Uild This Satellite TV Receiver TV Fault Findingvcr Clinic

Uild This Satellite TV Receiver TV Fault Findingvcr Clinic

£1 ervicingthe Finlux 1000 Chassis uild this Satellite TV Receiver DX-TVCD Player Casebook Servicing the Fisher FVH-P520 VCR The History of BBC Stereo TV TV Fault FindingVCR Clinic eo% ts) of 0 C3 z, c? d>,0 bc\'' 0). 0+ gfe 0 el 0 04cSties vev, C.O.P. S. 0734-311969 sk December Vol. 42, No. 2 1991 Issue 494 On sale November 20th 2Q11....s; COPYRIGHT C) ReedBusinessPublishingLtd.,1991. this month Copyright in all drawings, photographs and articlespublishedinTelevisionisfully 93Leader protected and reproducution or imitation in whole or in part is expressly forbidden. All 94Teletopics reasonable precautions are taken by News, comment and developments. Television to ensure that the advice and 98More on the Panasonic G Deck M.P. Prakash R. Lewis datagiventoreaders arereliable. We Fault notes on models that use the G deck. cannothowever guaranteeitand we cannot acceptlegalresponsibility forit. 100 TV Fault Finding Prices are those curent as we go to press. Reports from Philip Blundell, AMIEIE, E.M. Beddow, Brian Storm, Ed Rowland, Steve Cannon, Michael Dranfield, Ian Bowden, David W. Sergeant, Alan Smith and Hugh CORRESPONDENCE MacMullen. Allcorrespondenceregardingadvertise- ments should be addressed to the Ad- 102Satellite TV Receiver Project, Part 1 C. W. Murray vertisement Manager, "Television", Quad- Circuit, component and board details for a simple satellite rant House, The Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey TV receiver using an Astec i.f. module. Constructional and SM2 5AS. Editorial correspondence should setting up details will follow in Part 2. beaddressedto"Television",Editorial 108Servicing the Fisher FVH-P520 VCR John Coombes Dept.,Reed BusinessPublishing Group, Fault-finding procedures for common fault conditions with Quadrant House, The Quadrant, Sutton, this popular VHS model. Surrey SM2 5AS. 110Micro Clinic Roger Burchett Servicing tips on popular microcomputers. INDEXES AND BINDERS Indexes to Vols. 37 and 38 are available at 110Letters £1 each from the Editorial office (address 111 Next Month in Television above). Photostats of the indexes to Vols. 31-36 can be supplied at £1each. Make 113 What a Life! Donald Bullock chequesetc.payable to Reed Business Mainly VCRs that do crazy things. Publishing Ltd. 115The History of BBC Stereo TV Keith Hamer and Garry Smith Bindersthatholdtwelve issuesof The BBC's Nicam stereo service officially started on August Televisionareavailablefor£4.50 from 31st. But the BBC had been experimenting with various Television Binders, 78 Whalley Road, stereo sound techniques for several decades before that. A Wilpshire, Blackburn BB1 9LF. Make brief history of the BBC's efforts in this fieid. cheques out to "Television Binders". 117 CD Player Casebook Fault reports from Mike Leach, Brian Storm and Savio SUBSCRIPTIONS DaCosta. An annual subscription costs £21.60 in the UK, £25.50 overseas (by surface mail - ask 118 VCR Clinic for airmail quote if required). Send orders Reports from Philip Blundell, AMIEIE, Brian Storm, Ed Rowland, J. Edwards, Savio DaCosta, Mick Dutton, Michael with payment toQuadrant Subscription Dranfield and Graham Richards. Services Ltd., Oakfield House, Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath, Sussex, RH16 3DH. 122Servicing the Finlux 1000 Chassis Steve Cannon There are few common faults with this reliable chassis but BACK NUMBERS servicing is simplified when you know about the most likely Subjecttoavailability,copiesofissues causes of fault symptoms. Servicing notes plus power supply circuitry. published during the last 12 months are availableat£2.50 each from Television 125Life at The TV Workshop John Hopkins Back Issues, Room L333, Quadrant House, A successful small TV/video business at Felixstowe. It helps The Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5AS. when your wife has the C and G qualifications! Make cheques/postalorderspayableto 126Long-distance Television Roger Bunney Reed Business Publishing Ltd. DX conditions and reception and news from abroad. Satellite DXing possibilities. QUERIES At the CD -I Launch George Cole We regret that we cannot answer technical 128 CD -I could be the biggest thing in the TV world since the queriesoverthe telephonenor supply advent of the domestic VCR. The system was launched service sheets. We will endeavour to assist during October in the US market. readers whohavequeriesrelatingto articlespublishedinTelevision,but we 129Test Case 348 cannot offer advice on modifications to published designs nor comment on alterna- OUR NEXT ISSUE DATED JANUARY WILL tive ways of using them. BE PUBLISHED ON DECEMBER 18 TELEVISION DECEMBER 1991 81 MUROMMIgggst&WPWagguiWUR 4.??,51Iths1m" asT4Pm##mmIllaggma#m. ,,f.1.,14agwan wswmaaggaammannammag&magggiggam :-kqRF=RFRRRRRR:inFiRRRRR,I;=_ggRgg..1g.''..AgreinRRHIEILIEHEHOHEIppliipre..-44n4i4-4T4(Wig7ar4r44,4ANZZIAN4,n4444.4;4gNmrat4m 411pllliph Philiii188MARA4Q4:44S221Sge-A44W,V=Z4VirOV;4ggWgi..KR44XPAM;g2EggUPPRPPRPOPOPOPPROMPPROP FeUPPggRAPAW.gAg2g hudnipli M WOOMAAMOOMMOOMMAAMOMOM00000§§§1§1;±:§g05NIEHigiAMEEHRIRGIRwshWa549,9,94g,:'=.2.94ARggggn4g4gM9,44,94V".1"M:2425MS C) IMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIMMI11111111111WWWWW11111111111111111111=111111111111,111WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW11AmAA . .- 2 MIIIIIMMINNIMIlliii01111111iiiiilliniliiiiia=g111111111111111111111E1111111111M111110111111111111111110111MnOW4505E,WEnEZEMMUMREEUSEMEkEEEEHEOMM.EEHEEE.M%g.EgEMEEEMEMEEpRRggg..5gggggwgggRgnnnn:in:ignnnnn,IngnnulorompouWgkmArfliggillionliii;:g:Nagliiii./5igir....mmsNNNN 3 nss. s .E660sRm-Rst-w--2§.40.0.0.L_9R.FARLoNL MaiINET11111111111=41111111111111111111111111111MMIliki"""WPIE!!!1111111111111111:0111111111=1=111111M11111111111111.4111 gimPROIRIR IMMINIUMBifml!!!!ElMEWWWWWWWWWWIMIII14111MUM22 h6in 33 111111111111111m5m 51g,===6ggg5,5E6ggiihrEIggggggEW!II !HIM naPPWRiaffiffmnauli ddaag1 X113333-g8AIYMWT 3fifff3 .-.-.-2a"""!1"1-1111111111112"7187M111111111111111r1141"1"""4"94" 11111111111f11111114111fligilfffilififill1111111111if33 sas-05555555555 2- SSSS A AAA! 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