Used with permission, copyright Our Lady of Tihaljina (near Richard George of May 9, 2021 6th Sunday of Easter Medjugorje), Our Lady of RL George Studio Grace & Mother’s Day www.rlgeorge.studio Saturday, May 8 4:00 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) Church Saturday, May 8 Vigil M SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Sunday, May 9 Happy Mother’s Day! 4:30pm All Souls Remembrance (for the Souls in Purgatory) 11:00 am May Crowning Mass Church Sunday, May 9 SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Monday, May 10 Mother’s Day God Bless All Mothers! 7:00 pm Divine Will Prayer Group Church 8:00am All Souls Remembrance (for the Souls in Purgatory) 9:30am All Souls Remembrance (for the Souls in Purgatory) Tuesday, May 11 11:00am Parishioners of St. Vincent DePaul M Fr. Karl Loeb Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Prayed after 8 am Mass 11:00 am Bible Study Multipurpose Room Monday, May 10 St. Damien de Veuster, priest 4:306:30 pm Eucharistic Adoration Chapel 8:00am Genevieve Maze M Harrington Family 7:00 pm Parish Council Meeting Church Tuesday, May 11 Wednesday, May 12 8:00am Irene Fabozzi M Sylvia Zach 7:00 pm Men’s Faith Sharing Multipurpose Room 7:00 pm Vigil MassAscension of JesusHoly Day of Obligation Wednesday, May 12 Sts. Nereus & Achilleus, martyrs; St. Pancras, martyr Thursday, May 13 Ascension of Jesus 8:00am Jenny Maze M Telephone Prayer Line 7:00pm Barb Berger M Telephone Prayer Line 8:00 am Mass Holy Day of Obligation 12:00 pm Mass Thursday, May 13 ASCENSION OF THE LORD 6:30 pm Baptismal Prep Class (if you have already registered ** Holy Day of Obligation ** with Parish Office) Emmaus Room 8:00am Barb Berger M Mackiewicz Family 7:00 pm Women of Faith Multipurpose Room 12:00noon Diana Kniazuk M Ladies Auxiliary 7:00 pm Prayerful Hands Prayer Group Church AMVETS M Post #8113 Friday, May 14 Friday, May 14 St. Matthias, apostle 8:00am Elizabeth Kwiatkowski M Charles & Gloria Saturday, May 15 Besch & Family 4:00 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) Church Saturday, May 15 St. Isidore Sunday, May 16 VIGIL M SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 9:30 am FFF C Family Liturgy Church 4:30pm Genevieve Maze M Family 10:30 am FFF C on Campus 10:45 am Edge Middle School Program on Campus Sunday, May 16 SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 12:00 pm Catholic Witness Speaker Barbara Schaller Church 8:00am Rose Herman M Vince Herman 9:30am Genevieve Maze M Friends 11:00am Carol & Eugene Moskal M Rosemarie Cislo Congratulations to parishioner Joe Tokasz! NEW TO OUR PARISH? He will be ordained to Transitional Please contact the rectory to register as members of our parish Diaconate during the Mass on family. We hope you will find a loving Christian community Saturday, May 15th at St. Greg’s. here. Letters of recommendation can be given to members who are in good standing & have been formally registered in the par- This is a ticketed event. The Ordination will be ish for three months. YOUNG ADULTS if you are out on your livestreamed via www.stgregs.org/livestream own, time to register on your own with our parish office. Send us an email & we’ll get you set up: [email protected]. Thanks! Then, newly ordained Deacon Joe Tokasz will serve and preach at the 11 am Mass here at St. Vincent’s on Sunday, May 16th. Your Offering for the weekend of 5/2: Adoration every Sunday Offering: $ 5,647 + Online Offering: $ 1,172 Tuesday 4:306:30 pm HOPE Offering: $456 in our Chapel Your monthly Offering: $2,304 You are Invited! Stop in! Catholic Home Missions: $104 For more info, email Thank you for your continued stewardship to Your Parish! [email protected]. The newly ordained Fr. Karl holding his niece. This Thursday Parish Council Elections is the Ascension of the Lord, are online this year. a Holy Day of Obligation. For the ballot, please go to our website or Facebook page: Masses: svdpspringbrook.com or Wed., May 12 www.facebook.com/ vigil at 7 pm svdpspringbrook Thurs., May 13 at Or, use QR code 8 am & 12 noon Voting ends Sunday, Next weekend! After the 11 am Mass May 9, 2021. MISSION STATEMENT: St. Vincent de Paul Roman Catho- Our Catholic Witness Speaker lic Church is a faith filled community centered in the Eucharist. We are seeking to learn and live the Gospel through our service to next weekend is Parishioner our parish community and all of God's people. We strive to be Barbara Schaller faithful stewards of the gifts God has entrusted to us, as we con- Barb will share the big & small miracles that tinue to grow, educate, and proclaim the great works of the Lord. God has blessed her with. Mary & Joseph have taught her that “love never fails.” RESPECT LIFE INFO... Sunday, May 16th right after the 11 am Mass. You will be glad you did! “The bodies of children killed by abortion deserve the same respect as that of any other person. Our government has no right to treat innocent abortion victims as a commodity that can be scavenged for body parts to be used in research.” Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City in Kansas. S Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Unborn, Pray for Us! ALTAR LINEN COMMITTEE for May: Women of Faith meet this Thursday at 7 pm Julia Lowrey & Camille Klein in the Multipurpose Room here at St. Vincent's, and they’ll be discussing “Awareness.” When is it FLOWER MINISTERS for the week of 5/15 are: necessary to shut out outside concerns and focus Judy Roth & Rose Niemcyski inward? What sense do you use the most? SANCTUARY CANDLE Any woman who would like further information In Loving Honor of the 40th Wedding Anniversary of can contact Barbara at 4740667 or Marlene & Edward Davis [email protected]. Join us! Given by Greg & Bryan Davis ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH 6441 Seneca St., P.O. Box 290 Springbrook, NY 14140 (716) 6523972 Email: [email protected] Website: svdpspringbrook.com MASS SCHEDULE Please wear a mask. Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 8:00, 9:30, & 11:00 am Weekdays: 8:00 am Holy Day Vigil: 7:00 pm, Holy Days: 8:00 am & 12 pm CLERGY: Pastor: Rev. Karl Loeb Weekend Associate: Rev. Richard DiGiulio Deacon Larry Eschbach, Deacon Rick Mackiewicz & Deacon Pete Walders SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION): Saturdays at 4 pm, or anytime by appointment or request. Faith Formation Center (716) 6527242 Religious Ed Director Lisa Benzer [email protected] Parish Office Hours: MTh. 8:30 am 4 pm, F 8:30 am 2 pm Business Manager…………………. Dan Mikolajczyk Parish Secretaries………..Linda Rupp, Sharon Snyder Trustees …. Tama GrescoSauers, Dan Siepierski facebook.com/svdpspringbrook Parish office Fax (716) 6553048 For all the following, please call the Rectory at 6523972: ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Anytime. Call our pastor as soon as possible. HOLY EUCHARIST: If a parishioner is homebound and would like to receive Communion. BAPTISMS Are celebrated on Sundays at Mass or at 1 pm. Baptism of a child is so important an event, parents must attend instruction before the Baptism. MARRIAGES: Arrangements must be made in person four months in advance at the Rectory. Call for an appointment. RCIA: Interested in the Catholic faith or returning to Church after a time away? We’ll help answer your questions & welcome you home! PRAYER REQUESTS: To be placed on our Prayer Lines or the Prayers of Faithful at Mass. PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS… Dear Holy Spirit, Please help those who hear your call only as a whisper, that they may know that it is You calling them to service. May You fill those you call with the grace and courage to respond to Your whisper. I will pray, encourage and support those whom You have chosen for priestly vocations and consecrated religious. Amen RE Director: Lisa Benzer (716) 6527242 [email protected] LifeTeen/EDGE: Dominic Buttino [email protected] FFF/Confirmation: Julie Cappello [email protected] RE Office Manager: Mary Bushway [email protected] Sunday, May 9 Happy Mother’s Day! 11 am Mass May Crowning Church Edge and LifeTeen classes are cancelled today so you can spend time with your Mother Sunday, May 16 @ 9:30 am FFF C Family LiturgyChurch 10:30 am FFF C Sunday on Campus 10:45 am EDGE Program on Campus Tuesday, May 18 @ 7 pm Confirmation RehearsalChurch Thursday, May 20@ 7 PM Confirmation RCIA is the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults seeking to learn more about the Catholic faith. Our RCIA team at St. Vincent’s meets people where they are at in their faith journey and helps them discern and learn about the Catholic Faith. Every person’s journey is unique so our team responds to each person’s individual needs to grow in faith and grace. I have been blessed to be a part of these journeys over the last several years and in the leadership role for the last 6 years. This has been a rewarding, prayerful, evangelizing experience for me. As my RCIA team and our new Catholics know, one of my mantras is Family First. God gave us our family and we need to journey with them. With this in mind, I am stepping down from the leadership role and Tammy Stanek will take on this role for our parish. I hope to remain on the team as much as my availability allows as I have found many grace filled moments in this evangelization. If you have any questions or are interested in joining the team or becoming Catholic please contact the rectory.
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