17814 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 24, 2001 ourselves now is a breakdown of our soli- purposes the evening of September 21, 2001, General Shelton also commanded the 3rd darity, which must be absolute. Racism and and unfortunately missed several roll call Battalion, 60th Infantry Division at Ft. Lewis, hate are characteristics of terrorists, not of in- votes on H.R. 2926, the Air Transportation Washington; serving as the assistant chief of dividuals who treasure freedom. Safety and System Stabilization Act. Had this staff for operations for the 9th Infantry Divi- I urge my colleagues to join me in encour- Member been present, this Member would sion; commanded the 1st Brigade of the 82nd aging unity with our fellow Arab and Muslim have voted in the following ways: Airborne Division at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina; Americans and all Americans, who share our 1. Rollcall Number 345—‘‘aye’’ on the Rule served in Ft. Drum, NY as the 10th Mountain commitment to freedom and democracy. Unity, (H. Res. 242) to allow same day consideration Division’s Chief of Staff; as the assistant divi- not hatred, will provide our nation with clarity of legislation to preserve the continued viability sion commander of the 101st Airborne; and needed to prevail. of the United States air transportation system; commanded the Special Operations Com- As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, 2. Rollcall Number 346—‘‘aye’’ on the Rule mand. ‘‘Through our scientific genius, we have made (H. Res. 244) for H.R. 2926; A testament to General Shelton’s excep- of this world a neighborhood; now, through our 3. Rollcall Number 347—‘‘no’’ on the motion tional leadership and of his commitment to our moral and spiritual development we must to recommit with instructions; and Nation is his meteoric rise through the Army’s make of it a brotherhood [and sisterhood] . 4. Rollcall Number 348—‘‘aye’’ on final pas- general officer ranks from brigadier general we must all live together; we must all be con- sage of H.R. 2926. through general in 9 years! In 1987, as a brig- cerned about each other.’’ f adier general, General Shelton served for 2 I hope all Americans can be concerned HONORING GEN. HENRY H. ‘‘HUGH’’ years in the Joint Chiefs of Staffs’ Operations about each other at this pivotal time in our his- Directorate, followed by another 2-year assign- tory. SHELTON, USA, FOR HIS EXCEP- TIONAL SERVICE AS CHAIRMAN ment as the 101st Airborne Division’s Assist- f OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF ant Division Commander, which included a 7- HONORING ALLAN Y. JENDIAN month deployment to the Gulf for Operations HON. BENJAMIN A. GILMAN Desert Shield and Desert Storm. Following the Gulf War, General Shelton was promoted to HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH OF the rank of major general and was assigned to OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES command the 82nd Airborne Division at Ft. Monday, September 24, 2001 Bragg, N.C., and in 1993, was promoted to Monday, September 24, 2001 Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to the rank of lieutenant general and assumed Mr. RADANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise rise to recognize and commend the excep- the command of the XVIII Airborne Corps. today to honor Allan Y. Jendian for being tional work of a distinguished American, a While serving as Corps Commander, General elected Secretary/Treasurer of Chapter 97 of great friend and an exceptional soldier, Gen- Shelton commanded the Joint Task Force that the National Treasury Employees Union eral Henry H. ‘‘Hugh’’ Shelton, USA, the 14th conducted Operation Uphold Democracy in (NTEU). The NTEU represents 6,000 employ- Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. On Oc- Haiti. In February 1996, General Shelton ees of the Fresno Internal Revenue Service tober 1, 2001, General Shelton, concludes his served as the Chief of the Special Operations (IRS) Campus. second term as the principal military adviser to Command in Tampa, Florida. As the Com- Jendian has been an IRS Revenue Agent the President, the Secretary of Defense, and mand’s Chief, General Shelton became the for the past 34 years. During the last fiscal to the National Security Council. overall commander of our Nation’s elite fight- year, he was named ‘‘Employee of the Year’’ General Shelton, known to his friends as ing forces participation in joint operations. of the Compliance Division for his community ‘‘Hugh’’, was born in Tarboro, North Carolina, True to his roots as a ‘‘soldier’s soldier’’ and service at Public Service Recognition cere- and grew up on his family’s 1,000 acre farm a leader who is ‘‘at home’’ being out in the monies. Jendian also successfully coordinated in the tiny town of Speed, N.C., with its popu- field, I was not surprised to learn that General the Fresno IRS Campus Combined Federal lation of 100. He is the oldest of four children Shelton was in Namibia reviewing special op- Campaign, which reached a record-breaking whose father was a farmer and sold farm erations forces when he was contacted by the high of over $220,000. equipment, and his mother was a local school Pentagon regarding his interest in being con- Jendian, who has long been a highly active teacher. General Shelton attended the Speed sidered for the Chairman’s position. Following member of his community, is a Deacon at the Baptist Church every Sunday where his moth- his nomination by then President Bill Clinton, Armenian Orthodox Church. He recently er served as its pianist. General Shelton’s fa- and confirmation by the Senate, General served as the Regional Chairman of the Pon- ther achieved his goal of sending his children Shelton worked tirelessly during his tenure as tifical Visit of the Catholics of All Armenians to to college so they could broaden their hori- the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to im- the Central Valley. In addition, he serves on zons and not be limited to a life of growing prove the quality of life for our men and numerous Boards, including the Armenia Fund cotton and tobacco. women serving in our armed forces. of the Western Region, the Diocesan Council As a freshman of North Carolina State Uni- General Shelton sought and received the of the Western Diocese and the Armenian versity Hugh Shelton joined the U.S. Army Re- largest across the board pay increases for the Inter-Denominational Community Council. Fur- serve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC), where military in nearly two decades; pushed for thermore, Jendian is an active member of the he was drawn to the discipline, the values, greater salary increases for our mid-grade St. Paul Armenian Church, Armenian General and the esprit d’ corps of the U.S. Army and noncommissioned officers; and instituted a re- Benevolent Union, Knights of Vartan and the the precision of his unit’s drills. After com- tirement reform package that reinstated bene- Tekeyan Cultural Association, while serving on pleting this two-year ROTC requirement after fits for those who entered our Nation’s military various committees within these organizations. college, General Shelton went to work at service after 1986; implemented an enhanced Mr. Speaker, I rise to congratulate Allan Y. Regal Textiles, a local business. housing allowance that gradually eliminated Jendian for being elected Secretary/Treasurer Mr. Speaker, it is almost hard to imagine out of pocket expenses for service members of Chapter 97 of the National Treasury Em- General Shelton not serving our Nation as an living off their post or base; and advocated for ployees Union. I urge my colleagues to join Army officer. After a year in the private sector, medical health care reform that made health me in wishing Mr. Jendian many more years he returned to the Army with a regular com- care more responsive to the needs of our mili- of continued success. mission, and through rigorous training, deter- tary and their families, and included military f mination and discipline became a member of retirees over the age of 65. PERSONAL EXPLANATION the Army’s Special Forces. During his distin- As part of Chairman Shelton’s dynamic guished career General Shelton has served in leadership, he established a U.S. Joint Forces a variety of command and staff positions in Command to serve as the nucleus for Joint HON. DOUG BEREUTER the United States and abroad. He is a combat Experimentation and Joint Force Readiness; OF NEBRASKA veteran of Vietnam and the Gulf War. During established a Joint Task Force-Civil Support to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his two tours in Vietnam, he served with the increase the military’s ability and readiness to Monday, September 24, 2001 5th Special Forces Group, and with the 173rd respond to U.S. homeland defense crises, and Mr. BEREUTER. Mr. Speaker, this Member Airborne Brigade. It was during his service in established a Joint Task Force-Computer Net- was returning to his district for official business Vietnam he earned the Purple Heart. work Operations to develop and enhance September 24, 2001 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 17815 measures and protocols to further safeguard Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join AIR TRANSPORTATION SAFETY our information networks. In his Joint Vision me in expressing our gratitude to General AND SYSTEM STABILIZATION ACT 2020, General Shelton set forth the goals and Henry H. ‘‘Hugh’’ Shelton, the 14th Chairman metrics for the future joint force. General of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a superb leader, a SPEECH OF Shelton promulgated numerous initiatives de- quiet diplomat-warrior, a gentleman of the tru- HON. JERRY F. COSTELLO signed to improve the interoperability of our est sense of the word, and a true friend of OF ILLINOIS services including: a Joint Warfighting Logis- mine and of our great Nation! IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tics initiative, a revision of Joint Professional Friday, September 21, 2001 Military Education Programs, development of a f Global Information Grid, and an enhancement Mr.
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