Property of the1' / Watertown Historical Society - •*•?* A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF A LIVE AN D GROWING TOWN ESTABLISHED 1913. — VOLUME XII. NO. 29. 'VATERTOWN, CONNECTICUT. FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1925. SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS Wins Prize At Play- Bethlehem Swamped Riding Club Formed Litchfield County ground Pet Show Bylndies, 15-0 TOWN TOPICS By Local People Clergymen Meet Joseph Pui-dy and family of the Mr. and Mm. Henry Meidendorp Muriel Magee'a "pretty polly" won The Bethlehem town 'baseball Woodbury road have motored to of Heminway Park road are enter- At a meeting held Monday night The quarterly meeting of the Arch- a prize and much attention from" team- journeyed to Water town last Blnghampton, N. Y. taining Mr. Meidendorp's parent a, at the home of HarryH. Heminway deaconry of LltchnHd County was the children at the "pet show" on Sunday afternoon, to engage "Abe" Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meidendorii, steps were taken to organize a held at St. Paul's Episcopal church the playground on Wednesday at- ; DeBunkers Independents in a base- Mr. and Mrs. James Hanning mo- Sr., of New Jersey. riding dub In town. About' 12 at l'i: 45 o'clock' Tuesday morning. ternoon. Polly is a parrot and not ball game, hi very high spirits but tored to New London on Wednes- attended and appointed the follow- Celebration of holy communion with a pig so she allowed a few other Mrs. Hugh tee of New York Is In the elapsed time of a couple of day. visiting her parents. Dr. and Mrs. ing committee to draw up a consti- Archdeacon W. D. Humphrey of Rox- pets to win prizes too.' and these hours,, these same spirits were-so tution and by-laws. T. F. Carmody, bury as the celebrant assisted by the were awarded to the following: Mrs.' Frank Ross and daughter of C. W. Jackson. badly dampened, they were a for- Panama' are visiting Mrs. Ross' par- Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Nelson Dr. M. Heminway Merriman. L. R. Rev. Leonard E. Todd, of Woodbury. The prettiest, a colUe dog, the prop* lorn looking bunch of players on Carley, Sherman Perry, Van Unds- After which guests and delegates erty ot Franklin Balch, prises, a ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Virtue of of New York have been visiting returning to their home town.. The Warren Way. Mrs Nelson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ley and H. H. Heminway. A report assembled in the historic room of the white ribbon for master dog, and whole cause for this sadden change will be made by the committee, Glebe House where Bishop Seabury a box of candy for Franklin; the Miss Gertrude Moore of Cheshire E. W. Wheeler ot Middlebury road, was the terrible beating the Indies was a recent visitor In town. Friday night The stable on the was elected, for a business meeting, smallest, a tiny pussy cat, the little handed them which read something Mr. and Mrs. Irving Smith an- Harold Thompson place on Wood- followed by papers by the different pet of Marion Gorman. Pussy re- Mr. and Mrs. William Kervln and nounce the birth of a daughter, Lu- like 15 to nothing., The locals family have returned after a motor bury road has been fitted up to clergy. Among the papers were: ceived a blue ribbon, and Marion played an excellent brand of ball cia ScovUle, at the Waterbury hos- accommodate 10 horses. Mr. Gra- "Clerical Habits," Rev. William J. • set of garden tools. Polly was trip to Kenwood, N. Y., and Niagara pital, Sunday and with Deland twirling one ot Falls. ham, connected with Scoville's has Brewster of Litchfield; "Exegesis," Judged the funniest and she and his best games of the season the Mrs. Harry Matoon with her chil- been engaged as riding master and , Rev. and Mrs. William T. Holmes Archdeacon Humphrey ot Roxbury; Muriel shared a red ribbon and a representatives from Jim Flynn's dren, Henry Jr., and Virginia, and to have charge of the stables. It "Book Review on Science and Re- box of candy. .The 'judges .were of Tougaloo, Miss., are visiting at town did not have a look in. After Miss Carrie Bush are spending the is expected that the club will be ligion." by Rev. Dr. J. Cbauncey Ln» Bev. C. E. Wells and and RAT. Char* piling up a comfortable lead the the home of Mr. and Mrs. John week at Spectacle Lake, Kent a great success, with the stable lei C. Kelsey ot Oakvtlle Scott on Highland avenue. •ley of Torrington. Watertown players just toyed with Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Montague and conveniently located on the main At 1:80 p. m. all were served with their opponents and enjoyed a reg- 'Brnest Connally of Atwood street road and also accessible to the Pictures were taken of all en- la visiting relatives In Quebec, Can* daughters, Peggy and Nancy, are • very bountiful dinner by the women trants and of the prise winners. ular field day at Bethlehem's ex* visiting In Saybrook. country. • ' of 8t Paul's parish, after which The entrants with their owners in- pense. A week from Sunday a re- clergy and delegates reassembled on turn game Is to be played In Beth- Franklin Painter, clerk in the Mrs. John Havican and her cluded: Wilfred Bellerlve, a white COMMUNITY PICNIC ENJOYED the rectory lawn for conclusion of lehem and before that date the Post Office Drug Store is enjoying daughter. Miss Evelyn Havican of rabbit; James Butler, white rabbit; Waterbury were visitors In town papers and a social time. Bethlehem management hopes to a two week's vacation. A very pleasant, community pic- Muriel Magee, parrot; Sarah Swee- The following clergymen were strengthen his team so that he Mrs. Gulon Thompson Is enter- Tuesday. nic was held by the people of Puck- ney, cat; Rosaline Butler, Pomerian patient: dog; Marlon Gorman, cat; Richard can even up the score and redeem taining her mother from New York P. B. Randall has purchased a shire district Saturday afternoon in Archdeacon W. D. Humphrey of Gee, dog; Franklin Balch, collie dog; his team in the eyes of the Beth- city. " Ford Suburban car. Dr. Engelke's grove. Most of the Loretta BoUvert, Maltese cat; Ken- lehem rooters. Ralph Pasho was In" Hartford on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kane of people assembled about four o'clock. Roxbury; Rev. R. V. K. Harris of neth Levin, bull dog; Weldon Davis, Tuesday on business. New Britain have returned home Games were played before supper Winated; Rev. Frank Lambert of Sal- isbury; Rev. George E. Qualle of bull dbg; Dorothy Evans, yellow Sunday afternoon the Indies will Mr. and Mrs. Robert Belflt are after visiting at the home of Mr. was served. There were plenty ot eat; Janet Nell, twin Maltese kit- travel to Naugatuck to engage the and Mrs. James Loughlln on Cherry eats so everyone enjoyed himself. Salisbury school; Rev. Charles B. entertaining friends from out of Carpenter of Brookfield; Rev. Wil- tens. '• • '•-.•' ••'• .- newly formed Rubber town outfit town. • • • ••.••' • • • . avenue. In the evening many novel contests, in a game that will be a.severe test Including a pie-eating contest, were liam J. Brewster of Litchfield; Rev. The attendance at the playground Dr. J. Chanucey Llnsley of Torring- ••.. w large. Thirty-seven were pres- for the locals as the. Naugatuck held and prises given to the win- management has recruited some of THC •TORY OF THE MOVIES tainment shown tn two hours and ners. Mrs* Robert Reichenbach and ton; Rev. William E. Hooker of ent in the morning and 181 in the Woodbury; Rev. James W. Diggles a'ernoon. There were 18 visitors. the best semi-pro players, in this forty-five minutes, or the usual time Mrs. E. J. Atwood, the committee (By Jessica M. Busby) for a stage performance. In charge, were ably assisted by of Bantam; Rev. Samuel E. Hanger During the noon hour 23 young vicinity. Film Masterpieces . The collection of art treasures everyone. of New Jersey; Right fiev. Dr. Fred men and women employed • at the MAXWELL MAKING GOOD Foote Johnson,. Bishop of Missouri; local factories, made use of their op- Ptetnres come and go—good, bad, alone used In this picture represent and Indifferent—but real master- a fortune. The insurance on the ATTENDINQ CONFERENCE Rev. Anthon T. Gesner of Watep- portunity to enjoy the swings in the Harold "Cider." Maxwell,-one of bury; Rev. Dr. Richmond Gesner of the mainstays of "Abe DeBunkers" pieces of toe screen are stUl tapestries and paintings amounted shade of the trees. < Supt Gordon C Swift landed the Newtown; Rev. Dr. Culbert McGay outfit this season, is displaying bis paraUvely few and. tar • to $375,000. Next week, Wednesday, a cart first of this week at Liverpool. Kng, of New MUford. and Rev. Leonard K. and wagon show will be held and wares to the patrons of the South- What constitutes . • film "The Covered Wagon" Is a master- piece anyhow, and what distinguish- on the 8. 8. Regina from Montreal. Todd of Woodbury. ' this will Include bicycles, tricycles ern League of which Salisbury, Md. piece of a very different type. It He will attend the world conference and baby carriages as well. Sat- Is a member and has been pitching es ft from the horde of mediocre has all the qualifications of a big plays that so constantly appear? : on education at Edinburgh, July 20 INVITATION TO PICNIC urday the children will enjoy their excellent ball. Maxwell had a try- picture—theme, story direction, con- to 37.
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