Varve-Related Publications in Alphabetical Order (version 13 January 2019) Please report additional references, updates, errors etc. to Arndt Schimmelmann ([email protected]) Abramowicz K, Arnqvist P, Secchi P, Sjöstedt de Luna S, Vantini S, Vitelli V (2016) Clustering misaligned dependent curves applied to varved lake sediment for climate reconstruction. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 1-15. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00477-016-1287-6; Lake Kassjön, northern Sweden, functional clustering Bagging Voronoi K-Medoid Aligment (BVKMA) algorithm simultaneously clusters and aligns spatially dependent curves, nonparametric statistical method that does not rely on distributional or dependency structure assumptions. Abril JM, Brunskill GJ (2014) Evidence that excess 210Pb flux varies with sediment accumulation rate and implications for dating recent sediments. Journal of Paleolimnology 52, 121-137. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10933-014-9782-6; statistical analysis of radiometric dating of 10 annually laminated sediment cores from aquatic systems, constant rate of supply (CRS) model. Abu-Jaber NS, Al-Bataina BA, Jawad Ali A (1997) Radiochemistry of sediments from the southern Dead Sea, Jordan. Environmental Geology 32 (4), 281-284. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s002540050218; Dimona, Jordan, gamma spectroscopy, lead-210, no anthropogenic contamination, calculated sedimentation rate agrees with varve record; however, see López-Merino et al. (2016) who advise caution. Adams JI (1961) Texts on glacial till. In: (Penner E, Butler J) Proceedings of the Fourteenth Canadian Soil Mechanics Conference, 13 – 14 October 1960, Technical Memorandum No. 69, National Research Council of Canada, Associate Committee on Soil and Snow Mechanics, Section 4, 37-54. http://nparc.cisti-icist.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/eng/view/accepted/?id=172f74c8-e739-4425-997c-d19b5fcf3ed3; mention of glacial limnic varves in Canada (Cornwall on the St. Lawrence River and Otter Rapids on the Abitibi River); engineering and geomechanical stability. Addison JA, Finney BP, Jaeger JM, Stoner JS, Norris RN, Hangsterfer A (2012) Examining Gulf of Alaska marine paleoclimate at seasonal to decadal timescales. In: (Besonen MR, ed.) Second Workshop of the PAGES Varves Working Group, Program and Abstracts, 17-19 March 2011, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA, 15-21. http://pastglobalchanges.org/download/docs/meeting-products/abstracts/2011_VWG_2nd_wkshp.pdf; ca. 60 cm marine sediment core from Deep Inlet in southeast Alaska, CT scan, XRF scanning, suspected varves, 1972 earthquake and tsunami caused turbidite with scouring and erosion. Addison JA, Finney BP, Jaeger JM, Stoner JS, Norris RD, Hangsterfer A (2013) Integrating satellite observations and modern climate measurements with the recent sedimentary record: An example from Southeast Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 118 (7), 3444-3461. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jgrc.20243; Gulf of Alaska, paleoproductivity, scanning XRF, Pacific Decadal Oscillation PDO, fjord, 137Cs, 210Pb, geochronometry, three-dimensional computed tomography, discontinuous event-based marine varve chronology spans AD ∼1940–1981, Br/Cl ratios reflect changes in marine organic matter accumulation. Adzic I, Marjanac T, Marjanac L (2012) Varved lacustrine sediments in the South Velebit Channel, Croatia. In: (Zolitschka B, ed.) 3rd Workshop of the PAGES Varves Working Group, Manderscheid, Germany, March 20-25, 2012, Program and Abstracts. Terra Nostra, Schriften der GeoUnion Alfred- Wegener-Stiftung 2012/1, 15-20. http://pastglobalchanges.org/download/docs/meeting- products/abstracts/VWG_AbstractVolume_Final_2012.pdf; Pleistocene varved lake sediments, outcrops, ostracods, fossil flora, molluscs, Dalmatia, Europe, Adriatic Coast, Mediterranean. Afshar S (2011) High-Resolution Windows into Abrupt and Millennial-Scale Changes in Climate and Ocean since the Mid-Pliocene Transition, Santa Barbara Basin, California. M.Sc. Thesis, California State University, Long Beach, 134 p. https://docs.google.com/a/umich.edu/file/d/0B_44KqD6U_zwc0ZhcE1JTm56bXM/edit?usp=drive_web; Two high-resolution, multi-proxy records for ~ 5-kyr windows at ~ 290 ka and ~ 735 ka from marine piston cores, Santa Barbara Basin, California, abrupt millennial- to sub-millennial-scale oscillations in total organic carbon, carbonate and biogenic silica. Note: the claimed presence of varves in deeper core sections was partially revised by Hendy et al.’s (2012) new interpretation of laminations. Agterberg FP, Banerjee I (1969) Stochastic model for the deposition of varves in glacial lake Barlow- Ojibway, Ontario, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 6 (4), 625-652. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/e69-061; 8 measured glacilacustrine varve sequences from Pleistocene glacial Lake Barlow–Ojibway in northern Ontario, Canada, time series analysis of varve thickness, silt (summer) and clay (winter) laminae. Aichner B, Ott F, Słowiński M, Noryśkiewicz AM, Brauer A, Sachse D (2018) Leaf wax n-alkane distributions record ecological changes during the Younger Dryas at Trzechowskie paleolake (Northern Poland) without temporal delay. Climate of the Past, Discussion. https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-2018-6; nC27 vs. nC31, average chain length ACL, etc. tested for links to known vegetation changes, specifically during the Younger Dryas cold period (YD), by comparison with high-resolution palynological data from the same archive. 1 Alapieti T, Saarnisto M (1981) Energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis of laminated sediments from Lake Valkiajärvi, Finland. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland 53, 3-9. http://www.geologinenseura.fi/bulletin/archive.html; iron-meromictic, varved lake sediment, seasonal deposition of mineral matter causes accumulation of varves, iron remains low throughout the year and plays no important role in varve formation. Albéric P, Jézéquel D, Bergonzini L, Chapron E, Viollier E, Massault M, Michard G (2013) Carbon cycling and organic radiocarbon reservoir effect in a meromictic crater lake (Lac Pavin, Puy-de-Dôme, France). Radiocarbon 55 (2; Proceedings of the 21st International Radiocarbon Conference, Part 1 of 2), 1029-1042. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033822200058161; lacustrine partially varved sediment, Massif Central. Albert PG, Smith VC, Suzuki T, Tomlinson EL, Nakagawa T, McLean D, Yamada M, Staff RA, Schlolaut G, Takemura K, Nagahashi Y, Kimura JI, Suigetsu 2006 Project Members (2018) Constraints on the frequency and dispersal of explosive eruptions at Sambe and Daisen volcanoes (South-West Japan Arc) from the distal Lake Suigetsu record (SG06 core). Earth-Science Reviews 185, 1004-1028. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2018.07.003; limnic varves, Japan, tephra, ~150 ka long record of nine visible ash layers from Daisen and five from Sambe volcanoes. Alefs J, Müller J (1999) Differences in the eutrophication dynamics of Ammersee and Starnberger See (Southern Germany), reflected by the diatom succession in varve-dated sediments. Journal of Paleolimnology 21 (4), 395-407. http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1008098118867; comparison of varved sediments from two pre-alpine lakes, Lake Ammersee, Lake Starnberger See, Bavaria. Alexandrin MY, Darin AV, Kalugin IA, Dolgova EA, Grachev AM, Solomina ON (2018) Annual sedimentary record from Lake Donguz-Orun (Central Caucasus) constrained by high resolution SR-XRF analysis and its potential for climate reconstructions. Frontiers in Earth Science 6, article 158. https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2018.00158; proglacial limnic varves, Elbrus Region, high-resolution geochemical markers, X-ray fluorescence, ultrahigh resolution scanning at 30 μm increments, 88 annual layers 1922 to 2010, 137Cs and 210Pb, cross- correlation between the ring width of local pine chronology. Alfken S, Wörmer L, Lipp JS, Wendt J, Taubner H, Schimmelmann A, Hinrichs KU (2018) Micrometer scale imaging of sedimentary climate archives – sample preparation for combined elemental and lipid biomarker analysis. Organic Geochemistry in press. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2018.11.002; marine varves, Santa Barbara Basin, mass spectrometry imaging (MSI). Algeo TJ, Lyons TW (2006) Mo-total organic carbon covariation in modern anoxic marine environments: Implications for analysis of paleoredox and paleohydrographic conditions. Paleoceanography 21 (1), http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2004PA001112; marine sedimentary molybdenum sulfide as a proxy for benthic redox potential, test in modern anoxic marine environments, Black Sea, Framvaren Fjord, Cariaco Basin, Saanich Inlet, Namibian Shelf. Algeo TJ, Phillips M, Jaminski J, Fenwick M (1994) High-resolution X-radiography of laminated sediment cores. Journal of Sedimentary Research 64 (3a), 665-668. http://jsedres.geoscienceworld.org/content/64/3a/665.full.pdf+html; X-radiography of sediment cores at 1 mm – resolution using an X-ray oven (Faxitron) and a travelling core stage. Algeo TJ, Woods AD (1994) Microstratigraphy of the Lower Mississippian Sunbury Shale: A record of solar-modulated climatic cyclicity. Geology 22 (9), 795-798. http://dx.doi.org/10.1130/0091- 7613(1994)022<0795:MOTLMS>2.3.CO;2; Microstratigraphic analysis, Early Mississippian, central Appalachian basin, laminated black shale, millimeter-thick couplets of alternating thin black and thick dark gray laminae, total organic carbon, cyclicity, periodicity, X-radiograph gray-scale density, spectral analysis, ∼22 yr Hale cycle, ∼70-90 yr Gleissberg cycle, solar activity, high sedimentation rate 4.5 mm/yr. Allen JRM, Brandt U, Brauer A, Hubberten HW, Huntley B, Keller
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