THE VIRGINIA TECH DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING CONNECTION WINTER 2008 Greetings from the Department Head Working through a most difficult year Dear Friends and Alumni while attending an elementary In the days after April 16, of the Virginia Tech Department German class in Norris Hall. our faculty and staff received of Chemical Engineering, Maxine was from Vienna, hundreds of phone calls, let- It is my pleasure to pres- Va. As a student, she helped ters, and e-mail messages from ent to you this latest edition of establish the Alpha Omega friends and alumni around the our annual newsletter, Connec- Epsilon sorority at Virginia world expressing sympathy and tion, and to tell you about some Tech for female engineering condolences. Each of these of the many things happening majors. She had worked as a was sincerely appreciated. in our Department. co-op with Eastman Chemical There is one act in particular This past year was obvi- Company and had accepted that I would like to share with ously one unlike any other at a permanent position with you, as I feel this exemplifies this University. Those of you W.L. Gore and Associates in the support we received. A few who attended Virginia Tech Maryland. She was a bright, weeks after the shootings, I understand that Virginia Tech enthusiastic, outgoing person received a large envelope from and the town of Blacksburg are who was liked by her class- the Department of Chemical very close-knit communities. mates and the faculty. All of us Engineering at The University While this closeness is one here continue to send our sin- of Colorado. Inside were 12 of the things that makes this cere condolences to Maxine’s checks from the faculty and place so special, it also makes family and friends. In honor of staff in that department made events like the tragedy of April her memory, our Department is payable to the Maxine Turner 16 so painful. working to establish a Maxine Memorial Scholarship Fund. As most of you know, one Turner Memorial Scholarship These checks, some as large of our seniors, Maxine Turner, for undergraduate chemical as $1,000, totaled over $3,200. Maxine Turner was killed during the shootings engineering majors. See Greetings, page 2 FACULTY AND STAFF NEWS Two new faculty join chemical engineering department in 2007 In August 2007, Luke years as an associate research engineer teaching design and he Achenie was appointed with Shell Development Company in Hous- will be a great help in our Professor of Chemical ton, Texas. In 1991, he joined the ChE rigorous process design Engineering (ChE). Pro- Department at the University of Connecti- sequence. At UConn he fessor Achenie received cut as an assistant professor, and was pro- received awards for both a B.S. in ChE from MIT, a moted to associate professor in 1997 and his teaching and research, Achenie M.S. in engineering sci- professor in 2004. His research interests including his election into Rajagopalan ence from Northwestern, are in the areas of process and product the Connecticut Academy and a M.A.M. in applied mathematics and design, uncertainty analysis, bioinformat- of Science and Engineering in 2007. a Ph.D. in ChE from Carnegie Mellon. After ics and systems engineering. Professor Padma Rajagopalan joined the De- receiving his Ph.D., he worked for three Achenie also has extensive experience partment of Chemical Engineering (ChE) as an assistant professor in January 2007. At Virginia Tech, she holds appointments in the School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (SBES), the Macromolecules and Interfaces Institute (MII), and the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine. See Faculty & Staff News, page 2 The VIRGINIA TECH DEPARTMENT of CHEMICAL ENGINEERING CONNECTION Greetings - from page 1 This was an incredible act of our total faculty size to 13. (You course abroad. kindness that speaks to the can read more about these One of the things that I closeness of the academic new faculty on page one.) In particularly enjoy about this community. addition, two more faculty will position is meeting and hearing While we will never forget be joining us in 2008, however from our alumni. As explained those that were lost, to para- I will wait until the next newslet- later in the newsletter, we have phrase football coach Frank ter to tell you about these new recently implemented a new Beamer, we refuse to let the hires. online, web-based system that acts of a single individual, no The job market remains makes it easier than ever to matter how horrific, define our extremely good (chemical keep us updated about your University. It is with this spirit engineering graduates continue career and your life. I certainly that we move on, and I would to receive the highest starting hope that you will take a few like to use the remainder of this salary offers among all B.S. moments to drop us a line. And letter to briefly mention some graduates, both at Virginia if your travels bring you to the of the other happenings in our Tech and nationwide), and as a Blacksburg area, please feel Department. result, our enrollment numbers free to stop by. The Department of Chemi- are increasing rapidly. We have I wish each of you a won- cal Engineering continues to also developed a partnership derful 2008. be a place of great excitement. with the Technical University of With best regards, Two new faculty joined our Denmark for our summer unit program during 2007, Pro- operations laboratory and in fessors Luke Achenie and 2007, nearly 50 percent of our John Y. Walz Padma Rajagopalan, bringing students elected to take this Professor and Head Walz Faculty & Staff News - from page 1 Prior to joining Virginia Tech Durrill received the award in on the cover. Professor Wilkes she was the PC Rossin En- Liu winner 2006). Professor Liu continues continues to be an active dowed Assistant Professor in of two awards to devote a substantial amount researcher in our Department, the ChE Department at Lehigh of time developing industrial- and maintains a busy sched- University. Professor Rajago- Profes- university partnerships for ule teaching short courses on palan earned her bachelor’s sor Y.A. Liu design projects for our under- polymer science around the degree from the Indian Institute received graduate students. country. of Technology, Kharagpur, both the India, and obtained her Ph.D. 2007 Dean’s from Brown University. Prior to Award for In- Wilkes Oyama joining the faculty at Lehigh, novations in featured in honored she was a research associate Teaching and at the Center for Engineering the College journal Professor Ted Oyama re- in Medicine, Harvard Medical of Engineer- ceived three significant honors School. In 2007, she was the ing Sporn Liu A recent issue of the jour- in 2007. First, he was named a Chair of the Women’s Initiative Award for nal Polymer Reviews (volume Japan Society for the Promo- Committee at the American In- Excellence in Teaching under- 47, issue 4) contained a tribute tion of Science Scholar. This is stitute of Chemical Engineers, graduate engineering instruc- to Professor Emeritus Garth a fellowship award that allowed and she is currently a member tion. The Dean’s Award winner Wilkes, complete with a photo See Faculty & Staff, page 3 of the Societal Impact Operat- is selected by the Engineering ing Council (AIChE). Profes- Honorifics Committee while the sor Rajagopalan’s research Sporn Award winner is selected focuses on cell and tissue by the Student Engineers’ CONNECTION engineering and polymeric Council. This is the first time Virginia Tech Chemical Engineering Department biomaterials, specifically on the that an engineering faculty John Y. Walz ...........................................................Department Head development of model tissue member at Virginia Tech has Jane Price........................................................................ Coordinator constructs, functional tissue won both awards in the same David Simpkins ....................................................................Designer units and the study of cell- year. This is also the second The Virginia Tech Department of Chemical Engineering Connection is a publication substratum interactions. time Professor Liu received for the alumni of the Chemical Engineering Department published by the Chemical the Sporn Award (he also won Engineering Department, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg VA 24061. in 1986) and the second year Virginia Tech does not discriminate against employees, students, or applicants on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, veteran status, in a row the award went to a national origin, religion, or political affiliation. Anyone having questions concerning chemical engineering faculty discrimination should contact the Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Office: 540-231-7500 (v), or 540-231-9460 (tty). (Adjunct Professor Preston 2 The VIRGINIA TECH DEPARTMENT of CHEMICAL ENGINEERING CONNECTION Faculty & Staff HAPPENINGSHAPPENINGS ININ THETHE DEPARTMENTDEPARTMENT - from page 2 him to carry out research at New Advisory engineering graduates (B.S. level) was $60,054. the top national laboratory Board member in Japan, the National Insti- New Sophomore Seminar tute for Advanced Industrial The Department was Science and Technology. pleased to welcome Paul Course Second, he received the Baduini (B.S. 1972) to its Beginning in spring 2008, the Department Most Cited Author Award for External Advisory Board at has begun to offer a seminar course for sopho- 2002-2006 from Elsevier for its October 2007 meeting. mores to introduce them to career opportunities a paper published in 2003 After receiving his Vir- and current topics of interest in the chemical en- on novel catalysts. Finally, ginia Tech degree, Baduini gineering profession. A wide range of topics are he was named Editor of the joined Rohm and Haas included, ranging from career paths for chemical Journal of Catalysis. This as a process egineer and is the top journal of its field, engineers, to the future energy outlook for the Baduini group leader in Louisville, and the first-ranked among US and the world, to different process technolo- all 110 Chemical Engineer- Ky.
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