T he Courier-Gazette. PORTBR * JONES, Proprietor*. V olu m e 47. TWO DOLLARS A TEAR IN ADVAMOi IIKKBRRT M. LORD, Editor ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1892. E n tered hr Second Gin** Mull. N u m b e r 25. JOHN P. WISE. Henry M. Wise, born March 6, 1847, PERSONAL POINTS. OUTLOOK. MASONIC DEDICATION. success of their enterprise and their new and Flora M. Wise born April 1, 1849. and elegant quarters. Another of Rockland's Sterling Business Hu commenced house-keeping tn May, Of More or Less Importance to the Tammany didn’t figure very largely St. Paul's Lodge of Rockport Dedicates Men—Brief Biography, Reading Public. 1845, in the bouse of Mrs. Chas. Thorn­ at Chicago. Its New Hall. POLITICAL POINTS. dike, School street, where he lived 36 Cleveland had little difficulty with tho In our sketch of the life of S. II. Bur­ Mrs A. B. Cobb is visiting friends in ongratulations are The Republican State Convention Is years, until May, 1881, nnd where his first Hill in his presidential race, and pee we made mention of tho fact that son, Henry M., now lives. Waltham and Dedham. pouring in upon Largely Attended, made it warm for tho Boles. he and John P. Wise went igto business Mr. Wise comes from a long-lived St. Paul's Lodge, The Republican State Convention was in this city the same year. Mr. Wise family. His grandfather and grand- Mrs. A. K. Stevens of Stenben is visit­ F. & A. M., of “Are you going to the circus, old held in Portland, Tuesday, and was is still engaged in active business life, motlior lived until they wore 83 ami 84 ing her father, Samuel Rankin. Rockport, on the ninn?" "I spose I’ll hev to so’s to take largely attended. Knox sent a full nnd for recreation devotes himself to years old. His mother lived to the age occasion of the the children, but I don’t believe in any delegation, 57. Tlie gathering was a horticulture nnd agriculture, in which of 81 years. He is tho last one of his Oramandel Smith of Gov. Burleigh’s dedication ot its pursuits he has the most gratifying suc­ seel) thing myself.”—Waldoboro News. very enthusiastic one, and Gen, Henry father's family. Ho has alwuys been a staff visited Thomaston Wcdnesdav. new hall which occurred Thursday even­ cess, the flowers from his plants and the B Clenves of Portland wa9 nominated resident of Kennebunk, who is 81 years ing, nnd was solemnized in due nnd vegetables from his garden boing pro­ T iie C.-G. enters more homes in Knox lor Governor by acclamation. His name old, and a smart old gentleman. Mr. ancient form by the Most Worshipful verbial lor their respective beauty and W. E Pendleton of Boston, a former County than nny other paper published. was presented by Judgo Symonds of Wise was superintendent of the Rockland Grand Lodge of Maine,in the presence of succulence. Vinalhaven boy, has been in tho city on It ia.therefore, the best medium through Portland,and seconded by E. B. Nealley water works during the water war and a large number ofladies and visiting Mr. Wise has been prominent in business. which the merchant, with his bargains, of Bangor, H. M. Lord of Roeklnnd was agent for the steamer ty of RiCich- brethren. Rockland’s business history. He is a can reach the buyers. and R. S. Partudge of Whitefield. H. M. mond from her first trip from Portland Miss Hattie Burkett of Belfast was in A. W. Hatch. W. M., of St. Paul's self-made man, has hail an active busy Heath of Augusta presided, opening to Machias in April, I860. The com­ the city Wednesday, the guest of Miss Lodge, opened his lodge and then the life, whioh has been a most successful Belfast is a lively town. Recently the convention with a most eloquent pany the next year bought steamer Netia Kimball. Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Maine one. With friends by the scores and they rode one Mr. Penny on a rail, had address. During the day speeches were Lewiston, which took the place of the was received and at once took charge acquaintances by the hundreds the fol­ a tar-and-feather soiree last week, and made by Senator Hale, Congressmen Richmond to Machias. The Richmond Louis Karpenstein, of the Bangor for the purposes of dedication. The lowing sketch of his life can but bo some society event or other is on the Milliken and Boutelle and Gen. Cleaves. was then put on the Bangor route from House, Bangor, has been visiting in this services wero performed by H. H. Bur­ readable: program all the time. Hiram Bliss, Jr., of Washington was Portland. Mr. Wise was agont for city, his old home. bank, D. G. M., L. M. Kenniston as S , J. P. Wise was born July 5, 1817. •chairman of Knox County’s delegation, the line 17 years, when he resigned. G. W„ A. P. St.Clair as J. G W„ W. He was the son of Dr. John Wise of Gen. Cleaves of Portland should be a Col. S. II. Allen of Thomaston was one Mr. Wise was an old line Whig, and E. Bogart ns G. Treas., A.M. Wetherbee Kennebunk, who graduated at Bowdoin Fred Knight and Russell Tilden are proud man. It isn’t often that all sec­ of the convention vico presidents. H. L. cast his first vote for Harrison and as G. Sec., W. W. Ogier ns G. Chap.. Collego. H» was a surgeon in the navy visiting in Castine. They will return tions of a state with such unanimity Shepherd of Rockport on tho committeo Tyler in 1840. G. W. Smith as G. S. D., G. L. Fetila- during the war of 1812. After the war on their bicyclos. tender tho highest office to a candidate on resolutions, and T. R. Simonton of son ns G. J. D„ E. P. Hahn as G. S S., be was in practice in Sherburn, Mass. Rockland Commercial College. and greet his acceptance of the honor Camden chairman of the committee to CROWN GRANITE WORKS, with such hearty enthusiasm. W. A. Merriam as G. J. S.. II. L. Shep­ introduce Gen. Cleaves. John Lovejoy Later be removed to Kennebunk, his na­ The wife of J. B. Hodgdon, formerly herd as G. Sword Bearer, Joseph A. South Thomaston, Me. The Rockland Commercial College editor of the Thomaston Herald, is very of Rockland was chosen county membet " f tive place. Dr. John Wise was a direot Locke as G. Marshal, W. A. Albee as G. closed Friday for its annual vacaaion of sick at Ellsworth. of the State Committee. descendant of Rev.John Wise of Ipswich. A recent issue of the Boston Journal Tyler. ten weeks. An unusually large number M mments and Cemetery Work Mass., who in town meeting, August 23, gave a description of a Trade Carnival The ceremonies were very impress- MATINICUS. of students have graduated during the 1687, advised the town not to comply Mrs. C. II. Currier, of San Francisco, in a weotern town, spoke of its decided ively performed and were interspersed past year, and many have secured good with the order of Sir Edward Andros, Cala., who has been visiting in Rockland novelty and then compared western and with music by Peabody’s Orchestra, J. Iddo Tolman has returned from his First Class Work, audj Guaranteed. positions. The following have been Governor, lor raising a provincial tax, for a few weeks, has returned to Boston. eastern push and ingenuity to the dis­ E. Peabody leader, which added greatly trip to Rockland and vicinity... .Mrs. No Cheap Work Produced. awarded diplomas during tho paBt few it being contrary to charter rights. * • advantage of the latter. The Boston to the pleasure of the services. After Helen Ames visited Rockland recently weeks : Fred B. Whitcomb of Thomaston, A h HHinpIt'H of our work examine the Mayhew This was the first open promulgation Maurice E. Metcalf, a woll known Journal will please bear in mind that the ceremonies of dedication were ....M rs. George Collins wns in this Monument at Bay View Cemetery, and Stewart Leslie F. Smith of Vinalbnven, Louise Monument at Achorn Cemetery. in the colonies of the doctrine of “ no Thomaston boy, now doing business in Trade Carnivals had their rnn in Maine finished and proclamation was made by place last week. Mr. Collins is with Deeignaand estimates furnliined upon application. taxation without representation,” tho G. Hunt and Annie M. Chadwick of several years ago, and that the western All communications promptly attended to. 28 Boston, was in Rockland on business, the Grand Marshal, Grand Master Capt. H. Smith on mail packet Ida Rockland, Rena F. Martin of So. Hope, germ of the American Revolution, which Friday. town is old-fashioned. Taylor made a few very appropriate re­ Grover... .Thomas Frost of Gloucester E. O. Russell and J. E. Stevens of bore fruit July 4, 1776,nearly a century marks, congratulating the brethren of called on friends in this place recently Warren, A. F. Peterson of Searsport. In sympathy for Mr. Blaine in bis A. J. BIRD & C0‘ later. For this bold act he was arrested, Will Bailey of Portland, formerly of St. Paul's Lodge on behalf of the Gi and ....Ezekiel Condon and family from tried in Boston, imprisoned, fined heavily Mr. Stevens, through the influence of this oity, now comes into Rockland on affliction there is neither Democrat nor Keep conntantly on hand tho following first qual Lodge of Maine on having so pleasant Vinalhaven are in this place where Mr.
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