An Emergency Messa.ge ! "".ditor of Jewij:;h Herald · Providence, Rhode Island. THE JEWISH i--lERALD Dear Sir: Will you please give us front page space in your coming VOL. XII, No. 62 PROV., R. I., FRI., NOV. 19, 1937 5c Per Copy issue for this most urgent message. With the Community _, und Campaign about to end next Tuesday night, the Jewish Liason Committee faces failure in raising its quota of $33,500. 3 Students Branded , need Liason Fund Drive This sum is only about half of what our Jewish charlties Zor 1938. And it now appears that we will not. even raise With Silver Nitrate this modest amount among the Jewish contributors of $10 Mark Jewish Boy Extended One Week and more in Providence and Cranston. This message is the literal truth. We are holding nothing With Nazi Swastika back. We have nothing up our sleeves. Unless the Jews of Newark, Del. - University of Latest Reports Indicate re officials promised dras­ ity do as they have usually done in the past and Delawa this commun tic action if they identify soph­ turn to the task of taking care of their own- and do it with­ omore students who branded three Quota Will Not be Reached in the next three days- we shall be several thousand dollars freshmen with silver nitrate. Failure to reach its quota in short of the minimum needs by which our charities will get It was charged that one of the the Providence-Cranston Commu­ Holzman, 19, To Honor Memory a.long during 1938. freshmen, Joseph nity Fund Campaign faced the Brooklyn, was branded on the This letter comes straight from the hearts of 140 men Committee as it face with a Nazi swastika becau~ Jewish Lia.son and women who are devoting all their energies to this task he is Jewish. turned into the home stretch of of r~ising this money efficiently with a minimum of cost and Sigmund Lipstein, president of the drive at the time of going to a maximum of value t o those who need it most. Please-if Sigma Tau Phi fraternity, filed press. This same committee which Dean George E. you haven't yet subscribed, or if you feel that you can stretch charges with covered itself with glory ~ year Dutton on behalf of Holzman and give a little more- please get in touch with any well over its quota, a p oint and Ray Hecht, 18, Paterson, N. J., ago by going officer of any of the Jewish agencies in the cp.est or with who were taken to Flower Hos­ notwithstanding the earnesi ef­ the office of the Federation at the Jewish Community Center pital for treatment, and announc­ forts of 140 workers working and send in your subscription. Or just telephone and we will ed, "We have retained an attor­ harder than ever, appeared at last reports to be likely to fall send for it. Checks are not necessary. All we want is your ney and we will go the limit." A third victim was discharged short of its goal by about · 15 per that you will do your share during 1938. word after treatment and his name was cent. THE JEWISH LIASON COMMITTEE not disclosed. The quota of $33,500, which is about half the amount which the six Jewish agencies in the Com­ munity Fund require for their Margoshes Quits Congress Ends His Lile budgets, includes the general in­ crease of 13.1 p~r cent which is Due to Argument Where If Began necessary to be raised by every Chicago.-When Moris Schnie­ division of the campaign. The With Rabbi W ise derman, a used car salesman, de­ workers are reporting a number New York (WNS)-The govern­ cided to commit suicide, he return­ JOSEPH BERGEL of increased gifts which equal the ing council of the American Jew­ ed to the house where he was born A memorial tablet will be dedi- necessary increase, a few gifts ish Congress has accepted the re­ and shot himself to death in a cated to the memory of the late which substantially and gener­ signation of Dr. Samuel Margosh­ bedroom. Joseph Berge! by members of the ously exceed the quota, and many es, editor of Yiddish daily, The Schniederman's father, Max, a Chesed Shel Emnes at 11 o'clock gifts which are either the same as Day, as a member of the council junk dealer, passed the unoccupied Sunday morning at Lincoln Park a year ago or show su'b6tantial re­ and as chairman of the Congress' house and noticed that a lock had Cemetery. Morris Feinberg is ductions. commission on propaganda, after been wrenched loose. Entering the chairman of the occasion. Rabbi The difficulty appears to exist Dr. Margoshes had submitted it house, lie discovered ·the body of David Werner will be speaker. Mr. among many who are not .tul1y in a brief note. his son. Beside the body was a re­ Berge! was one of the founders of informed concerning the broad The resignation was due, it is volver belonging to another son, the organization. scope of the work of 42 agencies said, to a dispute between Dr. Jack Schniederman, a policeman in the combined drive, and who Margoshes and ·or. Stephen S. at the Racine avenue station. regard the campaign as a single Wise, president of the Congress, Young People Io Hear charity instead of a large num­ growing out of the farmer's at­ 42 Jewish Soldiers ber in one. There are a great tack on Mayor La Guardia during many givers who used to contri­ the mayoralty election for having Killed in Accident Brown Professor bute reasonable amounts to the Prague <WNS) - Forty-two refused to cancel a permit for a Prof. J ames Shoemaker of the agencies separately but whose Jews were among the 108 soldiers Nazi parade. SAMUEL MARGOSHES of Economics at present gifts do not approach the killed when a heavy cannon went Department off prematurely during military Brown University, will be the (Continued on Page 6) Group Addressed manoeuvres of the Rumanian speaker at the next meeting of loyal Family Circle by Fund Speaker army in Transylvania, according the Young People's League of to word received here from Bu- A meeting of the Yelisovegrad Temple Emanu-El to be held on Report Anti-Semitic To Elect Officers charest, where the news was sup- Sunday evening, November 21. Ladies' Society was pressed. over 150 soldiers were A meeting of the Loyal Family Progressive Prof. Shoemaker has just re­ in the accident. Film Siar Plot Circle, Inc. of Rhode Island was held last Tuesday afternoon at injured turned from a trip around the held last Sunday evening at the their headquarters on Weybosset world, stopping especially at Los Angeles-Chilrf Investigator home of Mrs. Sarah Podersky in street. Speaker of the afternoon NEW SYNAGOGUE China and Japan where he once Eugene Williams of the district Oporto, Portugal <WNS)-The Pawtucket. Plans were completed was from the Community Fund, was a Professor. office said alleged plots presented to the attorney's for election of officers to be held and moving pictures were shown new synagogue He will speak on the subject here to bomb the homes of HollyWood on November 21, and for the In­ in conjunction with the Drive. Marrano Jewish community "Areas of Conflict-1937." The East­ film notables of Jewish origin stallation Banquet, to be held on Tea and refreshments were by Sir Elie Kadoorie, Near meeting will be presented over , will be and sympathy are under investi­ December •5. Mrs. S. Gorman and served by Mesdames Katt, Tras­ ern Jewish philanthropist by Ralph Rotkin. At this meet­ gation by his staff. Mrs. B. Goldenberg are in charge tenofl' and Greenberg. Mrs. S. dedicated during Canukah. Gothic ing election of officers will be is en­ For several days, Williams said, the meeting of the Junior Circle, Palow, vice president, presided in architecture, the building held. complaints have reached him con­ of the installation. the absence of the president. tirely of granite. Dancing will conclude the pro­ cerning the activities of Southern gram to the tunes of Harvey Ru­ Miss Doris Levin reported on California anti-semitics. and announced that a Chanukah bin's orchestra. said several persons play and party will take place on Gov. Quinn Williams Emanuel Host to admitted they attend­ December 12 at the home of Mrs. questioned conferences at which the pro­ John Newman. Refreshments Will be Guest ed Prince Radziwill of the homes of were served 'by the hostess. posed bombing Speaker Nov. 26 screen notables was discussed. G~vernor Robert E. Quinn will Weds Polish Jewess "Apparently the conspiracy nev­ Nazi Laws Spread be the guest speaker at the annual Warsaw (WNS)-A major sen­ er got beyond the conversational To Nearby Denmark Thanksgiving Celebration of sation was created in both Jew- stage," Williams said. "We are Temple Emanu-El on Friday even­ still investigating, however." - In­ ish and Christian circles through­ COPENHAGEN (WNS) ing, November 26th. This is the "Aryans" ter-marriage of German first time that Governor Quinn is out Poland by the disclosure that in and German Jews resident speaking in one of the Jewish P rince Radziwill, scion of one of Proposes Ghetto week Denmark was forbidden this Temples of Rhode Island. The the most aristocratic and oldest For Anti-Semites because such unions are forbid­ presence of Governor Quinn at the families of Poland, has been se­ of under Warsaw <WNS) - Institution den in their native country Thanksgiving Celebration follows cretly married to a Jewish sales­ it was an­ what would be tantamount to a the Nuremberg laws, an established practice in the girl from Galicia.
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