COATINGS TRIBOLOGY TRIBOLOGY AND INTERFACE ENGINEERING SERIES Editor Brian Briscoe (UK) Advisory Board M.J. Adams (U.K.) J. Israelachvili (U.S.A.) J.H. Beynon (U.K.) S. Jahanmir (U.S.A.) D.V. Boger (Australia) A.A. Lubrecht (France) P. Cann (U.K.) I.L. Singer (U.S.A.) K. Friedrich (Germany) G.W. Stachowiak (Australia) I.M. Hutchings (U.K.) Vol. 27 Dissipative Processes in Tribology (Dowson et al., Editors) Vol. 28 Coatings Tribology – Properties, Techniques and Applications in Surface Engineering (Holmberg and Matthews) Vol. 29 Friction Surface Phenomena (Shpenkov) Vol. 30 Lubricants and Lubrication (Dowson et al., Editors) Vol. 31 The Third Body Concept: Interpretation of Tribological Phenomena (Dowson et al., Editors) Vol. 32 Elastohydrodynamics – ’96: Fundamentals and Applications in Lubrication and Traction (Dowson et al., Editors) Vol. 33 Hydrodynamic Lubrication – Bearings and Thrust Bearings (Freˆne et al.) Vol. 34 Tribology for Energy Conservation (Dowson et al., Editors) Vol. 35 Molybdenum Disulphide Lubrication (Lansdown) Vol. 36 Lubrication at the Frontier – The Role of the Interface and Surface Layers in the Thin Film and Boundary Regime (Dowson et al., Editors) Vol. 37 Multilevel Methods in Lubrication (Venner and Lubrecht) Vol. 38 Thinning Films and Tribological Interfaces (Dowson et al., Editors) Vol. 39 Tribological Research: From Model Experiment to Industrial Problem (Dalmaz et al., Editors) Vol. 40 Boundary and Mixed Lubrication: Science and Applications (Dowson et al., Editors) Vol. 41 Tribological Research and Design for Engineering Systems (Dowson et al., Editors) Vol. 42 Lubricated Wear – Science and Technology (Sethuramiah) Vol. 43 Transient Processes in Tribology (Lubrecht, Editor) Vol. 44 Experimental Methods in Tribology (Stachowiak and Batchelor) Vol. 45 Tribochemistry of Lubricating Oils (Pawlak) Vol. 46 An Intelligent System For Tribological Design In Engines (Zhang and Gui) Vol. 47 Tribology of Elastomers (Si-Wei Zhang) Vol. 48 Life Cycle Tribology (Dowson et al., Editors) Vol. 49 Tribology in Electrical Environments (Briscoe, Editor) Vol. 50 Tribology & Biophysics of Artificial Joints (Pinchuk) Vol. 52 Tribology of Metal Cutting (Astakhov) Vol. 53 Acoustic Emission in Friction (Baranov et al.) Vol. 54 High Pressure Rheology for Quantitative Elastohydrodynamics (Bair) Vol. 55 Tribology of Polymeric Nanocomposites: Friction and Wear of Bulk Materials and Coatings (Friedrich and Schlarb) Aims & Scope The Tribology Book Series is well established as a major and seminal archival source for definitive books on the subject of classical tribology. The scope of the Series has been widened to include other facets of the now-recognised and expanding topic of Interface Engineering. The expanded content will now include: colloid and multiphase systems; rheology; colloids; tribology and erosion; processing systems; machining; interfaces and adhesion; as well as the classical tribology content which will continue to include friction; contact damage; lubrication; and wear at all length scales. TRIBOLOGY AND INTERFACE ENGINEERING SERIES, 56 EDITOR: B.J. BRISCOE COATINGS TRIBOLOGY Properties, Mechanisms, Techniques and Applications in Surface Engineering Second Edition Kenneth Holmberg VTT – Technical Research Centre of Finland Allan Matthews The University of Sheffield, UK Amsterdam Boston Heidelberg London New York Oxford Paris San Diego San Francisco Singapore Sydney Tokyo Elsevier Radarweg 29, PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 IGB, UK First edition 1994 Copyright Ó 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science & Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone (+44) (0) 1865 843830; fax(+44) (0) 1865 853333; email: [email protected]. Alternatively you can submit your request online by visiting the Elsevier web site at http://elsevier.com/locate/permissions, and selecting obtaining permission to use Elsevier material Notice No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, in particular, independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages should be made British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Holmberg, Kenneth. Coatings tribology: contact mechanisms, deposition techniques and application. – 2nd ed. – (Tribology and interface engineering series; v. 56) 1. Tribology. 2. Coatings. I. Title II. Series III. Matthews, A. (Allan) 621.809-dc22 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress Library of Congress Control Number: 2009920710 ISBN: 978-0-444-52750-9 ISSN: 1572-3364 For information on all Elsevier publications visit our web site at books.elsevier.com Printed and bound in Great Britain 091011121310987654321 To Ville, Maya and Hanna and Dave and Lynda This page intentionally left blank CONTENTS PREFACE xi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS xii NOTATION xiii 1 Introduction 1 2 Deposition processes and coating structures 7 2.1 Introduction 7 2.2 Gaseous state processes 8 2.2.1 General 8 2.2.2 Chemical vapour deposition 9 2.2.3 Physical vapour deposition 12 2.2.4 Ion and laser beam-assisted deposition and surface treatment 21 2.3 Solution state processes 23 2.3.1 Chemical solution deposition 24 2.3.2 Electrochemical deposition 25 2.3.3 Sol-gel processing 26 2.3.4 Plasma electrolysis 27 2.4 Molten and semi-molten state processes 27 2.4.1 Laser surface treatments 28 2.4.2 Thermal spraying 28 2.4.3 Welding 28 2.4.4 Other developments 29 2.5 Surface hardening treatments 30 2.6 Process effects on coating structures 31 2.6.1 Morphological growth structures 31 2.6.2 Composite structures 33 vii viii Contents 3 Tribology of coatings 41 3.1 Friction, wear and lubrication 41 3.1.1 General 41 3.1.2 Surface characteristics 41 3.1.3 Friction 44 3.1.4 Wear 53 3.1.5 Lubrication 64 3.2 Surface stresses and response to loading 75 3.2.1 Response of materials to loading 75 3.2.2 Material parameters E, sy,H,Gand Kc 77 3.2.3 Analytical solutions of contact stresses and deformations at surfaces of solid materials 78 3.2.4 Criteria for plastic yield 81 3.2.5 Criteria for material fracture 82 3.2.6 Analytical solutions of stresses and deformations in normally loaded coated surfaces 83 3.2.7 Analytical solutions of stresses and deformations in normally and tangentially loaded coated surfaces 87 3.2.8 Finite element method modelling and simulation of stresses and deformations 92 3.2.9 Influence of surface roughness 104 3.2.10 Residual stresses 108 3.2.11 Influence of interface cracks 117 3.3 Surface fracture and wear products 117 3.3.1 Crack nucleation 118 3.3.2 Surface crack propagation 119 3.3.3 Crack growth in coated surfaces 121 3.3.4 Toughness and fracture toughness in coated surfaces 127 3.3.5 Crack patterns 128 3.3.6 Coating to substrate adhesion 130 3.3.7 Debris generation and particle agglomeration 133 3.3.8 Transfer layers 135 3.3.9 Tribochemical reaction layers 137 3.4 Tribological mechanisms in coated surfaces 139 3.4.1 Scales in tribology 139 3.4.2 Macromechanical friction mechanisms 142 3.4.3 Macromechanical wear mechanisms 153 3.4.4 Micromechanical tribological mechanisms 162 3.4.5 Tribochemical mechanisms 169 3.4.6 Nanophysical tribological mechanisms 172 3.4.7 Lubricated coated contacts 175 4 Tribological properties of coatings 185 4.1 General 185 4.2 Soft coatings 186 4.2.1 Polymer coatings 186 4.2.2 Soft metal coatings 197 4.3 Lamellar coatings 211 4.3.1 Properties of molybdenum disulphide 211 4.3.2 Burnished and bonded molybdenum disulphide coatings 212 4.3.3 PVD deposited molybdenum disulphide coatings 214 Contents ix 4.4 Hard coatings 225 4.4.1 Titanium nitride coatings 226 4.4.2 Other nitride coatings 236 4.4.3 Carbide coatings 243 4.4.4 Oxide coatings 246 4.4.5 Boride coatings 248 4.5 Carbon and carbon-based coatings 249 4.5.1 Diamond as a coating material 249 4.5.2 Diamond coatings 253 4.5.3 Diamond-like carbon coatings 266 4.6 Combined coatings 299 4.6.1 Multicomponent coatings 299 4.6.2 Nanocomposite coatings 303 4.6.3 Multilayer coatings 304 4.6.4 Duplex treatments 311 4.6.5 Adaptive coatings 316 5 Coating characterization and evaluation 319 5.1 The requirements 319 5.2 Coating characteristics 319 5.2.1 The surface 319 5.2.2 Thickness 320 5.2.3 Adhesion 320 5.2.4 Morphology 321 5.2.5 Composition 322 5.2.6 Wettability 322 5.2.7 Residual stress 323 5.3 Property characterization and evaluation 323 5.3.1 Roughness 324 5.3.2 Thickness 324 5.3.3 Mechanical evaluation 326 5.3.4 Physico-chemical evaluation 342 5.3.5 Tribological evaluation 347 5.3.6 Accelerated testing 355 5.3.7 Industrial field testing 359 5.3.8 Standardization 360 6 Coating selection 363 6.1 Problems of selection 363 6.2 Traditional approaches 365 6.3 A methodology for coating selection 367 6.4 Selection rules 371 6.5 Design guidelines 377 6.6 Expert systems 379 6.7 Closing knowledge gaps 382 7 Applications 383 7.1 General 383 7.2 Sliding bearings 384 7.2.1 Description of the application 384 7.2.2 Improvements by surface coatings 385 x Contents
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