Call (906) 932-4449 Ironwood, MI Baseball Hurley beats Mellen Redsautosales.com 6-5 SPORTS • 9 DAILY GLOBE Tuesday, May 14, 2019 Chance of thunderstorms yourdailyglobe.com | High: 68 | Low: 45 | Details, page 2 Marenisco hearing addresses recreational marijuana enterprise By P.J. GLISSON [email protected] MARENISCO – Close to 100 people filled the community room of the Marenisco Town Hall for a Monday evening public hearing on a proposed marijuana ordinance that would allow recre- ational marijuana enterprise. “There will be no catcalls,” said Marenisco supervisor Richard Bouvette while opening the floor to questions and com- ments. Although the hearing allowed the public to vent its concerns, Bouvette said members of the township board then would be the ones to vote for or against the ordinance. “The township board may not institute an election according to its own interest,” said Bouvette regarding its earlier speculation that it could do just that. “As far as I’m concerned, this would have been the easiest thing to do.” Instead, he explained, state P.J. Glisson/Daily Globe law dictates that if the public AT A MONDAY evening hearing on a proposed ordinance in relation to recreational marijuana facilities, Marenisco Township supervi- does not like the board’s vote, sor Richard Bouvette addresses the crowd, which filled the community room of the Marenisco Township Hall. “You have the right to petition, and then it would go to ballot.” includes edibles. lowing: –Three safety compliance Micro-businesses could exist Township attorney Jim Buck- He added that an advantage of –Three provisioning centers facilities; and in any zoning division except res- nell, who wrote the ordinance, recreational marijuana being or public retail sales locations –Three secure transporters. idential and lakefront. reminded the group that recre- legalized and commercialized is that would be authorized to con- The ordinance notes that each Several Marenisco residents ational marijuana now is open to that it then is subjected to state- duct business; of those entities would be subject raised concerns during the hear- grow and use in limited quanti- regulated testing, inspecting and –Three smokers’ clubs that to regulations designed specifi- ing. ties after citizens voted last fall to rating. would not be allowed to sell alco- cally for them. Teresa Ingham asked whether legalize recreational marijuana. The ordinance authorizes hol and that would be open only Moreover, provisioning cen- the now abandoned land of the Bucknell said his ordinance within the township three grow- to persons 21 or older; ters, retail centers, and smokers’ Ojibway Correctional Facility specifically addresses the larger, ers each in three classes of A, B –Three “micro-businesses” clubs would be restricted to a would be useful for such opera- commercial aspect of growing and C levels, respectively, along that would be allowed to grow in designated commercial area, and selling marijuana in recre- with three independent proces- small quantities and process on whereas growers would be desig- ational forms, which now sors. It also authorizes the fol- the same property; nated to agricultural areas. MARENISCO — page 5 MINERS REMEMBERED Simmons appointed Ironwood Township supervisor By RICHARD JENKINS i n was pounding my fist on [email protected] response the table saying, ‘Numbers IRONWOOD TOWN- to a ques- don’t line up.’ Mr. Sim- SHIP – Ironwood Town- t i o n mons was one of them,” ship once again has a town- about his said Trustee Kevin Lyons. ship supervisor, as the vision as “He taught me a lot about township board of trustees supervi- audits, and I appreciate Monday appointed Jim sor. “And that.” Simmons to fill the vacant if you “I feel that’s the kind of office. c a n ’ t person we need in here “I feel he’s very quali- Jim m e e t right now,” added Graser. fied,” Treasurer Maria Simmons them at a The board approved Graser said, in support of c e r t a i n Simmons 4-2, with trustees Simmons. “Through every- time, you Marlene Saari-Mieloszyk thing we’ve gone through have to ask yourself why and Bev Michaels voting in the township, he’s been they weren’t met.” against the measure. there for us 100 percent.” Simmons said he had Prior to Simmons’ Simmons will complete 30 years of accounting and appointment, a motion to the remainder of former managerial experience, as appoint Sharon Hallberg supervisor Steve Boyd’s well as a Master of Busi- failed to get a majority of term, which ends after the ness Administration and the board support with a 2020 election. Boyd died in 28 graduate credits in pub- vote of 3-3. Saari- April after a battle with lic administration. Mieloszyk, Michaels and cancer. Along with his account- Lyons voted for this mea- Simmons told the Daily ing experience, several sure; with Graser, Clerk Globe he doesn’t plan to board members also Mary Segalin and Trustee run for office in 2020 but praised Simmons for rais- Bernie Brunello voting said he wanted to finish Larry Holcombe/Daily Globe ing concerns about former against it. PETER STURGUL, right, and Ivan Hellen install name plaques on the new miners Boyd’s term and help move treasurer Jyl Renee Olson- After the meeting, Sim- mural in downtown Ironwood Monday afternoon. Hellen said there are 99 the township forward. DeRosso’s embezzlement. mons praised Hallberg and plaques purchased to honor even more names to support the painting and con- “You need to have clear- “Through the whole said he was looking for- struction of the mural. Sturgul said the mural was three years in the making ly defined goals; you need embezzlement issue, there ward to working with from design to the finishing touches with many people involved. The mural is to have timetables, mile- were only a couple of peo- located on the 100 block south of Lowell Street. stones, clearly defined ple that really believed objectives,” said Simmons, there was an issue when I TOWNSHIP — page 5 Ironwood City Commission approves appointment to development board Bryan Hellios improving downtown. awarding contractors to demo Clemens St. Community Demolition Grants. [email protected] “Anything that is improve- blighted houses in the city at its Snow Country Contractors was In other business: IRONWOOD – The Ironwood ment and develops the down- meeting on Monday. awarded $19,469 to demolition – The board approved Fahrn- City Commission approved the town is a positive thing,” he said. Angelo Luppino, LLC was the house at 149 W. Larch St. er Asphalt’s bid of $122,463 for mayor’s appointment of Ivan Hellen has a couple of ideas to awarded the bid to remove 5 “Hardest Hit” blight grant will the 2019 Pavement Chip Sealing Hellen to Ironwood’s Downtown promote the downtown, and said blighted houses for a total cost of go towards the funding needed to Project. Development Board on Monday he hopes his voice will be heard $86,325. cover costs of demolition. –Approved resolution #019- at its meeting. on the committee. The houses which will be raz- The removal of the commer- 008 to schedule a public hearing Hellen said he doesn’t exactly “A lot of things are happening ing are: 109 Norrie St., 321 Alfred cial structure at 238 E. Ayer St. for the remidiation of the blight- know what the board does, but is in Ironwood right now,” he said. Wright Blvd., 419 n Suffolk St., will be completed by utilizing ed property located at 107 and looking forward to being part of The commission approved 113 South Range Rd. and 208 grants from the Michigan Rural 111 W. McLeod Ave. TODAY INDEX Chance of t-storms — Details, page 2 Business . .13 75 cents Classifieds . .12-14 Monday Today’s records Snowfall Comics . .11 Vol. 100, No. 148 High 62 High 90 (1932) 24 hours to 7 a.m. Community . .3 Low 33 Low 17 (1964) Monday none Snow depth 0 in. Obituaries . .2, 8 Year ago today Precipitation Season total 182.8 in. Opinion . .4 High 75 24 hours to 7 a.m. Last year 172.3 in. Low 44 Monday none Sports . .9-10 l 2 TUESDAY, MAY 14, 2019 AREA / NATION THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM FIVE-DAY FORECASTFOORECAST FOR IRONWOODIRRONWOOD Obituaries TODAY WEDNESDAYWEDNESDDAY THURSDAY FRIDAYFRIDDAY SATURDAY Ronald W. Hill PINE LAKE, Wis. — Ronald W. Hill, and their children, 68, of Pine Lake (Town of Oma), died Dylan, Amanda and Chance Mostly SunnySunnny Few Showers Partly CloudyC Few Showers Tuesday, May 7, 2019, after a lengthy Sophia, and Nick T-storms and courageous battle with metastatic (Anna) Hill, Helena, melanoma. Mont., and their chil- 68° 45° 64° 46°466° 60° 44° 58° 46° 60° 48° Ron was born on March 27, 1951, in dren, Katie and Tris- Winds: Winds: Winds: Winds:Winnds: Winds: Wakefield, Mich., the son of Elmer and tan; three sisters: 6-116-11 mphmph SSWSSW 3-63-6 mmphph EENENE 1010 mmphph SSESSE 8 mphmph ENEENE 1010 mphmph E Pearl Hill. He attended Wakefield Glenda (Chuck) Ontonagon LOCALL OUTLOOK Schools, graduating in 1969. He mar- Zielinski, Onton- 59/41 ried Diane Lanctoe on Jan. 13, 1973. agon, Mich., Barbara Todayy we will see mostly cloudy He graduated with a Bachelor of Sci- Ronald W. (Lee) Carlson, Apple- Bergland skies with a 40% chance of showers Hill 70/45 and thunderstorms,thhunderstorms, high temperature ence degree from Northern Michigan 1951 — 2018 ton, and Carol (Dale) Wakefield Ironwood of 6868°,8°, humidity of 36%. South University in December 1973. In 1981, Jacobs, Blaine, Saxon 69/44 68/45 Marenisco southwsouthwestwest wind 6 to 11 mph. The he earned an associate degree in draft- Minn.; and brothers- 68/44 recordd high temperature for today is 70/44 Bessemer 90° sesetet in 1932.
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