.16—rMANCHESTCR HERALD, Saturday, March 16,1991 86 PETS 8t SUPPLIES W hat Miakes Want- 91 CARS FOR SALK 91 CARS FOR SALE AKC-Regfetered Boston A d s W o iV FORD-Bronco, 1984. HYUNDAI-Excel, 1986. 4 TerrierPuppies. Beauti­ P eop le lik e you who XLT. Loaded, Excellent Door hatch-back. 4 MONDAY fully marked. $500. Call read and use the condition. $4,900. Best Spaed. Runs great. Spec! 774-7805.___________ Offer. Call 228-1193. Want Ads eveiy day. $1800. 649-7057. 8 7 in s c . F O R SALE 643-2711 SUBARU STATION Schalier WAGON-1982. Good CHINA-Syracuse Nordic, BOOKKEEPING/ LAWN CARE Quality second car. $500 or HEATING/ CARPENTRY/ 75 pieces. $50. Doll 91 CARS FO R SAT-Wt Pre-Owned Autos best offer. 645-6549. LOCAL NEWS INSIDE INCOME TAX hous*, unpainted, PLUMBING REMODELING Value Pric^ TEMPO-1984. Runs LAWN-SCAPE furnished. $50. 647- JosaphP.D*mao,Jrc 9613. USED CAR BEST BUYS! great. Good condition. Installation and Replacement KnCHEN (> BATH REMODELING ■ Bolton political soup thickens. Specializing In F___________________ CAROrNAL 1984 Honda Accord LX $4,995 $1200.645-1165. CarWIad PuM c Accountant of Oil, Gas YsH our beautilul showroom or call lex LAWN MAINTENANCE TOYOTA LAND Proleeslonallax and accounting •Water Healers your tree estimate. DjRAPES-Yellow, 2 pair. 1 BUICK, INC. 4 Dr.. 5 Spd., A/C, Excellent CorKlillon HERITAGE 982 Chevy Comoro CRU ISER-1982. 4 X 4. Mfvteas. AR1040 consultations held Weekly Mowings for picture window, 63’ (2,895 1986 Honda Accord DX $5,500 ■ Bolton selectmen to form panel. •Warn Air Furnaces KITCHEN & BATH CENTER 962Dobun200SX (2,896 100,000 P lu s miles. Spring Cleanups long. $25.00. 649-9958. In the privacy of your hom o o r office. •Boiers 254 Broad Street 983BulckElectra (4.880 8 Door, 5 Speed, AM/FM, Clean Car $2,000 Negotiable. Wilson Oil Company F 984 O ku O m ega 643- 9034 B ushe s Trimmed M anchester 985 Toyota Comry 1987ChiyslerLeBaron $5,400 649-9857. Leave WhaVs m m m 6458393 _________649-5400________ IB M TYPEWRITER- 985 Fond Bronco 4X4 (10,980 message. ■ Businesses ready for era of recycling. Free edging of curbs and side­ $75.00 Please call 528- 986Bulcl(Skyi^Sed------------------------- (4,480Coupe, Auto, A/C, PS, PB, M Um walks with a summer contract. 966 ChevyvvC Comexo o m r (4,996 ACCOUNTING 2763. 987 Chevy CelebrMySed (6,460 1987Acura Legend Sedan$11,900 News MANAGEMENT SERVICES NO JOB TOO SMALL CUSTOM QUALITY F___________________ 1987 Olds Delta 88 Brougham (7,260 9S AUTO SERVICES ■ Bolton commission scrutinizes plan. Free Estimates V-6, Auto, Loaded, Sunnxtf •Tax Preparation* Instant Servlce/Froo Estimates One stop Improvements. 1987 Pontiac 6000 Sed (6,496 Fully Insured LAMPS-One table, one 19S7BulckR3rk Avenue (10,266 M a rch 18,1991 *lndlvidual or Business* Bath/KItchen Remodeling Framing to Painting. 1967 Buick Skylark (6,490 1967 Olds CutlBsa Sup. $5,900 JUNK CARS-Will pay $5 *Reasonable Rates* One Call Does It All Licensed S Insured. stand up. $10.00 1988BuickSkyhawkSed (6,280 to tow your car. Call *Froo Pick-up and Delivery* 645-7887 1988 Pontiac BonnevSe (8,496 V-8, /Uito, Full Power, Wire Wheels Local/Regional Section, Page 7. 3 0 Y e a rs Experience 6.B.B. Member Please calf649-5038. Joey. 528-1990. Need *Electronlc Filing* F 1968 Pontiac Ttoni Am (9,890 l i r r i i l d M&M Plumbing & Heating Call Dave Adamick lor a Iree quote. 19S9BulckSkylKiwkCpe (6,980 1967 BMW 325 $11,700 title. 6 4 4 - 8034 19B9 Jeep Wrangler 4X4 (8,996 Soldier slain 649-2871 6 4 5 -6 5 2 3 V-6,5 Speed, Loaded, Clean YARDMASTERS E N D R O L L S 1989 Brick R egoTcp e (9,696 98 W ANTED TO BUT/ DETROIT (AP) — A 22- 1989 H onda A cco rd LXI (12,6a0 1987 Chevy C-20 4X4 P/U $10,800 JAMES C. FITZGERALD, C.P a T Spring Clean-Up 2 7 1/2* width- ‘1.00 19S9 Chevy Celebrity (8,490 TRADE Manchester's Award-Winning Newspaper year-old soldier cm leave after Tox-Aecountlng-Audl Lawns, Bushes, Trees Cut CAPITOL ENG. CO. COMPLETE 13’ width-50t V-8, Auto, A/C, Full Power, Two lone M an age m e n t Advisory Senrice 81 Adam s Street serving in the Persian Oulf War Yards, gutters, garages E r ik O z d s Aluminum Sheets 4/‘5.00 We buy dean, latemodel used Corporaltons-ftirftisistifiM REMODELING SERVICE 1987 Acura Legend Sed. $13,900 was shot and killed today as he cleaned. Lawn Fertilizing. Appli­ Newxxint end rob con be picked Manchester M M uaU , Jtmb t fWoTes F a aD your If at Ihe Mancheiter Herdd cars and trucks. Top prices F R A H CONSTRUCTION, INC. ONIV b^ore 11 am. Monday V-6, Auto, Suniool, Loaded loaded a moving van, police and IvrhoAWnkandAppoMmer^ ances Removed. Carpentry, plumbing & heafing needs. 649-4571 paid. k>+kxee Com pute™ "One call does It all." through Ttxnda/. a family membn said. A Hauling, Backhoe Work. 1986 Honda Accord LXI $9,900 M6-U02 Serving Manchester f a 25 Years •Kitchen eBath Mr. Duff - Carter Chevrolet Army Spc. Anthony Riggs 935 Moln St. Corstyord, Maicherter Any Job Considered. Coupe, 5 Speed, A/C, Loaded Returns 646-3120 •Additions •Decks 88 TAG SALES 1229 M ain Street ' U.S. rejects was loading a van outside his 1986VWJettaGL $7,800 Call 643-9996 •Roofing •Siding BOB RILEY Manchester, CT mother’s home about 3 ajn. GIGANTIC FLEA OLDSMOeiLEMXKSWAGEN Auto, A/C, AM/FM Stereo 646-6464 • R e p a irs MARKET-10th Annual when someone shot him and fled F R E N C K S U W N • T R E E SER V IC E ROOFING/ sponsored by St. Rose 259 ADAMS ST., MANCHESTER 1988 Chevy Corsica Sed. $6,500 support in a car, sidd his aunt, Margaret PAINTING/ b nownocxpling movring aooounb Free estimates. l e g a l N O T IC E ~ tor thb Ub w i s siio n . SIDING Licensed and insured. Ladies Guild, East 649-1749 V-6, Auto, fiJC, Power Group Cato. The victim’s wffe ran out PAPERING • Lnwn Cut S Trim Hartford. Saturday, INVITA'nON TO BID Iraq’s plea; and found him lying in the street * Formal Hadga Trimming Call Tom > April 20th, 9am-4pm. 1986 Mercury Cougar $7,995 • Trsoa S Shrubs Ptantad LIONEL COTE i985VWJetta The Manchester Public with multiple gun^ot wounds, • Pmnlng • Spot Saadirn • FartiEiar Table rentals available V-6, Auto, Full Power, A/C WEIGLE'S PAINTING CO. 8 7 1 -8 0 9 2 Scheds solicits bids lor C U S­ Soviet police said. • VagsUbla Qardsna Roto-Tilad ROOFING & SIDING Quality work at a now. Call 569-8303, $3,995 Aaa H m an EWAnatM 1989 Acura Legend LS $19,900 TODIAL SUPPLIES tor the Officer John Leavens said reasonable pricel Z oa w R araa t o r S m I o n •30 Years Experience 289-5050, or 568-4320. S45-1314 •Fully Insured Let A Sp e cialist 1987 Olds Ciera Sedan, V-6, Auto, Air Bag, Leather 1991-1992 school year. police had been unable to estab­ Interior A Exterior T A G SALE-Saturday, S e a le d bids will be received threateit^ war Free Estimates •License # 506737 D o lH $4,995 1990 Acura Integra LS $13,500 lish a motive and made no ar­ March 16.9 a.m.-3 p.m. until March 26, 1991, 2:00 unity rests as of this morning. Call Brian Welgle PHIL'S LAWN CARE 646-9564 at East Catholic High Sedan, Auto, A/C, Full Power p.m., at w hich time they will anonymity. 1 9 8 7 DC be publicly opened. The right By ALEXANDER G. HIGGINS 645*8912 LANDSCAPING WATERPROOFING School. U.S. officials say Iraq has put • Spring dean-Up is reserved to reject any and By ANN IMSE The Associated Press R.l. shuts down • Starting fist lor weekly maintenance RICK BURNETT W ET B A S E M E N T S ? 91 CARS FOR s a l e " SCHALLER all bids. SpeciticatiDns and bid The Associated Press military planes and helicopters in forms may be secured at the the sky in the past several days in its PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — V IL U G E P A IN T ER S • Residential S Commercial ROOFING & SIDING Hatchways, foundation cracks, 1991 Olds Calais RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — The 742-9540 CORVETTE-1978. ACURA Business Office, 45 N. School struggle against internal rebellion, The state prison guards’ union Neria/Exterior 25 Years Experience sump pumps, tile lines, gravity $9,995 Street. Manchester, CT. MOSCOW — KCkhaU S. Gor­ United States has rejected Iraq’s re­ Call for free estimate $5800./best offer. 345 CENTER STREET heightening concern that allied for­ paid its non-guard members lo r Fully Insured feeds, and dry wells. Also damp­ Loaded. Clean interior. 0 3 7 -0 3 bachev appeared today to have won quest for permission to put Free Estimates Many Others MANCHESTER ces could attacked. an involuntary day off from their Call for free estim ates ness proffing of concrete walls Aluminum wheels. 646- To Choose From strong endorsement for his effcMls to warplanes in Ae air and is threaten­ Senia Citizen [>'scount Spring Claanup, Deihatching, 91 CARS FOR SALE ‘ The U.S. Central Command said jobs today, but most o£ the 646-6598 and floors.
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