G THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 2G, 1915. Houser's kick-o- ff in the second half. all the Portland clubs. It is expected PROMOTER In the first quarter the ball changed I that 60 or 76 will be In the party. MATTY SAYS BRAVES OF EVENTS AT NEW ROSE CITY CLUB HAS HAD GAME PROTECTION from the college to the alumni sev- BARNES' CAREER BIG Camn will be nltrhert vtut-rl- ..1 VAST EXPERIENCE IN ALL ATHLETIC LINES. eral times in mid-fiel- d. Early In the the trip made up the mountain on Sun quarter the alumni successfully worked day, where ceremonies will be held. a forward pass for 15 yards. Houser Further details of the plans will be an- attempted a place kick from the nounced this week. HIDE HATE OF EVERS BECOifS GENERAL line, but the ball fell short. Laythe punted and the rest of the first half was uneventful. Rose City Athletic Club Signs The second half was a replica of the HOUSES ON WATER BURN first except for Cole's long kick. Jack Experienced Promoter. Moist, playing right end. Interrupted Launch Also Badly Damaged in Feeling, Rife in De- a forward pass and Abraham continued Is in nt Secret, Movement Results Enact- to make the bulk of the ground gained. River-Fro- lire. Laythe did tlie punting for the varsity clared to Be Due to Game-nes- s ment of New Legislation and had the edge on Amy Houser who ONE TEAM A. a boat-hou- se belong- kicked-- for the visitors. LED TO FLAG ing houseboat and That Won Glory. in Forty States. Abraham, Billie and Yeager In the to Harry Burrows, custodian of the backfield make a strong trio. Moist. First Presbyterian church; a houseboat end, and Laythe at tackle were the line belonging to a man by the name of men who put up the strongest resist Young, and a boathouse, the property ance. Houser, Chrisman, the Sitton Notable "Worker In Organization of of a. man known as "Red" King, ail brotners and Markham were the back- moored at the foot of Ellsworth street, 'DREAMS OF CUBS RETURN HUNTING IS RESTRICTED bone of the alumni attack. Baseball Leagues Has Credit for were damaged bv a fire of unknown Lineups origin last night. '4 . follow: Leading Portland to Pen- ' ..' L. R Hawley the houseboat, in which Mr. Burrows Blssett ...... E was living, boat-hous- e Anderson T. R. Pendesrrast nant In Old Xorthwest. and the occupied Cole L. G. R Sitton by Mr. Burrow's, launch, were com- Champions Killing of Deer Is Widely Regulated. Yeager C Chrisman pletely destroyed. The house-bo- at be- Belief That Former. Kin R. O. t, Sitton longing Ijiythe R. T. L. May to Mr. Young also was burned Would Haie Creaked Through to Vi i - Many Kinds of Wild Fowl Are Moist R. K L Cady to the water's edge and the boat-hou- se on Abraham L. H. R Dewey John S. Barnes, who will start as pro- and launch it contained, the property Pennant Expressed McGraw Placed Lists Closed Hoerllne F Markham moter at the Rose City Athletio Club 2 "Red" King, were badly damaged. "v Billie R. R L Houser The loss Is Sourer at Results. to Sliootcrs. Newman Q Reynolds on the first of the month, has had a will approximate between Reterefl Matthews, Willamette. wide and varied experience 13000 and $4000. Substitutes Hayes for Bissett, Blssett for in all lines The f ireboat David Campbell respond- Teaser, Teaser for Newman, Wilson for of athletic endeavor. ed to a call and Chrisman, Alworth for Hoerllne, Dutton for Be it known that Mr. Barnes once succeeded in putting Hayes. the fire out before any further damage WASHINGTON, Sept. 25. won a pennant for the Portland base- was done. BY CHRISTY MATHEWSOM. The general ball club in old days The occupants of both the NEW YORK, Sept. 25. (Special.) movement throughout the United States back the of the houseboats were absent at the of Pacific Northwest League. the fire. time Most of us delight in the glory of yes- for the protection of game, game birds It was John Barnes who was instru- terday. Many of us bask in it and live and fish resulted in the enactment of HALL WINS HANDICAP mental in starting baseball in the in it, which, of couse, is a mistake. This protective laws in 40 states during the Northwest. After organizing the old past year, Northwestern League in St. Paul and CULPRIT SEEN, LET GO sounds like an editorial by Brisbane, according to reports made to seeing go through but, fearing I cannot sustain the pace, the Department of Agriculture. it two seasons and GROSS SCORE OK 84 BRINGS VIC- then blow up. In 1890 he went to Spo- After QuestioiUns Suspicious I will switch to a baseball article. Big Illinois leads, with a new general kane, then little more than a frontier Char- leaguers don't live on the glory of yes-terda- v. game law prohibiting sale and export TORY AT WAVERLET. town, and, as he says, with a sort of acter, Police Hear of Theft. When they try it. they get of all protected game, native or im- woodshed for a depot. He stayed in I .!' " iscant nourishment. ported, except rabbits. It reduced the Spokane for a day and interested the I know that. daily bag limit on doves from 15 to 10, Golfers at CInb Begin Perpetual Tour- traction company there which was Just As City Detectives La Salle and Leon- T but increased on ard were strolling up yes- Is the limit shore birds nament, C. Da-vi- getting under way to put up a guaran- Front street Johnny Evers from 10 to 15. Non-residen- except at Which II. Is terday morning they saw young .a or tee of $10,000 for a ball club. a man survivor tne G. A. R. veterans, must pay a $10 Temporarily In Lead. This was accomplished and he came come from a building, carrying a bicv-cl- e 'glory of yesterday. license for the hunting season. on to Portland, where he arranged with and some tools. His actions im- but ho is still the Indiana opened a season for the first Henry Hudson here for the organizing pressed them ns somewhat suspicious "brilliant star of to time since 1007 for prairie chickens By virtue of his score made yester- and they stopped and questioned him.. day. as good 1 1 of a ball club and the forming of a He said was He is try i vl'x' cyv r J. i but limits the daily bag to five birds. day In the regular monthly play In league. He then visited Seattle, and he a plumber and told a J as he ever was. To Iowa has cut the quail bag from 25 to the men's handicap tournament of the was also successful, but struck a snag straightforward story of how he came him, however, there 15 and prairie chickens from 25 to 8. In Tacoma. to have the tools and machine, so was never was and Michigan extended complete protec- Waverley Country Club, S. R Hall released. never will be a ma-- tion to quail. Imported pheasants, will have his name engraved on the Orxaatiadoa Finally Effected. in the afternoon the report came to "chine like the Cubs grouse and wood ducks for five years. Waverley Country Club bowl. He He at last succeeded and called a headquarters that a room at 284 Front ?of Frank Chance. Minnesota protected doves, woodcock, made a gross score of 84 and with his meeting of the backers in the Portland street, where the young limn had been 1 And perhaps he in plover and wood ducks until 1918. handicap 24 Hotel, and a Seattle millionaire, Bush-r.el- l, seen, had been robbed of of he was allowed a net was notes and right. I heard a New Mexico gave protection to pheas- count of 60. elected president. The league other personal effects, and that a bicv. well-know- n mana-- . ants, was called the Pacific Northwest tie had been ntulcn 57 bob whites, pigeons and swans. C. H. Davis won the low gross score League from First a srer remark a short Oklahoma protected doves, grouse, prizo by and was composed of Portland. street. Christy Slntbewson.time ago: wood and turnlnsr In a 79 for tho 18 Tacoma, Seattle and Spokane. Barnes An hour later they arrested W. L. ducks curlew. holes. More than 70 entries were on bossed aggrega- Baird, It is true that Evers is irritated at Several birds were removed from the to himself the' Spokane attempting to dispose of the times because his present teammates game list and protected through the hand play around the links yester- tion. stolen bicycle. game, as quick year. gave day in the handicap golf tourney, and Barnes took reins of Port- do not play the are not Oklahoma such protection as a of day's play a per- the the as the old Cubs he played beside under to pelicans, gulls and herons. Tennnes-se- e result the land club in 1S92, and it was in this Roth hakf spenre anj Cervantes died on bull-bat- s, petual tournament April Chance. Johnny thinks so fast, plays declared ring-nec- k pliestsants, has been started. year that the league blew up after 23. ll(i, ,.t lo ,lays actuallv Inter- Is game many to be The first 16 players who turned in the Portland had left the other four clubs vened between the two deatns.
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