Office of the Secretary of Transportation Pt. 71 seismic design and construction re- ed in paragraph (b) of this section, in quirements of this part. their entirety, without significant revi- (b)(1) The following are model codes sions or changes in the direction of less which have been found to provide a seismic safety, meet the requirements level of seismic safety substantially in this part. For ordinances that do not equivalent to that provided by use of adopt the model codes listed in para- the 1988 National Earthquake Hazards graph (b) of this section, substantial Reduction Program (NEHRP) Rec- equivalency of the ordinances to the ommended Provisions (Copies are seismic safety level contained in the available from the Office of Earth- NEHRP recommended provisions must quakes and Natural Hazards, Federal be determined by the DOT Operating Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Administration before the ordinances Street, SW., Washington, DC 20472.): may be used to meet the requirements (i) The 1991 International Conference of this part. of Building Officials (ICBO) Uniform (e) DOT Operating Administrations Building Code, published by the Inter- that, as of January 5, 1990, required national Conference of Building Offi- seismic safety levels higher than those cials, 5360 South Workman Mill Rd., imposed by this part in new building Whittier, Cal. 90601; construction programs will continue to (ii) The 1992 Supplement to the Build- maintain such levels in force. ing Officials and Code Administrators (f) Emergencies. Nothing in this part International (BOCA) National Build- applies to assistance provided for emer- ing Code, published by the Building Of- gency work or for assistance essential ficials and Code Administrators, 4051 to save lives and protect property and West Flossmoor Rd., Country Club public health and safety performed pur- Hills, Ill. 60478–5795; and suant to sections 402, 403, 502, and 503 of (iii) The 1992 Amendments to the the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief Southern Building Code Congress and Emergency Assistance Act (Staf- (SBCC) Standard Building Code, pub- ford Act), 42 U.S.C. 5170a, 5170b, 5192, lished by the Southern Building Code and 5193, or for temporary housing as- Congress International, 900 Montclair sistance programs and individual and Rd., Birmingham, Ala. 35213–1206. family grants performed pursuant to (2) Versions of the NEHRP seismic Sections 408 and 411 of the Stafford maps have been adopted along with the Act, 42 U.S.C. 5174 and 5178. However, NEHRP Recommended Provisions into this part applies to other provisions of the BOCA National and SBCC Standard the Stafford Act after a Presidentially building codes. The seismic zone map declared major disaster or emergency in the ICBO Uniform Building Code is when assistance actions involve new construction or total replacement of a also based on one of the USGS maps of building. horizontal ground acceleration. How- ever, the ICBO map should be used only § 41.125 Judicial review. with the ICBO code. Also, it is not ap- propriate to use the NEHRP maps with Nothing in this part is intended to the ICBO Uniform Building Code, be- create any right or benefit, substantive cause the design requirements of build- or procedural, enforceable at law by a ing codes are keyed to the numerical party against the DOT, its Operating values of the map they reference. Administrations, its officers, or any (c) Revisions to the model codes list- person. ed in paragraph (b) of this section that are substantially equivalent to or ex- PART 71—STANDARD TIME ZONE ceed the then current or immediately BOUNDARIES preceding edition of the NEHRP rec- ommended provisions, as it is updated, Sec. may be approved by a DOT Operating 71.1 Limits defined; exceptions authorized Administration to meet the require- for certain rail operating purposes only. 71.2 Annual advancement of standard time. ments in this part. 71.3 Atlantic zone. (d) State, county, local, or other ju- 71.4 Eastern zone. risdictional building ordinances adopt- 71.5 Boundary line between eastern and cen- ing and enforcing the model codes, list- tral zones. 661 VerDate Mar<15>2010 10:00 Dec 22, 2010 Jkt 220212 PO 00000 Frm 00671 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220212.XXX 220212 jdjones on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with CFR § 71.1 49 CFR Subtitle A (10–1–10 Edition) 71.6 Central zone. § 71.2 Annual advancement of stand- 71.7 Boundary line between central and ard time. mountain zones. 71.8 Mountain zone. (a) The Uniform Time Act of 1966 (15 71.9 Boundary line between mountain and U.S.C. 260a(a)), as amended, requires Pacific zones. that the standard time of each State 71.10 Pacific zone. observing Daylight Saving Time shall 71.11 Alaska zone. be advanced 1 hour beginning at 2:00 71.12 Hawaii-Aleutian zone. 71.13 Samoa zone. a.m. on the first Sunday in April of 71.14 Chamorro Zone. each year and ending on the last Sun- day in October. This advanced time AUTHORITY: Secs. 1–4, 40 Stat. 450, as amended; sec. 1, 41 Stat. 1446, as amended; shall be the standard time of each zone secs. 2–7, 80 Stat. 107, as amended; 100 Stat. during such period. The Act authorizes 764; Act of Mar. 19, 1918, as amended by the any State to exempt itself from this re- Uniform Time Act of 1966 and Pub. L. 97–449, quirement. States in two or more time 15 U.S.C. 260–267; Pub. L. 99–359; Pub. L. 106– zones may exempt the easternmost 564, 15 U.S.C. 263, 114 Stat. 2811; 49 CFR time zone portion from this require- 1.59(a), unless otherwise noted. ment. SOURCE: Amdt. 71–11, 35 FR 12318, Aug. 1, (b) Section 3(b) of the Uniform Time 1970, unless otherwise noted. Act of 1966 (15 U.S.C. 260a(b)) provides that ‘‘it is the express intent of Con- § 71.1 Limits defined; exceptions au- gress***to supersede any and all thorized for certain rail operating purposes only. laws of the States or political subdivi- sions thereof insofar as they may now (a) This part prescribes the geo- or hereafter provide for advances in graphic limits of each of the eight time or changeover dates different standard time zones established by sec- from those specified in [section 3(a) of tion 1 of the Standard Time Act, as that Act]’’, which are those specified in amended by section 4 of the Uniform paragraph (a) of this section. Time Act of 1966 (15 U.S.C. 261). It also contains lists of operating exceptions [Amdt. 71–11, 35 FR 12318, Aug. 1, 1970, as granted for specified rail carriers, amended by Amdt. 71–21, 52 FR 41631, Nov. 18, whose operations cross the time zone 1986] boundaries prescribed by this part, au- thorizing them to carry the standard of § 71.3 Atlantic zone. time on which the major portion of a The first zone, the Atlantic standard particular operation is conducted into time zone, includes that part of the an adjoining time zone. United States that is between 52°30″ W. (b) Any rail carrier whose operations longitude and 67°30″ W. longitude and cross a time zone boundary prescribed that part of the Commonwealth of by this part may apply for an operating Puerto Rico that is west of 67°30″ W. exception to the General Counsel, De- longitude, but does not include any partment of Transportation, Wash- part of the State of Maine. ington, DC 20590. However, each rail carrier for which an operating excep- § 71.4 Eastern zone. tion is granted shall, in its advertise- The second zone, the eastern stand- ments, time cards, station bulletin ard time zone, includes that part of the boards, and other publications, show United States that is west of 67°30″ W. arrival and departure times in terms of longitude and east of the boundary line the standard time for the place con- described in § 71.5, and includes all of cerned. the State of Maine, but does not in- (c) The time zones established by the clude any part of the Commonwealth of Standard Time Zone Act, as amended Puerto Rico. by the Uniform Time Act of 1966, are Atlantic, eastern, central, mountain, § 71.5 Boundary line between eastern Pacific, Alaska, Hawaii-Aleutian, and and central zones. Samoa. (a) Minnesota-Michigan-Wisconsin. [Amdt. 71–11, 35 FR 12318, Aug. 1, 1970, as From the junction of the western amended by Amdt. 71–21, 52 FR 41631, Nov. 18, boundary of the State of Michigan with 1986] the boundary between the United 662 VerDate Mar<15>2010 10:00 Dec 22, 2010 Jkt 220212 PO 00000 Frm 00672 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220212.XXX 220212 jdjones on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with CFR Office of the Secretary of Transportation § 71.5 States and Canada northerly and eas- thence easterly and northerly along terly along the west line of Gogebic the north line of Gibson County to the County to the west line of Ontonagon west line of Pike County; thence south County; thence south along the west along the west line of Pike County to line of Ontonagon County to the north the north line of Warrick County; line of Gogebic County; thence south- thence east along the north line of erly and easterly along the north line Warrick and Spencer Counties to the of Gogebic County to the west line of west line of Perry County; thence eas- Iron County; thence north along the terly and southerly along the north west line of Iron County to the north and east line of Perry County to the In- line of Iron County; thence east along diana-Kentucky boundary.
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