
OPERATION DOMINIC I United States Atmospheric Nuclear Weapons Tests Nuclear Test Personnel Review Prepared by the Defense Nuclear Agency as Executive Agency for the Department of Defense HRE- 0 4 3 6 . .% I.., -., 5. ooument. Tbe t k oorreotsd oontraofor that tad oa the book aw ra-ready c I I i I 1 1 I 1 I 1 i I I i I I I i i t I REPORT NUMBER 2. GOVT ACCESSION NC I NA6OccOF 1 i Technical Report 7. AUTHOR(.) i L. Berkhouse, S.E. Davis, F.R. Gladeck, J.H. Hallowell, C.B. Jones, E.J. Martin, DNAOO1-79-C-0472 R.A. Miller, F.W. McMullan, M.J. Osborne I I 9. PERFORMING ORGAMIIATION NWE AN0 AODRCSS ID. PROGRAM ELEMENT PROJECT. TASU Kamn Tempo AREA & WOW UNIT'NUMSERS P.O. Drawer (816 State St.) QQ . Subtask U99QAXMK506-09 ; Santa Barbara, CA 93102 11. CONTROLLING OFClCC MAME AM0 ADDRESS 12. REPORT DATE 1 nirpctor- . - - - Defense Nuclear Agency Washington, DC 20305 71, MONITORING AGENCY NAME AODRCSs(rfdIfI*mI ka CamlIlIU Olllc.) IS. SECURITY CLASS. (-1 ah -*) J Unclassified SCHCDULC 1 i 1 I 1 IO. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES This work was sponsored by the Defense Nuclear Agency under RDT&E RMSS 1 Code 6350079464 U99QAXMK506-09 H2590D. For sale by the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161 19. KEY WOROS (Cmlmm a nm.. mid. I1 n.c...-7 .nd Id.nllh 4 bled nlrmk) I Nuclear Testing Polaris KINGFISH Nuclear Test Personnel Review (NTPR) FISHBOWL TIGHTROPE DOMINIC Phase I Christmas Island CHECKMATE 1 Johnston Island STARFISH SWORDFISH ASROC BLUEGILL (Continued) D. ASSTRACT (carrnr - ".I-.#dm 11 mu- m I&W h NO& lu~r) 1 DOMINIC I was an atmospheric nuclear weapons test series conducted in the Pacific Ocean area in 1962. It included 5 high-altitude shots at Johnston Island, 29 airdrop airburst events near Johnston and Christmas Islands, one Polaris-launched airburst in the Christmas Island area, and one underwater 1 test in the Pacific Ocean off the United States West Coast. This is a report on DOD personnel with an emphasis on operations and radiological safety. 1 I Block 19 Continued FRIGATE BIRD CHETCO OTOWI ADOBE TANANA BIGHORN AZTEC NAMBE BLUESTONE ARKANSAS ALMA SUNSET QUESTA TRUCKEE PAMLICO YUKON YESO ANDROSCOGGIN MESILL4 HARLEM BUMPING MUSKEGON RINCONADA CHAMA ENCINO DULCE CALAMITY SWANEE PETIT HOUSATONIC ! I FACT SHEET WNIC I wa8 a sori- of 36 atmospheric nuclear weapon dotonations hold in the Pacific Ocean fraa April to Novmibmr 1962. Those dotonations aro listd on the tablo on the following pago. They. and the continental DOMINIC 11 1 tests. were the last atIm5pheric nuclear weapon tests conducted by the United States. mst of the DCWINIC I test shots were dOtOMtCd in the alr after having k.n dropped ftm a E-52 bomkr. 'Fwsnty-four Of the airdrops took place fra 25 April through 11 July 0V.r the Oca jUSt south Of Christmas Island. This island is a United Kingdom possession located 1.200 nml (2.224 km) south of Honolulu. Fivo more airdrop8 were dot0Mt.d in October over the open OC.M in the vicinity of Johnston Island. a United States possuxEiOn 780 mi (1,445 k) we~t-~outhwestof Honolulu. Thoso tests -re conducted for the pur- of mpon d.volopp.nt. Plw high-altitudo bursts (up to 400 km) *are loftrd by rockets from Johnston Island and wero designated the PIS- ownts. These ovents wero for the purpor of studying the mffects of nucloar detonations as doferuive weapons against ballistic missilu. In addition. the Navy conducted two nuclear tUtS in the 0P.n 0C.M. the first On 4 about 435 mi (806 h) east of Christmas Island and the Second on 11 My 370 nml (686 km) southrmt of 9an ~iego. California. Tho first, called FUICATII BIRD. WM a missile launched airburst. a proof tut of tho POlaKiS weapon wtom, launched frm the submarine. YSS Et- AlhQ (SSBN-608). Tho Second. Called -FISH. was the test of the Navy ASRCC system. 4 rockot-launchad antisuharine nuclear depth charge. RS in proviou test soriu in the Pacific. a joint military and civilian organization conducted these tuts. Joint TMk Force Sight (JTF 8). JT? 8 was 7 made up of military pars-1 from all the services and civilians fra tho Department of Defense (DOD). the Ataric W.rgy cOmml.bion (m).the U.S. Public Hoalth Service (USPUS). and contractor organizatiom. ColllPandr~ JTF 8 (CJTF 8) WM appointed by tho Joint Chid5 Of Staff (Jes) reported to the AEC M -11 M tho JCS. CTTF 8 was assigned overall ruporuibility €or radiation safety. The i Radsafo Branch. located organizationally in the Operations and Plans Office of Hoadquarters JTP 8. was resporuiblo for overall control of monitoring and de- contamination. issuing radiological safety (radsafe) supplies and equipnent. I maintaining radiac instrwnts, procuring all film bsdgrr. dweloping and intorprating expomad badpa. and maintaining -1atiw radiation oxpoouro KOCOK~S for ocnryono uho WI badgod. Thoso records were compiled and aro ex- tat in a documont rmferred to M the Consolidatad Li Pt Of BXUOSUKOS. This I branch also managed an oxtonsitn offsit. radiation survrillance network on 17 remot0 islands throughout the Pacific Ocean. Task groups. yhich were subordi- . MtO to JTP 8. had c-d rR5ponsibillty for radiological aafoty within thir I OKganiZatiOM. 1 1 -1 DOMINIC I detonattons. 1962 I oat. Test NJM Yield* and Rmmrks ~ I' -~ Sprlng-Slurrr 1962 -- Mapon Oevelopnmt AlrdroPs South of Chr1Stl.s Island (except as noted) 15 Apr ADOBE lnlerudlate 27 Apr kZlEC Interrdlate 2 May ARKANSAS tou mgaton range 4 May OUEETA Intermdlate 6 may FRIGATf BIRD Polaris proof-test. alrburst In Christmas Island Danger Area 8 May YUKON Intermedlale 9 May CIESILLA Interrdlate 11 May MUSKEGON I ntermedla 1e l:i! 11 May WOROFISH ASROC proof-test. low-yleld undarwler burst 310 run1 (686 knl southwest of fan Olego 12 May ENCINO Intermdhte 14 May SWNEE Interadlate 19 May CHETCO Interlrdlate 25 May TANAYA Lou 27 May NMBE tnterlrdlate 8 Jun ALMA Intermdlate -1 9 Jun THUCKEE Interadiate 10 Jun YES0 Lou agaton range i 11 Jun HARLEM Intermdlate 15 Jun RINCOYAOA Intermediate Fi 11 Jun OULCE Intermdlate 19 Jun PflJl LOU ! 22 Jun OTOWI Intermdlate 21 Jun BIGHORN Megaton range 30 Jun BLUESlOYE LW mgaton range r 8 Jul STARFISH FISHBOWL shot. 1.4 Ml at 400 ktn over Johnston Island 10 Jul SUNSET Intermdlate 11 Jul PAMLICD LW mgaton range r Aut- 1961 .. Conducted In the Johnston Island Danger Ared 2 Oct AYOROSCOGGIY Intermdlate-yleld alrdrop 6 Oct BUMPING Lou-yield alrdrop I7 I 18 Oct CHAM Lou mgaton range alrdrop 19 Ott CHECKlUlt FISHBWL shot. iw-yieia. tens of kll&terS over Johnston Island 25 Oct BLUEGILL FISHBOWL shot. submegaton. tens of kllolcters over Johnston Island 21 OCl CALAMITY Intermdiate-yleld alrdrop 30 act HOUSAlONIC Megaton range alrdrop 1 NOV KINGFISH FISHBOWL shot, suhgaton. lens of kilometers over Johnston Island 3 NOW llGHlHOPf bIsnsOYL shot. lor-yleld, lens of kllanetCrS over Johnston - Island - Note: a Lou Yleld .- less than 20 KI; Intermdlate yleld .- 20 to 200 KI: submegaton .- less than 1 MT but more than 200 KT; mgaton range -- nearly 1 111: lou megaton range ~ 1 to aevera1 111. Source: Referent. ~.3. i; 2 $c. .- - ~ilmbadges wro issuod to ovotyono who ma atationod on ChriatPar and johnston island8 and all Navy shim diroctly involvod with tho tests. P.C.ON on r-to island8 mnitoriw for radiation OK conducting oxporimnts wro not badgod. of tho 0v.r 28.000 participants in OCHXWIC, over 25.000 wro badgod. 1 ~roiuuod for oxt.nd.d porioda to onsuro that all pouiblo oxmauro. was rUOKdd. J mauu all but ono of tho .hots YKO airburst.. thoKO was littlo or no fallout probla and 110 rridual radicltlon aroa around tho .urfaco zoro. Al- thou* swfu)~ISH. tho und.wtor .hot. produced no fallout it did croatr a short-livd KaddiOaCtiY. baa0 SUKW and a PO01 Of Kadioactiw mtor around tho &tation. ThO b80 NKW di8Sipat.d in 1.U than an hw;, tho pool dia- sipatod aftor a fow &w. J IIY gonoral. film badg. roadinga wro la. only 842 (3 porcont) of tho 25,399 badg.d poKtiClPOntS hd O-UKO gr0at.K than 0.5 rO.ntgUI8 (R). Of t-. 56 oxporruroa ~roover 3.0 8: 2 Army. 4 Navy and Navy civilians, 49 Air Force. and 10th.; ClVillan. Tin 08tabllPh.d JTF 8 -1- P.rmi8Siblo Exposu;o (WE) was 3.0 8. n 2 ~h.two ~rmymon with ow; 3.0 R oxposuro rcvwd with tho unit that docon- tdnatod tho aircraft involvod in cloud .sgling and LU auch wro authorizod an Of 20.0 R. All tho Air Forco poraOMOl 0V.C 3.0 R -KO a8aOclat.d with cloud sampling (crow. maintenance. -10 r-al. or docontamhation) and YKO a1.o authorizod an ?WE of 20.0 P boforo tho oporation atartod. Tin higinat total mcpoauro rocordd in this group WM 11.682 R; thia was also tho higinat for tho ontlro operation. Thoro wro 19 othor Air FOKCToxpoaurr OVIK 10.0 P. g&Iavy poraonrWl r.cording 0Y.K 3.0 R YKO On (ATF-15), Which y..T imrolvod in collocting -loa of mpon dobria from tho radioactiw pool of wtor croatod by tho undowtor -FISH ahot. Thia group vma alld M WR of 1.0 P. Bvidonco oxists that many of tho badgoa vorn by poraonnol during wllwc a ~rodofoctiwly -1.d and rocordad dnuity changoa duo to ~~isturo.light. and bat in addition to nueloar radiation. A 1919-1980 roovaluation of 1,349 OUUNIC I film badgoa shobmd that 45 porcont oxhibitod .Q.
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