THE THE STANDARD STANDARD SOUTHERN SOUTHERN NEWSPAPER THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION NE WSPAPER Dally and Sunday, carrier delivery, 12 cento vreeldy. Vol. XLVIL—No. 191. ATLAJSfTA, GA., WEDNESDAY MOBNINa, DECEMBER 23, 1914.—FOURTEEN PAGES. Single copies on the Ktrecta and at nemwtanda, O cent*. Prohibition Amendment Field Marshal von Hindenburg and A ids Both Allies and Germans Fails in the Lower House Deliver Furious Attacks By Margin of 61 Votes Without Decisive Results Majority Is Given Hobson Progress of French, While Resolution, and Change of Extremely Slow, May Soon 31 Votes Would Have Re- Compel the Germans to Re- sulted in Necessary Two- ANDT tire From Their Present Thirds Majority. Lines. 8 GEORGIANS VOTED BELIEVE OFFICERS FORCES OF GERMANY FOR BILL, 3 AGAINST; CROSS BZURA RIVER, EDWARDS WAS ABSENT Coroner's Jury Finds That Preachers Deeply Concern- SAYS BERLIN REPORT Young Atlanta Mining En- ed Over the Charges That Women Prisoners Are Not gineer Was Killed by "Par- Russia Claims Her Troops Prohibition Leaders Claim Given Proper Accommoda- ties Unknown." Are Now in, Strong and Result Comes Up to Their tions. Expectations, vand Prepare Safe Positions — ^00,000 SLAIN MAN HAD DRAWN More Britons Ready by to Continue Fight —Vote LACK OF SEGREGATION $800 FROM THE BANK Spring. Was Non-Partisan. ALLEGED BY PRISONERS By John Corrigaii, Jr. Letters From Girl Friend 1 London, December 22.—Heavy fight- Washingjton, December 11—(Spe- Ing is taking place on both eastern and cial.)—The national prohibition and From Little Daughter Many Women Declare Jail western fronts, 'but -without produc- amendment to the fedeial constitu- ing any material change in the posi- tion, proposed by Representative Found in Pockets of the Is Not Sanitary, Says Ma- tions of the opposing armies Richmond P. Hobson, of Alabama, tron Bohnefield — Sheriff In France and Belgium the allies' failed in the house tonight by 61 Deceased. offensive Is toeing- pressed, and, -whila votes.' A change of 31 votes would some ground has been gained at wide- have furnished the necessary two- Mangum Denies Charges. thirds majority, 197 members voting Ljlng face upward In thp chill driz- ly separated points, other attacks have zle, the body of C. C. Walker, a young FIELD MARSHAL VON HINDENBURG (•<•) AND STAFF. fur and 189 against it. A move has1 been set on foot by the been repulsed by the Germans from This was the first time in the his- mining engineer of Atlanta, S3 years Field Marshal von Hindenburg and war, he became a papular idol, and Hindenburg Is Geneial von Llndendorff, called the "hero of JEast Prussia." Re- ministers of the city to make a thor- their strongly entrenched positions. In tory of the country that a measure to old, was found dead In a lonely road his staff are here shown. Among the called the "hero of Liege," and at the near Lithonla, at 7 o'clock Tuesday German people Von Hindenburg is con- ports from Berlin claim he has now right Is Lieutenant Hoffman, -who rep- ough investigation of the alleged lack the northern area the artillery and make the nation dry was voted upon sidered the one big man of the war. won a substantial victory over the resented the German general staff with of accommodations at the Fulton warships yesterday took up the battle, in cither house. The prohibition forces morning V With his victory over the Russians at Russians in Poland after supposedly -fac- the Russian general staff during the One bullet which, entered the right Tannenburg, East Prussia, early in the ing a bad defeat At left of Marshal von Russo-Japanese wa/r. county Jail for women prisoners. giving- the Infantry a rest, but lower Jubilantly assert that they will con- The ministers are deeply concerned down the line and from the Oise to tinue the fight until success is won temple and which plowed its way through the brain, and a revolver over the statements accredited to the CMeuse fierce fighting took place In and the manufactuie artd sale ,of Matron Bohnefield, who has charge of with two empty cartridges, found near FOES SEND ENGINE many districts. liquor is outlawed in the United the woman's ward at police barracks, While the progress of th^e allies is States. the body, is one aspect of the tragedy that the Tower Is not the 'place for a which leads the police to believe that SMASH INTO TRAIN extremely slow, military experts hei o Hon Georgians Voted. ENEMY'S ELECTION woman on account of the fact that and in France believe the gains which Walker was murdered and Influenced The Georgia delegation divided on BEARING CARRANZA there are not proper cell arrangements the general staff has reported are dis- the resolution, eight voting for it, the coroner's Jury, at 5 o'clock Tuesday for the women prisoners v afternoon, to return a verdict that the turbing the German system of fortifi- thiee against and one being absent. Says Women Complain. cations at vital points and will. If suc- Those votlns aye were Adamson, Bell, %ictim "was killed by parties un- Washington, December 22—General Matron Bohnefleld Tuesday after- known." E OF BONDS Carranza and his party, en route from cessfully continued, compel a retire- Crisp. Hughes, Howard, Park, Tribble BLOCKEDBYMAYOR noon said that hundreds of women ment by the Germans from their prp-"?- and Walker. Those voting nay were Drew 98OO From JBank. Vera Cruz to the Isthmus of Tehuan- prisoners who have been in her Bartlett Lee and Vlnson Representa- Friends of Walker Tuesday morning; tepec, narrowly escaped death when a charge at police station and later ent lines. tive Edwards -was absent and not learned that he drew $800 from an At- Decision Is Reached to Al- wild locomotive was mnt crashing Stage Set to Elect Aldine sent to the Jailj have complained to In the east, most of the Germans paired, which amounted to a. vote in lanta bank Monday, and had informed Into his train toy hostile trotfps, accord- her of the unfitness of the Tower for north of the "Vistula (have retired across the negative employees in the local office of the low New Council to Pass ing to private advices received here Chambers to the Board of Pine Mountain Granite company that women. v the Bast Prussian frontier .before the Representative Adamson spoke yes- late today. "Many of them," she said, "have onrush of the Russian forces; but south he Intended investing the money In a on Big Public Improve- The advices further state that Car- Education, But Woodward terday against the amendment, saying complained o£ lack of segregation^ fce- of that river, between the Bzura and he was 'a prohibition 1st, but preferred auarry. ranza's trip to the isthmus -waa check- ment. Was at Physician's Office. tween the women prisoners and men the Pllioa, the Germans continue their *o bring: about this moral reformation No trace of the money wan found ed by opposition troops which, caj>tured prisoners, charging that they are too when the authorities of Mthonla ar- SoTedad. Carranza probably will go advance and announce tonight that in by means of state rather than nation- often exposed to the eyeshot the men. r v al action. rJved to make an investigation, and . Rattier than -Incur ttie. to Merida. in southern Mexico. Tttere ires'* Sv«F-JnilWr«atrf -ejections prisoners. a"^ffeTrce —tocttt* •—tSey £ave eroded Aftor offei ing an ^ amendment rfe- the theory is ttiat Walker nnras- held up James 'Oh Tv"oodwa.ra, Atlanta's Diplomat!* dispatches earlier in the scheduled to take place at the meeting "I do not wish to get into anv con- branches of the Bzura an<I Jlawka, rU-> day had Carranaa's departure from scrvine tt> the states a measure bf and robbed, and that he was snot with general council, Tuesday afternoon, de- of Atlanta's general council Tuesday troversy about matters which are ere at many places. This should forln^i; hfs own pistol, which was taken from Vera Cruz. Factions opposed to Car- < ontrol, which was lost, he voted for clined to take any action on the report ranza were Inclined to regard It as a afternoon. Council leaders who car- none of my business,'^ she continued, the main armies dose together, and him in the scuffle with the highway- ried the power of handing out the ward llie resolution. men for possession of the money. of the toand issue committee, which rec- flight after the defeat of his army at "but I am glad to hear that the min- a few days -will t«Il whether the Gei - Immediately after announcement of ommends $3,000,000 in municipal bonds Puebla, ibut Carranza officials pointed patronage were all heeled with spark- isters are going to make an Investiga- According to information gathered at man advance le to (be definitely check- tho vote the house adjourned, the the scene of the tragedy. Walker bor- for schools, waterworks, sewers, hospi- out that some time aigo he had an- ling nominating speeches, and the pros- tion \of the Jail. Something Is wrong, < rowd that had packed the galleries rowed the pistol with which he was tals, parks a.nd other purposes, hut re- nounced his intention of visiting; the pective candidates sat baak in seats or I would never hear so many com- ed or wihetner the Germans again are killed from Arthur McConnell, police- Isthmus. among tho Interested spectators beamv plaints. to threaten Warsaw. throughout the pi olonged debate dis- ferred the report to the 1916 council, "Many of these women have com- Ijersins with mingled ^expressions of man at Lithonla, and he sought Ruth Ingr Joy over the prospects of securing Chepp, son of the storekeeper at the with full power to act.
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