1993-1994 Accounting Faculty Directory

1993-1994 Accounting Faculty Directory

1 1993-1994 ACCOUNTING FACULTY DIRECTORY ALPHABETICAL BY SCHOOL NAME RANK PHONE EMail AREA DEGREE STRT Abilene Christian Univ Abilene, Texas 79699-0001 (915)674-2564 Dept of Accounting Box 8305 College of Business BBA,MBA Griggs, Jack Dean 674-2245 Mgt PHD 71 Texas 1-91 Fowler, Bill E. C-As 674-2080 AC MBA 83 Walsh 1992 Wright, William E. Prof 674-2071 GFM PHD 56.Texas &1956 Brown, Michael H. Asst 674-2133 FX MBA 84 Pepperdi &8-91 Bailey, Jill Inst 674-2558 F MBA 91 Abilene &1991 Fair, Joy Inst 674-2080 FM MAS 85 Illinois 1985 on leave U Washington doctoral program Adams State College Alamosa, CO 81102 (719)589-7522 Department of Accounting School of Business BSBA Gilmore, J. Thomas Dean PHD 60 Colo St 1976 Corning, Gerald L. C-Ac 589-7161 MBA #*& Chase, William Prof 589-7676 PHD Curlott, William Prof 589-7303 MA Ellis, Theodore J. Prof 589-7511 PHD Campbell, Julie E. Asst 589-7870 MS Chio, Wade A. Asst 589-7752 MBA 81 Miami U Coolbagh, Carl W. Asst 589-7172 MBA Newell, Randall Asst 589-7477 MT & Weston, Rafael R. Asst 589-7751 PHD Maratinez, Rosalie Inst 589-7576 BS Adelphi University Garden City, NY 11530 (516)877-4607 Dept of Accounting and Law School of Business Adm BBA,MBA,MS Weinstein, Arnold K. Dean 877-4690 weinstei Mktg PHD 73 Columbia 1992 Conway, Grace M. C-Ac 877-4620 VGFM MA 77 NY Soc &1978 Angel, Jack Prof 877-4614 X MS 78 C W Post &1981 Kurlander, Neale Prof 877-4625 FXNM JD 68 NY Law &1962 Waters, Winston Assoc 877-4617 L JD 81 Seton H 1986 Heiman, Frederick D. Asst 877-4619 FPO MBA 58 NYU &1987 Kreitzman, Alan J. Asst 877-4615 MA MBA 69 Adelphi &1977 Novins, Neil L. Asst 877-4612 MA MBA 66 NYU &1979 Adrian College Adrian, Michigan 49221-2575 (517)264-3331 Accounting Faculty Dept of Atg & Bus Adm BBA 265-5161 phone for all Bachman, William C-Pr 265-5161 Mgt ABD 73 Kentucky 8-81 deLespinasse, Doris Prof Ext 4317 FPAR MA 65 Oregon &1979 Coy, David G. Asst Ext 4310 CPSX MBA 83 Toledo &8-88 Air Force Institute of Tech Wright-Patte OH 45433-6583 (513)476-7988 Accounting Faculty Grad Sch of Log & Acqui MS Ext 3375 Schuppe, Tom F. Dean 255-7777 Christensen, David S. Assoc 255-7777 MBCU PHD 87.Nebraska Decker, LaRita Asst 255-7777 MC PHD 92.Indiana Shishoff, John W. Inst 255-7777 ABD Penn St University of Akron Akron, Ohio 44325-4802 (216)972-6588 1966,1976 G.W. Daverio Sch Accountancy College of Business Adm AKRONVM 12 BS,MBA,MX Petersen, Russell J. Dean 972-7442 FJN PHD 71 U Wash &9-89 Keister, Orville R. (Bud) H-Pr 972-6228 r1ork TV PHD 64.Illinois 9-66 Distinguished Professor 2 Karlin, Arthur D. Prof 972-6089 X PHD 64.Illinois 9-71 Kimmell, Dennis Lee Prof 972-6091 r1dlk AS DBA 74.Kent St &9-76 Marquette, R. Penny Prof 972-6233 FGHN DBA 79.Kent St &9-81 KPMG Peat Marwick Fellow Moore, Charles K. (Ken) Prof 972-6230 X PHD 73.Tx Tech &1-73 Sadhwani, Arjan T. Prof 972-6235 r1ats SF PHD 71.Mich St &9-70 Sarhan, Mostafa H. Prof 972-6986 r1mhs MCU PHD 83.Arkansas * 1-83 Cabral, Allen M. Assoc 972-6231 RX LLM 85 Clev St &9-72 Calderon, Thomas G. Assoc 972-6099 r1tgc CMS PHD 87.Va Tech &9-88 Cress, James L. Assoc 972-6090 r1jlc SMP DBA 80.Kent St &9-73 Emore, James R. Assoc 972-6232 UMC DBA 84.Kent St 9-73 Frank, Gary B. Assoc 972-7242 FMA PHD 78 Illinois *&1-85 Kausch, Darlene E. Assoc 972-7120 FA DBA 79.Kent St &9-79 Kim, Il-woon Assoc 972-7461 r1ik CMI PHD 85.Nebraska 1-86 Kimmell, Sharon L. Assoc 972-6088 r1slk FV DBA 86.Kent St &9-81 Lieberman, Alvin H. Assoc 972-6229 XF LLM 86 Akron &9-69 Basu, Onker N. Asst 972-6236 r1omb CFM PHD 92.Penn St 8-91 Conrad, Edward J. Asst 972-6051 r1ejc FM PHD 91.Fla St *&8-91 Ofobike, Emeka Asst 972-6901 r1eoo FV PHD 84.Oregon 9-89 Olsen, David H. Asst 972-6087 DS PHD 93 Arizona 8-93 Sugarman, Linda E. Asst 972-6094 FM MS 68 Hofstra &9-70 Larris, Alan Inst 972-5724 MC MBA 65 Cornell * 1990 Pope, Susan H. Inst 972-5650 DM MBA 78 Ohio St &1990 Zaucha, Bernard F. Inst 972-6092 FM MBA 72 Akron &1990 University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0220 (205)348-8453 1929,1963 Culverhouse Sch of Acctncy Commerce & Bus Adm ALSTON.CBA.UA.EDU 13 BS,MACC,MTA,PHD Mason, J. Barry Dean 348-7443 jmason Mktg PHD 67 Alabama 1967 Howard, Thomas P. D-Pr 348-2907 thoward FGX PHD 78.Ariz St &1-92 Ingram, Robert W. Prof 348-6694 ringram FG PHD 77.Tx Tech &1985 S. J. Ross-H. F. Culverhouse Chair Lee, Thomas A. Prof 348-7915 tlee FAHW DLIT84 Strathcl &1-91 Hugh F. Culverhouse Chair Mason, John O. Jr. Prof 348-2904 jomason AD PHD 69.Missouri &1968 Parker, Lee D. VProf 348-2901 GHMW PHD 83 Monash &8-93 visiting from Flinders University of S Australia Robbins, Walter A. Prof 348-4598 wrobbins NF DBA 82.Tenn &1981 Samson, William D. Prof 348-2903 wsamson XHFU PHD 81.N Carol *&8-84 Schnee, Edward J. Prof 348-2910 eschnee X PHD 73.Mich St &6-82 Board of Visitors Professor and KPMG Faculty Fellow Stone, Mary S. Prof 348-2915 mstone FT PHD 81.Illinois &1981 Ernst & Young Professor Bindon, Kathleen R. Assoc 348-2911 kbindon IX PHD 81.Penn St &1979 Cargile, Barney R. Assoc 348-2917 bcargile FBE PHD 79.Missouri &1978 Dugan, Michael T. Assoc 348-2902 mdugan FT DBA 82.Tenn &1985 Arthur Andersen Faculty Fellow Kee, Robert C. Assoc 348-2909 rkee CS DBA 80.Fla St * 9-78 Roberts, Michael L. Assoc 348-2901 mroberts XAB PHD 88.Geo St &1987 on leave to Price Waterhouse until 8-94; 1251 Ave of Am NY 10020 212-819-5000 Albright, Thomas L. Asst 348-2908 talbrigh M PHD 90.Tenn &1990 Griner, Emmett H. Asst 348-2625 egriner F PHD 91.Maryland &9-90 Klersey, George F. Asst 348-6274 gklersey AB PHD 90.S Calif &1988 Lord, Alan T. Asst 348-8392 alord ASB PHD 89.Case Wes &6-89 Wooldridge, David Adj 348-6131 X LLM 76 NYU 1986 Feld, Louis Adj 348-6131 X LLM 73 NYU 1986 U of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, AL 35294 (205)975-6234 1973,1977 Department of Accounting School of Business UABDPO 13 BS,MAC Newport, M. Gene Dean 934-8810 Mgt PHD 63 Illinois 1971 Rayburn, Frank R. C-Pr 934-8820 FT PHD 74.Alabama *&1990 Alumni & Friends Professor of Accounting Bryant, Keith Jr. Prof 934-8817 M PHD 67 Alabama * 1969 Associate Dean Edmonds, Thomas P. Prof 934-8820 FT PHD 79.Geo St 1986 Robinson, Loudell Ellis Emer 934-8820 1993 PHD 73.Alabama *&1970 Tanju, Murat N. Prof 934-8820 FM PHD 77.Georgia *&1977 Broom, Lowell S. Assoc 934-8820 AN DBA 80.La Tech &1988 3 Helmi, Medhat A. Assoc 934-8820 M PHD 76.Illinois * 1976 Powers, Ollie S. Assoc 934-8820 FV MA 71 Alabama * 1976 Tanju, Deborah W. Assoc 934-8820 FO PHD 81.Georgia #* 1982 Traugh, Helen M. Assoc 934-8820 M PHD 81.Okla St 1981 Tsay, Bor-Yi Assoc 934-8820 SM PHD 86.Houston &1986 Watkins, Frank E. Assoc 934-8820 X PHD 73.LSU &1980 Edmonds, Cynthia D. Asst 934-8820 MP PHD 91.Alabama 1989 Messina, Frank M. Asst 934-8820 S DBA 93.Miss St &1993 Turpen, Richard A. Asst 934-8820 turpenra FA PHD 87.Alabama &1993 U of Alabama in Huntsville Huntsville, AL 35899 (205)895-6328 Dept of Atg & Bus Legal Stds College of Adm Science BS,MSM Billings, C. David Dean 895-6735 Econ PHD 69 Missouri 1981 Porter, Grover L. Prof 895-6571 MS PHD 73.LSU &1985 Bryson, R. Eugene Assoc 895-6024 FHV PHD 76.Geo St &1976 Maddocks, P. Merle Asst 895-6577 ACM PHD 89.Florida 1993 Nix, Wayne E. VInst 895-6980 FX ABD Miss St &1992 Justinger, Herbert L. Lect 895-6599 FM MBA 84 Chicago *&1987 Swann, Allie C. Lect 895-6159 F MAS 71 Al-Hunts 1981 Alabama A&M University Normal, Alabama 35762 (205)851-5839 Accounting Dept Box 429 School of Business BS,BA,MBA Khanna, Haresh C-Ac 851-5489 QMFJ DBA 80 Miss St * 9-77 Flechas, Jorge Assoc 851-5489 NTP DEC 73 Madrid 1978 Gilmore, Rufus III Asst 851-5490 PCF MBA 76 Atlanta 1976 Ohene-Nyako, Eric Asst 851-5489 CPMF MBA 82 Alab A&M 1983 Rabinowitz, Daniel Asst 851-5489 XMN MBA 71 Miss &9-87 Rucker, Charlie Asst 851-5489 ASP MBA 85 Alab A&M &9-83 McQuitter-Banks, Bonnie Inst 851-5489 P MBA 84 Alab A&M 1984 Alabama State University Montgomery, AL 36195-0271 (205)265-9144 Dept of Accounting & Finance College of Business Adm Vaughn, Percy J. Jr. Dean 293-4123 Mktg DBA Tx Tech 1974 Crawford, Jean G. C-Ac 293-4133 TAF PHD 87.Alabama &8-88 Guttikonda, Rama R. Assoc 293-6809 CM PHD 84.Arkansas 1992 Carstens, Robert H.

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