Tuesday, October 28, 1941 DETROIT EVENING TIMES (PHONE CHERRY' 8800) PAGE 3 Fiancee MR. NAVY MEETING MISS NAVY DAY 8 Argentina $406,640 T Governor Visits > Police Tell How sv ,L- II SEPT ,n i . a II Pledged 1 Trapped Still Hopes Capitol to Solve Deputies Here Clues For Flier To Fund /- ; , With advance gifts totrtiWß Hit-Run Suspect Labor Problem To See Plants $406,640 already pledged, worker® \ \ \ in the Detroit Community FujMg ¦Mm**, w t campaign were to meet todayJtjj Hunt Pays J • as Part Intensive YMaterial and Jobs Hpf! 1 mW Visit City i r*port the first day's contributions Dividend at Last for Nation-Wide to the drive which finances 80 of Discussed With of the city's charitable agencies. of Dearborn Detectives Henderson, McNutt T Goodwill Tour Edward R. Grace, chairman m \ ; the Adcraft Club, Community Hi Fund advertising and public!!® How Dearborn police, working BY THEODORE A. HUNTLEY Fight memliers of Argentine's committee, will be the speahof carefully systematically, Times SUIT ( nrrenponrienl Deputies and their at today's meeting and and ... SBBi Chamber of tracked down the man who al- WASHINGTON. Oct. 28.-Mich- families —25 people in all—arrived of the Adcraft committee wilfbg legedly killed 8-year-old Jimmy igan’s problem here today on the Detroit lap of guests of honor. critical labor was Joseph P. Glaser, co-chairman of O'Leary was revealed today as tour of the United attacked on two fronts here today their goodwill the men’s advance gifts unit, vrtit prosecutor’s ' the office prepared a scenic spots and defense warrant charging Clyde Griffith in an effort to minimize hardships States' be ehairman of the meeting. with leaving the scene of an during the shift from civilian to plants. This year’s Community Fun<| officially opened accident. defense production in the state’s They were met al the Union campaign vestfc® Griffith, Station by Macauley. presi- day. but workers in the advanc# a 52-yFar-old gas sta- major industries. Alvan tion operator and a neighbor of dent of the Automobile Manufac-j gifts units have been busy fag the O'Learys, has admitted, ac- Governor Van Wagoner, here for turers’ Association. Mayor Jeffries weeks and several of the leaden) cording to police and Assistant three days of conferences with and Lieut. Gov. Frank Murphy.j in this pre-campaign drive Prosecutor John Mowatt, that he high government officials, said They had come from Williams- ceivcd high praise for their wor)| was driving through the alley at burg. Va., where they yesterday !at the opening meeting. that the primary purpose of his [inspected the restoration of the Included among these wert 10 o’clock Thursday night, the same trip is to find a solution for the time that Jimmy was returning famed old Virginia capital. Ernest Kanzler and William p/l. state’s jobless problem caused by Depart*, from a church party to his home “This is a gesture of friend- Walker Jr., head of the cut bailments which are expected Works, unit at 21725 Nowlin avenue. 150,000 ship to ui».“ said Don Raul Da- ment of Public whose tot throw men out of work reported contributions F IND HAIR, by June. monte Toborda- an executive of totalifife BLOODSTAINS the Buenos Aires newspaper, $56,069. At the Capitol, while he con- industrial and He has also admitted feeling A with government Critique, “and we hope to return Top honors in the he alley ferred adminis- of your House commercial unit of the "bump" as entered the downtown, the it when member* advaneg trators Tolan com- of to drive between Nona and Park streets inj migration ques- Representative* come our gifts division of the went another bump, “like! mittee on defense country.” to Noble D. Travis for contribu- I>earborn and tioned Executive Secretary Donald going brick. ' at approxi- $21,820. and Dr. Warretl over a Nelson of SPAB, in an effort to They were accompanied by H.i tion of mately the same s|>ot that the Charles Spruks of the state de- B. Cooksey’s general unit reportgA’ boy's body was discovered Friday learn what concrete plans have SB,OOB for the highest amount in been made, if any, to deal with partment in Washington. morning. The visit here is part of a three that division. Bits of hair, similar to Jimmy’s; the labor problem in the Detroit area Winter. weeks’ tour which the delegation PREDICTS SUCCESS bloodstains and a patch of coat this RACHEL THOMASSON is making in the United States of exactly like the mackinaw the boy NEW CONTRACTS DUE upon invitation of Speaker At the opening meeting ths wedding the Percival Dodge. maMM wore were discovered on the un- ...her postponed... of Sam Rayburn of the House of campaign say. Interviews with Secretary ing of the fund, said derpart of his car. police and mem- Representatives. director th# Nevertheless, Griffith, lives War Henry L. Stimson 1941 drive appeared to him to bo who At the hour that missing Lieut. the army general staff at 22546 Nona avenue, insists, ac- bers of STOPPED IN CAPITAL better organized than any in tbg Richard N. Long. 26-year-old were scheduled for today. The cording to Mowatt. that he did Selfridge Field pilot, disappeared The delegation is the first of past and added it should be boy alley governor will seek from them de- successful. not see the in the when last Friday over California’s mist to the which its kind to visit the United States. he put tails as speed with Dodge the fact that drove into it to his car in shrouded mountains, he was sched- the Today the delegation was to in- stressed thlr garage war department will place! campaign expense! anb his and does not know if uled to marry Miss Rachel Thom- new spect the Rolls Royce engine plant fund’s he hit orders for planes, tanks/ underwritten by a group of gene** him. asson of Detroit. motors and other military equip- at the Packard Motor Car Com-! ’ con- ’ ' v ous Detroiters and that all His fiancee, a 21-year-old nurse ’ K /' pany. They were then to lunch BEGAN FRIDAY ment which Michigan motor plants *’ f - * INQUIRY . ;* -% \ , . aiding at "-V ; A*' -X "’4 Club, tour tributions go directly to th# St. Joseph’s Mercy Hospital. to once _ ¦ mS at the Detroit Golf the The Dearborn police investiga- are prepared manufacture .’jijß organization’s charities. Mt. Clemens, is in Connellsville. they know what will be required General Motors Cadillac plant and, tion which led to the arrest of Pa., with the lost flier’s parents. attend a formal dinner at the De- Following is the first list of c ost-, Griffith began Friday morning of them. “Raehel went there hoping troit Athletic Club. tributions of SSOO and over: ._ J with the discovers’ of Jimmy’s! they would get good news and McOreaor Fund 140.0049 body in the alley, when it was first Copyright by Dstralt Tims*. All ri*M» rttsrvsd Tomorrow the group is to visit Burroughs Addin* Machine Co. 15.00 P they could rejoice together,” ex- the Ford Rouge plant, lunch at Mr and Mrs. William R. Kales lS.fi believed he had been struck onj SECRETARY FRANK KNOX GERRY MARCOLX Josephine and Kanxler Fund plained Mrs. Edw’in Thomasson, Dearborn Inn. tour the Crysler Krnest B.oo®.r the street and then dragged into avenue, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of 11657 Memorial the Welfare Chief The Secretary of the svavy, on his pretty girl selected by the Navy Day inspect Detroit hiding by the driver of the car tank arsenal and the Hud- girl’s mother. of Detroit’s naval ordnance produc- committee to brighten up the scene. She son naval ordnance plant. Mr and Mrs Btandiah Raokua that hit him. hoy they tour Mr and Mrs. Willard Pop* MPf l “He’s such a fine and * Detective Sergt. Frick Young- tion, meeting “Miss Navy Day,” the was Miss Michigan at Atlantic City. Prior to coming to Detroit, the Mr and Mrs. Frank Couaena 5 OOfc, were ao happy/’ Mrs. Thomasson group was received by the Presi- Fred Sander* quist was placed tn charge of the Universal Credit Corp. 3.00® continued. by dent arid was entertained in * MB Sued Wife Mr and Mre 8 T Olibert case. and 12 detectives were as- “My daughter hasn’t given up 'Bad Boy' Sentenced him. Washington by Secretary of State Sam's Cut Rate, Inc. 2.00® signed t<* ork under hope that he is a live and will be Trap iheater Time* t'orreapondrnt Mr and Mr*. Deo M. Butsel ITJB discovered, against Hull and other high governmental The ft clue and • Suit for divorce Guern- Buhl Bona Co. found.” « Mich., Currier Takes ADRIAN. Oct. 28. officials. Mary and fleorge Herbert Zimmer- , ( one which tended to disprove The sey Harris, general superintend- 1 MM R. ' child been on LETTER MISSED HIM Caught With Deer in Car, Homer Sparkman. 19-year-old The deputies in the party are: man Foundation theory the had hit ent of the Department of Public I Mr and Mra. CharlaaT. Fisher Jr. 1.20% ihe street, was a and Kentucky bad boy. was under Don Armando Q. Antille. Don Mechanical Handling Syatems. Inc. MU red.'white Last Friday they were to have Welfare, Fined and Costs I of feet has been filed in Circuit SIOO Nicanor Costa Mendez. Don Alej- Davidson Brother* blue bundle paper found 20 been married, hut Long’s flight sentence today of 5 to 10 years | Detroit Aluminum and Bras* Corp.
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