b CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE'S SERVICE SCRUTINY SUB-COMMITTEE Date and Time: Thursday, 19 January 2012 7.00 pm Venue: Room 8, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, SW2 1RW Contact for enquiries: Website: Jacqueline Davy www.lambeth.gov.uk/committee Democratic Services Officer Tel/Voicemail: 020 7926 2167 Lambeth Council – Democracy Live Fax: 020 7926 2361 on Facebook Email: [email protected] http://www.facebook.com/ Governance and Democracy @LBLdemocracy on Twitter Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, http://twitter.com/LBLdemocracy London, SW2 1RW To tweet about Council agendas, minutes or meetings use #Lambeth Despatched: Wednesday, 11 January 2012 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Councillors BEST (Vice-Chair), COSGRAVE, HARRISON (Chair), MORGAN and MORRIS CO-OPTED MEMBERS : Voting education representatives [4] Paulette Roberts, Paul Ebanks, Ms Barbara Lane and Vacancy 1 SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS: Councillors CAMERON, GIESS, MEMERY, OGDEN, J.WHELAN and Vacancy2 AGENDA PLEASE NOTE THAT THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA MAY BE CHANGED AT THE MEETING Page Nos. 1. Declarations of Interest 2. Minutes (06.09.11) 1 - 10 To approve the minutes of the meeting of 6 September 2011 as a correct record of the proceedings. 3. Scrutiny of the draft revenue and capital budgets 2012/13 - 11 - 224 2014/15 for the Children and Young People's Service (All Wards) (Report No. 255/11-12) Contact: Jason Preece, Head of Strategic Planning and Performance, CYPS, 020 7926 8157, [email protected] Young people have been invited to the meeting to comment on the budget proposals. 4. 2011/2012 Budget Reductions Monitoring and Reporting 225 - 240 (All Wards) (Report No. 256/11-12) Contact: Dunni Komolafe, Group Finance Manager, 020 7926 9732, [email protected] 5. Special Education Needs in Lambeth - Phase 1 241 - 300 (All Wards) (Report No. 257/11-12) Contact: Sandra Morrison, Divisional Director Children’s and Young People, 020 7 926 9705, [email protected] 6. Biannual Safeguarding Report 301 - 370 (All Wards) (Report No. 258/11-12) Contact: Deane Jennings, Head of Service for Quality Assurance and LSCB Manager, 020 7926 4760, [email protected] 7. Work Programme Development and Action Monitoring 371 - 384 (All Wards) (Report No. 259/11-12) Contact: Claire Butcher, Lead Scrutiny Officer, 020 7926 0024, [email protected],uk PUBLIC INFORMATION QR CODES (for use with smart mobile phones) Dates of future meetings, the agenda management timetable and details of past meetings can be found on the Council’s website, if you are viewing this online http://tinyurl.com/cypsdates Access Information: • Lambeth Town Hall is on the corner of Acre Lane and Brixton Hill, 200 metres south of Brixton tube station (Victoria Line) – turn left on leaving the station and look for the clock tower. • If you are viewing this online, http://tinyurl.com/lambethtownhallmap Facilities for disabled people: Access for people with mobility difficulties, please ring the bell (marked with the disabled access symbol) on the right-hand side of the Acre Lane entrance. Sound enhancement system available in meeting room. Please contact the officer shown on the front page of this agenda to discuss your needs. Adapted toilets on the premises. Meeting papers are available in large print and other formats on request. For further assistance please contact the officer listed on the front page Queries on reports: Please contact report authors prior to the meeting if you have questions on the reports or wish to inspect the background documents used. The name, email address and telephone number of the report author is shown on the front page of each report. Other enquiries: Please contact the officer shown on the front page to obtain any other information concerning the agenda or meeting. Accessing Agendas, Reports and Minutes All public committee papers are available for inspection at Lambeth libraries, and also on the internet from the day of publication in the following manner which you can access by logging onto www.lambeth.gov.uk/committee Or • Log on to www.lambeth.gov.uk • Click on Council and Democracy in the menu on the left hand side • Then click on the third main item in the body of the page– Committee reports, minutes and agendas, and then Council meetings and decisions pages . Click on the relevant committee in the list and then the meeting you require. If you are unable to locate the document you require, please contact the officer shown on the front page above. Representation: Ward Councillors (details via the website www.lambeth.gov.uk or phone 020 7926 2131) may be contacted at their surgeries or through Party Group offices to represent your views to the Council: (Liberal Democrats 020 7926 2028) (Conservatives 020 7926 2213) (Labour 020 7926 1166). This page is intentionally left blank Page 1 Agenda Item 2 C&YPSSC b CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE'S SERVICE SCRUTINY SUB- COMMITTEE Tuesday, 6th September, 2011 at 7.00 pm MINUTES PRESENT: Councillor Shirley Cosgrave, Councillor Mark Harrison (Chair), Councillor Marcia Cameron (Substitute), Councillor Roger Giess (Substitute), Councillor Alex Bigham, Paulette Roberts and Paul Ebanks APOLOGIES: Councillor Judith Best, Ms Barbara Lane and Councillor Diana Morris ALSO PRESENT: Councillor Peter Truesdale, Councillor Peter Robbins and Councillor Adedamola Aminu Action required by 1. DECLARATION OF INTER EST Councillor Marcia Cameron declared an interest in item 8 (Biannual Safeguarding Report – Children Looked After) as she sat on the Adoption Panel but did not consider this to be prejudicial. 2. MINUTES (30.06.11) RESOLVED : That the minutes of the meeting held on 30 June 2011 be approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record of the meeting. Page 2 3. PUBLIC NOTICE QUESTI ONS: MED SOC PANEL AND SECONDARY SCHOOL PLACES (All Wards) (Report No. 114/11-12) Public Notice Question Tabled Addendum Report: – Save Children’s Services Deputation: reduction in opening hours for Adventure Playgrounds and One O’Clock Clubs submitted by Andrew Tullis, UNISON Convenor Lambeth CYPS The Chair invited Andrew Tullis from UNISON to address the Sub- Committee. On behalf of other members of the deputation he made the following points:- • That UNISON had warned the council regarding their failings in its functions in crime prevention to address the provisions of children and young people. • He felt that the Sub-Committee needed to consider: o The impact and consequences of the cuts in services for children and young people that had already been made o The further cuts imposed for Phases 3 and 4 o How young people would spend their time when youth workers were dismissed by the council o Where children will play now that Adventure Playgrounds were only opened once a week o The impact on parents, carers and childminders regarding reductions in opening times of the One O’Clock Clubs o The co-operative council and early adopters as no evidence existed to suggest that service users and staff wanted the co-op council model. A parent also addressed the Sub-Committee outlining his concerns regarding the reduced opening hours of the One O’Clock Clubs in his area as others were located further away. He felt that would have a long-term affect on children. Councillor Pete Robbins, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People responded as follows:- • That the council had not failed in its duty pertaining to the riots. • The vast majority of young people were ambitious and worked hard at school. • The council wanted to listen to the views of young people and a Youth Summit had been organised for September. • That One O’Clock Clubs were open 3 days per week. • Adventure Playgrounds were open full-time during school holiday periods. • The co-operative council early adopters programme had Page 3 been designed to make improvements to the Adventure Playgrounds. • Following the funding cuts by made central government, the council had no choice but to impose cuts. The Chair thanked Andrew Tullis and other members of the deputation for attending. Public Notice Question PNQ.11.12.005 submitted by Simon Hooberman Simon Hooberman was present at the meeting and asked for the MEDSOC issues he raised in his circulated paper, to be considered as part of the Sub-Committee’s Work Programme. The Divisional Director, Education Estates and Capital Projects Division responded that the points raised would be reviewed as part of the upcoming general review into admissions and a meeting held with Simon Hooberman to discuss the issues. An update on the outcome of the review would be presented to the Sub-Committee in January 2012. Members made reference to the MEDSOC Outcome Letter and felt that the letter needed to be more clearly worded. Public Notice Question PNQ.11.12.006 submitted by Councillor Peter Truesdale Councillor Peter Truesdale was present at the meeting and stated that he was happy with the written answer on the agenda and did not want to ask a supplementary question. However, he still had concerns regarding the disposal of school sites. RESOLVED : (1) That the deputation and questions be noted. (2) That an update on MEDSOC panel issues to be reported back CYPS/BSF to the Sub-Committee in January 2012. 4. FORMER SHELLEY/OLIVE SCHOOL S ITE PROPOSED DISPOSAL (Prince’s Ward) (Report No. 119/11-12) The report was presented by the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People (Councillor Peter Robbins). He stated that due to a number of reasons including the shortage of school places, the increase in late applications that had been submitted and the difficulty in finding even temporary locations for additional classes, a decision had just been made to choose option Page 4 4 and remove the Shelley site from the current disposal list.
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