'*>;;,• Tfifa Week COVERING TOWNSHIPS Of One Section 8OLMDBL. aUDIoON MaftLBOBO. fcUTAWAN AND 16 PAGES MATAWAN BOBOUOH 91«t YEAR — 38th WEEK olambw Mm Mtear tan unttnm -Mattoaal StflorUl Aaoadattoa MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH it, 1960 Sinfie Copy Ten Cents Board Of Review Rules Out Vote Matawan Man Honored By JCP&L Five Contests Seen Separation; Currie May Appeal In Primary Election Petition for the holding or a to maintain a properly graded tendent were tent to each member Primary contests In ill Matawan • referendum on constituting Mata- school system; of the Board of Review who subse- rea communities wer* scheduled wan Borough as a separate school "(d) Inequality would result. quently held hearings on the made; Service Conceited hen the deadline was reached district, made by the borough coun- Beard Answers Petition on Jan. 7 and 22, 1960, in Trenton cil, was denied Tuesday by the Mrs. David Tuttle, of Trinity "An answer to the petition also From a study of the record, the Thursday for the filing of nomi- board of review in Trenton, dele- report of the County Superintendc nl Episcopal Church. Matawan, who ating petitions. The contests art) gated by lav to rule upon it. Fred- was filed by the Board of Edu- cation of the Township of Matawan and data on file in the Department 'as chairman ol the planned World erick M.-Kaubinger, State Com- of Education, the Board of Review Day of Prayer service, which was luted In Matawan, Matawan missioner of Education; Salvatore requesting that the petition be de- Townahlp, Marlboro, Madison aw) nied on the grounds that: . finds and determines the facts in to have boon held in Trinity Church A. Bontempo, Director of the State this matter to be as follows: )n Mar. 4, announces 'hat the serv- -iolmdel Townships. Departnient of Coservation and "1. On a separated basis neithar (continued on page fourteen) ice was cancelled due to the of the separated school districts Economic Development, and weather. Mrs. Tultlo states that rYto'awan George C. Skillman, Director of the could operate a h i g h school ef- each church Is to hold its own fectively or economically. Division of Local Government, State iervlca In plsce of the combined Matawan Borough Republican! Department of the Treasury, were "2. While regionalizaUot: is a pos- Reported Slashing me. sible solution to the high school will decide a contest for the nom- the members of the board of re- ination lot two seats en the Bor- view. They held hearings In Tren- problem, there Is no assurance that regionalization could be effectu- Labelled A Hoax ough" Council, Three men am ton Jan. 8 and Jam 22 on the pe- seeking the nomination Includ'm tition. ated. - . ' • i •• ' Swimming Pool "3. Even if regionalization could SMIC Restriction ie organliatlon-cnciorstd Lawronrs Edward W. Currie, Matawan, at- be effectuated there appears to he On Teen Activities Bachmin and inward E, Hyrnc. torney-for tin Committee for Bet-little financial advantage to the Move Staved Off and Howard WlUon, ter Borough Schools, the group Borough to consider regionalization The reported razor slashing of a Than li no conleat slated In originally to petition the borough since State aid tends to equalize 16-year-old Union Beach youth, an Forbes Beach Plans Palawan Democratic; ranks with council for the vote on separation, current expense differences which alleged aftermath of a fight which Bitterly Opposed irginliltlon-iackod nimlim, announced after hearing the ruling ohn J. Walsh Jr. and William arise from allocation of costs on "broke out st'a dance at Keyport * of the board of review that it would an assessed valuation basis. Cllitons lammed the town hall at •ormon, running In tho Apr. II) High School Mar. 9, was declared be' appealed. He itated there Is 45 "4. Separation would "disrupt an Browntown Monday to protaat the primary election unoppoood. Can days for the appeal. Integrated school system consisting a hoax Monday by State Police at application ol Manchester Hooper. dldatea are teeklnt tho nnmlm ' Mr. Currie, who.presented the of kindergarten through high school the Keyport Barracks., Metuchen, for a variance lo con- lon for two council ieaU to In- case for separation in the Trenton without securing either financial or The fight at the dance, sponsored struct a swimming pool and a ca- wealed by Cuuncllmen Cyrui K bana colony at Sledlor'a Beach, la hearing*, had the; hearing inter- educational advantages. by the Keyport High School Moth- j. Raymond Ketthel, Malawan, (left), who re-JCPfcL, and John E. Logan, vlee president of en- Brown and Rntlln Richnrda whu rupted because Mr. Raublnger did Held Two Hearings la Trentoa en' Club, coupled with the alleged, tlnd recently as general superintendent of produc- gineering and generation for both companies. Mr. ter known ai Forbes Beach. Mr. are not Basking re-elfclton not alt In person at them but depu- Don for Jersey Central Power k Light Company and Kelchel was honored at a dinner given by his fellow Hooper said he represented Ihe Mr. Bachman, 19, a member ol "Copies of the petition, answers slashing Friday morning, resulted Raritan Bay Dcach Co., Inc. tised Erie Groezinger, an assistant and report of the County Superin- In a series of "rumble" warnings, New Jersey Power ft Ugbt Company is congratulated employees Thursday nlghl al Bullonwood Manor, he Midway lloao Co , Is Ihe pros commissioner of education, to act received by police resulted In a full by J. Warren Fraaee, (right) personnel director tor Malawaa. The irale cltUcni foresaw a re- enl I'lro (,'hlnf uf Matawan. Hi for him. Mr. Currie contended this scale a|ert over the .weekend by turn to conditions they held lo hive •uperlntendnnt of maintenance was a deviation, from the Intent of police of four area municipalities. •I Appeal For Blood been objectionable when Forbes for the KolIn Transit Corp. al At the law to have the three persons Silver Dollars The It-year-old youth, Richard Bayview Church State Penalizes Beach was In existence. Former bury Park and Keyport. Mr Bach named In the statute present at Anderson, 407 Harris Ave., Union Mayor John P. Chamberlain and man li a voteran of the U. !i •II hearings. The state attorney j In urgaot appeal for blood Township Commlltesman Donald Beach, Friday reported to police dfhort was made yesterday by Navy and law tervlco during general's office sustained the po-Betray Youths he had been dragged into, a car 10th Anniversary Marlboro Tavern Macrae both objected becauao World War II sition of Dr. Raubinger that U» My Matthews, chairman of tho granting tho variance would aet a Thefts Solved By while going to school on Morning- M UIWM Township Bleed Bank. Mr Myrnr. 4(1, li employed In statute gave him discretion as to side Ave. by. four colored youths Rev. Douglas Merrlam Orders Immediate precedent for allowing a non-con- Weitern liloclrlc Co, Hillside, li deputizing assistant commissioner* M* Matthswi. reported that all forming use In a residential tone. .Tries To Pass Them who slashed him on both cheeks Will Speak Sunday jnMenU In CUffwood Beach wlU License Revocation harge of onglneertna. lie la a foi to act for him. " • and released him. Mayor John Phillips also was an mar mombor nf Ihe Uorough Coun Two more teen-age boys have be asked to make a donation lo Admits Stery False On Sunday the Bayview Pres- rsileolsh the supply ot blood la Because of nine alleged viola- objector. II* doubled Mr. Hooper ll and served at chairman of Uu Accepted Opinion been 'taken Into Custody In the solv- could prove ownorahlp of Ihe land State Police reported Monday byterian Church,- CUffwood Beach, |h« bank. tions of the rule book, tho book water, streets and roada commit Mr. Currie accepted the opinion ing of a series of eight robberies that the youth, after questioning, until after Apr. 1. The applicant of the attorney general to let theIn the Matawan area, Chief John will ceicbiVo the beginning ol ike • Mood from (be bank presently has been thrown at the Countryside oot ol tho borough from 1932 ti admitted hit story was false and church 10 years ago/ On Mar. '1, defondtd hla project ai a necessary IBM. Mr. Wilson. I Center Si, proceedings continue but did notMelna. borough polio*, announced that he had taken his father's razor (s furnished lo any resident of Tavern, Route 79, Marlboro Town- ono to provide bathing privileges yesterday. Two had been picked 1950, a total of. 67 persons under la a former praildanl of the Mala assent to it and obtained the re- blade and Inflicted the cuts on both the township who may require It ship. State ABC Director William for persons In the bayshoro aroa lease of the board of review that up Monday and there were five the leadership of the Rev, R. Doug- However, Mr. Matthews warned wan Townahlp Hoard ol Education. his cheeks himself. He told state II. Davla revoked the tavern's with no chance of membership at Mr. Walnh has been a realdoni he was not prejudicing bis right of breakings and entries charged to las Merrlan. signed a covenant in- that If (his appeal falls lo bring other beach clubs. Tho aroused police he had run away when the dicating their desire to organize of the borough tor Ihe past t<i appeal by going ahead with the them. Chief Melna said three of fight broke out at the dance and tut a sufficient number of donors, Iquor llcenso permanently, effoe citizens foresaw iho pool-cabana hearings with Mr.
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