The world marveled at the bravery and sacrifice of the New York City Fire Department (FDNY) on 9/11, but to these firefighters, it’s just part of the job. GNC recently honored the FDNY to thank these everyday heroes for their service (see page 62), while M&B asked members of the storied fire department what it takes to be a first responder. BY MICHAEL Q. BULLERDICK True Courage ONE SMALL BUT REVEALING SIGN OF OUR TIMES !"#$%&$#$%'#$(&)!$!*+&,-#"$(&!.%$/*(0&()#$!$,'#*/#12('3&+4# %&"#5'6*3'#0*'/7,,8#!+"7/26!'+$#$*#)'"6(!5'#$%'#67(('+$# 3*+73'+$&,#"6*9'#*/#$%'#:*5;#<$="#$*#$%'#'>$'+$#$%&$#$%'# 0*()#+*0#"''3"#*)),8#?7&!+$-#&#6&((8*@'(#/(*3#A*(3&+# B*6C0',,="#$!)!'(#&+)#$&3'(#D3'(!6&;#E*,,*0!+.#$%'#3'­ )!&="#,'&)#&/$'(#$%'#6&$&"$(*9%!6#'@'+$"#*/#FGHH-#I7((!6&+'# J&$(!+&-#$%'#KL#*!,#"9!,,-#M79'("$*(3#M&+)8-#$%!"#8'&(="# K*"$*+#N&(&$%*+#5*35!+.#&+)#$%'#O'"$#P'>&"#6%'3!6&,# 9,&+$#'>9,*"!*+-#&+)#3*"$#('6'+$,8-#$%'#$(&.!6#)'&$%"#*/# HF#D(!Q*+&#1I*$"%*$"-4#0'#('/'(#$*#$%'"'#5(&@'#3'+#&+)# 0*3'+#7"!+.#3*('#*/26!*7"#,&5',"R#12('2.%$'("-4#1'3'(­ .'+68#9'("*++',4#&+)-#!+6('&"!+.,8-#12("$#('"9*+)'(";4# D(.7'-#!/#8*7#0!,,-#$%&$#!$="#3'(',8#&#3&$$'(#*/#"'3&+$!6"-# 57$#8*7=)#5'#3!""!+.#$%'#9*!+$;#<+#&#.(!$$8#&+)#,'""#6'($&!+# 0*(,)-#$%'8=('#$%'#*+'"#(&6!+.#$*0&()#,!/'S$%('&$'+!+.#"!$7­ &$!*+"#0%!,'#$%'#('"$#*/#7"#&('#57"8#(7++!+.#$%'#*$%'(#0&8;### THINKSTOCK How they do so is truly remarkable given the obvious dangers and the fact that such efforts are completely counter to the way human brains are hardwired. Neurologists who study the brain using fMRI technology have shown that fear sends the amygdala, a lower part of the brain that processes emo­ tions, into overdrive. In a split second, our !"#$%&'()*+,-",.#)*+'#/0+#/1+'#0'%1+#2%+34' %/4'+*3'5-46'#0'.--434'7#+*'%4"3/%&#/3'%/4' cortisol, chemicals that provide the energy 5--0+'/33434'+-'4#)'#/'%/4'()*+8'-"'*3%4'9-"' the hills. :3%"'%/4'#+0'()*+,-",.#)*+'"30!-/03'#0' nature’s tactical plan for keeping individu­ als out of harm’s way, thereby ensuring the survival of our species. But it’s a major hindrance that borders on a liability for ("3()*+3"0;':-"'-/3'+*#/)8'93%"'73%<3/0' resolve and buckles the knees—both really bad things if your career demands rushing headlong into Honor and Sorrow: blazing infernos. For another, it clouds the thought process, (Above) Members of since the brain’s precious resources are diverted toward the FDNY Ladder Company %&%"$#0+'%$6)4%&%'4="#/)'()*+,-",.#)*+'$-43'%/4'%7%6'9"-$' 15 flank GNC CEO Joe higher regions where rationality and logic occur. In fact, studies Fortunato (seventh from -9'("0+'"30!-/43"0'#/4#1%+3'+*%+'+*36'3>!3"#3/13'%/'%4"3/%&­ left) as he tours their ized spike immediately following the alarm bell’s call to action. facilities. (Left) A memo- Even before arriving “on scene,” they’re dealing with a level of rial to the firefighters lost fear related to the unknown. in the attack on the World “A bit of fear is healthy,” says Battalion Chief Michael Trade Center on Septem- Meyers, of New York’s Fire Operations Plans Section. “But if ber 11, 2001. 6-='!%/#1'%0'%'("3()*+3"8'6-=?"3'#/'%'7-"&4'-9'+"-=5&3'%/4'6-=' need to go do something else for a living.” oil leaks that have ignited due to earth­ WORKING THROUGH FEAR G=%<308'&#)*+3/#/)'0+"#<30'-"'.6#/)'435"#0'+*%+'%"3'%'1-/0+%/+'-9' ealing with fear all comes down to straightforward high­wind storms. “D"30!31+'%/4'%!!"31#%+#-/'9-"'&#938@'0%60'("3()*+3"'A3%/' H3%4#/)'#/+-'%'0+"=1+="%&'("3'#0'&#<3'0&#4#/)'4-7/'%'"%55#+' Johnson, who is part of the Fire Department of New York’s hole into an alternate universe because of the way time and B/1#43/+'C%/%)3$3/+'D3%$'EBCDF8'%/'3&#+3')"-=!'-9'("0+' 4#0+%/13'#0'!3"13#234'4="#/)'3>+"3$3'1-/4#+#-/08'%/4'7*#&3' responders who are routinely sent to other states to provide =/43"'+*3'#/.=3/13'-9'%4"3/%&#/38'1%/'"=/'%0<37;'D7-'$#/=+30' training or aid during disasters of all sorts. “I think 95% of can feel as long as 20, and critical decisions about whether people are born with the ability to work through fear to help or not to traverse a 15­foot hallway can be second­guessed others. You have to love people. And if you don’t allow things because the hallway may seem four times as long and therefore like a person’s height, weight, age, color or religion to get in four times as risky. Ash, heavy smoke, falling debris and the your line of sight—if you just see people as people—you’re $-2#/)'0*%4-70'!"-I31+34'56'.#1<3"#/)'.%$30'-501="3'2#0#-/8' capable of being a responder.” 7*#&3'+*3'1-/0#0+3/+'!-!'-9'%#"'!-1<3+0'9"-$'*3%+'3>1*%/)3' C%653'0-8'5=+'+*3"3?0'%/'%79=&'&-+'%5-=+'("38'#/'!%"+#1=­ creates a wall of sound that impedes hearing. Breathing becomes &%"8'+*%+'1%/'3%0#&6'+"#))3"'+*3'()*+,-",.#)*+'"30!-/03;':#"3'#0' &%5-"34'%9+3"'1*%")#/)'=!'.#)*+0'-9'033$#/)&6'3/4&300'stairs nothing if not resourceful and resilient. It can be summoned with 100 or so pounds of equipment strapped to your body, on purpose using all the known methods, but erupts into life %/4'531%=03'1%"5-/'$-/->#438'*64"-)3/'16%/#43'E%'56,!"-4=1+ just as easily by accident—breaking out after a bullet’s ricochet of burning plastics) and other carcinogens can sometimes from a shoot­out; as the result of high­speed car collisions or penetrate even the best high­tech masks. Thanks to the law after a utility pole is struck and downed; as the result of plane of physics that makes hot air rise, heat that may have seemed PETER ARNELL THINKSTOCK crashes or chemical­truck rollovers; or as the result of gas and 53%"%5&3'-/'&-73"'.--"0'1%/'531-$3'-23"7*3&$#/)&6'#/+3/03' September 2013 Muscle & Body 57 True Courage %9+3"'1&#$5#/)'I=0+'%'0#/)&3'.#)*+'-9'0+%#"0;'J23/+=%&&68'#+'7#&&' other members of the team,” says Johnson. “You know they have 323/'"%4#%+3'+*"-=)*'%'("3()*+3"?0'!"-+31+#23'1&-+*#/)'531%=03' your back and you trust in that because, in some ways, you know “the suit, your skin, you—everything can burn. Everything them better than their families do. You live together during long 323/+=%&&6'*%0'#+0'.%0*'!-#/+8@'0%60'K-*/0-/;'LB/'%'("38'6-=' 0*#9+08'5=+'6-='%&0-'033'*-7'+*36'53*%23'4="#/)'+*3'$-0+'3>+"3$3' don’t overstay your welcome.” conditions. That’ll tell you a lot about who a person is inside.” That’s often easier said than done when it comes to search­ By such accounting, then, the members of the FDNY are and­rescue duties, because people rarely behave the way 0-$3'!"3++6'+3""#(1'9-&<0;'P99*%/434'%/4'5-%0+9=&'%0'+*%+' 6-=?4'3>!31+'+*3$'+-'#/'%'("3;'M0'0&%230'+-'+*3#"'-7/'!%/#1<­ 1&%#$'$%6'033$8'+*3"3?0'*%"4'4%+%'+-'1-/("$'#+;'B/'Q37'O-"<' ing amygdalae, children and even some adults make irrational City—a coverage area that encompasses some 8.3 million decisions. Sometimes they’ll hide, squeezing themselves into #/*%5#+%/+0R+*3"3'73"3'I=0+'ST'1#2#&#%/'("3,"3&%+34'43%+*0'#/' +*3'0$%&&30+'%/4'$-0+'4#9(1=&+'0!%1308'$%<#/)'#+'4#9(1=&+'+-' UVWU8'$%<#/)'+*3':XQO'%/4'#+0'WS8VVV'-9(13"0'+*3'530+'%/4' locate them. Even when conscious, they’ll remain silent, often $-0+'39(1#3/+'43!%"+$3/+'#/'+*3'/%+#-/'9-"'+*3'031-/4'63%"'#/' failing to call for help or answering searchers’ calls due to the a row. In fact, the statistic is the best ever recorded given the effects of shock. And when they are found they often %23"%)3'W;Y'$#&&#-/'("3'%/4' !%/#18'!=++#/)'=!'%'()*+'9-"'"3%0-/0'+*36'$%6'/-+'53' medical emergency calls the %5&3'+-'3>!&%#/'-"'323/'"3$3$53"'&%+3";' department responds to each year. Of course, the FDNY’s TOP-NOTCH TRAINING, -9(13"0'7#&&'0%6'+*%+'323/' ASTOUNDING RESULTS one death is one too many, =1*'-9'*-7'("3()*+3"0'&3%"/'+-'43%&'7#+*'+*303' and they’d be correct in that Mnightmarish conditions, including beating assertion. But the reality 5%1<'93%"8'53)#/0'4="#/)'+"%#/#/)'!"-)"%$0'%+'("3' underlying the numbers is academies across the nation. The rest comes with especially impressive after 3>!3"#3/13'-5+%#/34'-/'+*3'I-5;'N303%"1*'#/4#1%+30' also considering New York’s +*%+'0=113009=&'("3()*+3"0'%"3'+*-03'7*-'1%/'<33!' diverse architecture, with their fear in check and quickly synthesize parts of its thousands of skyscrapers their training to answer the unique problems each 3>+3/4#/)'536-/4'+*3'43!%"+­ new scene poses. ment’s ladder reach of just LO-='1%/?+'+"%#/'9-"'323"6'0!31#(1'1-/+#/)3/168@' WV'.--"0;'Z*%+?0'3G=%&&6' says Meyers. “But you put it all together in your head impressive—and speaks %/4'6-='323/+=%&&6'()="3'#+'-=+;@' highly of the department’s “It comes down to relying on your training and the consistency of mission and 3>13&&3/13'#/'+"%#/#/)R#0' that the FDNY was forced to partially rebuild after the tragic loss of 343 of its brethren on a single day, September 11, 2001. Soon afterward, many more opted for early retirement as the result of injuries sustained on that day. HEALTH AND FITNESS ARE KEY ebuilding began almost imme­ Rdiately, and the effort took place where it has since 1975—at the much­ heralded Fire Academy on New York’s Randall’s Island, where Lieutenant Michael Cacciola, the FDNY’s director -9'*3%&+*'%/4'(+/3008'*%0'+*3'"30!-/­ sibility and privilege of preparing recruits for the mental and physical 1*%&&3/)30'+*%+'1-$3'7#+*'("3()*+#/); Fortunato (far right) checks out some of the fitness gear at Ladder Company 15, :-"'[%11#-&%8'$-&4#/)'("3()*+3"0'7*-'L/323"'quit” out of raw, located at 42 South Street in Manhattan, with Captain David Drake (center).
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