Planning Application for the Winning and Working of Sand And Aggregate at Captain's Barn Farm, Weston Coyney, Staffs. Envi ron mental Statement CAPTAIN'S BARN FARM, WESTON COYNEY, STAFFOBDSHIRE ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT CONTENTS CHAPTER Page Non-Technical Summary 1 1.0 Introduction 12 2.O The Requirement for Environmental lmpact Assessment 12 3.0 Site Locatlon and Description 14 4.0 Geology 15 5.0 Reserues 16 6.0 Extraction ol Sand and Aggregate 17 7.0 Alternative Sites 19 8.0 Environmental I mpact Assessment 20 8.1 Nolse - Noise Consultancy Associates 21 8.2 Dust - Halletec Associates Ltd 23 8.3 Agrlcultural Land Glassification - Land Hesearch Assoclates 26 8.4 Landscape & Visual lmpact - Bright & Assts 28 8.5 Ecology - Eco Tech 33 8.6 Archaeology - Marches Archaeology 38 8.7 Traftic - L. Lammas 40 8.0 Public Rights of Way 43 8.9 Hydrogeology - Halletec Associatesi/ Wrc 43 8,10 Effects of Assoclatlon with other forms ol Development 46 8,11 Conclusions 46 DRAWINGS Locatlon Plan 2MH1 Site Plan 244iz2 Schematic Layout of Processing Nea244l2l3 APPENDICES Appendix 1 Scoping Opinion Staftordshire County Council Appendix 2 Noise Report Noise Consultancy Services Appendlx 3 Agricultural Land Classification Land Research Associates Appendix 4 Landscape Assessment Bright & Associates Appendix 5 Ecological Assessment Eco Tech Appendix 6 Archaeological Beport Marches Archaeology Appendlx 7 Traffic & Highways Study Leslie E. Lammas Appendix 8 Hydrogeology & Hydrology Report Halletec Assoclates o o Non Technical Summary CAPTAIN'S BARN FARM, WESTON COYNEY, STAFFORDSHIRE NON.TECHNICAL SUMMARY Contents Sectlon Page 1 Introduction t 2 Need 1 3 Description of the Proposed Development 3 4 Noise c c Dusl 5 6 Agrlcullural Land Classification 5 7 Landscape 6 8 Ecology 7 I Archaeology I 10 Trafflc and Highways I 11 Public Rights ol Way 10 12 Hydrology and Hydrogeology 10 13 Elfects of Assoclatlon wlth other forms of 11 Development 14 Summary 11 C.E. & J.M. Dale (Dale Crete) Captains Barn Farm - Environmental Statement 1,0 Introduction 1.1 The Applicants, C.E. & J.E. Dale, trading as Dale Crete, wish to extract sand and aggregate from the site at Captain's Barn Farm, which lies adjacent to the AS20 near Weston Coyney in Staffordshire. A relalively small but adequate reserve of conglomerate and sandstone has been idenlified from which to process concreting sand and aggregate to supply the Applicants' concrete products plant at Leekbrook. lt is proposed that this reserve is recovered exclusively to supply the Leekbrook plant. Halletec Associates Limited has determined that the scheme falls within the current regulations governing Environmental lmpact Assessment (ElA) and, following consultations with the Local Planning Authority, has agreed a range of information to be provided in order to assess the potential environmental impacts of the proposals. 1.3 ln order to provide this information, several specialist studies have been underlaken to assess the potential environmenlal impacts. This document sets out, in non-technical language, the results ol these studies. Need 2.1 The need for the development is primarlly economic in that Dale Crete are placed in a non-competitive situation with respect to their competitors because they do not have their own source of raw materjal supply. They therefore depend on their competitors for their current supply of sand and aggregate, and prices have risen at a level well above inllation for several years. The Applicants, by way of lhis application, are acting to protect their business, as it is not inconceivable that any or all ol the local sand and aggregate suppliers could at any lime discontinue supply on competitive grounds. Two producers already reiuse to quote to competitors, and this could result in a situation where the future of the Companv would be threatened. There is also concern that the supplies within 20 miles ol the plant are dominated by a single source of suilable sand and aggregate. At the time ol writing, Hanson's Freehay quarry is yet to commence working, leaving Tarmac's Croxden quarry as the only local source. Ot greater concern in the long term is that Croxden's planning consent is time limited to 2013. This means that in 10 years time, if new sites such as Captain's Barn Farm are not brought forward, there will ANC/H0244/2 S€pt 2003 Holletf c Arsociorsr Ltd C-E. & J.M. Dale (Dale Crete) Captains Earn Farm - Envkonmental Statement again be only a single source at Freehay, and the output trom that site is only 25% of that of at Croxden. This will inevitably lead to suppty problems in the north of the County and possibly increased traffic movements. ln addition, the Government has recently approved several major road building schemes, including the MO widening through the length of Staffordshire. ll is anticipated that when the replacem6nt Minerals Local Plan is approved, covering the period to 2016, there may be a shortfall of some 20 million tonnes before the end ot it's life. This application will release sand and aggregate onlyto the Applicants' Leekbrook plant throughout the Plan period and beyond, at the rate required by the plant. lt will lherefore augment the landbank by making mineral available trom olher sources for public consumption that are currently being used by Dale Crete. In addition, the preparation ol this plannlng apptication has highlighted the sustainability argumenls iavouring this development. These are set out in detail in the ElA, but in summary they relate to the abitity of the appticant to substantially reduce the number of lorry miles travelled. This will result in benefits which include the reduction in air pollution. conservation of natural resources (such as iuel, oil, rubber), reduction in wear and tear of roads and an improvemenl in road safety to be brought about through careJul routing and shorter journeys. The proposal is small in scale, with only part time mineral extraction, and it is anticipated that extraclion will only be carried out for lwo wesks per month on average. Haulage will be full time over five days per week. Working hours are discussed below. By way ol comparison, this application is for a quantity approximately equal to one year's produclion from the nearby quarry at Croxden and will last for up to 20 years depending on the Leekbrook plant's requirements. Although the application is based on current produclion with a 25% allowance for any future growth ot the Company, the amount of material extracted will not exceed the olant's needs. This application specifically precludes the sale of sand and gravel on to the open markel. The material is for the Applicants' sole use, to be extracted, processed and delivered by lhe Applicants to th6 Leekbrook plant using their own transport. The application site will be linked directly by a legal agreement to the existing works. Therewill thusbefull control over atall stages of the development. ANC/H0244/2 Sept 2003 Hollet€c Associqtes Ltd C.E. & J.M. Dale {Dale Cretel Captains Barn Farm - Environmental Staremenr ?.7 This proposal allows lor a 25% increase in Dale Crete,s requirement for sand and aggregate. Although the ready mix concrete market is relatjvely stable, the Company produces pre-stressed concrete panels which are sold nalionally. The Applicants believe that there is potential to increase market share in this business by increasing production and broadening the range of products. Therefore, this application will protect the 23 existing jobs and also provide up to 10 new jobs at Leekbrook. Using the accepted multiplier, it is demonstrated that the proposal would support a further 56 indirect jobs in the area, thus protecting or creating a total of 88 jobs. The capital expenditure required for this growth can only be secured if the raw malerials supply to the plant can be assured. 2.7 The conglomerate deposit at Captain's Barn Farm is the nearesl suitable source of concreting sand and aggregate to the plant al Leekbrook. lt is considered that with the particularly high standard of operational, landscaprng, restoration and attercare works proposed, this application is in keeping wilh the Government,s approach to sustainable development and provides the best practical environmental option {or the supply ol raw materials to Dale Crete,s plant. 3.0 Description ot the Proposed Development 3.1 The site will occupy 10.58 hectares of Captain's Barn Farm,8.97 of which form the extraction area. This is anticipated to yield almost 1.2 million tonnes of sand and aggregate, sufficient to supply the existjng Leekbrook plant tor 16-20 years. A new access will be constructed to the north of Malthouse Farm, with wheel wash and weighbridge facilities situated adjacent to the existing Captain's Barn Farm complex. There will be a maximum of 2loffy movements per hour takjng sand and aggregate to Leekbrook. An area for crushing, screening, washing, loading and stockpiling will be situated norlh of the farm complex and will be sunk 4m below ground level to reduce the potential noise, dust and visual impacts. The access road to the quarry will be sunk into a cutting for the same reasons. ,7,Z Working will start at the north end of the site and will proceed southwards, with the working tace orientated easl-west lo reduce visual impact,. Initial soil removed will be stored at locations around the site where visual screening is required. As working progresses, soils will be stripped ahead o{ the face and deposited in the worked out areas to allow progressive restoration to agriculture and nature conservation. The soils stored in bunds will be replaced at the end of the working life of the site. Working faces will be up to 5m high and the maximum depth of working will be 17m in Phase 1 where the existing land is ANCiH0244l2 Sept 2003 Hdlfetec Associores trd C.E, & J.M.
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