eé-r r-?s CIIRONOI¡GY OF DM{UDATION OF NORTHMN TRE PENINSUI'A' SOUTH AUSTRALTÁ. Jen¡rifer A. Boune, B-4. (Bons.). Sr¡bnitted for the degree of Master of Arts' DePartnent of GeograPhYo UniversitY of Àdelaid'er L974. La DETI,ARATION Thisthesistsbasedonorlginalresearchcarrletl out Ín the Depart¡nent of Geography, Univer^sity of Adelaíd.e. It contalRs no naterial previously subnlttetl for a tlegree at any llnlversity, and' to tlæ best of ny lcrowlettge contains no material previously published or rritten by another ¡nrson ercept r¡hen due reference is nade in the text of the thesis. iii TABTE OF CONT${TS. List of Pl¿tes vi List of îlgures x $ummarìll xii CÀIIPTER. ONE: II{TRODUCTION A. PREIVIOIJS INVPSTIGATTONS .â¡{D PIJRPOSE OF RESEARCH I B. PI,A!¡ OF TIIESTS 5 C. AREA OF STIJDY 6 6 D. METEOD OF STUITT E. ACKNOI{IEæH{EMS I CHÀPTER TTJO: PtrSIOGRÂPHIC REGTONS À. CENSRAL STATU\MTT 9 B. STAATIGN.APIIT A¡ID STRUCTU}ìg 10 C. PEÍSTOGAAPEIC RæIO}IS 14 1. SPENCE|R IIPI,A}IDS 1.5 (") BUIE Ra¡icE (t) crErIE IrlT,TS (") NoRTHEÀsIERN PLATEaU 2. ETRE IOI¡ÍLANÐS n (a) KrANcurrA PLATIIS (i) Tuckey PIsi¡ (ii) Ta¡rinee P1ain (iii) Podj¡na Prai¡ (i") Buckleboo PIaj¡ (u) CONROBINNIE DEPRF.SSION (") S@INCA PLAIN (a) GIN,F PI,AINS (l) utera PlaÍn (ri) Cowell Plei¡ (e) NoNolfrg IIrils Al[D urcn PI,arNS iv CEAPTERTHREts:mOSI0NALSURFACES0FIOWnüIEF' A. CEßiENAI, STATE{N'IT 40 B. PÐ{EPIÂTN ATID PEDIPIÂIN 41 C. STEADT STATE DEVEI'OPMU{Î 4 D. OTIIffi' tYlF.S 0F LAI{D SURI'ACE 45 E. DÀTING OF PAI.AEOSI]AT'ACES 47 F. REGIONAI OCCURREX'ICBS 0F SUAI'ACFS 0F IOI¡Í RELIEF. IN NORTEI]RN HíRE PENINSUI,A 50 I. PRECAT4BRIAN PAI,ÀÐOSUAFACF,S ,L 2. UESOZOIC I,A}ID SURFACF,S 5t t. TffiTIART LAI'ID SIIRFACES 60 66 4. QUATERI{ARY I,AI,ID SURFACES 69 G. CONCTUD]NG STÀTEMn{T CEAPTB. IþIIR: THE GRA¡IITE RESIDUAI,S A. THE PR0BLE'Í 72 B. CI,ASSIFICATION OF GNA}IITE RESIDUALS 7' c. THE ORIGIN OF SORNEARDÍIS 74 1. CU.TERÀL STÂTB{B{T 74 2. BATEOTI$UC INTRUSION 75 5. PETROIOGICAT CONTAÀST 75 4o SCÂRP RETRSAT A¡¡D PÐIPLAI'IATIoN 76 5. MEIAUORPIÛSII{ 77 6. TWO-STAGE DEV$OPME}¡'I 79 D. SEEET JOINTING 81 E. PHASED $,IMOB'ICE OF INSEIAffiGS 84 84 1. GE$IENAL STATB,IE{T 2. CRITMIA I5 (") F1a¡ett SloPes (u) Tafoui (c) Pratforos v CENPTER' TOIIR: THE CB.AIIITE RESIDUAI,S (cont. ) 5, T'TE[,D ÐGMPT.E.'I 9t 4. CORRELI$IoNS AIID DÀTINe 96 (a) General Renarks (u) Relative Dating (c) Co¡relatio¡rs F. CONCTI'DINC STATÐÍB{T 101 104 CEAPTER EIri'E: CONCI,IFION vl- IIST OF PI,ATES. follorri¡g page t5 2"1 Vertical air photograph of Blue Renge' 2.2 Vertical air photograph of ¡nrt of the southe¡n Cleve llills. 16 2., ê. Vertical aÍr photograph of part of the Northeastern Plateau. b. View of the Northeastern Plateau at Lincoln Gap. æ 2.4 8. VerticaL air photograph of part of the Tr¡ckeY P1ain. b. The 1\¡ckey Plain in the t¡4rc area' 2L 2.5 Verticaf air photograph of Agars Lake: showi-ng dl¡ne extending on lo the northr¡estern rnargin of the salina. 22 23 2.6 The homoclin¿I ridge of Darke Ralge frou tbe north' 2.7 Vertical air photograph of Carappee EiLL' 24 2"8 &c Vertical air photograph of part of the J¡ninsE P1ai.n. b. The Taninee Plain south of l'firuritrn' 25 2.9 Ucontitchie Hillr a granite bornharrlt, sr::cnounts a broacl rise within the Yani¡ee PIai¡' 25 2.ÌO Tbe rmeringuer surface developecl on a granite pavernent north of Podi¡na Rock. ?5 2.11 Cor"robin¡rie EiIl stanrls above a broati g?anite platfort $'ithi¡ a Depression of the same nalneo 29 2"12 Vertical air photognaph oi parabolic dr¡nes at the eouthe:rr extrernity of the Cor"robj¡nie Depression' 50 2.L, Vertical air photograph of concentrlc sa¡d' ridges of the Kwaterski Dr¡ne Fielil. 'L Yii 2.r4 a. The northerrr nargin of l'lalijay HiLl' b. DeteÉI of the crest of M'atiiay UitL' 77 2.L5 Mormt Wedge an isoLated hill stån'ls above the Sheringa P1ain. t+ 2.L6 The rhill e¡d valer topograptry of the Sheri'nga Plain. 75 2.n Vertical air photograph of srubnergeð longitudinal drrnes rrlthin and just north of Fra¡klin llarbour' ,7 t.l The Moonabie Surface seen in ru¡confo::nity at l,Iount Laura, for¡¡ nileg northwest of i{tryalla' 5t 7.2 Ren¡rants of the Pa¡rd'urra Surface north of Mor¡nt Lsr¡re. 5L 7.1 t4ontage of the GlenvÍl1e Surface near the south- facing escarlment of the Cleve [il]s' 56 7.4 fþs $ìmmgns Surface preserved on the Northeaste¡n Plateau near Lincoln GaP. 59 t.5 Rennants of the Koongawa Sr¡rface sone four ¡ciles ¡orth of Mowrt Bosanquet. 64 t.6 lhe broadì.y roiling I'Iuclinna Surface, central Eyre Penl¡sula. 67 4.1 Paveneat ex¡nsed' in the Koongawa Surface some fifteen niles northeast of lIirrnipa' 74 74 4"2 Srells so¡ne two niles south of Mor'¡nt lfi¡d'inna' 4., B. Pildappa EilI' a l:trwa.rer fron the air' b. The sane ruwsre fron the north' 74 4.4 ldor¡nt lh¡dinna. 74 74 4.5 Cottage Loaf Rock. vr.lJ. 4.6 The relative condition and. slncing of joints on Ilcontitchie Hltl and beneath the plai.rr iruoediately adjacent to it. 79 4.7 Rillen extrnsed. fron beneath the soil at D:nonte Rock. 79 4.8 Onaü$as beÍng uncovered. as the soil 1evel is Ionered at Pygery Rocks. 80 4.9 Jointing beneath the erariite residuals is seen i-n the quarry excavated in one of Tarwondutta Rocks. 82 4.10 a. f,iedges at Ueontitchie Hill. b. .å,-tents on I'lor¡nt lludirma. co Possible lnbricate stmcture on ÏlcontitchÍe UiIl. B' 4.11 Flared Lor¡er slopes of the Dinosaur. 86 4.).2 Initiation of flared slopes subsurface demonstrated withln a resenroir excavated at Yarwonclutta Rocks. B6 4.rt Sc¿r? foot depression or moat at i'Iattte Grove Rock. 87 4.14 8¡ Association of flareil slope¡ cavernous¡ weathering and angular indentation at uld-slope level on llount l{utlinna. b. SmaL1 angular indentation or low swe1l some flfteen niles north of tsÍ.ruúPa. 88 4.r5 ê. Flared slo¡ns and tafoni in association at the nargin of Podinna Rock. b and c. Flared slopes and. tafoni ia association at }4urphys llaYstacks. B9 4"16 Northern aspect of îch¿rkuldu EilÌ. 9L 4.r7 Step¡red. and. fleæd v¡estem nargin of Tarrsondutta Rocks. 92 4.18 Stepp,ed. nargin of Poondana Rock. 92 ir 4.19 8o Stepped pr"ofile of Carappee EiII' b. Detall of do¡oecl peak and' shoulder of Carappee Eill. 92 4.20 8o Ucontitchie Hill froro the east. b. Flared boulcters on the crest of Ucontitchie 8i.11. 94 4.2L ltultipLe flares on the eastern side of ucontitchie EiII. 94 4.22 Mount lludir¡na seen frpn, the Dlnosaur displa¡rs successive stages of emergence. 94 x I,IST OF EIGTIRES. following Ilage 1.1 Iocation nap of northem Eyre PeninsuJ'a. 1 L.2 tr[ap of traverses by road arial air in northera Elre I'eninsula. B 2.L Pre Quaternary bedrock geologT of E:rre Peni¡sula' 9 2.2 Epicentres and. na€netic interpretation of E:ræ Peninsul,a. 10 2.1 Physlograph-ic reg:iolls of northerm EyÞ Peninsula ' 14 2.4 Gravity anonalies in central $rr"e Peninsula' 15 2.5 Geolo¿3r of Cleve Eil1s. 16 24 2"6 Topographical rnap of Carappee E1ll' 2"7 !{,ap of Comobinnie DeP:ression. 26 2"8 Profiles across the Co¡robi¡nie Deprusslon' 29 2"9 Topographical nap of Co¡tobi¡¡nie HiIt. 29 2.IO Crgsts rithi¡ the o1d. drure systetrs of the Sherirua Plain. ,5 ,oL Map show5¡g the key location of surfaces of I'ow rel:lef a¡rd. the oceurrence of granitic residr¡a1s on northe::n Eyre Peninsula. 50 ,.2 Sectlon at Ner lrJater Tarlk Eitt' 51 7"5 tÍap of reuna¡rts of the Pandulra Su¡face. 5L 5.4 Distribution of the LincoLu Su¡face i¡ Eyre Peni¡rsula. 5t 7.5 l{ap of the Euch dlssected G1envllle Sr¡rfacc. 56 xd. t.6 l,lap showlng the associatlon of si¡n¡nens a¡d' Alenein sudaces east of Lincoln GaP' 59 the Koongav¡a Surface a's it occr¡rE north of t.7 }4ap of 64 liinnÍpa several granite 4.1 Êr Outcrop and rnajor ioi¡ts of rrsicluals of northr¡estertr Elrre Peninsula' b. JoÍ¡ts of Mowrt Ìl\rdinna a¡rd details of sone ioint sr¡ams. 75 80 4"2 Tuo stage developnent of i¡rselborgs' B7 4.3 Two stage develolnent of flared slo¡les' 95 4.4 Sections tbrough (a) tctrarlct¡ttlu EiIÌ' (t) cocata 8111. 93 (c) Ucontitchie EilI. 94 Prtjected profile of Carappee Eill' Cleve Hill-s 4.5 êr 99 ancl BIue Ra¡ge. b. Projected profile of the granite lanitscape of northweste::n E¡rre Peninsula' 99 Map indicatlng rennants of surfaces and' their 4.6 8r l,'hrdinn¿' 100 ¡n-sstble ages in the anea about Mor¡nt b. Section tt¡roWh Ìlor¡nt Wudir¡na a¡rcl the Dinosaur' 100 to1 4"7 PÌtased emergence of i¡sel-bergs' x:,r SIJIIIMARY Thepurposeoftheinvestigationsu¡nar{-sed.inthisthesis ls to pmd.uce an explanatory accor:¡rt of the la¡rd.forns of northe¡n EVre so Peninsula, and in particular to identify palaeosurfaces of 1ow relief that the evolutlon of the area can be u¡rravelled'' To this end the effects of stnrcture on landfon¡ls are though not first detelrulned.
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