T H E October 2019 Photograph of the Alta Plaza steps in October 1989 by Ginny Lindsay 30 years ago ON OCTOBER 17, 1989, the Loma Prieta earthquake shook the Fillmore and the rest of the Bay Area. The neighborhood was spared major damage, but felt the effects of the quake in ways large and small. The cover of the next issue of this newspaper — Volume 4, Number 7, reprinted here — told the story. n Inside, a local recalls the scene as regulars drew together at the Pacific Heights Bar & Grill, then a key community gathering place, which never recovered from the earthquake. | PAGES 8 & 9 n The most visible local damage was at St. Dominic’s Church, where the top of its tower was lost and the historic home of St. Rose Academy was razed. | PAGE 12 0th Birthda 33rd Anniversary Celebration! FLASHBACK 3 y Sale Treats Raffle ~ ~ October 25 & 26 I 2484 Sacramento St. @ Fillmore N AHMA 415-346-3988 B L E I Toujourslingeriesf.com N DA Then Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev stopped to press the flesh at Fillmore andC alifornia. THE DAY GORBACheV STOPPed AT DINo’S t was only a few months after the 1989 and they surged toward him. Others ran out earthquake when Mikhail Gorbachev, of Dino’s pizza parlor, the corner liquor store still president of the still superpowerful and the neighborhood copy center. ISoviet Union, made a swing through San “Usually you don’t have occasion to see Francisco in early June of 1990. somebody so important so close,” said Felix It was a brief 22-hour stay, which Nager, who works at the copy center. “He’s like included sleeping late on Monday morn- a normal man.” ing, June 4. Gorbachev and his wife Raisa Norm Newman, a 30-year-old ex-U.S. had flown in late the night before, after Marine, was so overcome he screamed, “I stops in Washington and Minneapolis, and love you, Gorby!” Later, after he had shaken stayed in the neighborhood at the Soviet Gorbachev’s hand, he said, “He’s opening the consul general’s residence at 2820 Broad- doors. He’s a very likeable guy.” way. Gorbachev was behind schedule all Dino Stavrikikis, who owns the pizza day, but still feted like a visiting rock star shop, said Gorbachev was the most famous in appearances at Stanford University and man he had ever met — and he’s met Ronnie with the local business elite. The Gor- Lott, the famous 49er, Sleepy Floyd, the bachevs even worked in a reunion with old basketball player, and Jerry Brown, the friends Ronald and Nancy Reagan. politician. “The Bay Area basked in the afterglow “I would have liked it if he would have of a visit by Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gor- come in for a piece of pizza,” Dino said. bachev,” reported the Los Angeles Times, Inevitably, there were T-shirts for sale all “happy to show the world it has rebounded over the city. At Broadway and Divisadero, from last fall’s earthquake.” two blocks from the Soviet consular residence, Late in the afternoon, Gorbachev and shirts portrayed Gorbachev as Bart Simpson, his retinue headed back to the consul gen- with the words “Radical Dude” underneath. eral’s mansion on Outer Broadway. Their Although Gorbachev and his wife went motorcade of fierce-looking Zil limousines separate ways for most of the day, they met came barreling down the hill headed west again at 6:33 p.m. at the consular residence on California Street toward Fillmore. on Broadway. When he spotted a group of two dozen The stop at Dino’s had lasted only a people on the corner, the procession came few minutes. The return to 2820 Broad- to a halt. Gorbachev bounded out of the way didn’t last much longer. A visit to the big boxy Zil and started shaking hands like Golden Gate Bridge was called off. a veteran American pol. “I always wanted to come here,” Gor- The Chronicle reported the next day: bachev told reporters as his motorcade Gorbachev stopped only once to mingle started to leave for the airport. “You’re with a crowd of ordinary people — at about very fortunate to live here. President Bush 6:15 p.m. at California and Fillmore streets. should tax the people for living in such a He walked toward the people on the street, beautiful place.” THE NEW FILLMORE P. O. Box 15115 n San Francisco, CA 94115 n 415-441-6070 [email protected] Editors | Barbara Kate Repa & Thomas R. Reynolds Production Editor | Ginny Lindsay Copy Editor | Donna Gillespie Advertising inquiries [email protected] or 415.441.6070 Published on the first weekend of each month. Deadline: 20th of prior month Subscriptions by mail are available for $30 per year. Please send a check. Connecting the neighborhood Every month, 20,000 copies of the New Fillmore circulate to homes and businesses in the Fillmore, Pacific Heights and Japantown. We thank you for your support and encouragement and welcome your ideas and suggestions. newfillmore.com | for updates and archives 2 NEW FILLMORE October 2019 NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS Browser Begins a I N New Era AHMA B L E I Green Apple takes N DA over this month Longtime employee Fred Martin at the front desk at Browser Books, which was rescued by supporters last year with a GoFundMe campaign. hese stories almost always turn second store five years ago on 9th Avenue “We do plan some gradual improve- vided time to work out a longer-term out the wrong way: the beloved — promises the Browser name and staff will ments,” Mulvihill said. “I hope that six solution. Manager Jordan Pearson led the neighborhood small business — stay the same and changes will be gentle. months from now people will walk in and effort, aided by local entrepreneursR ichard Tespecially if it’s an independent bookstore “We’re proud to help shepherd the say, ‘I always loved this store, and it’s even and Ben Springwater. — shuts down. beloved Browser Books into the future,” better now.’ ” Green Apple takes over the remaining But not this time. Browser Books, said Green Apple co-owner Pete Mulvihill. Browser Books was rescued by its fans last seven years on Browser’s lease. Owners at 2195 Fillmore, got a new lease on life “We’re coming in confidently but humbly.” spring when a GoFundMe campaign almost Kevin Ryan and Mulvihill will be in the October 1 when the owners of Green Green Apple will bring an infusion of immediately raised $80,000 to pay the debts store on Saturday, October 19, from 10 a.m. Apple Books took the keys. operating capital and bookselling back- of longtime owner Stephen Damon, who to 3 p.m. for a “Meet the New Owners” cel- Green Apple — the new and used book- bone, but most of the initial changes will has been battling a terminal illness. ebration and an unveiling of Browser’s new seller on Clement Street, which added a be behind the scenes. That kept the books coming and pro- T-shirts and tote bags. A day-long celebration for girls! • All-day performances • Girlpreneur competition • 40+ interactive exhibitors • Fun fashion show with young • 20+ engaging workshops female designers • Career mentoring sessions • Girl entrepreneur Pop-Up Shop • Makerspace featuring • Sports & activity arena everything S.T.E.A.M. • Contests and more! Tickets range from $10 to $15 & kids under 7 are free! /07&.#&35)ǎ1"-"$&0''*/&"354ǎ4' XPSMEXJEFXPNFOHJSMTGFTUJWBMPSH October 2019 NEW FILLMORE 3 CRIME WATCH Robbery found several outstanding warrants for his Franklin and McAllister arrest and he was booked at county jail. August 16, 9 a.m. A woman was walking down the street Hot Prowl when a man approached her and forcibly Vallejo and Lyon took her wallet. After removing the cash, September 14, 2:55 a.m. he handed the wallet back to her and ran A man was sleeping when he received off. The suspect is a male between 30 and a text message from a neighbor inform- 35 years old. Police have no suspects. ing him that his garage door was open. He discovered a bag was missing from his Assault garage. A second individual had parked his Webster and Page rental car in front of the same house, and August 16, 1 p.m. later found that items had been stolen from A man was staying with a friend when the vehicle. Video footage retrieved from two individuals in the apartment got into a neighbor showed a suspect approaching a fight. When the guest tried to leave, one the car, opening the apparently unlocked man involved in the altercation attacked door and removing items, then walking off. him with a knife. The man who was Moments later, the garage door opened. The (415) 554-4375 assaulted was hospitalized with non-life- suspect can be seen walking in and taking threatening injuries. The suspect is a man the bag. The matter is under investigation. in his 20s. The matter is under investiga- tion. Armed Threat VOLUNTEER TODAY! VOLUNTEERDivisadero TODAY! and Bush •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••Terrorist Threats, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••September 17, 11:13•• a.m. •••••••••••••••••••• Make•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• a•••••••••••••••••••• difference in the lives of•• many ••••••••••••Make•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• a•••••••••••••••••••• difference in the lives of•• many •••••••••••••••••••• Exhibiting a Deadly Weapon A man brandishing a pocketknife Sutter and Broderick approached two patrons leaving a restau- August 29, 5:16 p.m. rant with bags of leftovers and demanded Two individuals became engaged in a their food and their money. When they heated argument. One man left to go to his refused to comply, the suspect threatened to car, but soon returned with a handgun, say- damage their vehicle.
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