Hastings Birdwatchers Hastings I Chrysalis Printing 6581 0125 AVAILABLE BROCHURE NDICATES MP MP W Woodland B Barbecue C Camping C Barbecue B Woodland W Rob Oakeshott Rob RF Rainforest R River S Swamp River R Swamp S Rainforest RF the NSW Department of Tourism and Tourism of Department NSW the Port Macquarie Port G Grazing H Heath Grazing Mangrove H G M Hastings Birdwatchers with the assistance of assistance the with Birdwatchers Hastings D Dam E Estuarine F Forest Forest F Estuarine E Dam D This brochure has been produced by the by produced been has brochure This Habitat * Sewage Treatment Works † Restricted access Restricted † Works Treatment Sewage * Website: www.portmacquarie.com.au Website: D G S G D ROAD CREEK KING 41 on he Hastings Region, visit the following following the visit Region, Hastings he t F G RF R B C B R RF G F CENTRE STUDIES FIELD PAPPINBARRA 40 For more information information more For E F M RF M F E RESERVE NATURE CREEK RAWDON 39 F RF F FOREST STATE BURRAWAN 38 www.hastingsbirdwatchers.org.au number fascinating and interesting birds. interesting and fascinating F RF F PARK NATIONAL BLUFF BAGO 37 phone contact a supply can Centre Information The provides a range of habitats for an incredible variety of variety incredible an for habitats of range a provides F RF R B C B R RF F CROSSING SWANS 36 welcome to all visitors wishing to join these outings. these join to wishing visitors all to welcome rivers, estuaries, lagoons, mountains and rainforests, and mountains lagoons, estuaries, rivers, F RF F PARK NATIONAL BROTHER MIDDLE 35 The Hastings region, blessed with superb beaches, lakes, beaches, superb with blessed region, Hastings The waders on Pelican Island. They extend a warm a extend They Island. Pelican on waders F RF R B R RF F FALLS WAITUI 34 F G RF R B R RF G F FALLS ELLENBOROUGH 33 on the first Friday of each month, and also record the record also and month, each of Friday first the on D G RF R B R RF G D RESERVE NATURE BOORGANNA 32 The Hastings Birdwatchers conduct regular outings regular conduct Birdwatchers Hastings The F RF R B C B R RF F RESERVE ELLENBOROUGH 31 D G R G D BIRDWOOD 30 Birdwatchers and NSW Bird Atlassers. Bird NSW and Birdwatchers F RF B C B RF F BEECH PLATEAU 29 It has been compiled from the records of the Hastings the of records the from compiled been has It F B C B F MOUNTAIN BRUSHY 28 F RF R B R RF F AREA PICNIC RIVER WILSON 27 excludes most pelagic, vagrant and one-off sightings. one-off and vagrant pelagic, most excludes F R B C B R F PARK BULL/BLUFF WILD 26 exceeds 340, the list supplied in this pamphlet this in supplied list the 340, exceeds F RF B C B RF F LOOKOUT 1 NO BELLANGRY 25 Whilst the total number of bird species recorded species bird of number total the Whilst F G RF R B C B R RF G F FOREST STATE ROCKS/KIPPARA SLIPPERY 24 D F G R G F D BELLBROOK 23 SPOTS D E G M RF S W B C B W S RF M G E D ROCKS WEST SOUTH 22 takeaways and together they cater for all tastes. all for cater they together and takeaways E M RF S W B C B W S RF M E PARK NATIONAL HEAD HAT 21 specialty. These are backed up by coffee shops and shops coffee by up backed are These specialty. D E G M RF S W B C B W S RF M G E D HEAD CRESCENT 20 restaurants, hotels and clubs, with local seafoods a seafoods local with clubs, and hotels restaurants, E RF S W B C B W S RF E HILL BIG 19 The Hastings region is renowned for its climate, fine climate, its for renowned is region Hastings The D E H M S W S M H E D RESERVE NATURE LIMEBURNERS 18 E M R W R M E ISLAND PELICAN 17 E M R W B W R M E SHORE NORTH 16 large range of accommodation from 5-star to budget. to 5-star from accommodation of range large D E F G H M RF B RF M H G F E D RESERVE NATURE & SF LAKE QUEENS 15 as B & Bs, or backpacker establishments, there is a is there establishments, backpacker or Bs, & B as E M W M E BOARDWALK LAKE QUEENS 14 With numerous motels and caravan parks as well as parks caravan and motels numerous With Female and Male Regent Bowerbirds photograph by courtesy of Doris Stenhouse Doris of courtesy by photograph Bowerbirds Regent Male and Female F RF B RF F NP BROTHER/DOORAGAN NTH 13 E H M RF W B C B W RF M H E HEAD DIAMOND 12 H M RF SW B C B SW RF M H PARK NATIONAL BAY CROWDY 11 information contact your local travel agent. travel local your contact information W RESERVE NATURE KATANG 10 air connections to both Sydney and Brisbane. For Brisbane. and Sydney both to connections air E M R W B B W R M E BEACH PILOT 9 ) and ) nearby (to rail bus, daily are There Wauchope E M R W B W R M E HAVEN NORTH 8 E M W B W M E RESERVE KENDALL HENRY 7 kilometres. † W G D STW* HILLS BONNIE 6 E M W B W M E CATHIE LAKE 5 which administers an area of 3500 square 3500 of area an administers which Council E H M RF W RF M H E TRACK HOLE/CORDUROY PERCH 4 Hastings River and is headquarters for for headquarters is and River Hastings Hastings † W RF G F E D RUINS INNES 3 the east coast of Australia at the mouth of the of mouth the at Australia of coast east the RF W RF RESERVE NATURE ACRES SEA 2 is situated on situated is of town historic The Port Macquarie Port D E RF M W B W M RF E D * STW & PARK CREEK KOOLOONBUNG 1 ETNTO HASTINGS DESTINATION LOCATIONS BIRDING HASTINGS BIRD LIST Buff-banded Rail C Co 5 20 22 36 Rainbow Lorikeet C Ao Red Wattlebird C Ao Pied Butcherbird C Ao Lewin’s Rail U Co 1 14 20 22 Scaly-breasted Lorikeet C Co Little Wattlebird C Co Australian Magpie C Ao Australian Brush-turkey C Ao 2 29 32 36 Baillon’s Crake U Co 1 5 20 22 Musk Lorikeet U Co 5 33 Striped Honeyeater C Co 5 8 11 22 Pied Currawong C Ao Stubble Quail U Ao 16 22 23 Purple Swamphen C Co Little Lorikeet C Co 12 18 22 35 Noisy Friarbird C Co Paradise Riflebird U Rf 25 28 32 33 Brown Quail C Ao 3 11 18 28 Dusky Moorhen C Ao Australian King-Parrot C Ao Little Friarbird U Co Australian Raven U Hi King Quail U Ao 4 11 21 22 Eurasian Coot C Ao Swift Parrot U Co 3 5 8 22 Blue-faced Honeyeater U Co 11 20 Forest Raven C Co Wandering Whistling-Duck U Co 41 Painted Button-quail U Co 18 23 Crimson Rosella C Ao Bell Miner C Fo 25 30 33 40 Torresian Crow C Co Musk Duck U Co 22 41 Latham’s Snipe U Co 5 20 21 22 Eastern Rosella C Ao Noisy Miner C Ao White-winged Chough U Ao 23 30 Black Swan C Ao 14 15 19 22 Black-tailed Godwit U Co 5 8 17 22 Pallid Cuckoo C Ao Lewin’s Honeyeater C Ao Green Catbird C Ao Australian Wood Duck C Ao Bar-tailed Godwit C Co 5 8 17 22 Brush Cuckoo C Ao Yellow-faced Honeyeater C Ao Regent Bowerbird C Ao 2 11 25 34 40 Pacific Black Duck C Ao Whimbrel C Co 5 8 17 22 Fan-tailed Cuckoo C Ao White-eared Honeyeater U Fo 12 28 41 Satin Bowerbird C Ao Grey Teal C Ao Eastern Curlew C Co 5 8 17 22 Horsfield’s Bronze-Cuckoo C Ao Brown-headed Honeyeater U Ao 11 23 33 Richard’s Pipit C Ao Chestnut Teal C Co Common Greenshank U Co 3 5 17 22 Shining Bronze-Cuckoo C Ao White-naped Honeyeater C Ao House Sparrow C Ao Hardhead C Co Common Sandpiper U Co 5 14 17 22 Common Koel C Ao Brown Honeyeater C Co Double-barred Finch C Ao Australasian Grebe C Ao Grey-tailed Tattler C Co 5 8 17 22 Channel-billed Cuckoo C Ao New Holland Honeyeater U Hi 28 Red-browed Finch C Ao Wedge-tailed Shearwater C Co 2 10 21 22 Ruddy Turnstone U Co 5 12 20 22 Pheasant Coucal C Ao White-cheeked Honeyeater C Co Chest-breasted Mannikin U Co 3 5 6 21 Short-tailed Shearwater C Co 2 10 21 22 Red Knot U Co 5 12 17 22 Powerful Owl U Ao 23 25 26 34 Tawny-crowned Honeyeater U Co 4 11 18 European Goldfinch U Ao Australasian Gannet C Co 2 10 21 22 Red-necked Stint U Co 5 17 22 Southern Boobook C Ao Eastern Spinebill C Ao Mistletoebird C Ao Darter C Co Sharp-tailed Sandpiper U Co 5 22 Sooty Owl U Hi 25 26 27 Scarlet Honeyeater C Ao White-backed Swallow U Ao Little Pied Cormorant C Ao Curlew Sandpiper U Co 5 17 22 Masked Owl U Ao 3 11 12 19 28 White-fronted Chat U Co 3 5 22 Welcome Swallow C Ao Pied Cormorant C Co 9 17 21 22 Comb-crested Jacana U Co 20 21 41 Barn Owl U Ao 3 11 23 40 Jacky Winter C Ao Tree Martin C Ao Little Black Cormorant C Co Pied Oystercatcher U Co 2 10 21 22 Grass Owl U Co 11 18 Scarlet Robin U Hi 23 28 Fairy Martin C Ao Great Cormorant C Co 9 17 21 22 Sooty Oystercatcher U Co 2 10 21 22 Tawny Frogmouth C Ao Flame Robin U Hi 28 Clamorous Reed-Warbler C Co 1 5 20 22 Australian Pelican C Co Black-winged Stilt U Co 5 22 White-throated Nightjar U Ao 3 24 31 40 Rose Robin C Ao 23 33 38 40 Tawny Grassbird C Co 1 5 22 41 White-faced Heron C Ao Pacific Golden Plover C Co 5 17 22 Australian Owlet-nightjar C Ao 19 36 38 Pale-yellow Robin U Co 2 27 29 40 Little Grassbird C Co Little Egret C Co Red-capped Plover C Co 5 8 17 22 White-throated Needletail C Ao Eastern Yellow Robin C Ao Rufous Songlark U Ao 18 20 22 Eastern Reef Egret U Co 2 10 21 22 Double-banded Plover U Co 5 8 17 22 Fork-tailed Swift U Co Logrunner C Ao 2 29 32 37 Golden-headed Cisticola C Ao White-necked Heron C Co Lesser Sand Plover U Co 5 8 17 22 Azure Kingfisher C Ao 1 4 30 40 Eastern Whipbird C Ao Silvereye C Ao Great Egret C Co Black-fronted Dotterel U Co 1 5 17 22 Laughing Kookaburra C Ao Spotted Quail-thrush U Hi 33 Bassian Thrush U Hi 28 29.32.33 Intermediate Egret U Co 5 11 14 16 Masked Lapwing C Ao Forest Kingfisher C Co 1 13 18 21 Varied Sittella C Ao Russet-tailed Thrush U Hi 2 21 24 36 Cattle Egret C Co Silver Gull C Co Sacred Kingfisher C Ao Crested Shrike-tit C Co 1 28 31 39 Common Starling C Ao Striated Heron C Co 4 7 16 Gull-billed Tern U Co 3 5 14 22 Rainbow Bee-eater C Ao Olive Whistler U Hi 28 29 Common Myna C Co Nankeen Night Heron U Ao 3 11 15 21 Caspian Tern C Co 5 12 18 22 Dollarbird C Ao Golden Whistler C Ao Australasian Bittern U Co 18 Crested Tern C Co Noisy Pitta C Rf 2 32 34 40 Rufous Whistler C Ao NOTES Glossy Ibis U Co 14 21 22 White-fronted Tern U Co 12 20 21 Superb Lyrebird C Fo 26 33 34 40 Grey Shrike-thrush C Ao Pelagic Birds: several other species Australian White Ibis C Co Common Tern C Co 8 17 21 22 Rufous Scrub-bird C Fo 28 29 Black-faced Monarch C Ao have been seen off the coast near Pt Macquarie Straw-necked Ibis C Ao Little Tern U Co 8 17 20 22 White-throated Treecreeper C Ao Spectacled Monarch C Ao 3 24 27 40 and South West Rocks.
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