dictionaries ❖ 5 ME Shoshi Henshū Iinkai (editor). Marukusu-Engerusu hōyaku bunken mokuroku (zantei ban). Tōkyō: Kyokutō Shoten, 1973, pp. 80. Bibliography of materials on Marx and Engels and Marxism that have been trans- lated into Japanese. It was published jointly by Kyokutō Shoten, Nauka, and Ōtsuki Shoten. 一条元美( 編 ). item_ID: 12 新しいメガ: 新マルクス・エンゲルス全集、Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe. 東京: 極東書店, 1973. Ichijō, Motomi (editor). Atarashii mega: Shin Marukusu-Engerusu zenshū, Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe. Tōkyō: Kyokutō Shoten, 1973, pp. 52. This is a commentary (kaisetsu) volume of the new MEGA edition of the Marx-En- gels zenshū that was just coming out during the 1970s. It contains a discussion of changes from the old edition and a bibliography. 天野敬太郎( 編 ). item_ID: 13 日本マックス・ヴェーバー書誌: マックス・ヴェーバーの思想像 <付録>. 東京: 新泉社, 1969. Amano, Keitarō (editor). Nihon Makkusu Vēbā shoshi: Makkusu Vēbā no shisōzō <Furoku>. Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1969, pp. 130. This is a bibliography of materials on Max Weber that have been translated into Japanese. 模索舎出版部( 編 ). item_ID: 14 模索舎に納品された自主出版物総目録: 1970・10 - 1980・7, 上. 東京: 模索舎出版部, 1980. Mosakusha Shuppanbu (editor). Mosakusha ni nōhinsareta jishu shuppanbutsu sōmokuroku: 1970.10 - 1980.7, jō. Tōkyō: Mosakusha Shuppanbu, 1980, pp. 92. 模索舎出版部( 編 ). item_ID: 15 模索舎に納品された自主出版物総目録: 1970・10ー1980・7, 下. 東京: 模索舎出版 部, 1981. Mosakusha Shuppanbu (editor). Mosakusha ni nōhinsareta jishu shuppanbutsu sōmokuroku: 1970.10 - 1980.7, ge. Tōkyō: Mosakusha Shuppanbu, 1981, pp. 100. This is a two-volume bibliography of all materials sent in to Mosakusha, a coopera- tive bookstore of left-wing materials, between 1970 and 1980. From this complete list one can get a fairly good idea of the range of materials put out by the movement during this period. Much of the material carried by Mosakusha is “mini-komi” such as newsletters, newspapers, pamphlets, and journals put out by social movement or- ganizations. The term “mini-komi” distinguishes these materials from “masu-komi” or mass communications. They do not circulate through mainstream distribution channels, but are available by subscription or at movement bookstores. Mosakusha 6 ❖ 書籍 Books was one of many such cooperative bookstores operated during the peak years of the student movement, and is one of the very few that have survived to the present. 栄松堂書店ジョイナス店( 編 ). item_ID: 16 ヒロシマナガサキ: 今戦争と平和と核を考える1000冊の本. 横浜: 栄松堂書店ジョイナス店, 1982. Eishōdō Shoten Joinasu Ten (editor). Hiroshima Nagasaki: ima sensō to heiwa to kaku o kangaeru 1000 satsu no hon. Yokohama: Eishōdō Shoten Joinasuten, 1982, pp. 37. Bibliography of anti-nuclear movement materials. Joinasu is the name of a depart- ment store in Yokohama. This bibliography was produced by the Eishodo bookstore in the department store. It was done in conjunction with a book fair at the bookstore, and covers about a thousand items then available in Japan. 琉球政府立法院図書館( 編 ). item_ID: 17 戦後沖縄現地出版図書目録(70年12月末現在): 立法院図書館所蔵. 那覇: 琉球政府立法院 図書館, 1971. Ryūkyū Seifu Rippōin Toshokan (editor). Sengo Okinawa genchi shuppan tosho mokuroku (70 nen 12 gatsu matsu genzai): Rippōin toshokan shozō. Naha: Ryūkyū Seifu Rippōin Toshokan, 1971. Bibliography produced by what was then the National Library of Okinawa (before the 1972 return of okinawa to Japan). This volume covers all books published in okinawa after the war through 1970. 琉球政府立法院図書館( 編 ). item_ID:

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