SPAIN. George A. Woodward. Hcuienar.: eoloaeb Matthew were on IT. If 1M8. The picture its well drawn, but in the M. Kwat. Hid or at Valparaiso, Chili, February THE ARM'. uews from Fein oonomua* tbo yaliow few wu advent of th« new administration it ia the 20. Mrteemb .nfautrjr, to be coiupotvi or the Kir- thither* pic¬ . couragmg ikey were expecting to proceed Proposed Bill IjeKalizint; Clril Mnrrtncrs t»>entii aui Thlrty-flfth regiments. The ATTAOb** ture of what wo leave behind ua.. TELEGRAPHIC i IiniMJi'tttiif latiou *' and Flfteantii NAVAI., Ma KINK AND OITIL omciss AND 8BW8 OrJur.('.UHo'i now Tliirty-tifth regiments. In will Violent DltfiMiciiH on the Miliiury l'on« i Texas, be OI» TI1H NAVY YAKD AND STATION, MARK IiU.ANR, . There is reason to I Kigimei-in.IfeUuriion ol' Kieli Stall MNOudated under the directions of the command¬ KKBKl every believe that a FROM .tcriptian Mill. ing general of that and will then CAI-, AltV, 1>#». Madrid, March 1880. Onicer*. ceed department, pro¬ C'lmiiuiwitiH/. .Coiumolore James Mlilea. *dunder system of financial management ia 16, h'j9' to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, for assignment a motiou wax WasuikotoH. M> to posts in the or the Execution Officer..Captain Iuseit Vtcwlli in the CoofftUuenl Cortes yeslerday Department Missouri. The Chaplain. D. enforced, and that we shall emerge ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD The following Genwfil OrJor uas to*UL<1 by Held officer* will i>e Oliver John Beugless. hqoq kpj*8 made b a member tiiat the Cortes take been L. Shepherd, colonel; Otimnaruuint'H <>0|i *>.. James F. FftrreJ, cierkf cloud with that which f republican tuc War Department:. iSailz- lieutenant colonel; John s. Mason, A- Kidder, second John frbm dur^lWr ground in favor pt legalising ctvtl marriages, aud "Is enterPik.w clerk; L» GawUter vigor of the motion. tiB.'tUAL OKDER.NO. 1ft HSJoT .1 r~L - ::t accountant; Thomas Brennan, porter. characterizes us as a people. All oar mining several republican# ip tft Hrim^port ¦Washington. March 10, H<M. 21. Sixteenth Infantry, to be composed of the ele¬ Departmmt of Yard* and floc'Jts..ComnWifJer, At the conclusion It was announced In venth an a Thirty-fourth regiments. The Eleventh Thoa. B. Phelps; Charles A. Morse, receiver aixt in¬ i interests are receiving a new impulse and are THE REVOLUTION IN CUBA. oY thejlebato compliance with section two or an act of Con¬ and wni consolidated \\ nuaiu that the government intended to intioduoe a bill on ines, euthle.i "An act making appropriation for Thirty-fourth regiment* lie spector; patteu, muster clerk; Joint H. in part recovered from the lethargic Hie support of the for tlio end June luio ope regiment, to he hereafter Known ait the Six¬ Dunn, wrtter; Wm. k. cox, writer; Win. C. IMot, already that subject. hikI army year tug ao, teenth infantry. The Eleventh, now In the First (look master; John P. Philip for a IoIOj for other purpose#," approved Marcn o, lieminr. writer; Mager, condition ia which they have been lyiug A discussion arose the ci/bscripMon Mie of Military District (Vug.-niai, wlil proceed by rail to loreuutu bricklayer; Chaitea w. Liklus, foreman concerning lB#a, Infantry the army will be consolidated the Fourth to be con¬ jollier. few Our Pacific and the recent demonstrations au.imst It. into twenty-five regiments, as follows:.The rorty- Military District (Mlstsisslpi), years past. railroads, being popular third solidated with the Thirty-fourth, now there, for Department qt Navigation anil Ordnance. .Com' General Advance Movement of ore use regiment will be consolidated with the rirBt, service In be munrter 8. H. rapidly pushed to completion, are developiag Mintstent Sagosta, Topete and Prim accused ttio Sixteenth regiment wim the Second, hall ol that district. The held ortlcers will Franklin; Charles C. Hall, writer; and Plerrad of speeches to the people oa the Thlrty-seveaUi with Galuslia Pennypacker, colonel; Robert S. Granger, WIUUUO O. Overeml, writer. territories as vast aa& rich ia agricultural the Forces. making regiment t&®. Ibiru, lieutenant William P. CarUn, major. Department of Conjunction anil Repair..Naval Spanish Sunday last nubvend ve of the governmeut. Orense Hie Thirtieth reuinx-ni Willi the Fourth, hair colonel; Melvtn wealth as are to be fouad oa this Coatiaent of the wltli ine 82. Seventeenth infautry, to be composed of the Constructor, Simmons; K. 11. Forester, acting waa charged with Inciting the people to op¬ the Thirty-seventh regiment Seventeenth and Forty-fourth regiments. The Sev¬ inspector of timber; Geo. B. Merrlam, master black¬ were not kaowu Fifth, Forty-second regtuient with the sixth, enteenth now In will to smith; William W. Russell, foreman James Little and petty railroads that the of the Cortes and Plerrad the regiment, , Texas, proceed painter; pose authority Thirty-sixth regiment with the Seventh, the the Fli st Military District and will be con¬ H. K. Barbour, foreman calker, B. o. store a few siufte are coasolidated ioto was accused of soldiers to diso¬ Thirty-third regiment with the Eighth, the rwenty- (Virginia), iiaynes, yeara long IN MEXICO. exhorting seventh regrmeut with the the solidated with the Forty-fourth. Veteran Reserves, clerk; John Ashton, writer; John g. Lee, writer; DEFEAT OF VARGAS the orders of their officers. A violent Ninth, Twenty-second for service there. The Forty-fourth regiment, now 1'hllip Hlchborn, loreman carpenter. through routes for the purpose of reaching the bey regiment with the Tenth, the Twenty-fourth regi¬ in Meani scene ensued in the Cortes; the of both ment with the and Washington, will be consolidated at Washington Deitartmmt of Engineering..Chief En¬ demauda of iateroal commerce upon exasperation Twenty-mnth, wUl,Ui«re*ftgr gf Into three or more serviceable companies, which gineer, Montgomery Fletcher; First Assiataut Kn- greater parties rendered discussion impracticable; and alter designated as the Eleventh: the Forty-flftU regiment will to ir H. C. James master and that more with the Fourteenth, the Tlilrij -tilth proceed Richmond under the senior captain. infer, lilye; Hilluian, machinist; thipm, they may successfully a few words from Deputy Figueraa, pledging the the Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Boyd, amh report to the Wiliiain it. Eckart, drashtsman; Edward C. Taylor, with rival liaes for the traffic Disaster in the Cathedral at Fifteenth, the Eleventh regnneut with thelhirty- commanding general of the First Military District. clerk; St. Clair Fletcher, store clerk; We T. Lyon, compote growiag republican party, whatever its political desires might fourth, and thereafter will be designated as the Bix- The delrl officers of the Seventeenth will writer. to submit to the decision of the constituent teeutlt; the Forty:ourth reglmeut with regiment pouring ia apoa them. be, tlie the®22!" be Thomas \. Crittenden, colonel; Samuel B. Hay- Department of Equipment ana Remitting..Com¬ Zacatecas. Cortes, Uie sftbject was dropped and soon after the tcenth, Twenty-tutu regiment with Eigh¬ inan. lieutenant colonel ; Robert K. A. Crofton, mander John H. Russell, equipment officcr; Boat¬ The Southern States, seeing that there teenth. the Tweuty-elgUth regiment swain in Daniel sitting was adjourned. teeuth, the regiment with the Twenty major. John Walker, charge rigging loit; Is no more for thfe restoration of 11 Thirty-second 2& Eighteenth Infantry, to be composed of the Hubbard, writer; Charles W. Moralngtoo, clerk; hope rat, the Tliirty-tlrst regiment wltU tUe Twenty- Eighteenth and Twenty-Ufth retriment*. The Eigh¬ Thomas Aviward. acting master sftilmakor. and second, the Thirty-eighth regiment with the orty- teenth ana. % wproout impracticable theoriea, which ENGLAND. llrst, aud thereafter it will be J regiment, now in the Department of the Department of Proeteions awl Clothing Pay- the times have out rua, are about to turn their The Church Destroyed by Lightning and fourtli; the Thirty-ninth regimentdesignatedwith tlie -onlttu, Platte, will proceed to Atlanta, t»a., and there be master qf font Paymaster, William Q. Marcy; and thereafter it will be the consolidated with the Twenty-flftn regiment, which seth E. Hartwell, paymaster's clerk; Edwin (X to the offered to A Petition for In Ireland designated Tweoty-fttto. will nrocecd to the same place from the Department Bryant, writer; George I>. CiUard, writer. utfeatioa opening them ia Hundreds of Killed. Religion* Equality ShSwkI..The tieid oitloers of the twenty-live regi¬ of the Medicine and direction. That People and for the Release of Fenian Prisoners ments will bo selected hereafter and will be an- cuuit$rland, for service in the Department of /tepartmeiU of Surgery..Surgeon, every they present spleadid Orders from the Headquarters ol the South. The held officers will be Thomas H. William E. Tarlor; Assistant Surgeon, John E. UN- for the iavestmeat of la best Presented to the Commons by the Mayor of nounfejmcctierttl Ruger, colonel; Emory Upton, lieutenant colonel; lispie; Apothecary, Joseph Anderson. openings capital Dnblln. Law of Extradition. Jamas Van Voast, major. OaJekeeper. William C. Seymour. Proposed U'rhfrtL.1The senior company officers of 24. Nineteenth t<> be of the lleaa WairAman.-Ja.meH shown by the gentlemaa from whose speech March 16, 1869. lor to necoo- infantry, composed Seymour. AN IN ENGLAND. London, present duty with any two rogiiuenu Nineteenth and Twenty-eighth regiment -t. The Nine¬ Marine Barrack*..Lieutenant Colonel Jas. H. we have already quoted. He has, lately pur¬ EARTHQUAKE In the House of Commons this evening the Mayor solidated and fit lor active service will be teenth and Tweuty-elght regiment* will lie consoli¬ Jones, commanding; Captain John H. Grimes. First or the consolidated regiment. The to^Ocewoffi dated, and will remain in the of i.ouist- lieutenant !. red. T. Peet, First Lieutenant Geo. M. a very large estate la South Caroliaa, of Dublin appeared at the bar and presented peti¬ cent will be ordered to tlieir homessuperni^rwyto awtut further Department ebred establishment of ana, where the/ now are.
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