St Columb Major Town Council Minutes of the Council Meeting Held 12 March 2012 at 7pm Present : Cllr D Swindells (Mayor) Cllrs A Abaza, A Banfield, A Blake, D Crewes, P Crewes, L Heggie, A Martin, D Middleditch, R Rose, R Stott, P Wills, Apologies : Cllr D Doran (Personal), Absent : Cllr V Worrall In Attendance : Mrs E M Banfield – Town Clerk 122/11 MAYOR’S WELCOME: (i) Housekeeping – The Mayor, Cllr Swindells addressed members and public giving advice re emergency procedures; mobile phones and all electronic equipment to be switched off. (ii) Announcements and diary report : The Mayor explained he had had a busy month Attended the WI Annual meeting Attended a meeting at Tretherras Academy where cabinet Members and Cornwall Councillors spoke about budget. Issues. The Mayor raised the matter of the Eco Town and was pleased with the response from Residents. Presented a bouquet of flowers to a Senior Resident who had reached 103 years of age Attended the Steering Group meeting and wanted residents to know of the excellent work being undertaken Had been advised earlier in the day that contrary to rumours circulating the town the development of a supermarket is certainly still on the cards though moving a little more slowly than anticipated. John Pengelly Librarian is leaving his current post for pastures new within Cornwall Council, John’s service has been a credit to himself and the service. 123/11 PUBLIC FORUM: Police : A report for the past month had been sent by PC Lenton which was read to those present by the Town Clerk Cllr Mrs P Harvey: Referring to the letter from the Town Council, Mrs Harvey suggested a line be drawn under what has happened in the past. She told members she would attend as many meetings as possible Eco Town – Cllr Harvey told Members she knew nothing about the Strategy but things would change radically Parking arrangements outside the surgery have been completed and the six spaces created should ease the situation there. Health and Safety implications prevented more than six spaces being created. St Columb Major Town Council Meeting 12 March 2012 Page 1 Mr R Ford : Mr Ford was told by the Mayor that the topics he wished to discuss were not on the agenda which explained that matters to be raised had to be listed somewhere in the Agenda. Mr Ford refused to accept this advice and continued to berate the Council and the Clerk about the lack of provision of services, nothing for the youngsters and spending £40,000 on a skatepark for the youngsters. He said he had asked the Clerk when she was on holiday to provide information about the quotes for the skatepark as in his belief, a builder could have done the job for less. Mr W Calton : Referring to agenda item 10 and 11 Mr Calton reminded those present that contrary to what was being implied in the press it was in fact Cllr Abaza reporting 7 members of the Town Council to the Standards Board that had cost in excess of £70,000, all those Members had been cleared of all accusations save for the one accusation for which the Mayor had had to apologise. At this point Cllr Abaza got to her feet and shouted for Mr Calton to be ‘ejected’ from the meeting and continued while the Mayor was asking her to sit down. The Mayor asked Cllr Abaza three times to sit down before she complied. The Mayor told Mr Calton that the matter was not on the agenda and further discourse would not take place. Mr Calton responded it was on the agenda but sat down anyway. Mr B Bosisto : Spoke about the yellow lines in town and the visit on the weekend in particular by the Enforcement Officers. He asked why St Columb didn’t have ‘winter parking’ as was allowed in Newquay. Mr J Weller : Told the Town Council that over £360,000 had been raised in fines by Cornwall Council since the start of the financial year. Enforcement Officers were over vigilant, the Town Council should be the decision makers, waiting times could be brought in and that a level playing field should be adopted whereby all working or attending County Hall should pay to park. Both Mr Bosisto and Mr Weller queried the Town Council’s practice of only allowing members of the public to speak on agenda items during the public session which they said in their opinion was for the public to say what they liked. No opportunity was given to explain the reason. Cllr P Harvey : responded to the criticism regarding parking stating that the public and businesses have complained that they cannot park in town. If drivers parked appropriately there would be no need for wardens and she advised she had requested the attendance of the Enforcement Officers in town. 124/11 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies : Cllr Doran (personal) Absent : Cllr V Worrall 125/11 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST i. In Accordance with the Agenda – Cllr Banfield, Payment of Accounts Item 5 - Personal and Prejudicial. ii. Receipt of Gifts to the value of £25 or more – none St Columb Major Town Council Meeting 12 March 2012 Page 2 126/11 MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING HELD 13 February 2012 It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting be taken as read So proposed Cllr D Crewes and Seconded by Cllr R Stott 127/11 MATTERS ARISING Page 5, 114/11 Town Meeting Date : The Town Meeting date is to 18 April at 7pm Page 5, 116/11 : Cllr Middleditch objected to Cllr Stott’s statement in the minutes stating that it cast aspersions on all Members as Cllr Stott had not given examples or stated names and had therefore not been verified. The Deputy Mayor jots down the names of those waiting to speak and therefore order should be maintained. Cllr Stott in response stated he shouldn’t need to verify anything as all members attending meetings know what takes place : Constant picking and biting at each other. If he feels things are wrong he must be able to say. In this instance there should have been no need for Cllr Middleditch to raise this at a meeting, he could have approached Cllr Stott direct, this he said further proved the point that some members prefer to argue in public. The Mayor suggested that training for all those Members who had joined the Town Council since the training events had been held with Sarah Mason should be undertaken and anyone else who wished to attend as things had changed even in this short period of time. It was RESOLVED that the Town Clerk arrange some training sessions with Sarah Mason So proposed Cllr Stott Seconded Cllr P Crewes 128/11 COMMITTEE REPORTS : TO BE ADOPTED AND SIGNED AND RECOMMENDATIONS MADE THEREIN RESOLVED Planning 29 February 2012 The Mayor who had chaired this meeting spoke of the valuable input by members of the public who had attended with regard to the proposed Eco Town Development. RESOLVED that the minutes be adopted and signed Proposed Cllr Blake, seconded Cllr Middleditch (i) Community Committee 27 February 2012 C/93/11 Date of Civic Service should read 4 June not 3 June. RESOLVED that with this correction the report and minutes be adopted and signed Proposed Cllr Wills seconded Cllr D Crewes Recommendations : C/94/11 : Ramp Wood Preservative RESOLVED that Chris Rodwell carry out the work as quoted So proposed Cllr Wills Seconded Cllr P Crewes C/96/11 : Fence - Gap in hedge St Columb Major Town Council Meeting 12 March 2012 Page 3 RESOLVED to accept the quote from Mr Richards shown as D-E on the plan So proposed Cllr Wills Seconded Cllr D Crewes Car Park Border : RESOLVED to accept the quote from Mr Richards shown as A-B on the plan So proposed Cllr Wills Seconded Cllr Swindells Area C-A : RESOLVED to leave in abeyance until a later date So proposed Cllr Wills Seconded Cllr Martin (ii) Environment Committee 27 February 2012 Cllr P Crewes acknowledged that although it was stated at the meeting that Mr Hancock’s relative had built the wall, it was only in fact tiled by a relative of Mr Hancock’s. RESOLVED that the report and minutes be adopted and signed Proposed Cllr Swindells, seconded Cllr Banfield Recommendations E88/11 : Cemetery Policy – RESOLVED that the draft Policy be adopted in full So proposed Cllr P Crewes Seconded Cllr Wills (iii) Finance and General Purposes 29 February 2012 Cllr Wills asked that it be minuted that the Christmas Lights Committee is not a registered charity RESOLVED : That the report and minutes be adopted by the Council So proposed Cllr D Crewes Seconded Cllr Middleditch Recommendations FGP126/11 Policy re Car Park Permits : RESOLVED that the draft Policy as amended be adopted in full So proposed Cllr D Crewes Seconded Cllr A Blake FGP128/11 : Grants Shelter - RESOLVED - the Committee’s recommendation to give a grant of £100 So proposed Cllr D Crewes Seconded Cllr P Wills Merlin Project - RESOLVED - the Committee’s recommendation to give a grant of £100 So proposed Cllr D Crewes Seconded Cllr Martin Athritis Research UK - RESOLVED - the Committee’s recommendation to give a grant of £100 So proposed Cllr D Crewes Seconded Cllr L Heggie CAB - RESOLVED - the Committee’s recommendation to give a grant of £250 So proposed Cllr D Crewes Seconded Cllr P Crewes St Columb Major Town Council Meeting 12 March 2012 Page 4 Christmas Lights – RESOLVED – The Committee’s recommendation that the Town Council purchase a suitable illumination along the lines of the one sponsored by the Rotary So proposed Cllr D Crewes Seconded Cllr P Crewes Cruse Bereavement - RESOLVED - the Committee’s recommendation to give a grant of £250 So proposed Cllr D Crewes Seconded Cllr Wills FGP129/11 Website : RESOLVED - The Committee’s recommendation to give the contract to Sea Dog IT in accordance with their quote So proposed Cllr D Crewes Seconded Cllr R Stott FGP130/11 Bank mandate : RESOLVED item (iii) that online banking be introduced for the purpose of paying the Town Clerk’s Salary So proposed Cllr D Crewes Seconded Cllr Heggie 129/11 PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS TO END FEBRUARY 2012 RESOLVED : that payments by cheque (numbers 103834-40 and 103721-28 = £13620.88 ) be approved and Direct Debits (£3233.99) be noted .
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