PAGE FOURTEEN-B ^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Thurs.. June 16. 1977 Wickham Park The weather Partly cloudy today, chance of after­ Inside today trustees will noon or evening showers or thundershowers. High upper 70s to mid Area news ... 10-12 Editorial .............4 oppose 1-291 80s. Variable cloudiness, hazy, warm, Classified ... 14—20 F am ily............ 6-8 humid tonight and Saturday. Low Com ics..............21 O bituaries......... 22 tonight in 60s, highs Saturday in 80s. Dear Abby........21 S ports............ 13-14 The trustees of Wickham Park plan Rain probability Saturday 40%. Manchester-—A City of Village Charm to express their opposition to the National weather map on Page IS. state’s plan to take a portion of the TWENTY*TW0 PAGES MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 17,1977- VOL. XCVI, No. 218 > park tor construction of a segment of PRICE* FirrCEN CENTS 1-291 at a public hearing on the highway proposals Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at Nathan Hale School. The 200 a c re park in both Manchester and East Hartford is in a trust held by Hartford National Bank Seabrook okayed which administers the park under the supervision of the probate court in Manchester. WASHINGTON (UPI) - En­ expertise of EPA scientists in hotter than normal seawater vironmental Protection Agency chief The trustees are disturbed at the reaching his decision. temperatures. Douglas Costle today rejected en­ nearness of the proposed highway, “I have determined that the record ’The regional EPA ruling which and with the noise and visual distur­ vironmental arguments and ap­ is adequate to reach a decision that Costie oveHurned had expressed bances the highway will cause., ac­ proved a cooling system for the the proposed cooling system does fears that many fish and marine Seabrook, N.H., nuclear plant, cording to Probate Judge William meet the test set forth in the law,” he animals would be sucked in with the FitzGerald. clearing the way to lift a construction said. cooling water and “fried” in the ban. Costle’s ruling overturned a reactor. It also said ocean life would The Department of Transportation In his 48-page decision and accom­ November, 1976, decision by the EPA be damaged by the hot water dis­ proposes taking 6.5 acres of the panying statement, Costle noted the regional administrator in Boston, charge. extreme northeast comer of the plant had become the national sym­ who halted plant construction Costle, however, ruled that it park. The highway would be about 1,- bol for opposition to nuclear power 000 feet from the park’s tennis because he felt there was too little in­ already had been demonstrated that Cadette Scouts of Troop 10 who recently received their First Class badges are, from left / courts. since 1,414 protestors were arrested formation to judge the ecological im­ ocean life would be adequately over the May Day weekend for oc­ protected. The trustees are already on record pact of the plant’s hot water dis­ »> «iT to right, Karen Wojnarowski, Carole Mackenzie, Laurie Patarini, Cynthia Miller and Don­ cupying the plant site. charge. He ordered the Boston EPA office, in writing with the DOT, opposing the na Johnson. Laurie Martens and Lori Thurston, who also received the badge, were absent “ However,” Costle said, “the deci­ Today’s decision is certain to draw however, to determine what ad­ land takeover, Robert Johnston, when this picture was taken. (Herald photo by Dunn) sion before me...was an extremly a sham protest from the Clamshell ditional conditions should be added to trust officer from the bank for the narrow one.” Alliance, a coalition of environmen­ future discharge permits for park, said today. He said the trustees He said his sole duty was to deter­ tal groups that opposes the plant and Seabrook to assure protection of fish, knew about the proposed takeover of mine if the record of past hearings on that organized the occupation of the clams and other ocean life. the park land about two months ago. Seabrook showed that heated water plant cite last month. In addition, Costle said the seafloor The plans for the highway have Girl Scout troop conducts discharged by the plant would not Seabrook —'a twin-reactor, 2,300- intake tunnel for the cooling system been recently changed to accom­ harm ocean life and that the magawatt power plant on the New should be 7,000 feet offshore rather modate Manchester’s new industrial proposed cooling water Intake Hampshire coast — is designed to than 3,000 feet as orginally proposed. park on Tolland Tpke. The highway “reflect the best technology for suck in 1.2 billion gallons of seawater Seabrook is being built by the Court of Awards ceremonyplans were moved south which in­ minimizing adverse environmental from the ocean floor each day to cool. Public Service Co., of New cluded the portion of Wickham Park. impacts.” its reactors. The water will be Hampshire and is schduled to start Costle said he had relied on the returned to the ocean 39 degrees The First Class Badge, the highest da Johnson, Elizabeth Phelps and producing electricity in the mid- tree to the town social service, 1980s. honor in Cadette girl scouting, Laura Webb. served at church supper, planted Past year*s achievements recounted recently was presented to seven A rededication ceremony was con­ flowers in the DAR fountain, and St. John's Sunday members of Troop 10 at a Court of ducted by Laurie Patarini, Janet received a certificate of appreciation New ^Cherry picker* in use Norman Fendell, director of the Regional Occupational Train Center, briefly reviewed Awards in the Parish Hall of St. Crealey and Susan Ogrodnik. During from the James L. Goodwin Forest commemoration the past year of the facility and its plans for the coming year as part of the school's first M a^’s Episcopal Church before an the ceremony Diana Beaulieu, Lisa Conservation Center in Hampton for set by Masons The new bucket attachment on the Town of Manchester Fire Proponents outnumbered graduation in its new facility at 655 Wetherell St., Manchester. He praised the people in the audience of 130 parents and friends. Christensen, Angela Dolce, Linda planting of a fern garden showing Department truck was put to use this week stringing wire on community who played a major role in bringing the facility into being and said he hoped the Daignault, Patricia Hollingsworth, several different species and the Masons from Manchester Lodge Hartford Rd. to ailow New Hope Manor tie into the town’s fire graduation Thursday night was the beginning of a tradition for the school. Seated center is Receiving the award were Donna Michelle Hawthorne, Carol Ingle, planting of white pine seedlings. and Friendship Lodge plan to com­ Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sharon Martin, Tammy McGee, Cin­ alarm system. In the bucket is fire fighters Bob Barker. Ed at DOT hearing on 1-291 Dr. James P. Kennedy, superintendent of Manchester schools, who awarded the graduation Knowing Myself Challenge pins were memorate St. John’s Sunday by Howard Johnson of 561 Bush Hill dy Munroe, Della Schatzman, present^ to the graduating ninth attending church service together at Swanson, alarm superintendent is in front of the truck (Photo certificates, and Allan B. Chestppfon, right, director of student personnel services. (See Rd.; Carole Mackenzie, daughter of AUyson Siwik, Linda Stermer and graders. Center Congregational Church at 10 by Skoglund) one inch ol park land. The taking of other pictures on Page 5) (Herald photo by Larson) Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mackenzie of 24 By GREG PEARSON he will feel “surrounded” by roads at Ann Stroup were admitted to the Skits were presented by the a.m. Sunday, June 19. 6.5 acres is more than the one inch I his W. Middle Tpke. location. Hunter Rd.; Laurie Martens, troop. Herald Reporter seventh graders. ’The eighth graders There will be a breakfast of eggs, said we would never give,” Mrs. “That’s one of the reasons I left daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Proficiency badges were presented gave gag gifts to the ntoth graders. ham and home fries served as the marlin ltd. Manchester residents Thursday Parla said. Martens of 138 Cushman Dr.; night expressed opposition to the loss Los Angeles,” he said by Mrs. Everett Kelsey and Gail The ninth graders read the troop will Masonic Temple from 8:30 a.m. to She called 1-291 an unnecessary Another speaker against the Cynthia Miller, daughter of Mr. and Ovistensen to Sue Beauregard, An­ of Wickham Park property and other road.” Certificates and awards and presented the troop with a 9:15. All Masons, their families and *>■ Cj»f| highway was Michael Dworkin, of 256 Mrs. Daniel Miller of 54 Leland Dr. drea Brown, Krista Brown, Debbie wooden kitchen box that they had friends are invited. There is a dona­ environmental problems that they Dr. Spaulding said, “It seems Also, Laurie Patarini, daughter of Ihi>,. kii,' •. 1 said would result from the proposed Ludlow Rd., and a member of the Burgess, Janet Crealey, Elizabeth made in their bandywoman classes tion for the breakfast. we’re going through an era of gross Manchester Environmental Coali­ Mr. and Mrs. Valentino Patarini of 57 Cook, Georgeanne Ebersold, Laura conducted by Donald hbckenzie and Reservations may be made with construction of 1-291. overdesign and perhaps gross mis- Constance Dr.; Lori Thurston, ^ S W I A ^ ^ About 75 people attended the tion. Gatzkiewicz, Diane Hampton, Valentino Patarini. They also Russ McClelland of Manchester design of highways. given at ROTC graduation daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.B. He said that the Hartford area has Rebecca Harris, Karin Hoover, presented Jean and Mrs.
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