• THE HOLLY LEAF Stands for More Weekend SUP P ORT Activities and S. G. A, Varsity Baseba.ll Holly~Leaf VOL. XIII-~o. 8 STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE ' TUE DAY, APRIL 13 1954 Rbs ock Elected President of SGA I Wins Election on ST( Students Attend Annual The Fi'rst Ballot Convention In New York "as The Twen y-ninth Annual He noted that today in the Stud nt Govern- spring Conference of the Eastern Eastern Zone of Germany no such m nt A sociation for 1951-55 on States Association of Profession- meeting of educators and teacb­ •Friday, April 2, 1951. Mr. Reb­ al Schools and fo r Teachers was ers-to-be could take place under I stoc k was one of four candidat s he ld in ew Y.ork on March 25, the same conditions as did the !nominated March 29 at a student 26, and 27. Salisbury State Teach- meeting in New York. las embly. The other thr candi­ • ers College was represented by He raised the question "Who in i dates w re Bobby Den ton, Con Dr. T. J . Caruthers and Mr. government or teaching is treas­ ,Dryd n, and Em ry Hilghman. At James Focht. Students represe~t- onable" and noted that we, as a Ith r gular as mbly period on ing STC and a ttending the panel nation, are faced with an under­ IThur day, April 1, the nominees discussions were Pat Cahall, Anne mining of what is most funda- wer inllodu eel by their can1- 1 I Dickson, Gene ,Culver, Emory mental. He said it is the right of paig n mar a e1· a nd aft -twards r Hilghman, and Ethel O'Connor. the state to question the loyalty lpr C'n•t>cl th i1· pla tforms to the At the Friday session, Dr. of its citizens. The teaching stud nt body. Th parade with Roma Gans, Professor of Ecluca- profession can be no exception. p li e.: •:;cort w,1. held Thursday , ,ion, Teachers College, Columbia, Every man and woman in the 1· nin g-, and on Friday the stu­ addre d the conference .on "The teaching profession should labor dents cast th fr ball ot~ and le t­ 1\'ork of t he Teacher," stressing and think and act in support, of el M :·. Pcbsto I< P1· ident. the necessity for the teacher to those principals which have made "Rt>b ," popularly know h r community and to be our nation great. Liberty is a con­ an known, 1"8S rn.duat d in 1949 active citizen. quest of self and a fun damental from Jl' del'a l. bul'g High School, .fi s Mary B auchamp, School guarantee of freed.om. Society is wh(·r h had s rved as presicl nt of Education, New York Univer- strong only in terms of the in­ of his lA ss in his junior year and ;ity, talked on "Good Practices in dividual. Teachers are to train the vi e -pr sid nt of th nior clas . Group D namics," and said that citizens of the future and they In that am y ar he ntei· cl STC i is imperative today that if we have a challenging job. but· I ft wh n h fi nished his are o survive at a ll we must The Saturday session was de- !fr shman year to work on th :earn how to Jive together. voted to a summary of the major p nnsylvanla Turnpik . After a The peaker at the conference conclusions of the Student Dis­ two-y a1· abs n e he r - nter d I luncheon was Dr. George N. Shus- cussion Groups a.nd Dr. Evan R. IST and b cam again a popular !er, President of the Hunter Col- Collins, President, New York m mb r of th s tud nt body. 11- lege of New York. State College for Teachers, Al- Dr. Shuster gave an interesting bany, concluded by stating that Now tw nty-two y ars old, talk on "Knowledge and Respon- the aims and ideals of the group "R b" is a staff serg ant in th ·~ ;bUity." H e took his theme from might weJI result in a "University National Guard in al!sbury. H I!. the Jines of Robert Frost that of Utopia," so well had the con- is an active member of the Future - Freedom is "the ilistance between ference labored. T ach rs of Am rica and has been men" and Responsibility "is re- An extraordinarily fine program Boost in Athletic f ee \\"ith athl ti c f es of $l3 and $l5 on th soccer team for the past membering ·the things that we of f.olk dancing was given by stu- respectively, operat without d fi- two years. H alao likes ping- have together." In discussing free- dents from the Panzar College of Considered by SGA cit. He also said that h did not pong, and he ls an enthusiastic dom, Dr. Shuster pointed out .that Physical Education and Hygiene, At its March meeting on March have figures from Pennsylvania Brooklyn Dodgers fan. "Reb" had freed om operates in several Vlreas: East Orange, N. J. 17, the Executive Board of the colleges, out his supposi tion re- the very high di stinction of being the differences which exist be- The session closed with an ad- Student Government Association garding their balanced budget th only male m ember of the jun­ ween us and are based on cul- dress by Harold Taylor, President was asked to consider an increase would be that they have self-sup- lor class to make the honor roll lural inheritances and the stock of Sarah Lawrence College, Bronx- in the per capit,1. athletic fee at porting programs because aclmis- this past semester . from which men come; second, the ville, N. Y. State Teachers and did vote unan- si.on fees are charg cl to gam s.J Among his l!kes are Dixieland differences between mankind in Mr. Focht and the students who imously to raise the fee but the Mr. Curtis (Men's Day Ass'n.) jazz and smart clothes, and he Is the matter of creed and race and represented the College are pre- vote was taken under dubious con- asked what assurance there was spec!lally interested In problems Whether he comes from the city paring for a meeting and inf.ormal ditlons concerning the requirement that baseball would b r instated of government. His only dislike ls or country. These make for our discussion on the topics covered of a majority vote. with the raisin of the f . The sup rflcial people. After gra<;l.u- :::! "separateness." He stressed the in the several panels, and notice The question was raised by 011- article appearing in the F braary atlon "Reb" would like to teach responsibility of each of us to live of this meeting will be posted. All ver Rhine, editor of the HOLLY- issue of the HOLLYLEAF was jin high achol In the field of gov- With one another, at home and are invited to come and share in LEAF which since fall has cam- cited In which Mr. Maggs In an rnment or history. , abroad, with respect and consid- ·, the many ideas the group gath- paigned for IL return of basebaJJ interview with Editor Rhin , eration for the rights of all. ered in New York. to this campus. Mr. Rhine stated Grayson Wheatley (Men's AA), H would l!ke to take this op- in raising the issue that he was and W rner Rebstock and Dr. p,0rtunlty to thank those who doing so in order for the Athletic Blackwell whom Mr. Maggs had lected him and especially tho e Department to know what funds ask d to be pres~nt had stated who actively campaigned for him. Oueen To Crowned it would have available when it be- that basebalJ would b reinstat d "Th next step,' 'he says, "is to­ Be ' gins its planning for th school and the total athletic program im- lect r presentatives who w!Jl sup­ yeal" 1954-55. proved with the increase in funda. port yol.f, th': student body, in your F olJowing Mr. Rhine's request A question was raised concerning SGA." On Tuesday, May 4th that the matter be considered two the meaning of "improved pro- On May 4 at 4 P. M. May Day foll.owing: questions were raised. Mr. Ayers gram" and Mr. Rhine add d that ll take place at STC on the 1. May Pole Dance by the chil- (Men's Dorm .Ass'n.) asked why Mr. Maggs had said, ''Th whole parliamentary procedure, pro.cured ront college campus in the tra- dren of the fourth, fifth, and the sport had been ilisco.ntinued athletic program would be im- while the membershjp waited by ionaJ setting. The program will sixth grades. in the first place. Mr. Rhine proved, both m n's and women's IMr. Curtis from the college li­ gin with the traditional pro- 2. Chimney sweep builds a May ansv,ered that the sport had been sport ." brary that a majority consists of ~ ·on, which will be fol1owed fire. (In this the boys of the abandoned because of expense, and ; The motion to rais~ the fund lone more than half, which ,9tate­ Y the crowning of the Queen by fourth and fifth grades will burn that the sports program at ~TC lwas made by Mr. ~ollms and as jment invalidated the vote in that 'il!iam Horner, P resident of the old man winter in effigy.
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