381 Konrad Klapheck (Düsseldorf, 10 Feb. 1935) Cruel Night, 1959 393 378 Oil on canvas, 74x100 Jirˇi Kola´ˇr Wassily Kandinsky (Protivin, Bohemia, 24 Sep. 1914) (Moscow, 4 Dec. 1866 – 384 The Castle of Hradcˇany Viewed from Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, 13 Apr. 1944) Paul Klee 387 390 the Stefanik Bridge, 1936 Composition, 1926 (Münchenbuchsee, Switzerland, 18 Dec. 1879 – Max Klinger Max Klinger Collage on paper, 29.5x40.5 Drypoint, 15x11 Muralto, 29 June 1940) Action, from the series A Glove (Ein Handschuh), And Yet, from the series On Death (Vom Tode), 34 Mystical Landscape with Worm on pl. II, 1881 part II, 1888 the Ground, 1917 Etching and aquatint, 29.8x20.7 Etching and aquatint, 51x39 Pencil on paper, 19.5x14 382 Konrad Klapheck The Night Beauties, 1967 Oil on canvas, 90x70 385 394 174 379 Paul Klee Jirˇi Kola´ˇr 175 Lajos Kassák 4 Easily Moved Landscape, 1935 Portrait of Marcel Duchamp, 1959 (Ersekujvar, Hungary, 21 March 1887 – Pencil on paper, 18x27 388 391 Typescript on paper, 29.6x21 Budapest, 22 July 1967) Max Klinger Pierre Klossowski Dadaco, 1923 Dreams, from the series A Life (Ein Leben), (Paris, 9 Aug. 1905) Collage on paper, 22.5x19.2 1884 André Breton, 1955 Etching, 30x17 Pencil on paper, 100x70.6 386 Max Klinger (Leipzig, 12 Feb. 1857 – Grossjena, 5 July 1920) Cupid, Death, and Beyond, from the series Intermezzi, 383 pl. XII, 1881 Konrad Klapheck Etching and aquatint, 45x63 The Female Terrorist, 1971 Oil on canvas, 100x90 395 Jirˇi Kola´ˇr Portrait of André Breton, 1959 380 Typescript on paper, 29.6x21 Rita Kernn-Larsen 389 392 (Hillerød, Denmark, 1 Jan.1904 – Max Klinger Greta Knutson Copenhagen, Sep. 1998) Seduction, from the series A Life (Ein Leben), (Stockholm, 10 Nov. 1899 – The Two Young Ladies, 1939 pl. IV, 1884 Paris, 6 March 1983) Oil on panel, 65x50 Etching and aquatint, 41.5x21.5 Untitled, 1940 Ink on paper, 65x50 405 Yves Laloy Grenade, 1960 Oil on canvas, 92x150 408 Jacqueline Lamba (Breton) Untitled, 1936 Decalcomania, gouache on paper, 25x33 396 399 402 411 Jirˇi Kolárˇ Jerzy Kujawski Robert Lagarde Nicholas de Larmessin I The Mysterious Castle of the Carpathians, 1962 (Ostrow, Poland 1921 – June 1998) (Béziers, France, 14 Feb. 1928) Perfumer’s Costume, 1695 Collage on paper, 24x17.2 Automatic Composition, 1956 Untitled, ca.1964 Engraving and etching, 27x19 Oil on canvas, 60x40 Ink on paper, 28.8x22.5 409 Jacqueline Lamba (Breton) Forest Stream, 1947 406 Oil on canvas, 63x102 Wifredo Lam 403 (Sagua La Grande, Cuba, 8 Dec. 1902 – Yves Laloy Paris, 11 Sep. 1982) (Rennes, France, 13 June 1920 – Composition, 1967 Paris, 8 Sep. 1999) Oil on canvas, 130x97 B 6, 1960 397 Oil on canvas, 60x92 412 176 Jan Krˇizˇek 400 Nicholas de Larmessin I 177 (Dobrome˘rˇice u Loun, Bohemia, 31 July 1919 – Félix Labisse Fisherman’s Costume, 1695 Tulle, 9 Feb. 1985) (Douai, France, 9 March 1905 – Engraving and etching, 27x19 Untitled, 1957 Paris, 27 Jan. 1982) Gouache on paper, 56.4x45 Portrait of Robert Desnos, 1949 Ink on paper, 32x24.4 410 Nicolas de Larmessin I 404 (active Paris, second half of 17th century) Yves Laloy Locksmith’s Costume, 1695 B 10, 1960 Engraving and etching, 27x19 Oil on canvas, 65x92 407 Jacqueline Lamba (Breton) (Saint Mande, France, 17 Nov. 1910 – Rochecorbon, 20 July 1993) Bar of Consequences, 1935 Ink and watercolor on paper, 22.3x16.5 413 Nicolas de Larmessin I 398 Gardener’s Costume, 1695 Alfred Kubin 401 Engraving and etching, 27x19 (Leitmeritz, Bohemia, 10 Apr. 1877 – Jacques Lacomblez Schloss Zwickledt, 20 Aug. 1959) (Brussels, 25 March 1934) Untitled, n.d. The Thing That is Coming, 1959 Ink on paper, 27.5x8.5 Oil on canvas, 116x73 420 423 Marcel Lefrancq Gérard Legrand Aerolite, 1940 The Voluntary Messengers, 1965 Gelatin silver print, 11.1x14.9 Ink and collage on paper, 32.2x42.2 417 426 429 Jean-Jacques Lebel Jean-Jacques Lebel Jacques Le Maréchal Jacques Le Maréchal (Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, 30 June 1936) Octavio Paz, 1965 The Anguish Palace, N. 3, ca. 1960 Life for Death and Death for Life, 1980–82 The Woman Flooder, 1959 India ink, gouache, and collage on paper, 65x50 Oil and tempera on panel, 32x23 Tempera on canvas, 40x31 Oil on canvas, 196x130 421 Gérard Legrand (Paris, 5 July 1927 – Blois, 3 Dec. 1999) Monument to the Living, 1962–63 Collage on paper, 13x19.3 424 Gérard Legrand A Season in Paradise, 1973 Collage on paper, 28.5x20.7 418 427 430 178 415 Robert Lebel Jacques Le Maréchal Marcelle Loubchansky 179 Jean-Jacques Lebel (Paris, 1 Jan. 1901 – Paris, 28 Feb. 1986) Portrait of Antonin Artaud, n.d. (Paris, 1917 – Paris, June 1988) In my Solitude You Haunt Me The Letter to Little Jesus, ca. 1955 Oil on panel, 29.5x21 (irregular) Red Flow, 1956 Billie Holiday, 4–5, 1961 Collage on paper, 32x24.2 Oil on canvas, 130x97 Oil on panel, 215x100 425 Jacques Le Maréchal 422 (Paris, 14 Apr. 1928) Gérard Legrand The City’s Eye (Magnetic), 1950 Eugénie’s Dream, 1963 Ink and watercolor on paper, 18.5x26.4 419 Collage on paper, 23.8x16 Marcel Lefrancq (Mons, Belgium, 9 Oct. 1916 – Vaudignies, 15 Nov. 1974) Harmonious Prison, 1938 Gelatin silver print, 11.2x17.3 428 Jacques Le Maréchal 431 416 Portrait of Antonin Artaud, 1975 George Platt Lynes Jean-Jacques Lebel Scratched watercolor on coated paper, 13.4x12 (East Orange, NJ, 15 Apr. 1907 – Benjamin Péret, 1965 New York, 6 Dec. 1955) India ink, gouache, and collage on paper, Hieratic Flame no. 1, ca. 1940 65x50 Gelatin silver print, 17x12 432 435 438 441 444 447 Dora Maar Dora Maar Conroy Maddox Leo Malet Georges Malkine Man Ray (Paris, 22 Nov. 1907 – Paris, 16 July 1997) Preliminary photograph for 29 rue d’Astorg, 1936 Poltergeist, ca. 1941 (Montpellier, 7 March 1909 – (Paris, 10 Oct. 1898 – Paris, 22 March 1970) (Philadelphia, 27 Aug. 1890 – Money and Morals, 1934 Gelatin silver print, 30.5x24 Oil on canvas, 57x45 Chantillon-sous-Bagneux, 3 March 1996) Portrait of Robert Desnos, 1926 Paris, 18 Nov. 1976) Gelatin silver print, 27x18.2 Abolition of Privileges, 1928 Oil on panel, 49.5x38 Long Distance (Revolving Doors II), 1916–17 Collage and crayon on paper, 32x24.5 Collage on cardboard, 54x34 436 439 180 433 Dora Maar Conroy Maddox 445 181 Dora Maar Portrait of Picasso, 1938 Les Halles, 1969 442 Georges Malkine 448 Sandwich Man, ca. 1935 Oil on canvas, 65x50 Oil on canvas, 96x77 Leo Malet Secret of a Voyage (Taken), 1926 Man Ray Gelatin silver print, 39x28.5 The Collaborators’ Secret, ca. 1935 Oil on panel, 46.3x37.7 Marcel Duchamp, ca. 1916/printed later Collage on paper, 47.4x31 (irregular) Gelatin silver print, 27.5x22.3 440 Emile Malespine 443 (Nancy, 3 July 1892 – Paris, 25 March 1953) Kasimir Malevich Integral Painting, n.d. (Kiev, 11 Feb. 1878 – Leningrad, 15 May 1935) 437 Gouache on paper, 12x15.9 Suprematist Composition, ca. 1916–17 434 Conroy Maddox Pencil on paper, 18.3x27 446 Dora Maar (Ledbury, Great Britain, 27 Dec. 1912) Manina 449 Clothes Store, ca. 1935 Pied-à-terre, 1936 (Vienna, 11 Sep. 1918) Man Ray Gelatin silver print, 30.3x24 Gouache and collage on paper, 14.3x11.3 Le Vol de lupté (The Flight of [De]Light), 1958 Marcel Duchamp, ca. 1916/printed later Oil on canvas, 90x70 Gelatin silver print, 28.7x22.5 450 453 456 459 462 465 Man Ray Man Ray Man Ray Man Ray Man Ray Man Ray Marcel Duchamp, ca. 1916/printed later Marcel Duchamp, ca. 1917/printed later Interior with Dada Objects, 1921 Pablo Picasso, 1922/printed later Marcel Duchamp, 1923/printed later Antonin Artaud, 1926/printed later Gelatin silver print, 28.7x21.5 Gelatin silver print, 26.5x18.5 Silverpoint on paper, 36.5x29.5 Gelatin silver print, 29.1x22.1 Gelatin silver print, 29.3x17.8 Gelatin silver print, 29.2x22.9 463 Man Ray Duchamp Playing Chess with Raoul de Roussy, ca. 1925 Gelatin silver print, 16.9x22.2 451 454 457 460 466 182 Man Ray Man Ray Man Ray Man Ray Man Ray 183 Marcel Duchamp in New York, ca. 1916/printed later Composition with Key and Triangle, 1919 Untitled, 1921 Indestructible Object, 1923/1963 René Crevel, ca. 1928/printed later Gelatin silver print, 28x22 Air brush on paper, 23.9x20 Rayograph, 61.5x23.8 Assemblage: metronome and photograph, Gelatin silver print, 29.8x21 22.3x11.3x11.3 464 455 Man Ray Man Ray Emak Bakia, 1926/1970 L’Enigme d’Isidore Ducasse (The Enigma of Isidore Ducasse), Assemblage: silver and horse’s tail, 46x13.5x15 452 1920/1971 (original maquette) 458 467 Man Ray Assemblage: sewing machine, blanket, strings, Man Ray 461 Man Ray Marcel Duchamp, ca. 1917/printed later and wooden base, 43x57x22 Cadeau (Gift), 1921/1963 Man Ray Tristan Tzara and René Crevel, Gelatin silver print, 30.8x24 Assemblage: flat-iron and nails, 16.3x9.5x11 Portrait of Marcel Duchamp (Rrose Sélavy), ca.-1928/printed later 1923/1971 Gelatin silver print, 30.5x21.5 Etching and aquatint, 86/125, 18.9x15.4 483 468 471 474 480 Man Ray Man Ray Man Ray Man Ray 477 Man Ray Alberto Giacometti, ca. 1934/printed later Salvador Dalí, ca. 1929/printed later André Breton, ca. 1930/printed later Paul Eluard and André Breton, ca. 1930/printed later Man Ray Meret Oppenheim, ca. 1933/printed later Gelatin silver print, 28.6x21.3 Gelatin silver print, 29.4x23.5 Solarized gelatin silver print, 30.8x22.3 Gelatin silver print, 29.2x22.5 Marie-Berthe Aurenche, Max Ernst, Lee Miller, Gelatin silver print, 29.3x21.7 and Man Ray, 1932/printed later Gelatin silver print, 29.8x21.8 469 481 Man Ray Man Ray Hans Richter, S.
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