The new england journal of medicine review article critical care medicine Bleeding and Coagulopathies in Critical Care Beverley J. Hunt, M.D. he definition of coagulopathy is “a condition in which the From King’s College London and Guy’s blood’s ability to clot is impaired.” However, for some clinicians, the term and St. Thomas’ Trust — both in London. Address reprint requests to Dr. Hunt at T also covers thrombotic states, and because of the complexity of the hemo- the Thrombosis and Haemophilia Centre, static pathways, the two conditions can exist simultaneously. Some practitioners St Thomas’ Hospital, Westminster Bridge would consider that mildly abnormal results on coagulation screening without Rd., London SE1 7EH, United Kingdom, or at [email protected]. bleeding can also indicate a coagulopathy. This review is confined to the original definition of coagulopathy as given above. Such states are common in patients in N Engl J Med 2014;370:847-59. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1208626 the intensive care unit (ICU) and require a clinicopathological approach to ensure Copyright © 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society. that the correct diagnosis is made and the appropriate treatment administered. The lack of evidence for managing coagulopathies in critical care is striking. This re- view will highlight selected areas in which there is high-quality evidence and at the same time point out areas for which there is poor evidence. In the latter case, there is little consensus on management. Differential Diagnosis A medical history taking and physical examination are vital, since many different conditions can produce similar laboratory abnormalities. For example, end-stage liver failure and disseminated intravascular coagulation produce thrombocytopenia and similar changes in standard tests of coagulation, and yet the management of and prognosis for these conditions are very different. A peripheral-blood smear is a vital investigation tool in most cases to confirm a low platelet count and the pres- ence or absence of other diagnostic features, such as red-cell fragmentation, plate- let morphologic abnormalities, or evidence of dysplasia or hematinic deficiency. Table 1 and Figure 1 highlight the relationship between laboratory findings and various coagulopathies. Once it has been determined that the underlying cause is not a response to therapeutic agents meant to modify the coagulation response (e.g., treatment with vitamin K antagonists, heparinoids, or direct factor Xa or IIa inhibitors), practitioners need to evaluate the pattern of bleeding, which may include widespread petechiae and mucosal bleeding in platelet disorders, generalized oozing from de-epithelialized surfaces, and fast bleeding from damaged major vessels. Management of Coagulopathies The first principle of the management of coagulopathies in critical care is to avoid the correction of laboratory abnormalities with blood products unless there is a clinical bleeding problem, a surgical procedure is required, or both. Major Bleeding The lack of good-quality evidence is most marked in the use of blood components to manage major bleeding. When blood components were introduced into critical care practice decades ago, their benefit was never assessed in randomized clinical trials. n engl j med 370;9 nejm.org february 27, 2014 847 The New England Journal of Medicine Downloaded from nejm.org on December 26, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved. The new england journal of medicine Table 1. Laboratory Findings in Various Platelet and Coagulation Disorders in the ICU. Prothrombin Activated Partial- Fibrinogen d-Dimer Bleeding Platelet Findings on Condition Time Thromboplastin Time Level Level Time Count Blood Smear Vitamin K deficiency or use Normal or of vitamin K antagonist Prolonged mildly prolonged Normal Unaffected Unaffected Unaffected Aspirin or thienopyridines Unaffected Unaffected Unaffected Unaffected Prolonged Unaffected Liver failure Early stage Prolonged Unaffected Unaffected Unaffected Unaffected Unaffected End stage Prolonged Prolonged Low Increased Prolonged Decreased Uremia Unaffected Unaffected Unaffected Unaffected Prolonged Unaffected Disseminated intravascular Prolonged Prolonged Low Increased Prolonged Decreased Fragmented coagulation red cells Thrombotic thrombocytopenic Unaffected Unaffected Unaffected Unaffected Prolonged Very low Fragmented purpura red cells Hyperfibrinolysis Prolonged Prolonged Low Very high Possibly Unaffected prolonged Later, concern about transfusion-transmitted infec- an increase by a factor of 6 in the multiple organ tions (human immunodeficiency virus infection, dysfunction syndrome.5 hepatitis, and a new variant of Creutzfeldt–Jakob The critical transfusion ratio of fresh-frozen disease) and limitations in the blood supply led to plasma to red cells in the management of major a more restrictive use of blood components. bleeding is not known. This question is being In the absence of randomized, controlled trials, evaluated in the North American Pragmatic, Ran- retrospective studies of military casualties1 and, domized Optimal Platelets and Plasma Ratios later, similar studies of civilian casualties2 show- study (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01545232). ing improved survival with transfusion of 1 U of This multicenter, randomized trial is comparing fresh-frozen plasma for each unit of red cells the effect of various ratios of blood products have resulted in earlier administration of an in- administered to trauma patients who are pre- creased number of units of fresh-frozen plasma. dicted to require massive transfusion (>10 U of However, these studies have been criticized, packed red cells within the next 24 hours) on particularly for methodologic flaws that include rates of death at 24 hours and 30 days. In the survival bias (i.e., patients who did not survive interim, a North American–European divide in were not transfused with fresh-frozen plasma) the practice of using blood components to sup- and heterogeneity between studies.3 port hemostasis has emerged. Although in North Despite the lack of evidence that bleeding America there has been increased use of fresh- after surgery and gastrointestinal or obstetric frozen plasma in patients with major hemor- hemorrhage are associated with hemostatic rhage, some European practitioners have aban- changes similar to those in acute traumatic co- doned the use of fresh-frozen plasma, relying on agulopathy, the early use of a transfusion ratio the exclusive use of factor concentrates on the of fresh-frozen plasma to red cells of 1:1 or 1:2 basis of rotational-elastometry–guided interven- has become widespread. This increased use of tion with prothrombin complex concentrate, plasma is not risk-free, since the incidence of factor XIII, and fibrinogen.6 In contrast, other transfusion-related acute lung injury is increased,4 practitioners believe that the treatment of major as may be the risk of the acute respiratory dis- hemorrhage should begin with fibrinogen sup- tress syndrome (ARDS). In one study involving plementation with tranexamic acid, a synthetic trauma patients requiring a nonmassive transfu- derivative of the amino acid lysine that acts as an sion (<10 U of packed red cells within 12 hours antifibrinolytic agent by competitively inhibiting after admission), the administration of more than plasminogen, with red cells and intravenous fluid 6 units of fresh-frozen plasma, as compared used on an as-needed basis.7 with no transfusion, was associated with an in- Fibrinogen is a critical molecule in coagula- crease by a factor of 12 in the rate of ARDS and tion. It is the protein that ultimately forms fibrin, 848 n engl j med 370;9 nejm.org february 27, 2014 The New England Journal of Medicine Downloaded from nejm.org on December 26, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved. critical care medicine the ligand for platelet aggregation, and in pa- outcomes in patients with major bleeding. Future tients with major bleeding, it is required to a randomized, controlled trials should assess the larger extent than any other hemostatic protein.8 overall benefit and safety, including the rate of In such patients, this requirement reflects in- hospital-acquired venous thromboembolism.10,11 creased consumption, loss, dilution, and fibrin- Similarly, the use of recombinant factor VIIa, o genolysis. On the basis of these multiple roles, which has been shown to reduce the use of red even in the absence of evidence from random- cells in bleeding but not to reduce mortality, ized, controlled trials, guidelines for the man- needs further evaluation. Data from placebo- agement of traumatic bleeding now indicate that controlled trials have shown that the off-label the trigger level for supplementing fibrinogen use of recombinant factor VIIa significantly in- should be 1.5 to 2.0 g per liter rather than 1.0 g creased the risk of arterial thrombosis.12,13 per liter.9 It is unknown whether early fibrino- Tranexamic acid should be administered to gen supplementation and the use of prothrom- all patients with major bleeding after trauma. This bin complex concentrate, as compared with the recommendation is supported by a large, random- use of fresh-frozen plasma, improves clinical ized, controlled trial, the Clinical Randomization History: Rule out inherited defect or use of antithrombotic drugs. Examination: Is bleeding general
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