2021 Great Lakes Valley Conference

2021 Great Lakes Valley Conference

EHAC Aquatics HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 7.0 - 8:31 PM 2/11/2021 Page 1 2021 Great Lakes Valley Conference - 2/10/2021 to 2/13/2021 2021 Great Lakes Valley Conference Swimming & Diving Championships Team Rankings - Through Event 42 Women - Team Scores Place School Points 1 Drury University Drury University 894 2 Lindenwood University Lindenwood University 884 .50 3 University of Indianapolis University of Indianapolis 834 4 McKendree University McKendree University 451 5 Lewis University Lewis University 361 6 Truman State University Truman State University 352 7 University of MissouriStLouis University of MissouriStLouis 318 8 William Jewell College William Jewell College 191 9 Maryville University Maryville University 168 .50 Total 4,454.00 Men - Team Scores Place School Points 1 Drury University Drury University 826 2 University of Indianapolis University of Indianapolis 775 .50 3 Lindenwood University Lindenwood University 743 .50 4 Missouri Univ of Science and T Missouri Univ of Science and T 545 5 McKendree University McKendree University 526 .50 6 Lewis University Lewis University 342 7 William Jewell College William Jewell College 269 .50 8 University of MissouriStLouis University of MissouriStLouis 193 9 Truman State University Truman State University 189 10 Maryville University Maryville University 100 Total 4,510.00 EHAC Aquatics HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 7.0 - 8:29 PM 2/11/2021 Page 1 2021 Great Lakes Valley Conference - 2/10/2021 to 2/13/2021 2021 Great Lakes Valley Conference Swimming & Diving Championships Results - Thursday Women's Events Event 11 Women 100 Yard Butterfly GLVC: 52.55 G 2/7/2019 Bailee Nunn Drury 53.37 A NCAA ACUT 56.04 B NCAABCUT Name Yr School Seed Time Finals Time 1 Rogowska, Kasia SO Drury University 54.84 54.46 B 25.05 54.46 (29.41) 2 Winnett, Lexie J SR Lindenwood University 55.86 54.68 B 25.21 54.68 (29.47) 3 Buys, Johanna JR University of Indianapolis NT 54.78 B 24.89 54.78 (29.89) 4 Wieberg, Mackenzie SR Drury University 57.65 56.16 25.81 56.16 (30.35) 5 Voroshazy, Vanda A FR McKendree University 59.03 56.45 26.69 56.45 (29.76) 6 Sananikone, Vic C SR McKendree University 57.65 56.68 26.72 56.68 (29.96) 7 Fouchi, Gabie SO Drury University 57.74 56.91 27.58 56.91 (29.33) 8 Pareja, Laura JR Drury University 56.05 56.96 26.41 56.96 (30.55) 9 Senese, Cetta M SO Lewis University 1:02.46 57.38 26.74 57.38 (30.64) 10 Stalder, Kristen E SO University of MissouriStLouis 58.12 57.67 27.09 57.67 (30.58) 11 Votova, Kirsten SO Lindenwood University 1:01.00 57.68 26.91 57.68 (30.77) 12 Siemiller, Mckayla JR Lindenwood University 1:02.80 57.95 26.85 57.95 (31.10) *13 Rumpp, Abby M JR McKendree University 57.75 58.23 27.07 58.23 (31.16) *13 Rey, Haley J JR McKendree University 58.21 58.23 26.60 58.23 (31.63) *15 Norwood, Taylor L JR Maryville University 59.51 58.40 27.08 58.40 (31.32) *15 Hei, Amanda L SO University of MissouriStLouis 59.59 58.40 27.12 58.40 (31.28) 17 Rosson, Sarah N SO Maryville University 1:00.14 58.82 28.02 58.82 (30.80) 18 Bechtel, Rebecca J SO University of MissouriStLouis 58.55 59.24 28.34 59.24 (30.90) 19 Lancaster, Anna B SO William Jewell College 1:00.00 59.35 27.81 59.35 (31.54) 20 Krogman, Alexis M JR Truman State University 59.53 59.68 26.46 59.68 (33.22) 21 Van Der Westhuizen, Ianthe SO Lewis University 1:04.21 59.73 27.72 59.73 (32.01) EHAC Aquatics HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 7.0 - 8:29 PM 2/11/2021 Page 2 2021 Great Lakes Valley Conference - 2/10/2021 to 2/13/2021 2021 Great Lakes Valley Conference Swimming & Diving Championships Results - Thursday Women's Events (Event 11 Women 100 Yard Butterfly) Name Yr School Seed Time Finals Time 22 Wang, Seela M JR University of MissouriStLouis 59.17 59.86 27.39 59.86 (32.47) 23 Navarrete, Daniela SR Lewis University 1:01.22 1:00.10 28.37 1:00.10 (31.73) 24 Konstapel, Zara SO University of MissouriStLouis NT 1:00.29 27.13 1:00.29 (33.16) 25 Nelson, Sarah E SO Truman State University 1:03.83 1:01.24 27.61 1:01.24 (33.63) 26 Lawrence, Ellie K FR McKendree University NT 1:01.28 28.03 1:01.28 (33.25) 27 Stevenson, Emma G JR University of MissouriStLouis 1:07.00 1:01.35 28.86 1:01.35 (32.49) 28 O'Brien, Megan E SO Lewis University 1:02.81 1:01.45 28.68 1:01.45 (32.77) 29 Fiorino, Olivia K FR University of MissouriStLouis 1:07.63 1:01.52 28.42 1:01.52 (33.10) 30 Bitner, Lizzie J SO University of MissouriStLouis 1:03.26 1:02.15 29.07 1:02.15 (33.08) 31 Hays, Claire E SO William Jewell College NT 1:04.22 28.99 1:04.22 (35.23) 32 Lanterman, Kelsey A SR William Jewell College 1:02.76 1:04.26 29.77 1:04.26 (34.49) 33 Willis, Natalie E FR Truman State University 1:06.48 1:04.28 30.47 1:04.28 (33.81) 34 Gawronski, Olivia N SO University of MissouriStLouis 1:04.32 1:04.55 29.34 1:04.55 (35.21) 35 Clasby, Orla R FR Lewis University 1:07.17 1:04.62 30.10 1:04.62 (34.52) 36 Hollis, Claudia M JR Lindenwood University 1:09.88 1:06.26 29.69 1:06.26 (36.57) 37 Anderson, Hallie R FR McKendree University 1:10.39 1:11.61 31.65 1:11.61 (39.96) --- C Wu Pineda, Paola FR University of Indianapolis 1:00.73 X58.43 27.20 58.43 (31.23) --- Ringen, Elise FR University of Indianapolis 59.24 X59.64 28.05 59.64 (31.59) --- Krahl, Tori E FR University of MissouriStLouis 1:06.29 X1:01.38 28.40 1:01.38 (32.98) --- Caudill, Lina FR University of Indianapolis 1:04.04 X1:01.60 29.55 1:01.60 (32.05) --- Levy, Annie I FR University of Indianapolis 1:04.14 X1:01.71 28.78 1:01.71 (32.93) --- Schafer, Lillie SO Lindenwood University 1:02.65 X1:02.84 29.18 1:02.84 (33.66) --- Rezhilo, Masha SO University of Indianapolis 57.41 DFS Declared false start EHAC Aquatics HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 7.0 - 8:29 PM 2/11/2021 Page 3 2021 Great Lakes Valley Conference - 2/10/2021 to 2/13/2021 2021 Great Lakes Valley Conference Swimming & Diving Championships Results - Thursday Women's Events Event 13 Women 400 Yard IM GLVC: 4:15.59 G 2/7/2019 Tori Sopp Drury 4:17.69 A NCAA ACUT 4:30.57 B NCAABCUT Name Yr School Seed Time Finals Time 1 Cross, Bec JR Drury University 4:22.60 4:14.53G A 28.51 1:00.27 (31.76) 1:32.25 (31.98) 2:05.14 (32.89) 2:41.17 (36.03) 3:17.12 (35.95) 3:46.29 (29.17) 4:14.53 (28.24) 2 McCoy, Katie JR University of Indianapolis 4:16.12 4:15.48G A 27.05 57.79 (30.74) 1:29.29 (31.50) 2:00.30 (31.01) 2:37.69 (37.39) 3:16.02 (38.33) 3:46.63 (30.61) 4:15.48 (28.85) 3 Van Jaarsveld, Marizel R SR University of Indianapolis 4:16.44 4:15.87 A 26.81 57.45 (30.64) 1:29.78 (32.33) 2:02.31 (32.53) 2:39.32 (37.01) 3:16.31 (36.99) 3:46.81 (30.50) 4:15.87 (29.06) 4 Wood, Lyssa N SO Lindenwood University 4:27.07 4:23.62 B 28.82 1:01.17 (32.35) 1:35.42 (34.25) 2:08.76 (33.34) 2:46.28 (37.52) 3:24.42 (38.14) 3:54.58 (30.16) 4:23.62 (29.04) 5 Weber, Allison JR Drury University 4:27.12 4:24.93 B 28.61 1:01.47 (32.86) 1:35.18 (33.71) 2:08.45 (33.27) 2:47.03 (38.58) 3:26.57 (39.54) 3:55.91 (29.34) 4:24.93 (29.02) 6 Dubcakova, Karolina FR University of Indianapolis 4:25.00 4:25.89 B 28.64 1:01.17 (32.53) 1:34.91 (33.74) 2:09.13 (34.22) 2:46.36 (37.23) 3:24.17 (37.81) 3:55.50 (31.33) 4:25.89 (30.39) 7 Hellenschmidt, Jana K JR Lindenwood University 4:24.55 4:26.53 B 28.56 1:01.77 (33.21) 1:34.76 (32.99) 2:08.25 (33.49) 2:47.63 (39.38) 3:26.48 (38.85) 3:56.13 (29.65) 4:26.53 (30.40) 8 Dixon, Hallie G JR McKendree University 4:37.42 4:26.70 B 28.94 1:01.37 (32.43) 1:36.08 (34.71) 2:09.68 (33.60) 2:47.68 (38.00) 3:26.06 (38.38) 3:57.20 (31.14) 4:26.70 (29.50) 9 Kasse, Shelby M JR Lindenwood University 4:27.33 4:27.08 B 29.48 1:02.11 (32.63) 1:35.49 (33.38) 2:08.67 (33.18) 2:47.31 (38.64) 3:26.37 (39.06) 3:57.29 (30.92) 4:27.08 (29.79) 10 Riegler, Meredith L SO Lindenwood University 4:30.25 4:30.36 B 28.60 1:02.04 (33.44) 1:35.78 (33.74) 2:09.01 (33.23) 2:47.66 (38.65) 3:26.49 (38.83) 3:58.91 (32.42) 4:30.36 (31.45) 11 Allen, Leah E JR Lindenwood University 4:35.26 4:32.41 28.85 1:02.75 (33.90) 1:37.87 (35.12) 2:12.92 (35.05) 2:51.34 (38.42) 3:29.72 (38.38) 4:01.88 (32.16) 4:32.41 (30.53) 12 Alves, Larissa B FR Lewis University NT 4:33.94 28.47 1:03.34 (34.87) 1:37.78 (34.44) 2:12.82 (35.04) 2:51.74 (38.92) 3:30.95 (39.21) 4:03.09 (32.14) 4:33.94 (30.85) 13 Wilkinson, Mary C FR Truman State University 4:33.93 4:34.86 29.60 1:04.00 (34.40) 1:38.93 (34.93) 2:12.94 (34.01) 2:52.82 (39.88) 3:32.54 (39.72) 4:04.39 (31.85) 4:34.86 (30.47) 14 Massengale, Emily FR Lindenwood University 4:31.56 4:35.01 29.23 1:02.77 (33.54) 1:37.60 (34.83) 2:12.01 (34.41) 2:53.50 (41.49) 3:34.62 (41.12) 4:05.30 (30.68) 4:35.01 (29.71) EHAC Aquatics HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 7.0 - 8:29 PM 2/11/2021 Page 4 2021 Great Lakes Valley Conference - 2/10/2021 to 2/13/2021 2021 Great Lakes Valley Conference Swimming & Diving Championships Results - Thursday Women's Events (Event 13 Women 400 Yard IM) Name Yr School Seed Time Finals Time 15 DiSanto, Cami SR Drury University 4:50.08 4:37.14 28.35 1:00.09 (31.74) 1:35.90 (35.81) 2:11.78 (35.88) 2:52.52 (40.74) 3:34.27 (41.75) 4:06.22 (31.95) 4:37.14 (30.92) 16 Schranck, Ginny A SR Truman State University 4:33.82 4:37.91 29.24 1:03.11 (33.87) 1:41.31 (38.20) 2:18.54 (37.23) 2:55.68 (37.14) 3:32.90 (37.22) 4:05.96 (33.06) 4:37.91 (31.95) 17 Richard, Ashley R FR Lindenwood University 4:37.31 4:38.20 29.00 1:02.63 (33.63) 1:40.77 (38.14) 2:18.88 (38.11) 2:56.69 (37.81) 3:35.46 (38.77) 4:07.17 (31.71) 4:38.20 (31.03) 18 Serra Bonet, Maria FR University of MissouriStLouis 4:37.68 4:39.73 29.81 1:02.98 (33.17) 1:38.25 (35.27) 2:12.91 (34.66) 2:54.14 (41.23) 3:34.25 (40.11) 4:07.50 (33.25) 4:39.73 (32.23) 19 Jurotich, Christina M JR Truman State University 4:44.10 4:41.87 29.44 1:03.85 (34.41) 1:41.00 (37.15) 2:17.52

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