Volume 15, Issue 3 Fall 2012 NEWS FROM THE VALLEY OF “THE PONDS” SPONSORED BY THE BOROUGH OF OAKLAND & THE OAKLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS Fall Mayor's Message For the past 9 months for many of us, it is pour- since taking office as ing outside so it is 3me to Mayor of Oakland, I am use that money now to happy to report that all avoid a tax increase. I around town the spirit of repeatedly stated at pub- Oakland is returning. lic mee3ngs that our local SPECIAL There is a resurgence of government is not a bank. POINTS OF volunteerism. People are INTEREST: again excited about work- • Mayor’s Message ing together on new and Another posive change • crea3ve projects. School Safety Tips for our town is our new • New Rec. Website recycling procedures. • Halloween Parade Isn’t it terrific to be able Oakland Mayor As promised, I am happy to recycle everything, • Linda H. Schwager SpotlightSpotlight—Boy to report that we realized every week? For the first Scouts Con$nued on Page 7 a zero percent municipal me, Oakland residents • Voter Registration tax increase this year. I can mix comingled recy- improvements. The Bor- • Get Your Flu Shot ran for elec3on as a fiscal clables (metal, plas3c, ough signed a lease with conserva3ve and I remain glass) with paper for the Ramapough Con- true to my word. The weekly pickup. servancy who will man- INSIDE THIS Borough of Oakland sat age the property and ISSUE: with several trust funds— make improvements money to be held for a Very soon you will be able without taxpayers dip- Oakland Public Library 3 rainy day. This year, as to pass by the Van Allen ping into their pocket- your Mayor, I argued that books. As a charitable Public Events Schedule 4 House and no3ce physical Oakland Public Schools 8 Updates Valley Middle School 12 Voter Registration Deadline Manito 13 The last day to register to vote for the General Elec3on will Heights 14 be Tuesday October 16, 2012. The Borough Clerk’s office will be open that day from 8:30 am to 9:00 pm. The Gen- eral Elec3on will take place on Tuesday November 6, 2012. Dogwood 15 Polls will be open from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm. Page 2 Cross Roads New Friends of The Oakland Public Library Suppor3ng special programs and services for the library, the Friends group offers exci3ng ac3vi3es for Oakland. Museum Passes – Take the family for a special ou3ng courtesy of the Library’s Friends – from dinosaurs to the space shugle Enterprise at the American Museum of Natural History and the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum. The Oakland Police DePartment The Oakland Police Depart- Safety Tips for Parents, New Jersey Move Over New Jersey Cell Phone ment wants to remind driv- Motorists, and Children Law Law ers that it is very important New Jersey law makes to obey the posted speed • You should expect delays using a hand-held com- limit and pay close agen- near schools. Know your municaons device a on to their surroundings route, start early, and drive “Motorists approaching primary offense. Authori- at all 3mes. the posted speed limit. • Motorists not involved in sta3onary flashing lights, es will issue a $100 fine Within a school zone, it is dropping off or picking up whether an ambulance, to any driver caught vio- especially important to be students should consider police, fire or tow truck, la3ng this law, although alert, drive carefully, and adjus3ng their route or must heed the warning and no points will be issued follow the direc3ons of the schedule in order to avoid safely move over to anoth- to the license. Although crossing guards. arrival and dismissal traffic er lane, or slow down be- it is discouraged, drivers low the posted speed lim- may use a hands-free When approaching an in- in front of schools. it,” “Remember, emergen- device if it does not in- tersec3on where a crossing • Park only in lawful areas. cy responders are there to terfere with standard guard is in the crosswalk Parking within 25 feet of a help. Give them the space safety equipment. “Use” with a Stop Sign raised, crosswalk is against the law they need, so they can of a wireless phone and motorists may not cross or and can obstruct visibility work safely.” If you make any other hand-held turn into that crosswalk for both pedestrians and the move, others will fol- communica3on device unl the crossing guard has motorists. low. includes, but is not lim- completely le the cross- • Unload school children ited to, talking or listen- walk. onto the sidewalk or right side of the vehicle. Unload- ing to another person, ing school children into a texHng, or sending and traffic lane could put a receiving electronic child in harms way. messages. • Instruct children to re- main alert and look lee, right, and then lee again before crossing the street. All pedestrians should not use cell phones to talk or text, nor wear headphones when crossing. Volume 15, Issue 3 Page 3 News From The Oakland Public Library Children: Fall story mes start in October. Programs include the Tots Library Club (infant to 2 years) and story mes for 2 & 3 year olds and 4& 5 year olds. Monthly music for preschoolers starts in October and Tail Wagging Stories gives older kids a chance to pracce reading to a special audience – a therapy dog! Teens: The summer volunteer program that gives teens an opportunity to develop service experience while having fun con- nues through the school year. Sunday AMernoon Concerts start October 28th – Jazz Meets Broadway with Ray Marchica on drums, Don Rebic on piano, Jeff Ganz on guitar, and Nina Hennessey vocals. Thursday Programs for Adults • Deer-Proof Your Trees & Shrubs – October 11 (7 pm) • College Admissions 101 – November TBD • Tech Gadget Seminar – December 6 (7 pm) • Business Intelligence, Compe33ve Informa3on for Small Businesses – November 8 (7 pm) • Networking for Job Seekers – every Thursday morning at 10:30 am with Neighbors Helping Neighbors. Computer Classes: Introductory computer classes start mid-October. Please call the Library for details on 3me and locaons at 201-337-3742 x200. Recreation Commission Welcomes Autumn! The sounds of buses, school The football and cheerleading Winter sports sign-ups bells and laughter can only programs sport 5 full teams, will begin very soon. Please mean that Oakland’s children which run from 2nd grade visit our new and improved have returned to school; not through 8th grade. The foot- website at to be out done are the sounds ball program also fields a fun www.OaklandRec.org. All coming from the recrea3on flag football program for our sign-up informa3on, “three fields which get louder in Sep- younger players. There are a easy steps to become a tember with the return of Oak- couple of coach”, field closing and land’s fall sports. Soccer, Foot- BIG football much, much more can be ball and Cheerleading all be- and cheer- found on the website. See gan their sports seasons on leading an- you at the field! the weekend of September 7th. nual events coming up. The soccer program is proud First, a fund- to announce they have 50 raiser raffle will begin in Sep- teams and 700 children in tember and second, will be the their program, which runs annual beefsteak which will be from kindergarten through held at the Knights of Colum- high school. Suppor3ng the bus on November 3rd. program are over 100 volun- Through the support of these teers! Look for a symbol of fundraising efforts ALL football unity during the month of Oc- and cheerleading equipment tober while the travel teams has been upgraded over the will be wearing pink socks in past 2 years. Thank you for honor of breast cancer aware- your support! ness. Page 4 Cross Roads WHAT TO DO AROUND OAKLAND News from the Oakland Public Events Committee The Public Events date, Oct 13h); adjacent to the dle School and begin parading at CommiPee has Farmer’s market, from 10 AM – 1:00 10:30 AM. All children 9 and under some exci<ng PM are welcome to par<cipate. ac<vi<es and Art in Park is as much an art happen- events planned ing as it is an exhibit, open to painters, We will end this tradi<onal celebra- for the fall and winter sea- illustrators, photographers and sculp- on with some cra@ ac<vies and sons. Mark your calendars and en- tors. Some of our Oakland ar<sts who refreshments for the chil- joy the fes<vi<es this commiPee has will be exhibi<ng their work in- dren. Costumes are preferred. in store for you. clude: Tracy DiTolla, ScoP Scarpelli, Tom Shelton, Dennis Moster, Jim De- Annual Holiday Tree Lillo, Tim Geist and Ted Rich- and Menorah Oakland’s First Annual Art in the ards. Ar<sts interested in showing or Park, Saturday, October 6th (rain Ligh<ng, Sunday, De- selling their work s<ll have <me to cember 2nd, 5:00 PM contact Tracy DiTolla at di- – 7:00 PM [email protected] for infor- This year, the Public maon. Art in the Park is sponsored Events CommiPee is by the Oakland Public Events Com- expanding the tradi- miPee and the Oakland Farmers’ Mar- onal tree and Meno- ket. Come help us celebrate Naonal rah ligh<ng to include an indoor holi- Arts and Humani<es month in Oakland day show. Stay tuned for details as during one of the most colorful they are currently busy months of the year.
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