July 24, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S8087 been working around the clock, and I George Tenet is well known to many across the globe enjoy the support that am really indebted to them. I thank members of the Senate, as he served they need to carry out their duties. I the distinguished chairman. with distinction as a staff member, and wish him a long, fruitful and rewarding Mr. GREGG. I thank the Senator for then Staff Director of the Senate Intel- tenure as our new Director of Central all his work. ligence Committee during the service Intelligence. f of Senator David Boren, of Oklahoma, f when he was Chairman of that Com- MORNING BUSINESS mittee. When Senator Boren retired, to CNN’S COVERAGE OF THE SENATE Mr. GREGG. Mr. President, I ask take up the post of President of the CAMPAIGN FINANCE HEARINGS unanimous consent that there now be a University of Oklahoma, George be- Mr. CRAIG. Mr. President, Cable period for the transaction of morning came the Assistant to the President for News Network announced this week business with Senators permitted to Intelligence matters on the staff of the that it would provide live television speak therein for up to 5 minutes each. National Security Council, and served coverage of the Senate Governmental The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without with great distinction in that capacity. Affairs Committee hearings on cam- objection, it is so ordered. As a result of that service, he was paign finance activities. But, Mr. f asked by Mr. John Deutsch to be the President, their decision was based Deputy Director of Central Intelligence PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR only on the fact that former Repub- when Mr. Deutsch was appointed Direc- lican National Committee chairman, Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, in behalf tor, and he has served as the Acting Di- Haley Barbour, is scheduled to testify. of Mr. BINGAMAN, I ask unanimous con- rector since January of this year when CNN has been suspiciously absent in sent that privileges of the floor be Mr. Deutsch returned to the private its live coverage of the hearings, only granted to Dr. Robert Simon on detail sector. Mr. Tenet has been praised on allowing its viewers to see the opening from the Department of Energy to his the floor by the current leadership of statements of the chairman and the staff, during the pendency of Senate the Senate Intelligence Committee, by ranking member during the past 2 Resolution 98 or any votes occurring the Chairman, the distinguished Sen- weeks of the hearings. thereupon. ator from Alabama, Mr. SHELBY, and As I understand it, CNN based its de- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the Ranking Democrat, the distin- cision to provide live coverage of Mr. objection, it is so ordered. guished Senator from Nebraska, Mr. Barbour’s testimony on the judgment f KERREY. They have praised Mr. Tenet’s that he has celebrity status. Or, as capabilities, judgment and character. I CNN’s own Washington Bureau chief, THE VERY BAD DEBT BOXSCORE wish to express my own confidence in Frank Sesno, called them yesterday, his leadership and I believe he has the Mr. HELMS. Mr. President, at the ‘‘major players’’. capacity to bring the agency out of the close of business yesterday, Wednes- That is a decision more fitting of the unfortunate period that it has recently day, July 23, 1997, the Federal debt program ‘‘Entertainment Tonight’’, in- experienced which was tarnished by es- stood at $5,367,622,941,689.53. (Five tril- stead of a network which prides itself pionage scandals, and too rapid a turn- lion, three hundred sixty-seven billion, on being the world’s leader of news. over in the Office of the Director. He six hundred twenty-two million, nine I am certain that I am not the only faces the challenge of bringing morale hundred forty-one thousand, six hun- one disappointed by CNN’s decision to up, as well as restoring public and Con- dred eighty-nine dollars and fifty-three forgo live coverage of the hearings. In gressional confidence in the intel- cents.) fact, on CNN’s own Internet web page, ligence organization of the nation. It is One year ago, July 23, 1996, the Fed- an overwhelming number of CNN’s his responsibility to ensure that the In- eral debt stood at $5,171,664,000,000. viewers are distressed over the net- telligence Community performs on the (Five trillion, one hundred seventy-one work’s failure to provide live coverage. basis of the highest standards of integ- billion, six hundred sixty-four million.) One viewer wrote, and I quote: Five years ago, July 23, 1992, the Fed- rity, and that the tremendous analyt- eral debt stood at $3,988,415,000,000. ical, technical, and personnel resources Although I am very pleased that you are carrying the campaign finance hearings (Three trillion, nine hundred eighty- that the community possesses, without through your Web site, I must say after all of eight billion, four hundred fifteen mil- rival in the world, are brought to bear the interminable O.J. hearings you carried lion.) on the often dangerous and difficult live on CNN, why on God’s earth aren’t you Ten years ago, July 23, 1987, the Fed- targets and areas of concern that con- carrying the hearings as well? I am very dis- eral debt stood at $2,300,098,000,000. stitute the intelligence agenda of the appointed. (Two trillion, three hundred billion, nation. It was signed by Jim Merrick on July ninety-eight million.) Mr. Tenet is already known as a 16. Fifteen years ago, July 23, 1982, the strong leader with clear focus and a Mr. President, there has been such Federal debt stood at $1,086,341,000,000 broad vision. I do not believe there is sufficient controversy over the CNN’s (One trillion, eighty-six billion, three any recent Director of Central Intel- lack of live coverage of the hearings— hundred forty-one million) which re- ligence that I have dealt with that and even the lack of regular coverage flects a debt increase of more than $4 brings as strong a knowledge of and of the hearings by the other television trillion—$4,281,281,941,689.53 (Four tril- constituency in the Senate as he en- networks—that CNN devoted a sub- lion, two hundred eighty-one billion, joys. Intelligence in the confusing and stantial portion of its program ‘‘Inside two hundred eighty-one million, nine shifting world of this post-cold war era Politics’’ on Tuesday, to discuss the hundred forty-one thousand, six hun- is vital to both branches of the na- uproar. dred eighty-nine dollars and fifty-three tional government, and to be successful In a roundtable discussion, where cents) during the past 15 years. must enjoy the strong support of both journalists interview each other about f of them. George is uniquely qualified what a great job they’re doing, CNN’s to bring about a working consensus on APPROVAL OF GEORGE TENET AS Judy Woodruff asked ABC’s Hal Bruno the priorities, activities and budget of about the difference of these hearings DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTEL- the intelligence community. He enjoys LIGENCE as compared to the Watergate and an extraordinarily deep reservoir of Iran-Contra hearings. Hal Bruno re- Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, on Thurs- support here in the Senate, and I be- plied, and I quote: day evening, July 10, 1997, the Senate lieve in the White House and the Intel- Government was at a standstill in Wash- confirmed the nomination of George J. ligence Community as well. He is an ington as a result of Watergate and the Tenet, of Maryland, to be the Director outstanding choice, and the President whole country was immersed in it. And the of Central Intelligence. I am delighted is to be commended on his selection. I same was true to a lesser degree with Iran- that the Senate has taken this action, look forward to working with him to Contra. These were major stories of revela- based on the unanimous recommenda- ensure that the highly dedicated, tal- tions of criminal wrongdoing. tion of the Senate Intelligence Com- ented and courageous individuals who Mr. President, Hal Bruno’s comment mittee. serve the nation silently day and night is an outrage. VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:22 Oct 24, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00101 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\1997SENATE\S24JY7.REC S24JY7 mmaher on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with SOCIALSECURITY S8088 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 24, 1997 For one, the country was immersed interested in watching instead of the public The Committee learned that John Huang in these events because the television making that decision for themselves. had worked for Lippo Bank in Los Angeles, networks were carrying the hearings Sincerely, but the CEO of the Bank did not know what live. LARRY E. CRAIG, Huang did in his office. Chairman. The Committee learned that Lippo Group, And furthermore, the campaign fi- run by the Riady family, which employed nance hearings have uncovered much SUMMARY OF HIGHLIGHTS OF TESTIMONY OF Huang, had over the past few years become a more serious charges and allegations. FIRST TWO WEEKS OF HEARINGS BY THE major business partner with China Re- They include: Espionage, foreign influ- COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS sources, a trading company wholly owned by ence peddling, campaign corruption INTO 1996 CAMPAIGN FINANCE ABUSES the Government of the People’s Republic of and even money laundering. Just look DNC Finance Director Richard Sullivan ac- China, which has reportedly served as an in- at this summary by the staff of the knowledged that the DNC’s process for vet- telligence-collection front for China.
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