~ SCHNUR JAT" ES A ~ DAV118 A publication for the tLOC! DAVZ07l faculty and staff of the University of South Florida Oct. 14- Oct. 27, 1994 Send address changes to Personnel Services, SVC 2172 Office of Media Relations and Publications ADM264 Castor!ls in charge: USF inaugurates first vvoman president Inside With a 2:30 p.m. ceremony on Fri­ she wanted an inauguration, not a coro­ music. day, Oct. 14, USF will inaugurate its first nation. Events were planned so that they At 7:30 p.m., Bull Blast IV, a pep woman and fifth permanent President, were accessible to as many people as rally with Red Johnny and the Round Betty Castor. possible. Guy, from MTV, will kick off in the Sun 2 Follawthebouncingballc USFmen's The ceremony is the high point of a After the ceremony, the public is in­ Dome. Men's and women's basketball and women's basketball gets started week that included conferences, art ex­ vited to a reception at the Lifsey House, teams will have their first practices of the with Bull Blast IV, on Oct. 14 in the Sun hibits, brunches, receptions, jazz perfor­ the President's new home and USF' s season. Dome. mances and a gourmet dinner. hospitality center. The free reception, Finally, at 8 p.m., the USFSymphony Castor's inauguration ceremony will with refreshments, will take place from 5 Band will entertain in Theatre II. be attended by U.S. Rep. Sam Gibbons, to 7 p.m. USF students will perform By Lisa Cunningham Gov. Lawton Chiles, Board of Regents 5 Bull blitz: USF's Admissions of­ member Steve Uhlfelder, Tampa Mayor fice goes after potential students more Sandra Freedman and many other digni­ e Inauguration of President Betty Castor aggressively. taries. Celebrating Leadership, Partnership and Vision For Castor, becoming President is Schedule of Events just one of many firsts. She was the first woman on the Hillsborough County Friday, October 14, 1994 Commission, the first woman to serve as B Vulcan's vinegars: Computer sup­ president pro tern of the Florida Senate, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. port specialist Kathleen Buckley ere­ the first woman to serve as state educa­ Democracy, Toleran ce and Freedom of Speech: A Community a tes her own brand of vinegarfor cook­ tion commissioner and the first woman Dialogue, will feature author Nat Hentoff • Marshall Center • Cost: ing and seasoning, Private Stock, in ever to hold a cabinet position in Florida. $25 per person includes luncheon and seminar materials her free time. Castor took the reins as President on Jan. 18, and immediately plunged into a 2:30 p.m. - 4:30p.m. Snuffingoutsmoking: Phillip Marty, press conference at the USF Library, call­ Inauguration Ceremony and Honors Convocation • Sun Dome interim dean of the College of Public ing attention to the need for better fund­ Health, has a goal: to make Florida ing for books and journals. Since then, 5 - 7 p.m. smoke-free in three years. she has called for an increase in faculty Reception • Visit the new Lifsey House and share the celebration • and staff salaries, been the first President Enjoy a variety of music performed by USF students • Light refresh­ to use e-mail and changed the USF policy ments • No cost regarding students who commit violent acts.- among many other achievements. 8p.m. (For more on Castor's background, see Page Symphony Band, Theatre IT ($3 general admission, $2 students and 3.) seniors) Former President John Lott Brown Briefly was the first President to have an inau­ For further information, call ext. 4-1816. guration ceremony. Castor has said that Violent students put on notice USF's finest to be recognized at c~retnony After the battering of a USF female More than 50 USF faculty will be ing Awards will be given to: Marvin ceive Distinguished Service Professors student in Mu Hall on Oct. 2, administra­ honored during the 1994 Honors Convo­ Alvarez, Kevin Archer, William Blount, awards. Other faculty will receive pro­ tors decided to change the policy on how cation, which will take place during Presi­ Maria Esformes, Marcia Finkelstein, fessor emeritus status. They include: Sa­ to handle students who commit acts of dent Castor's inauguration on Oct. 14. Jennifer Friedman, Mary Parrott, Linda rah Boyd, Raymond Castle, Ernest Cox, violence. Top honors include the Town and Whiteford, Cynthia Cohen, Joel Reedy, J. Fred Dickman, Roger Grange Jr., Five students were suspended by Gown Community Service Award, which Nell Faucette, Marjorie Wynn, Scott Kevin Kearney, Anne Kelley, John the Office of Student Affairs, pending an will be accepted by William Scheuerle, Campbell, Mary Filippo, Hilton Jones, Knego, P. Judson Newcombe, Linus emergency hearing that was to take place the Jerome Krivanek Distinguished Lois Lowry, Diane McGuinness, Bar­ Scott, Evelyn Searls, William Smith and by Oct. 10. Teaching Award, which will be received bara Clarke and Robert Hall. Stewart Swihart. Aggressive behavior and acts of vio­ by Susan McMillan, the Distinguished Outstanding Undergraduate Advis­ William Katzenmeyer and lence will not be tolerated on this cam­ Service Award, which will be given to ing Awards will be distributed to: Gerald Scheu erie will receive dean emeritus pus, said Student Affairs Vice President Roy Mumme, and the Theodore and Barkholz, Walter Brugger, Phyllis status. And finally, Herman Harold Nixon. President Betty Castor Venette Askounes-Ashford Distin­ LaBaw, Joanne Melreit and Sylvia Friedman, Mark Goldman, Douglas added that the incident represents a stan­ guished Scholar Award, which will be Salter. Nelson and William Spellacy will dard of behavior that is totally unaccept­ accepted by Linda Moody. Charles Amade and Elton Smith, earn Distinguished Research Profes­ able in an educational environment. Outstanding Undergraduate Teach- two long-time USF professors, will re- sor status. Although individual student disci­ plinary records are confidential under Florida law, USF will endeavor, through Physician takes crusade to Washington coordination with the University Police, to make the USF community aware of the On Oct. 4, a group of physician-sci­ others who made fact-finding trips to "Frankly, it felt awful to stand up disposition of such cases. entists gathered in Washington, DC for Cuba, was actually filed by the New against your own country," acknowl­ The suspended students were not the formal filing of an emergency peti­ York-based Center for Constitutional edged Kirkpatrick, "but it's something identified in this case. tion demanding an end to the US trade Rights with the Inter-American Com­ we all had to do. We were also standing embargo against Cuba. The group, led mission on Human Rights, an arm of the up - and standing in - for innocent by USF anesthesiologist Anthony Organization of American States. Accord­ people who can't help themselves." Office change Kirkpatrick, charged at a National Press ing to the petition, the embargo violates The packed news conference, which USF's Internal Auditing office on Oct. Club news conference that a direct corre­ four articles of the American Declaration included reporters from CNN, AP, UPI, 1 became part of the Office of the Inspec­ lation exists between the increase in death of the Rights and Duties of Man and an USA Today, TV Marti, the New York Times tor General. The change was the result of and disease in Cuba and the tightening OAS Charter article barring one member and the "MacNeil-Lehrer News Hour," is state legislation. Questions can be di­ of the embargo under the 1992 Cuban state from engaging in economic coer­ likely to create further forums for rected to Michael Peppers at FAO 155. Democracy Act. cion against another. Kirkpatrick. NBC's "Dateline" show al­ The petition attributes increasingly "We are, in effect, causing the need­ ready has asked him to accompany a USF's EAP is higher rates of death and disease - in­ less deaths ofinnocent, helpless, defense­ camera crew to Cuba in November to cluding pneumonia and influenza- to less Cuban citizens," said Kirkpatrick, further document embargo-related con­ model program the drastic decline in the importation of an expert on chronic pain. ditions. USF's EmployE·e Assistance Program medicines-including antibiotics-and While championing the cause of "Whatwe'redealingwithisaneedless is a model program within the State Uni­ medical supplies into Cuba. The result is those whose suffering is embargo­ human tragedy," said Kirkpatrick. '1'm versity System of Florida and is among a violation of international human rights induced, Kirkpatrick allowed that the not about to do anything less than I can to the best in the nation. The EAP offers standards, charged the petition. experience was far from exhilirating. make people, including the President of counseling and referral to faculty and That petition, which was based on It's not easy to take on one's own the United States, aware of this reality." staff and can be reached at ext. 4-5469. evidence gathered by Kirkpatrick and· country, he conceded. By Joe 0 'Neill c -· -- - -- ·- - -- -f Inside USF, Oct. 14 - 27, 1994 USF nets $7.5 million for underwater research A $7.55 million grant from the U.S. submersibles will scout an area, send help to better interpret satellite data." The project has helped foster a strong Department of Defense to USF will lead information back in real time-classify­ For example, said Hopkins, the AUV relationship between USF and FAU. "No to the safe detection of dangers below the ing such things as tethered or submerged can be set in deep coastal waters in the one organization can cover the scope of water line, protecting marine scientists mines- without risk to personnel, said path of a hurricane to collect information this research," said Hopkins.
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