\I I' Sunrise Records present . ..-------------... The Best from the S"UNTONES" plus something new* KEEp A/,Jf St"s"" RICA SINGING ThiS Is AtfIg!tH1 Ban 90a 8!es: COUntryfie, ~::a.f1 Meai"'erica G" er'Ca Th ey SOMEWHERE I~e Me ..,.o~, ~eall"'UI B e BlUes 1VW?t; POOr "e(j Bye. Jdrfl BelIeve M My 6u ed/o}' ~~~~essee Walll AfYCo:r ' NO. No. NOla seflliClJ,., /}' 11$ 01 T My Buddy Ball/a H fealay flee I'm Going BaC~ RepuJ~/J 0111)& \0 Carolina A lillIe Streel Wl'Ief( Old Friends Meel Just A Bundle ot Old lo... e Lellers ."'"'' Wesl Side 5101'" '~i' NOW YOU CAN SING ALONG WITH THE SUNTONES ..• WITH 20 GOOD, OLD-TIME SONG ARRANGEMENTS AFTERGLOW Hey. LOok h Hello, Dolly 1e Over All The Th" Rive, of N mSs You I Aller You, o Relurn That's right folks. The "A Pass Me ave Gone * Whele 0, It" TOUCH OF OLD" Songbook No New Ji en Old Pla~~es On Tn; is now available. An exact New Gan 0 COhan M:dl n The Cor arrangement of every song If You.Can'l ey She's AG Tell The \\\ on the Suntones latest Soulh God llftle G album, "A TOUCH OF OLD", is contained in this magni· ficent new songbook. Be sure to order your personal ATOUCH OF GOlO copy now - price $5.00 The Chord Bu~ters March I Had The CraZiest Orcarl' postpaid. lazy Bones '1 Mother Machfee rmConlessin' That I love touch Oh. Teacher That Old Black MagiC f The little Boy That (~ Santa Ct.1US Forgot "I OOln' The Raccoon uoll Mighty lilk A Rose For All We Know Amenca Please Send Me the Songbook at $5,00 ea. 0 Please Send the following Record. Albums and Tapes (Post Paid) (Canadian Orders Please Add $1.(XJ) Mail to Sunrise Records P.O. Box 15736 W Palm Bch. Fla. 334()2 Name Street City State State Album 8 Track Casette A TOUCH OF OLD SOl1g Book SOMEWHERE WATCH WHAT HAPPENS AFTERGLOW A TOUCH OF GOLD KEEP AMERICA SINGING BUY SEVERAL & SAVEl Single record album-$5; The or admtisin2 01 unollitial recoldinu is nol a lepluenlalion Ih;ll the contents any two-$9; additional albums-$3 each. Single tape-$7; ot such (f(OJdings are appropriate lor (onlest use. any two $13; additional tapes $5 each. In.~I~nu.ionnlllonrd of Dirct.'lnrs IHtenwtiollll1 Officers President, Charles E. Abernethy, 300 E. Grand Ave.. Ponca City, Oklahoma 74601 Immediate Past President, Richard H. de­ Montmollin, 4664 Oakwood Rd., Columbia, South Carolina 29206 DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP QUARTET HARMONY Vice President, Leon Avakian, P.O. Box 254. Asbury Park. New Jersey 07712 Vice Presidont, F. Richard Ellenberger, 2476 NOV.• DEC. 1973 • VOLUME XXXIII· NUMBER 6 Poersch Court, Schenectady, New York 12309 Vico President-Treasurer, Plummer Collins, 216 Conewango Avenue, Warren, Pennsylvania 16365 Executive Director, Barrie Best, 6315 Third Avenue, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141 Board Members fellt uloes Cardinal, Charles Nasser. 107 Melody Lane, T. Cllristl/las Ts 2 C., Michigan City, Indiana 46360 Central States, Merrill Aitchison, 1625 - 47th Give HER plloellix for Christlllas ........................•... 4 Street, N.E., Cedar Rapids. Iowa 52402 I'Tlle Dealer's C/,oice": alit ofNowllere ~ TlIstlll/t Success 6 Dixie, Roben E. Roark, 213 Marchmont Dr.• Knoxville, '1 ennessee 37919 CIUllIftllfqucl COllcert Draws 8,000 , , 11 Evergreen, E. A. (Ted) McAlpine, 370 MacBeth '67 Champs Lead Harmony Cws<lde to Ellgle/lld . 12 Crescent, W. Vancouver. British Columbia Far Western. Lynn Brittan, 231 Ridge Estates 11 Report 011 First British BarberS/lOp GatllC,.illg , ..•.•....•.... .20 Road, Nevada City, California 95959 illinois, Tom Wat1s, 30 Lincoln Street, Glen· view, Illinois 60026 Johnnv Appleseed, Steve Hanrahan, 622 North Blvd., Huntington, West Virginia 25701 comment Land O'Lakes, Roger Thomas, 3720 St. Cllllck's Chdtter .. , ....•....•.•.••.•.•....•.•......•.. ,. .10 Andrews Blvd., Racine, Wisconsin 63405 Mid-Atlantic, Ernest A. Matson, Jr.• Kramer Lane, Georgetown, Connecticut 06829 Northeastern, Richard Meinsen, 425 Main Street, Hamden, Connecticut 06514 Jlellurtments Ontario, John Parkinson, 420 Huntingwood J Orive. Agincourt, Ontario, Canada Silare tIle lI ealth . .•.•.•......•....•......... 14 Pioneer, WlIIiam Warner, 23531 Meadowlark, News About Qlwrtets .. ,, ....•.. , ...•.•....•.......24 Oak Park. Michigan 48237 Seneca Land, Dr. Robert Craner. 238 Benham I See From the Hulletills , .. , ..• ,, ....• , .....•.• , 26 Ave" Syracuse, New York 13219 Mail Call Fro'" HamlOllY Hall ....•.•.... , .•......•.•. , •. , ..32 Southwestern, John M, Anderson, 3406· 53rd, Lubbock. Texas 79413 Sunshine, Dr. Henry Vomacka, 1881 Rose Street, Sarasota, Florida 33579 miscellaneous AI/d Past Tntemational Presidents PllOel/ix COl/velltioll Registratioll/Holtsillg Forl1l ....•.•.•.•..... 5 Robert D. Gall, 12106 Mar-Bee Trail, In· Kallscls City COIwelltioil RegistmtioH Form ........•......•... 10 dependence, Missouri 64052 Wilbur D. Sparks, 6724 N. 26th Street, 1973 Christmas Catdlog .......................•.•..•......15 Arlington, Virginia 22213 Celltlfry cl"b ,,,.......... ........•. , 23 Ralph Ribble, NorthPark National Bank, P.O. Box 12206, Dallas, Texas 75225 COII/iug Ellellts - J3tlrgdill Rase11lellt ., ...•................... .30 01/1' New Chapters ,, ......•.•.. , 31 Logopedics COllfriblftiol/s , ' •.... , .II/side Hack COlier Executive Director contl'ibutors BARRIE BEST uClmck" Abemethy Melba Alt Hob A mold ... "Rip" Cieslill- Music Ed,{catiol/ aud Services ROBERT D. JOHNSON, Director ski . .. Jolm jOl/es Frcl1lk Lama KeH McKee Ml{sic Services Assistants MALCOLM L. HUFF DAVID M. STEVF.NS Commul/ieatiotls HUGH A. INGRAHAM, Director Field Representatives SAMUEL K, KENNEDY LLOYD B. STEINKAMP THE HARMONIZER is Ihe official publication of lhe Society for the Pum'o'ation and En· couragement of Barber Shop QLlanet Singing in America, Inc. It is published in Ihe months of Commu"icatiotls Assistmlt )1tnuarl', March. May. )ul)', Seplember and NO\'ember at 6~ 1~ _}rd Avenue, Kenosha, 0, WILLIAM FITZGERALD \X'i~consjn 5}141, s«ond·class poslage paid al Ktnoshl, Wisconsin. Editori.! and Ad\'enising offices are at Inlernllional Headquallers. NOlice of chanlte of address should ~ submitted Editor 10 lhe editorial officu of THE HARMONIZER, 6}1~ THIRD AVE.• KENOSHA. WIS­ LEO W. FOBART CONSIN B I'U. at Ie'lSl lhirty days btfore lhe nexl public-alion dale. Subscriplion plice is $2.00 )'eatly and S .50 an iuut'. FiHmlce aud Administration DALLAS A. LEMMEN. Director Admiuistrative AssistaHt future conventions DAVID L. WILT Mmwger, MemberS/lip Services INTERNATIONAL MIO-WINTER ROBERT J. MEYER 1974 Kansas City. Mo. July 8·13 I"tematiollalOffice 1975 Indianapolis, Ind. Juno 24-29 1974 Phoenix. Ariz. Jan. 25-26 6315 Third Avenue 1976 San Francisco, Callf. July 5·10 1975 Honolulu. Hi. Jan. 31·Feb. 1 Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141 414-654-9111 1977 Philadelphia, Pa. July 4·9 1976 Washington. D.C. Jan. 30·31 PRINTED IN U.S.A. THE H/IRMON1ZEl{ ~ NOl1ember.Decelllber, 1973 1~ .... oiooJwo/ a 4,iJeOtatl/dtbo/ lOt ~ l/d2/tfl-Ot -</(J(]/te. 4tuj/1i<fr//ry fI.{}Wt teaeia t{/dia )/deuil CiziJ(;;Ic.a<f." //d?Rt/o/ a //-te<fe;t~ lru jIOM/t1»/v wdDad !ottM of,IJ-eaetiee lOt lie //vtt<kC ,IJ.wf)-1aJlv. 2 jJ101/dYt9 de fJ~ 1M (Jp ()It de/--loMe lip" .......... W/1lf3JIr!(}Zdrf) tie Btule1Afa;:;jJeid toio 4i1t9fetU itowd to lltake f3f;fJ¥ dto/ attie j;~ 01L090jJedd3d a 4jJeCia! a?2f· 3 Give HER Phoenix for Christmas By Melba AIt, wife of Phoenix member, Carl Alt, 1967E Del Sur Dr.• Tempe, Ariz. 85283 There arc some things in this world that get yOli to talking to drinkin', gamblin' and carryin) on! Cowboys and dance hall gals }'Qurse1f. Coming to Phoeni.x in January is one of them! You'll will be in attcndance to sec that you havc the time of your Iifc. be standing out in our mid-day 75-degrcc sUllshine and There's been nothing like it since the "pokcs" took over mumbling, llMid-Wintcr? How C<tll this be a mid-winter convell­ "Whiskey Row" at the end of roundup. The gambling will pay tion?" After November and December you owe yourself a off, for we will auction some fine articlcs which }'ou bid on with vacation from your snow shovel and what better place than this the chips you've won. For this alone you wi.1l be glad you came. old "ncw" town in the Valley of the Sun? You will need a But ... there is morc! jacket for nights or for your first desert sunrise. With all we have Saturday morning the stagc rolls again, this timc to Rawhidc. planned, you won't have to get up to see the sun ... }'Qu'll be This is a true town of the 1880s. Artisans in shops there carry up! On the edge of one of our mountains we have a rock on trades that are almost obsolete. A blacksmith will makc you formation, "The Praying Monk." The rising sun outlines him a belt buckle or a ring; you can watch leatherworkcrs tool belts, kneeling there, head bowed in supplication. Wc like to think his boots and purses; Indian silvcrsmiths concoct singularly lovely prayers arc what keep our valley so lovely. Don't be misled into jewelry from Ariz.ona's stones and metals. Then there is the thinking Phoeni.x is a "cow town." We are a large cosmopolitan wagon train camp and the stage ride. We'll have IUllch there and city, populated by people who used to live ncar you, wherever you'll go home fceling as though you havc been a part of all you live. Dress is however you are most comfortable. In the best your childhood Saturday afternoon movies. On the way back places in town yOll will see jackets, sweaters, jeans, busincss we'll stop by Carefrec. This small community is filled with the suits, or slacks and floor length gowns. wrought iron and archcd abode heritage left us by the early Del Webb's Townhouse (the headquarters hotel) is in the Spanish Conquistadors.
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