Northern shortfin squid (Illex illecebrosus) fishery footprint on the Northeast US continental shelf Brooke L. Wright1*, Andrew Jones1, Anna Mercer1, John Manderson2 1Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Cooperative Research Branch *Lead Author: [email protected] 2OpenOcean Research Introduction Illex illecebrosus (hereafter Illex) live less than one year, die soon after spawning, and have recruitment that is highly variable and largely influenced by environmental conditions (Dawe and Beck 1997; Hendrickson, 2004). Since 1996, NEFSC assessments of this squid stock have recommended in-season assessment and fishery management to ensure sufficient spawner escapement from the U.S. fishery each year to provide for adequate recruitment levels in the subsequent year (Hendrickson et al., 1996). Subsequent stock assessments have applied depletion-based models (using a weekly time-step) using tow-based Illex fishery CPUE data, reported electronically by Illex fishermen in real-time (Hendrickson et al., 2002), to demonstrate the utility of this type of management regime (NEFSC, 1999; NEFSC 2003; NEFSC 2006). The 1999 stock assessment also used fishing effort and a crude measure of Illex habitat in order to estimate a lower bound on population size and upper bound on fishing mortality (NEFSC 1999). Given the limited information available, U.S. management has set the Acceptable Biological Catch at the highest observed catches because catches in that range do not appear to have caused the fishery to decline in the past (MAFMC SSC 2018 report). Illex range from south of Cape Hatteras to Labrador and occupy continental shelf to slope sea habitats which they use as spawning, nursery and feeding grounds (O'Dor and Dawe, 2013; Roper et al., 2010). In the spring, some proportion of the Illex stock migrate inshore from the shelf edge to occupy summer and fall feeding and spawning (Hendrickson, 2004) habitats on the US and Canadian continental shelf and in waters managed by the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO), while the remaining proportion of adults and juveniles remain in the shelf slope sea (e.g., Rathjen, 1981; Roper et al., 2010; Shea et al., 2017). In the fall, squid using the shelf migrate off-shelf to an unknown winter spawning grounds (Hendrickson and Holmes, 2004). Analyses of spatial patterns of sexual maturity using US and Canadian shelf-wide surveys and fisheries-dependent biosampling collections indicate that Illex squid migrate onto and off of the continental shelf at approximately the same maturity stages and sizes in US and Canadian waters at approximately the same time (NEFSC, 1999, pg 246). The US and Canadian fisheries are prosecuted exclusively on the continental shelf (Hendrickson and Showell, 2019). Thus, based on the pattern of wavelike migration and the distribution of fishing, the squid do not appear to be vulnerable to the fishery at a single chokepoint on the continental shelf (NEFSC, 1999). Under the assumption that the squid move onto and off of the US shelf in waves, and not through chokepoints (NEFSC, 1999), the vulnerability of Illex to the fishery can be roughly 1 approximated in two dimensions by the ratio of the area fished, Af, to the area occupied by the species, Ao. This is a spatial estimate of the proportional availability ρ=Af/Ao of the stock to the fishery. This index of availability can be used as a proxy for estimating the order of magnitude of proportional fishing mortality Fproxy if the assumption above holds. The complement of ρ (i.e. 1- ρ, or 1- Af/Ao) is the proportion of the area occupied by the species that is not fished. This statistic can be viewed as a spatial index of proportional escapement of the species from the fishery. Illex occupies an area much larger than the Northeast US continental shelf, but there are limited data from the entirety of the species range. Thus, we adopted a conservative approach to develop estimates of availability to the fishery (ρ), and proportional escapement (1-ρ) by confining analysis to fishery and fishery independent survey data collected in US continental shelf waters where the fishery is well monitored and routine bottom trawl surveys are conducted. The shelf slope sea is not routinely surveyed and although shelf-wide bottom trawl surveys are conducted in Canadian waters where Illex is abundant, effort data are not available for the Canadian inshore jig fishery (Hendrickson and Showell, 2019). We therefore did not include the shelf slope sea and Canadian shelf waters in our analysis. Thus, our estimates of availability to the fishery (ρ) are likely overestimated while estimates of proportional escapement (1-ρ) are underestimated. Data Bottom trawl surveys are conducted in the fall in offshore waters by the Northeast Fishery Science Center (NEFSC) and inshore waters by the Northeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program (NEAMAP) and by state agencies of Maine and New Hampshire (Figure 1). The NEFSC fall survey is conducted in September through November, and tows are made during both day and night. The survey follows a stratified random design, and used a standardized Yankee 36 trawl prior to 2009 and a three-bridle, four-seam trawl thereafter. The vessel used for conducting the survey transitioned from the Albatross to the Bigelow in 2009, following a calibration study in 2008 (Miller et al. 2010). The NEFSC bottom trawl survey gear and protocols are described in Politis et al. (2014). The NEAMAP fall survey is conducted in September through October, and tows are made during the day. The NEAMAP survey follows a stratified random design and uses a trawl with the same design as used in the surveys conducted by the H. B. Bigelow, but with a three-inch cookie sweep instead of a rockhopper sweep . Full details of the survey protocols are described in Bonzek et al. (2017). The ME/NH fall survey is conducted in October through November, and tows are made during the day. The survey follows a stratified random design, and uses a modified shrimp net design. For a complete description of the ME/NH survey sampling protocols, see Sherman et al. (2005). The surveys used for this analysis have limited spatial overlap, which could be problematic for teasing apart differences in spatial effects versus vessel effects on catch abundance. For this application, however, we are considering only presence and absence of Illex, so the impact of variable survey catchability is minimal. All bottom trawl survey data were filtered to account for Illex catchability and ecological dynamics as described below. Each of the surveys are designed for multispecies sampling and, 2 thus, use different gear than the Illex fishery. The survey gear likely has a low catchability for Illex; therefore, catch information was reclassified as presence/absence data for this analysis. Furthermore, Illex exhibit diel vertical migration and are typically associated with bottom water during the day. The fall survey is conducted near the end of the Illex fishing season. The spring survey occurs during the period of northward and onshore migration, and hence, the proportion of positive tows and relative abundance indices for the spring survey are much lower than for the fall survey (NEFSC, 2006). As a result, the fall surveys are used in assessments to estimate stock size (NEFSC, 1999). Consequently, we only used data from NEFSC fall survey tows from 2000-2019 during “daytime” hours, which we defined for filtering purposes as between the hours of 06:00 and 18:59 EST. After filtering the NEFSC survey data using these criteria, we were left with a data set of 3,213 tows from the NEFSC surveys, 3,561 NEAMAP tows, and 3,284 tows from the ME/NH survey (Table 1). Vessel Trip Report (VTR) data were provided by the Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office (GARFO) and used to characterize the area fished by the Illex fishery. Records of fishing locations for trips that reported any Illex landings were aggregated to five-minute squares for each year from 2000 through 2019 (Table 2). This approach is at a finer scale than the ten-minute square regularly used to characterize the spatial dynamics of the Illex fishery (Hendrickson 2019). Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) data were considered for this analysis, but complete years were only available from 2017-2019. Methods The shortfin squid habitat area was estimated based on a Vector Autoregressive Spatio-Temporal (VAST) model (Thorson 2019). The NEAMAP, ME/NH, and NEFSC fall survey data were used in the model to determine the area of the US shelf waters occupied by Illex squid based on probability of occupancy. Thus, this analysis produced Ao, the denominator used to compute proportional availability to the fishery (and its complement, the area of escapement). Area swept is accounted for directly and a vessel effect is included to account for efficiency differences. The spatial information from the survey data were used to determine the region used in the spatial component of the model (although a “Northwest Atlantic” region is available as a preset region in the VAST package, it is limited to the federal survey; therefore, we specified the region as “Other” to allow the program to determine an appropriate sampling region based on the input data). The user specifies the number of “knots,” which are used as the sampling locations for the VAST model. VAST uses a k-means clustering algorithm to minimize the distance between samples and knot (i.e. the knots are allocated over the spatial domain of the survey region relative to the density of observations. The knots are used to define a Voronoi tessellated surface, and the spatial component of each prediction point is assigned based on the value at the knot of its corresponding Voronoi tile (or when using the “fine scale” method, the values are based on averaging of the values of knots of surrounding tiles).
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