f ? .¦ •» ¦' •- '¦ ' . *y- rtx w. • > v 'AUTOMOBILES. THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C„ SATURDAY, ’AUOITST 17. 13«-' IMRTMENTS, etc/ 25 SALE—AUTOMOBILES. APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. PETEY—Two Ways of Looking at It. —By C. A. VOIGHT. (Continued.) (Continued.) —— i 1441 HARVARD ST. AIR COOLED—AIR COOLED 2 end 3 large rooms, kit. and bath; will MOTORS furnish. Resident manager. Apt. 1. Are found only In We have re- r 1246 MONROE BT. N.E., BROOKLAND 5 Franklins. — large conditioned Franklins In all body styles, 5 T»u TDeflYPe } rooms, h.-w.h., etc., laundry, porches, priced upward. yard, shade: in nice order; newly papered. $l5O that cam vjeatstpat Apply 3318 13th st. n.e. SOUTHERN "MOTOR SALES, J ON FASHIONABLE QUE ST. IN GEOROE- DISTRIBUTORS). town, between 30th and 31st sts.—First (FRANKLIN floor. 5 rooms and bath, back porch; sepa- .146-,148 Pa. Ave. Met. 0967. rate basement and back yard; electricity, gas. newly papered; *SO per month. Phone ‘ OWNER, dev. 4660. 17" “SPECIALS!” APARTMENT FOUR ROOMS. BATH AND breakfast nook, first floor; steam heat fur- Tou see and hear TloT about special sales nished; also garage; *SO per month. In- and prices. But don't forget all DICK quire on premises, 2812 Quarry rd. n.w. MURPHY WORD-OF-HONOR used cars Adjoins Reck Creek Park. 18* are priced ‘ special” in the beginning, 2608 CATHEDRAL AVE—THREE VTJTJTi- and the ‘‘special sale” is on until fuI large rooms, kitchen, bath, lour i.iuseU, they are sold. Your neighbor entire second floor owner's home. Rent rea- drives one of these GUARAN- sonable. • TEED -IN-WRITINQ used cars. Come In and And out why. *3O—TWO LARGE ROOMS. KITCHENETTE', bath: Maryland ave. near 3rd st. Potomac • Fit 1569-W. Word-of-Honor Used Cars to THREE LARGE ROOMS. PRIVATE BATH', Every Purse and Purpose. kitchen complete; entire second floor owner s n.e. PRICED FROM $25 TO $1,500. home. 702 F 18* _ MT. PLEASANT, 1735 KILBOURNE PL— . Large room, southern exposure; kitchen, See MURPHY First, dinette, bath; including gas, elec.; reason- DICK * able; _ 1835 14th. 604 H St. N.E. 935 KENNEDY N.W. CORNER APT.', f Rd. rms., kit . battt. near two car lines, schools, 1728 Kalorama stores: *55. Mgr., Apt. 101. Adams 0574. PRICES COLORED- -308 N. Y.AVE. N.W —CORNER, REDUCED 4 and 5 room aparts., tile hath; a.m.i.; on all used cars in stock. janitor service; reduced rent. Apply The Trew Motor Co.. 1509 14th. Janitor. APARTMENT FOR "RENT—3 ROOMS AND POHANKA~SERVICE. sleeping porch, private house. Adults only. 917 Shepherd st. n.w. Col. 1724-. T. 19* Satisfaction Guarantee On All 1019 MASS. AVE' N.E.—FOUR LARGE rooms, alcove, bath; 2 fronts; 3rd floor, USED CARS. reason able. *®_ _ TERMS. 36 R. I. AVE. N.W . APT. i—4 ROOMS AND LOW bath: heat. eas. lights: garage if desired. 1928 SPORT COUPE rent, will this. OLDSMOBILE *l5O725 Reduced *45. You like 1928 OLDSMOBILE COUPE 7831. 4®!— 1928 OLDSMOBILE LANDAU SEDAN 775 District COACH 875 SALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. ROOMS—FURNISHED. APARTMENTS—FURNISHED. 1710 M StTN.W.—ENTIRE SECOND FLOOR: 1928 OLDSMOBILE (Continued.) (Continued.) unusually large, bright rooms. 2 batns 1928 BUICK SPORT COUPE 775 7 reception and hallwa' 1927 OLDSMOBILE DE LUXE LANDAU 450 PRICES REDUCED 1929 CHEVROLET LANDAU 1813 i9th ST.—Beautiful QUIET. ROOMY 6-ROOM APARTMENT INj with shower, hall cars stock. DUPONT CIRCLE. windows, newly strictly Bloomlngdale - throughout, pantry, large porclv. laundry 1927 CHEVROLET COUPE—NEW DUCO 325 FINER USED CARSI . on all used in second-floor front. 5 deco- white section: com- manager COACH—NEW TIRES 295 The Trew Motor Co- 1509 14th. CHRYSLER! CONVERTIBLE SEDAN. rated; also single room; privileges. Potomac fortably furnished: 2nd floor; adults: rea- - room. Reasonable rent. Resident 1927 CHEVROLET only miles; quick owner. 1926 BUICK SEDAN 495 Run 1.300 priced for 5132, sonable price. 1909 N. CapHol st. Potomac : and CHANDLER COACH 250 BACKED BY OUR REPUTATION. OAKLAND PONTIAC sale at S73S. Southern Motor Sales, N.W.—Rooms, week; 3082-M. ST APT. 12—4 1926 Franklin Distributors, Penna. ave. 1018 14th ST. *5 next 1419 CLIFTONsleeping N.W.bath; Fngidaire, 1925 DODGE COACH 200 346-48 bath; beautiful 2nd-floor front rooms for 1320 HARVARDN'W.. APT. I—l OR 2 RMS.. , rooms, porch, SHERIFF MOTOR CO., CHRYSLER!! n.w. Met. 0987. • porch, . Adults only. 1925 OLDSMOBILE 4-PASS. COUPE.... 225 Nash, Series 400, Demonstrators two, 825 month. kitchen, semi-bath; *35, *45. Phone *52 50. Adams 4150. 1928 ESSEX COACH 110 i Adams 3900-J. RD—DESIRABLE 3-ROOM 627 K St. N.W. INGLESIDE TERRACE N.W.—Attractive ISoTcOLUMBIA sink, range, gas, 1923 WILLYS-KNIGHT TOURING 125 at $875 1841single secVfl. ttSrfTlporch; AND TUDORS, | Big Discount. front room in owner's new home: 1654 PARK RD.—3 ATTRACTIVE, LARGE ant privileges: reasonable. FORD COUPES Evenings Sunday. Chrysler~72"" buy you a thoroughly recon- a. meals if desired. rooms, modern conveniences, kitchen, range ! elec : lar— jfoset: S4O AND 50 i Open and 1928 Sedan. .$1,050 —will Adams_ssß6. KITCHEN, displayed 2813 27th rooms and hot water; *55. 1313 lJor""*N.E —2 ROOMS. All cars ready for demonstra- 1927 Buick SedarT. $695 and Prices, 745 ditioned new type Franklin Sedan— ! I N.W.—Two attractive with sink: continuous hall; brighti thormigh ven- Compare cars Come Compare 1927-28 Buick 4-pass. Sdn. bath, in suite or separately; garage; all con- 814 CONN.—CLOSE IN; LARGE, 1-R.. bath, reception tion. our prices with similar fully guaranteed. COOL *45. Adams Janitor. advertised. 650 Terms. venicnces. Col. 9129-J. 19* k'nette. b., everything furn.. *8.50 up; sleep- tllation: Phone 3900-J- 1927 Nash Coupe Conditions and 1924 Oldsmobile Touring. 50 & *BS; ALSO FOR 2063 PARK RD. N.W.—Front room overlook- ing rooms. *3 up: cont. hot waterrefined. nFSTRABLE 3 R • K. B.» . 4 r . k. A b . The OLDSMOBILE SIX. 1927 Pontiac Coupe 350 1928 Pontiac .Coach $550 1923 Chevrolet Touring... 50 SOUTHERN MOTOR SALES, ing Rock Creek Park; well furnished; a.m.i.: 1119 K ST. NW. NICELY FURNISHED Pale or rent reasonable.or Rob- <FRANKLIN DISTRIBUTORS). Inst. hot water; shower; private home: *ls apt., room, bath, Northumberland. Miss Larkin Miss EIGHT. Coach Sedan front 1 kitchenette and ' North 3280. VIKING 1927 Essex 250 1 1928 Chevrolet 450 1923 Ford Touring 25 346-348 Pa. Avc. Met. 0967. month: gentleman: 18* $27.50: also other apts. Franklin 8647, inson. references. RENT, 5 ROOMS, BATH, 1126 20th ST. N.W. Chrysler 1840 BILTMORE ST.—Attractively furnished THREE ROOMS. KITCHEN. BATH, GAS, LOW $42 50: 1928 Nash Sedan 600 1926 Coach 425 1925 Dodge De Luxe Sdn. 350 room; gentleman elec., elevator, garden. electric light, porch; good condition; vacant WANTED—AUTOMOBILES. targe front suitable for or radio. Roof Light 649 H st. n.e. North 0347. ' employed couple. Columbia 1518. Apt. 9. and airy N.w. section. 6 blocks main about September 1. 1926 Nash Sedan 450 1926 Buick Coach 335 1924 Oakland Sedan 125 _ HOWENSTEIN BROS.. Lincoln 0897. CASH FOR YOUR CAR in live minutes. We 1129 ilth ST. N.W.—First-floor front com- business district. Aug. 24 to Sept. 24. $55. Open Evenings and Sunday. Coupe pay best prices for small cars. 1355 Ken- fortably Address Box 482-J. Star office. 18* AND MD. AVE. N.E—RENTS, 1927 Chevrolet 295 1926 Oakland Coach 325 Hupmobile 8 Coupe. 425 • furnished room for l.h.k . *8 week; NEAR Bth 1926 yon n.w. ' 50; room, kitchen and bath- _ back, 1.h.k.. water, gas. elec.. *5. *22.50 to #25 1 1926 your 2nd-floor THE SANTA ROSA. 405 Bth st. n.e. (Keys 1927 Dodge Sedan 425 Reo Sedan 300 1927 Chevrolet Lan. Sdn.. 350 BEST CASH PAID at our doors for 1119 12th ST. N.W.—Large, nicely good condition. furnished Very attractively furnished apartment: 1 store.) . car. Call and let us see it. 1610 7th st. front room; new beds; single rooms, room, reception hall, bath; corner 1928 Chevrolet Cabriolet... 500 1 1924 Essex Coach 100 1927 Nash 4-door Sedan.. 425 n.w.. or 408 10th n.w, also kitchen and *SO. N.W. —3-ROOM APT.. OUT- st. _ 84. and >6 per week: a.m.i. 18* Resident Manager. 1214 12th ST. YEARS’ "REPUTATION *5 1712 17th. rooms, and bath. 3 l*™-* 10 1,275 1926 Chrysler Coach, 70... 295 CONSIGNMENT SOLICITED for our sale by 1819 AptT 402—Single sicie kitchenette only, tent 1929 Nash Sedan 1927 Oldsmobile Coupe... 325 auction on Wednesday or Saturday. 10 a m. G Sjf. N.W.. room BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT IN EXCLUSIVE closets; quiet and clean; adults adjacent n> bath; 24-hour elevator service. Cleveland Park: 3 rooms, kitchenette and _ 800 Touring 60 Dodge Spec. Road.. Weschler. 920 Penna. ave. n.w. National 5630, bath; apartment reasonable. 45 1928 Nash Cabriolet 1 1924 Durant 1926 225 1282. Quick, satisfactory method. Metropolitan Branch 402. new house: southern expo- KAHORAMA RD. Selling sure. Telephone Cleveland 2010 I 1927 Nash Sedan 600 1 Good Will Guarantee. 165 any model pay you cash 420 6th ST. N.W.—Comfortable sleeping 1431. 2 rooms, kitchen ar.d bath, *60.65. 1926 Chevrolet Coach.... WE BUY car and rooms, quiet house; • HIGH-GRADE at once. 2613 Penna. ave. n.w. *3 week; elec. 1411 K ST. N.W.—APT.. 2 ROOMS. PARLOR rooms, kitchen and bath, Si(h !?. 627 K ST. N. W. 1925 Dodge Business Sdn. 250 1336 11th ST. N.W.—Large Iront room and and bedroom: l.h.k : running water, gas, HOME.
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