Index Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) format, Symbols and Numerics 394–395 @font, CSS3, 295–297 AdWords (Google), 726 3D (three-dimensional) transforms, aggregators, feed, 658 CSS3, 281, 297 AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and 365 project blogs, 770–772 XML), 461–462 960 grid, 70–76 Akismet plug-in, 664 alert popup, JavaScript, 472–475 Align attribute, CSS, 163 A Alt attribute, CSS, 163 alt text, 639, 699 <a> tag, HTML, 162, 168 Amazon website, 492 AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) format, Analytics (Google). See Google 394–395 Analytics absolute links, 162 anchor points, 222 absolute position Divs (AP Divs), animation, 420, 429–431, 445. See also Dreamweaver, 304 JavaScript accessibility attributes, Dreamweaver, AP Divs (absolute position Divs), 212–213 Dreamweaver, 304 accountants, 32 apps. See also mobile pages ACID Pro program, 394 Dreamweaver CS6, 534 action, HTML form, 545 Highslide, 501–505 ActionScript, 417 mobile pages, 508–509 Active Server Pages (ASP), 132–133, professional, for generating 566–567 JavaScript, 492 Add Media dialog box, WordPress, versus websites, 125 640, 644 WOW slider, 498–501 address element, HTML5, 191–192 architecture, website, 65 Address Verifi cation Service (AVS), 678 <article> element, HTML5, 179, 186 AddThis service, 659 artwork, optimizing, 371–375 Adobe Audition application, 400 ASE (Adobe Swatch Exchange) fi le, 101 Adobe Bridge, 379–380 <aside> element, HTML5, 179, 186–188 Adobe BrowserLab, 167, 233 ASP (Active Server Pages), 132–133, Adobe Customer ShowcaseCOPYRIGHTED website, 323 566–567 MATERIAL Adobe Dreamweaver. See assessing resources. See resources, Dreamweaver assessing Adobe Edge, 445, 463 Assets folder, 370 Adobe Fireworks. See Fireworks Assets panel, Dreamweaver, 744 Adobe Illustrator, 27, 70–71 asymmetric page design, 77–79 Adobe Kuler, 100–101 Asynchronous JavaScript and XML Adobe Kuler website, 328, 336 (AJAX), 461–462 Adobe Media Encoder, 403, 406–408, 410 Atom feed, blog, 655 Adobe PhoneGap, 125, 534, 538 Attach External Style Sheet dialog box, Adobe Photoshop. See Photoshop Dreamweaver, 308–309 Adobe Swatch Exchange (ASE) fi le, 101 555_9781118270035-bindex.indd5_9781118270035-bindex.indd 779779 77/6/12/6/12 77:49:49 PPMM 780 Building Websites All-in-One For Dummies, 3rd Edition attributes integrating into website, 93 CSS, 261–264, 266–267 modifying, 765–769 HTML head element, 150–151 overview, 763 Audacity application, 400 using widgets, 767–768 audio content body element, HTML, 152 adding Flash audio to page, 396–401 body element, HTML5, 158–163 adding to WordPress blog, 644–646 Border attribute, attaching to HTML delivering message, 401–402 tag with CSS, 262 embedding fi les in HTML5 document, border-radius effect, CSS3, 284–286 395–396 borders, CSS, 264–266 exploring formats for web, 393–395 borrowed styles, CSS, 257–259 HTML5, 131 borrowing JavaScript, 463 web-ready, 107 box-shadow effect, CSS3, 288–289 Audition application (Adobe), 400 <br> tag, HTML, 168 Autocomplete feature, code editor, 136 brainstorming, 12–14, 41 AVS (Address Verifi cation Service), 678 break tags, HTML, 159–160 brick-and-mortar business, 46 Bridge (Adobe), 379–380 B BrowserLab (Adobe), 167, 233 back-end system, 31 browsers, 130, 232–233 backing up budget, 14–15, 24 web-hosting service, 58 bulleted (unordered) lists, 160–161, website, 719–720 219–220, 253 bandwidth Business account, PayPal, 672 calculator, 57 Button Editor, Fireworks, 355 web-hosting service, 57 buttons banners creating in Fireworks, 353–359 banner exchanges, 729 exporting artwork from Fireworks, creating graphics, 377–380 376–377 exporting artwork from Fireworks, Flash navigation menu, 435–439, 376–377 441–443 optimizing PNG artwork in Fireworks, generating link in jQuery mobile, 375–376 623–624 BBEdit code editor, 137 HTML form, 546, 555–556 best practices, domain name, 51–53 navigation menu, 359–362 Bing, submitting website to, 711 optimizing PNG artwork in Fireworks, bitmaps (raster graphics), 27, 337–338 375–376 blockquote tag, applying to paragraph popup menu, 362–367 (Dreamweaver), 220 Blogger, 587, 592–593 blogs C 365 project blogs, 770–772 creating, 763–765 call to action, website, 692 defi ned, 627 CAPTCHA, 592 embedding, 587 Card Security Code (CSC), 678 iFrame, embedding with, 592–594 cascading style sheet. See CSS; CSS3 555_9781118270035-bindex.indd5_9781118270035-bindex.indd 780780 77/6/12/6/12 77:49:49 PPMM Index 781 case sensitivity, 147, 165 generating and applying, 100–102 check boxes, HTML form, 551, 554–555 mobile devices, 123–124 chicklet, RSS feed, 654 overview, 95 Chrome print color versus web color, 97–99 audio formats in HTML5 ColorSchemer documents, 395 overview, 100 CSS box-shadow effect, 288–289 Studio 2 application, 328 CSS3 border-radius effect, 285 comments, code Yahoo! YSlow tool, 692 CSS, 247 class styles, 272–274 HTML5, 169 clean code, Dreamweaver, 208 comp (client mockup), 370–371 Clean Up HTML dialog box, complex JavaScript, 479–480 Dreamweaver, 235–236 compound styles, CSS, 255–257 Clean-up HTML tools, Dreamweaver, compression application, 406 235–236 computer skills, 28–29 Client folder, 370 Constant Contact, 586, 589 client mockup (comp), 370–371 container elements, HTML, 146 clients, working for content, HTML, 129 defi ning expectations, 37–40 content, website external stakeholders, 43–49 images and media, 87–88 handing off project to client, 49–50 integrating online resources, 92–94 holding kick-off meeting, 40–42 organizing with Dreamweaver, internal stakeholders, 42–43 106–108 overview, 37 overview, 83 selling idea, 40 text, 83–87 client-side data, 544–545 website versus web presence, 88–92 client-side scripting, 456–457, 482–483 content data-role, jQuery Mobile, Client-supplied Assets folder, 370 511–513 CMS (content management system) content developer (writer), 32 PHP, 567 content development, 28 role of, 94 content management system. See CMS CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, and context-sensitivity, 203, 215, 302–303 black), 97 copying code blocks, PHP, 574 document content into HTML pages, code editors, 135–137, 606–607 86–87 code hinting, 205, 304–306 image to Dreamweaver document, code validator, Dreamweaver, 221 212 Code view, Dreamweaver, 138, 200, JavaScript code, 492–498 210, 224–225 copyright collaborations, 15 audio and video, 394 color coding feature, code editor, 136 digital video, 412–413 color palette, 336 respecting, 323–325 color scheme cPanel, WordPress, 629–630 accessibility, 100 credit card authorization packages, choosing colors, 95–96 676–678 555_9781118270035-bindex.indd5_9781118270035-bindex.indd 781781 77/6/12/6/12 77:49:49 PPMM 782 Building Websites All-in-One For Dummies, 3rd Edition credit card processor interchange, 677 applying shadows to type, 289–290 CSC (Card Security Code), 678 border-radius effect, 284–286 CSS box-shadow effect, 288–289 active link state, 252 browser support, 281–283 basic skills needed, 25–26 design tools, new styles, 279–281 borrowed styles, 257–259 HTML5, 176–177 compound styles, 255–257 implementing interactivity with hover creating document, 244–247 states, 298–299 creating styles for link states, 251–253 JavaScript and, 453 external style sheets, 240, 243–244 opacity effect, 290–291 float attribute, 187 overview, 279, 284, 291 global styling, 240 rotate transform, 293–294 grouping styles, 255 scale transform, 291–292 headings styles, 247 shadows effect, 286–288 hexadecimal (hex) color values, 248 skew transform, 294–295 hover link state, 252 translate transform, 292–293 HTML and, 152–153 custom borders, CSS page layout, ID selectors, 478 264–266 Inline, 241 customer service, 24–25 inline styles, 242–243 cyan, magenta, yellow, and black JavaScript plus, 459–461 (CMYK), 97 jQuery Mobile versus, 508 jump menu, 485–486 list (li) style, 247 D meshing CSS styles with JavaScript data table, Dreamweaver, 529–531 data, 480–481 data-roles, jQuery Mobile overview, 239–242 content, 511–513 paragraph style, 246 footers, 511–513 pseudo-classes, 281, 298 headers, 511–513 RGB color values, 99 listviews, 511–513 setting properties for text, 249–251 overview, 510 styles embedded in head of pages, 510–511 document, 243 data-themes, jQuery Mobile, 513 styling lists and menus, 253–254 date element, HTML5, 191 web colors, 247–249 date functions, JavaScript, 468 CSS document, 244–247 dedicated server, 57, 666 CSS panel, Dreamweaver, 198 Dependent Files dialog box, CSS Rule Defi nition dialog box, Dreamweaver, 707 Dreamweaver, 98, 310–312 Design view, Dreamweaver CSS Styles panel, Dreamweaver, defi ned, 138 306–310 Document window, 201 CSS Zen Garden website, 258 editing new pages, 722 CSS3 generating HTML in, 225 @font, 295–297 inserting and editing images, 211 3D transforms, 297 previewing pages, 233 555_9781118270035-bindex.indd5_9781118270035-bindex.indd 782782 77/6/12/6/12 77:49:49 PPMM Index 783 designing pages creating media query in, 316–318 class styles, 272–274 creating site in, 108–114 creating boxes with ID styles, CSS Rule Defi nition dialog box, 270–271 310–312 CSS for page layout elements, CSS Styles panel, 306–310 261–267 defi ning, 104 with media queries, 274–277 Document window, 200–201 overview, 261 editing new pages with, 722–724 designing site forms, 609–614 e-commerce, 757–759 generating and editing JavaScript, 516 mobile-friendly, 121–125 generating HTML, 221–226 development practices, HTML5, head content, 229–231 169–171 images, 211–216 digital video. See DV Insert Div Tag dialog box, 302–304 dithering, 332, 387–389 Insert menu, 203 DIV tags, 228, 478 jQuery mobile form fi elds, 617–624 DIY forms, 544 managing fi les with, 104–105
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