PAGE SIX LITTLE FALLB HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1921. _rV> intends to start in business M his own. that the weather was very hot there J at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. FIENSBURG A number of young folks Worn Vaw- FAWNDALE the last two weeks and the crops suf- JSchlag. j and Mrs. Geo. Moeglein, Sr. July 6th:—Gustaf Rocene arrived ter motored out here Monday to spend July 6th:—Mrs. Mary Rossa of Swan- fered greatly on account of the dry ; Robert Larson, who is employed at i Kenneth Martin returned home Mon­ Thursday evening from Missoula. the Fourth. ville, visited at the Anton Rossa home spell. 1 Royalton, spent the Fourth at the day evening from Chicago, where he at­ PROFESSIONAL CARDS Mont, for a visit here with his broth­ Mr. and Mrs. William Gaboury and Monday. Many people from here spent the ; home of his mother, Mrs. Gunda Lar- ers, Ernest and Hjalmar Rocene. little son of Little Falls town visited Services will be held at St. Edward's Fourth at Little Falls or Randall and I son. , . tended a fraternity convention as a del­ ON M. CAMERON, Attorney at Law. Mr. and Mrs. Swensen and children at the Hilding Anderson home last church July 10th at 10 a. m. they report good times at both places. egate from Minnesota University's D Office in First National Bank Bldg~ returned to their home in St. Paul, af­ Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Andersen and "Bon A. G. Nelson, our bee man, now has chapter. ter visiting at the J. P. Johnson home Harvey and Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Ander­ a large number of swacms of the WEST BELLEVUE for a few days. , , Mr. and Mrs. Sfr Barnes of Parker sen. motored to Upsala and Burtrum July 7.-—Mrs. C. Schubert is spends Miss Gertrude Zerwas of Steele, N. -F. SHAW, Lawyer, Probate prac­ Miss Elvira Johnson left for Minne­ town visited at the Gust Sundberg July 4th. - honey .producers and he expects a great tice a Specialty. First NatLonaF home last Sunday. yield of honey. ing several days at the John Timm D., is here this week visiting her par­ E apolis last week, after enjoying __ a Simon Sobieck delivered lambs at Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zimmerman home, in Belle Prairie. ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Zerwas. Bank Building. Little Falls. Minn. short vacation at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Johnson and son Swanville Tuesday for shipment. and children visited relatives at Ran­ F. jW. Dobbyn and family spent July Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnson and chil­ Walfred and Mr. and Mrs. John Ax- Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Kulla and the dall the Fourth. 4th at the J. R. Stone home. Oscar Nelson of Northbranch, for­ mark motored to Pine River last Sun­ Misses Isabella and Loretta Sneizek TEPHEN C. VASALY, Counsellor at dren of Pine River motored' up from A kitchen is being added to the resi­ F. J. Kusterman and family spent merly employed at the Herald, was in S Law. First Mortgage Loans. Office that place Sunday morning for a visit day morning for a visit with the 1ot­ and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wilczek and dence at the Poplar Park Farm. Monday with~relatives in Swan River. the city visiting friends over the with friends here. They returned home ter's son Joel, who resides there. They daughter motored to Opele and Hold- August Blomquist expects to build Mr. and Mrs. Chris Evert spent sev­ in Vasaly Building. Phone 51-J. Monday afternoon after spending the returned home Sunday evening. ingford the first of the week. an addition to his house after he has eral days at the H. Zimmerman home, Fourth. Frank Rossa, Ignatz Bienick, John last week. They returned to their Fourth here. They formerly resided in i A carload of stock was shipped from Maciej. and Stephen, Walter and Mich­ completed haying. Rev. E. S. Estrem and brother Thom­ C* M. A. FORTIER, M. D., C. M. this vicinity before moving to Pine| here last Tuesday through the ship­ The raspberries, currants and straw­ home in Wisconsin Saturday. ael Cichon were fishing at Big Swan Mr. and Mrs. H. Zimmerman and Mr. as, who is spending the summer with ** Graduate of Victoria University,. River. ' ping association to South St. Paul. lake Sunday; berries are ripe 'now, but they are not him, went to Duluth Tuesday to visit Montreal, Canada. Office at residence Mr. and Mrs. Olof Larson and daugh­ Fred Bergstrom accompanied this ship- as plentiful as might be expected. and Mrs. C. Evert visited relatives in corner. Third St.. and Second Ave. ter Mabel, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rocene ment. The Fourth was duly celebrated by Vawter Friday and in Fort Ripley friends for a week. Northeast. and children, Mr. and Mrs. Hjalmar Services will be held in the Swedish our residents. Many people went to RANDALL on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Raymond of Rocene and daughter Eleanor and Congregational church next Sunday, Little Falls to attend the celebration. The annual school meeting will be CITATION FOR HiiARING ON PKTI- Gustaf Rocene motored to Vawtter Sun­ A miscellaneous shower was given- Randall News (1).—One day last held in the Red school house, district Crosby, former residents of this city, the 10th, at 10:30 o'clock, J. P. Johnson at the J. P. Madsen hoihe in Swan Riv­ week several of the Norwegian ladies 5, on July 16, at three o'clock. Every TION TO SELL. MORTGAGE day for a visit at the Andrew Peterson officiating. came down here to spend the Fourth. OR LEASE LAND. er Friday evening for Miss Luella gathered at the J. T. Johnson home in voter should be present. Mr. Raymond returned home Monday Mr.' Moline and Mr. Hedin of Little Haying has commenced in this vicin­ Madsen, who will- be a bride this honor of his mother, Mrs. Bert John­ ESTATE OF HILBERT H. CARL.SOW Falls were callers in this vicinity ity. week. Many handsome and useful son, the occasion being her 70th birth­ night, but his wife remained for a long­ day. Mrs. Johnson has been an invalid CUSHING Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bergstrom and gifts were presented. July 5.—C. E. Sharon started sawing er visit. State of Minnesota.) ^ Thomas Wotaka of Little Falls is children and J. A. Rylander visited The funeral of the late Mrs. Frank for a number of years. One lady pre­ ) * with friends in Darling last week. Belenski was held from the home and sented her with 70 Miiihesota State logs at the Alfred Johnson place west John Laven returned Monday night having a large building erected. He St. Edward's church Saturday morning. flowers. Others took refreshments and of town last week. from a visit with realtives at Faribault County of Morrison.) Mrs. Belenski passed away Wednesday a small purse of money. A pleasant Miss Delsia Goodale spent the first of and Mankato. Mrs. Laven remained at In Probate Court. at a St. Cloud hospital from complica­ time is reported. , the week visiting at her home at Vern— In the Matter of the Estate of Hilbert tions which followed confinement. -She- Mrs. Anna Barnes received word dale. Faribault for a longer visit. H. Carlson, Mrs. F. G. Carlson and children ar­ The State of Minnesota to all persons had been a resident of Elm Dale for Wednesday afternoon of the death of Mrs. Arthur Doucette and children '"••erested in the» sale of certain lands several years. The deceased is surviv­ her sister-in-law, Mrs. Frank Hayes of rived home Thursday from Cliterall, returned Tuesday to Rasthern, Sask., ed by her husband and six children, Backus. Death was due to smallpox, where they have been visiting friends belong-ingr to said decedent. three brothers and three sisters besides and owing to the home being quaran­ and relatives, the past couple weeks. C&K.J after a visit at the S. Doucctte The petition of Emil Carlson, as other realtives and friends. Thomes tined, and the funeral bsing private. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Simones and home in Ripley. representative of the above named Kruzel of Elm Dale is a brother of the Mrs. Barnes was unable to attend. family of Prior lake spent the first The Misses Eleanor and Genevieve decedent, being- duly filed in this deceased. A. W. Oothoudt drove to Wahkon of the week visiting friends and rela­ court, representing that it is necessary Friday, returning Saturday, accompan­ tives at this place. O/Neil returned to Minneapolis ..Sun­ and for the best interests of said estate Immigration Land Co. ied by his parents. His mother is Mrs. A. Hawkinson came up Satur­ day, after attending the funeral of and of all interested therein that cer­ DARLING TOWN quite poorly. She has been sick for day from Minneapolis for a short visit their aunt, Miss Johanna O'Neil^ tain lands of said decedent described several weeks. with her'parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gust therein be sold and praying- that a li­ July 5:—Yes, we got rain this week, Thursday night, several from the Hedlund. l>r, W. S. Putnam of Crosby<t cense be to him granted to sell the HAVE A CHOICE LIST OF and plenty of it, just as haying was Motley and Little Falls Odd Fellows A number from here celebrated the at the ^iome of his parents here jSunday same: - well under way. W!e're glad the rain lodges came here and initiated eleven 4th at Little Falls.
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