A Bibliography of Papers in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2012): Volumes 7350{7399 Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 14 October 2017 Version 1.01 Title word cross-reference (0,δ) [487]. (F; G) [158]. (k; r) [114]. 0 [527]. 1 [261, 527, 487]. 2 [229, 775, 878, 658, 180]. 2:5 [229]. 3 [570, 609, 229, 571, 190, 577, 582, 584, 468, 567, 180]. + [210]. α [131]. \ [160]. m ∆Σ [474]. EL [284]. ELHR+ [283]. [690]. F [812]. F2n [392]. GF(2 ) [386]. k [829, 832, 97, 68, 688, 466, 438]. K4 [141]. L [23, 389]. Lp [527]. λ [789]. N [532, 111]. O(log f) [112]. O(n3 log log n= log2 n) [142]. P [520]. Φ [440]. q [92]. m 2n−1k+1 n R [787]. SHACUN [560]. U2 [61]. x + ax [392]. x − a [391]. -Anonymity-Based [438]. -Center [97]. -Clustering [114]. -Completeness [23]. -Cover [789]. -D [229, 261]. -Differential [690]. -Dimensional [658]. -Fragment [158]. -Functions [389]. -Gram [92]. -Hiding [440]. -Indistinguishable [688]. -level [829]. -Median [832]. -Minor [141]. -norm [527]. -Pad [812]. -party [111]. -Round [487]. -Secure [487]. -Visibility [131]. -XORSAT [68]. 1 2 11th [1028, 997, 998, 996, 1034]. 12th [1022, 1019, 1012]. 13th [1029, 992, 1017, 1018]. 14th [1021]. 15th [1030]. 16th [1032, 1008, 1030]. 17th [1016, 1007]. 19th [1020, 990, 997]. 2.0 [963]. 2.4GHz [277]. 20th [1014]. 22nd [893]. 23rd [989]. 24th [993]. 256 [447]. 26th [1006]. 3 [499, 501]. 39th [1026, 1027]. 3rd [35]. 4 [497]. 4th [1004]. 5th [994, 997, 1009, 991, 1001]. 6/TC [1029]. 60th [995, 1005]. 65th [1000]. 6LoWPAN [273]. 6LoWPAN/CoAP [273]. 6th [999]. 7th [986, 987, 988, 1013]. 8th [1024, 1025, 1011]. 9th [1002, 1003]. = [298]. Abduction [210]. Abductive [196, 197]. Abelian [820]. Ability [358]. Abnormal [552]. above [410]. Abramowitz [247]. Abstract [113, 19, 254, 908, 28, 168, 859]. Abstraction [167, 714]. Abstractions [288]. Abuse [963]. Academic [263, 810]. Accelerating [444]. Accelerometer [474]. Access [753, 421, 752, 420, 422, 962, 950, 949, 649]. Accessibility [916]. Accessible [659, 37, 663, 650, 660]. Accumulator [949]. Accuracy [595, 190]. ACGs [21]. Achieving [690]. ACISP [1007]. Acquisition [479, 812]. across [967]. Action [995, 870, 517, 519]. Actions [869, 870, 244]. Activation [320, 329]. Active [560, 533, 519, 963, 157]. Activity [328, 386, 576]. ACTL [160]. Acyclic [640]. Ad [593, 103, 259, 260, 277, 105, 998]. Ad-Hoc [593, 259, 105, 998]. Adaptation [510, 1014]. Adaption [363]. Adaptive [512, 692, 7, 783, 777]. Adding [624]. Adequate [910]. ADHOC [998]. ADHOC-NOW [998]. Adjunction [231]. Ads [684]. Advanced [384, 618]. Advances [1012, 1002, 1003, 1001]. Adventure [402]. Adversary [487]. Aesthetic [44]. Affective [314]. Affinity [792]. Afraid [209]. Africa [1009]. AFRICACRYPT [1009]. After [399, 677]. Against [356, 498, 449, 487, 436, 485]. Agency [869, 865]. Agent [712, 771]. Agents [202, 858, 204, 866]. Aggregation [552, 269, 948, 770, 268]. Agile [759]. Aging [884]. Agnostic [27]. Agreement [102]. Agreements [860]. Aho [83]. Aid [336, 359]. Aided 3 [993, 882]. Air [275]. Air-Cooled [275]. Aircraft [776]. AISC [997]. Alcohol [332]. Algebra [52, 625]. Algebraic [843, 382, 449, 301, 255]. Algorithm [83, 143, 829, 463, 562, 633, 334, 790, 142, 391, 251, 141, 101, 809, 355, 372, 786, 443, 806, 409, 357, 802, 783, 803, 346, 799, 150, 992]. Algorithmic [1005, 163]. Algorithms [791, 80, 828, 186, 146, 473, 140, 100, 339, 533, 545, 841, 390, 748, 54]. Aligning [5]. Alignment [793, 353]. Alike [711]. Alliance [240]. Allies [240]. Allocation [925, 519]. Almost [818]. Alpha [977]. Alpha-Corecursion [977]. Alphabets [741]. Alternating [72]. Alternative [648]. Amalgamability [290]. Ambiguities [915]. AMDO [1013]. among [332]. Amorphous [217]. amortizing [826]. Analog [461, 466, 802]. Analyses [167]. Analysing [264]. Analysis [450, 499, 421, 150, 938, 47, 566, 183, 334, 689, 124, 687, 615, 445, 564, 893, 163, 757, 906, 531, 937, 548, 466, 726, 120, 494, 247, 877, 166, 880, 715]. Analyzer [666, 895]. Analyzing [127, 611, 118]. Anaphoric [916]. Anatomy [233]. Anatomy-Based [233]. Ancestral [67]. Andersonian [868]. Android [960]. Angiogenesis [216]. Animal [267]. Animals [804]. Animated [584]. Animations [583]. Anisotropic [373]. Annealing [800]. Annotating [147]. Annual [1006, 989]. Anomaly [959, 706]. Anonymity [438]. Anonymization [424, 699]. Anonymizing [697]. Anonymous [113]. Antennae [104, 262]. Antennas [148]. Anthropometric [577]. Anthropomorphic [234]. Anti [961, 877]. Anti-counterfeiting [877]. Anti-malware [961]. Any [818]. Anycast [791]. APIs [750]. App [678]. Append [945]. Append-Only [945]. Applicability [280]. Application [496, 964, 1000, 869, 547, 549, 1016, 446, 545, 804, 778]. Applications [135, 753, 237, 752, 201, 147, 670, 763, 1006, 759, 745, 988, 1025, 960, 614, 305, 688, 7, 1012, 275, 781, 985]. Applied [554]. Applying [651, 348]. Approach [780, 230, 319, 832, 542, 759, 745, 663, 650, 532, 761, 531, 563, 686, 919, 885, 888, 859, 480, 524, 708, 922, 851]. Approaches [212, 15, 648]. Approximate [86, 362, 429]. Approximating [846, 60]. Approximation [80, 828, 829, 775, 133, 259]. April [1034]. Arbitrage [341]. Arbitrary [59, 268]. Architectural [7]. Architecture [751, 503, 571, 309, 8, 437, 338]. Architectures [306, 384, 303, 11]. Area [228, 959, 809]. Argument [205, 225]. Argumentation [205, 206, 200, 207, 28]. Arguments [483]. Arithmetic [286, 473, 298, 1004]. ARM11 [501]. Arousal [329]. Arrows [45]. Art [618, 119]. Arteries [186]. Articulated [1013]. Artificial [509, 511, 876, 786, 803]. Artimetrics [612]. ASDs [678]. Aspects [986, 412, 263, 876, 1012]. Assertion [762]. Assertion-Based [762]. Assessing [588]. Assessment [675, 964, 652, 760]. Assisted [774]. Assistive [679, 664]. Association [562, 531]. Associative [504, 556]. Assumption [440]. Assurance [5]. Asynchronous [708]. Asynchrony [111]. AT-Free [144]. Atomicity [715]. Attaching [613]. Attack [447, 449, 495, 437, 490, 485]. Attackers [271]. Attacking [943]. Attacks [498, 435]. Attention [517, 603, 519, 329]. ATtiny [492]. Attractor [334]. 4 Attribute [422]. Attribute-Based [422]. Attributes [421]. Auctions [837, 842]. Audit [945]. Auditory [658, 325]. Audits [944]. Augmentation [764]. Augmenting [125]. August [1023, 1030]. Australasian [1007]. Australia [1007]. Austria [1017, 1018, 991]. Authentication [879, 935, 878, 934, 889, 426, 884, 427]. Authoring [660]. Authorization [212, 896]. Autism [678]. Auto [157]. Auto-active [157]. Automata [83, 728, 702, 729, 628, 57, 851, 853, 629, 975, 631, 632, 633, 624, 769, 635, 639, 72, 19, 158, 741, 1016, 625, 742, 727, 1026, 1027]. Automated [421, 164, 926, 191, 280, 718, 292, 999]. Automatic [289, 175, 636, 580, 578, 182, 704]. Automatically [39, 184, 297]. Automaton [637]. Autonomic [266]. Autonomous [322, 321]. Avatar [612]. Averaging [235]. Avoidance [270]. Aware [925, 372, 8, 942]. Awareness [745]. Axiomatic [256]. aying [634]. Baby [518]. Back [12, 31, 129, 214, 311, 393, 417, 619, 700, 722, 772, 872, 917, 932, 968, 983, 157]. Backdoors [411]. Background [368, 346]. Badness [941]. Balanced [528]. BAMs [540]. Band [475, 277]. Bane [966]. Banking [936]. Bar [39, 111]. Barcelona [1010]. Barn [325]. Barrier [146, 606]. Barriers [654]. Based [560, 753, 552, 421, 306, 752, 167, 500, 546, 423, 80, 286, 588, 505, 851, 230, 679, 811, 186, 379, 590, 366, 420, 935, 670, 775, 566, 511, 592, 360, 296, 633, 316, 696, 712, 571, 92, 348, 362, 221, 784, 374, 344, 422, 474, 336, 650, 599, 554, 792, 795, 577, 809, 779, 355, 889, 7, 117, 786, 343, 222, 762, 261, 466, 119, 254, 327, 456, 892, 521, 539, 233, 428, 182, 310, 866, 11, 877, 949, 10, 438, 189, 806, 180, 939, 610, 541, 480, 748, 125, 485, 665, 358, 798, 326, 561, 427, 318, 608]. Based [793, 617, 746, 777, 781, 526, 373, 810, 803, 353, 346, 361, 337, 778, 922, 896]. Bases [59, 255]. Basic [405]. Basis [16, 147, 336, 359]. Batch [482, 555]. Batch-End [555]. Bayes [221]. Bayesian [538, 316, 178, 524]. Be [107, 518, 209]. Bed [553]. Bee [786]. Bees [786]. Before [399]. Behavior [594]. Behaviour [733]. Behaviours [469]. Belgrade [998]. below [410]. Benchmarking [923]. Bergen [1028]. Berkeley [993]. Berlekamp [391]. Berlin [1022, 1012, 1011]. Bernd [1000]. Betrayed [684]. Better [818]. between [676, 717, 568, 457, 219, 132, 880]. Beyond [702, 1005, 155, 68]. Bi [531]. Bi-clustering [531]. Bias [378]. Biased [478]. Biautomata [738]. Biblus [647]. Biclique [143]. BICS [1001]. Bidimensional [108]. Bilinear [387]. Bimonoids [632]. Binaries [388]. Binary [826, 388, 221]. Binding [792]. BINER [530]. Binomials [391, 392]. Biohybrid [1010]. Bioinspired [509]. Biology [153]. Biomechanical [222]. Biomedical [781, 994]. Biometric [884]. Biometrics [876]. Biomimetic [503, 514, 1010]. Bipartite [64]. Bipedal [505]. Birth [397]. Birthday [936, 995, 1005, 1000]. Bisection [180]. Bits [891]. Black [823]. Black-Box [823]. BLAKE [499]. Blanket [362]. Blind [676, 656, 670, 661, 654, 674, 664, 673, 665]. Block [489, 478, 492, 70, 445]. Blueprints [307]. Blum [733]. BLUP [804]. 5 Bochum [1004]. Body [506, 573, 327]. Boltzmann [350]. Bonaire [1033, 1032]. bond [468]. Book [644]. Boolean [849, 383, 161, 709, 334, 638, 72, 381]. Boon [966]. Borders [967]. Bound [61]. Bounded [85, 831, 63, 296, 856, 635]. Bounding [103]. Bounds [816, 846, 96, 410, 259, 487, 440]. Box [823]. Braga [1021]. Brain [328, 319, 313, 324, 189, 1001]. Brain-Inspired [313]. Brandenburger [970]. Brandenburger-Keisler [970]. Breast [229, 235, 220, 232, 216, 217, 227, 224, 226, 233, 234, 219, 223, 231, 225, 996]. Breeding [804]. Bremen [997]. Bridging [717]. Broadcast [449, 70, 105]. Browser [696]. Browser-Based [696]. Bruijn [838]. Bruteforce [895]. Budgets [837]. Building [931, 912]. Bunching [551]. Burrows [94]. Bus [551]. Business [2,4,5,1,614,8,985].Business-Aware [8]. C [157, 719]. C5.0 [534]. CA [993]. Cache [471]. Calculation [614]. Calculemus [997]. Calculi [285]. Calculus [898, 201, 900, 295, 200, 977, 23, 24, 29].
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