
75 76 产业发展 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT 产业聚势的新突破 整合业态的运筹之道 New Breakthroughs in Industrial Convergence Strategy to Integrate Business Types 中标南昌、重庆和丽江3大线路;新增40多家广州轨道产业联盟会员,推动7家车辆 装备优质企业落户产业园,以产业生态链的平台构建,驱动品牌跃级的发展远见。 Won the bidding of the three major lines of Nanchang, Chongqing and Lijiang; added more than 40 members of Guangzhou Alliance of Metros Industry, promoted 7 enterprises with high-quality vehicle outfitting to settle in the industrial park, and built a platform of industrial ecological chain to drive the leap development of brands. 统筹开展广州及全国城市的 发展广州轨道交通产业 地铁设计工作 联盟会员 Carry out the Design of Subway in Develop members of Guangzhou Guangzhou and other Cities in China Alliance of Rail Transit Industry 多个城市 多家 40 Cities 40 Members 产业发展 产业发展 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT 产业协同 融合外拓 地铁设计 INDUSTRIAL COLLABORATION INTEGRATION AND EXPANSION METRO DESIGN 2019 年经营收入 Business Revenue in 2019 亿元 16.44 RMB Hundred Million 广州轨道交通产业联盟以“政府引导、市场主导、政产 On the basis of "Government guidance, market orientation, and integration of government, industry, education, and research", Guangzhou 学研相融合”为基础,以“合作、共赢、创新、发展”为原 Alliance of Rail Transit Industry following the principle of "Cooperation, win-win, innovation, and development" and relying on the concept of 则,以“促进科技研发、推进产业升级”为依托,全面落实 "promoting the R&D and industrial upgrading", fully implemented the 市政府关于“2019 年底引进 3-5 家企业落户白云神山轨道 requirements of the Guangzhou Municipal Government on "introducing 3-5 enterprises to settle in Baiyun Shenshan Rail Transit Equipment Industrial 交通装备产业园”的要求,强化产业的引进与集聚,主动摸 Park by the end of 2019", strengthened the introduction and agglomeration of industries, proactively identified 22 enterprises with the intention to 查出 22 家有意向落户企业,并提前超额推动 7 家具有一定 settle in, and promoted 7 industry-leading and competitive enterprises 行业领先性和竞争力的车辆装备优质企业在白云神山轨道交 with high-quality vehicle outfitting to settle in the Industrial Park, thereby reinforcing the weak links or missing links in the rail transit industry chain 通装备产业园落户,补强我市轨道交通产业链的薄弱环节或 of Guangzhou, creating demonstration effects and helping to build a "headquarters + base" development layout of the entire industry chain. 缺失环节的同时,形成示范效应,助力打造“总部 + 基地” To further facilitate the "Going Global" of Guangzhou rail transit 全产业链发展布局。 enterprise, in 2019, Guangzhou Metro Group took the lead in studying and completing the Feasibility Report on Establishing the Greater Bay Area 为更好地推动我市轨道交通企业“走出去”,2019 年, Rail Transit Industry Investment Group, and planned to establish a general 广州地铁集团牵头研究并完成《大湾区轨道交通产业投资集 contracting platform of full industry chain on the basis of industrial alliance, hoping to rely on PPP projects or system general contracting projects to 团有限公司可行性分析报告》,计划在产业联盟的基础上组 dominate in Greater Bay Area, and gradually expand the domestic and 建全产业链总承包平台,未来将依托 PPP 项目或系统总承 international markets, thereby driving related enterprises to "go global" to make the industry bigger and stronger. 包项目,聚焦大湾区,逐步拓展国内乃至国际市场,带动关 In 2019, Guangzhou Metro hosted the "50th Anniversary of China 联性企业“走出去”,实现产业做大做强。 Subway Operation" and the Owner Leadership Summit of Urban Rail Transit, organized the conference on innovation and development of metro 获得国家工程设计和工程勘察最高资质综合甲级 2019 年,承办“中国地铁运营 50 周年”暨城轨交通 Acquired National Engineering Design and Engineering Survey Comprehensive Level I Qualification industry to discuss the development of urban rail transit in the new era; 业主领导人峰会,组织轨道交通产业创新发展大会,共商新 took the lead in holding the 2019 China (Guangzhou) Urban Rail Transit Industry Innovation and Development Conference and invited experts and 时代城市轨道交通发展宏 图 ;牵头举办《2019 年中国(广 business leaders at home and abroad to discuss the development plan of In 2019, Guangzhou Metro Design and Research Institute Co., rail transit in the new era. 2019 年,广州地铁设计研究院股份有限公司深入开展“不 州)城市轨道交通产业创新发展大会》,邀请国内外专家院 Ltd. carried out an educational event themed on "Stay True to Our 士与企业领袖共商新时代轨道交通发展大计。 忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育活动,充分发挥总体总包及设计 Mission", giving full play to the total package and design leadership, and implementing the construction of the smart subway demonstration project. 龙头作用,落实智慧地铁示范工程建设,在确保广州中心任务 In the time of ensuring the completion of tasks in Guangzhou, the company conducted overall coordination and strengthened management, orderly 的同时,统筹协调,加强管理,有序推进外地 25 条设计总体 carried out the design of 25 total package and contracted lines in other 总包和设计总承包线路,以及 650 个车站(区间)、400 多个 places, as well as the design tasks of 650 stations (intervals) and over 400 systems, ensuring the high-quality opening of 6 total package lines 系统的设计任务,确保6 条外地总体总包线路(段)高质量开通。 (segments) in other places. The annual operating income reached RMB 1.644 billion, and the pre-tax profit amounted to about RMB 0.279 billion. 全年实现经营收入 16.44 亿元,税前利润约 2.79 亿元。 Guangzhou Metro Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd. attaches great importance to scientific research and innovation. It has successively 广州地铁设计研究院股份有限公司重视科研,推动创新, won 116 awards such as the National Excellent Survey & Design Firm, the 先后荣获全国优秀勘察设计企业、全国优秀勘察设计行业奖、 National Excellent Survey & Design Industry Award, the Tien-yow Jeme Civil Engineering Prize, the China Construction Science & Technology 中国土木工程詹天佑奖、华夏建设科技奖、中国岩土力学与工 Award, the Science & Technology Award of Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics & Engineering, the Science & Technology Progress Award of 程学会科学技术奖、中国城市轨道交通科技进步奖、广东省优 China Urban Metro, the Excellent Engineering Survey & Design Award of Guangdong Province, the Science & Technology Award of Guangdong 秀工程勘察设计奖、广东省土木建筑学会科学技术奖、广东省 Society of Civil Engineering and Architecture, the Science & Technology Award of Guangdong Municipal Industry Association, and the Science & 市政行业协会科学技术奖、江西省科技进步奖等 116 个奖项, Technology Progress Award of Jiangxi Province, and has obtained the 获批国家工程设计和工程勘察的最高资质综合甲级,顺利通过 highest comprehensive qualification Class A of national engineering design and survey, and successfully passed the AAA top certification review, the 质量管理体系升级版 AAA 顶级认证复审和知识产权管理体系 upgraded version of quality management system, and the certification of the intellectual property management system. It has been recognized as 认证,获认定为“广州市总部企业”,牵头编著的《地铁是怎 "Guangzhou Headquarters Enterprise". and has successfully published the AR multimedia science picture book entitled How the Metro Is Designed. 样设计的》AR 多媒体科普绘本成功发布。 神山 - 规划图 Shenshan-Planning 77 78 产业发展 产业发展 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT 地铁监理 地铁咨询 METRO ENGINEERING SUPERVISION METRO ENGINEERING CONSULTING 2019 年经营收入 Business Revenue in 2019 亿元 3.07 RMB Hundred Million 2019 年,监理公司实现经营收入 3.07 亿元,首次突 In 2019, the Supervision Company achieved operating revenue of RMB 307 million, breaking through the RMB 300 million revenue mark for 破 3 亿元。全年完成新中标额3.804 亿元,新签合同额3.95 the first time. In the entire year, the company closed RMB 380.4 million new bids and RMB 395 million newly signed contracts. The number of 亿元,合同保有量再创新高,累计合同额达到 13.58 亿元。 contracts signed was a record high, and the cumulative contract amount 公司已通过质量管理体系(ISO9001)、职业健康安全管理体系(OHSASI8001)、环境管理体系(ISO14001)认证 reached RMB 1.358 billion. During the year, the Supervision Company expanded the third-party The Supervision Company passed the Quality Management System (ISO9001), Occupational Health and Safety 年内,新拓展广州地铁工程保险第三方专业风险管理服 professional risk management service business of Guangzhou Metro Management System (OHSASI8001) and Environmental Management System (ISO14001) certifications Engineering Insurance, and won the bids for several new projects such 务业务,中标广州市轨道交通十一号线及十三五线路车辆监 as Guangzhou Rail Transit Line 11 and the "13th Five-Year Plan" Line 2019 年,是广州中咨公司成立十周年,公司继续深耕 Vehicle Supervision Procurement Project, and the Xiamen Rail Transit 理采购项目、厦门市轨道交通 2 号线机电工程安装施工监督 2019 年经营收入 Line 2 Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Installation and Construction 国内市场,设南昌、厦门和兰州等近 10 个项目部、在执行 Business Revenue in 2019 Supervision and Management Project. The proportion of non-supervision 管理等多个新型业务,非监理业务比例首次突破 40%,转 business exceeded 40% for the first time, marking a remarkable achievement 合同近 100 份,业务市场覆盖全国近 20 个城市,专业涉及 in business transformation and development. 型发展取得明显成效。 The Supervision Company maintained sustained business growth. In 2019, the Supervision Company's ranking among the top 100 supervision 企业管理、工程建设、运营筹备及运维等轨道交通全过程, 公司经营业绩获得持续的增长,2019 年在全国百强监 enterprises in the country moved up to a new high (comprehensive ranking No. 37, among which the core business of municipal services ranked second 各项经营指标完成情况有较大的提升,全年新签合同额为 1 亿 理企业排名再创新高(综合排名 37,其中以市政为主营业 nationwide and rail transit business ranked first nationwide). The Supervision 万元 Company was awarded the title "Guangdong Integrity Demonstration 元,实现经营收入 8,500 万元,为企业下一个十年可持续 8,500 RMB Ten Thousand 务的企业全国排名第二,轨道交通专业全国排名第一)。连 Enterprise" for 10 consecutive years, the title "Guangdong Contract Abiding and Trustworthy Enterprise" for 11 consecutive years, and the honorary 发展打下良好基础。 续十年获评“广东省诚信示范企业”称号、连续十一年获评 title "Guangzhou Key Enterprise in High-end Professional Service Industry in 2018". Its scientific research project titled "Research on Key Technique 广州中咨公司主动参与市场竞争,适应市场发展提供 “广东省守合同重信用企业”、“2018 年度广州市高端专 of Boarding Operation Under Pressure in Shield Construction with Paste The year 2019 marked the 10th anniversary of the founding of HDN" won the first prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of 个性化的需求,特别是在高端咨询服务、信息化项目方面取 Guangzhou Zhongzi Metro Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd (Guangzhou 业服务业重点企业”等荣誉称号;科研项目《盾构施工“衡 Guangdong Province. The projects supervised by the Supervision Company Zhongzi). Guangzhou Zhongzi continued to comprehensively explore won 4 national awards, 8 provincial awards, and 7 municipal
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