-r." i. -S: ■u'. ^ t.'w ■■kiK-.- - ^ r. < * ' ■ . / jsr-'vw Forecast of D. 8. Weatber Bureau A V iaA Q B DAILY OIBOIJLAXION Hartford =i. ■ tor the Month of Jannary, 19S2 » i ’ Bain and wi^mer tmiii^t and _ Friday. Member5,568 of the Audit Bureau of Olrculatlona. ■'m (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS (OlsasUled Advertfrinf on Psfa 10.) VOL. LI., NO. 113. I First Photo Shows Japanese M a r i n e s Landing: in Shangrhai MUSSOLINI VISITS ______ ^------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOTH SIDES PREPARING POPE AT VATICAN FOR BIG ENGAGEMENT Meet For First Time as New BYRD ON VISIT PRICES ON MARKET . National Holiday i»»«! toseealsmuh TAKE THE UPGRADE JAPANESE TO DROP clared; Converse Private­ 500 POUND BOMBS ly For Nearly An Hour. Virginia’ s Favorite Son in Net Gains $3 to $6 Are Nu­ New York— Says He Is (CopyrlKht l!>32 By A. P.) merous and Auburn Truce to Be Declared For Four Hours Uudl Women and Vatican City. Feb. 11.— (A P )— There on Business. Premier Benito Mussolini, H Duce Shoots Up Over $13. Children Can Be Removed From Chapei District— Japs of Italian Fascism and Pope Pius XI. Holy Father to the Catholic New York, Feb. 11.—(AP) — Await Arrival of Heavy Reinforcements; Plan Attacks world, met today In the Pope's li­ Former Governor Harry F. Byrd, New York, Feb, 11 — (AP) — brary at the Vatican for the first Virginia’s favorite son in the lists Stocks were suddenly jerked off of time and were closeted alone, seal­ for the Democratic 'presidential the bottom of a 29-month decline On Both Chapei and Woosnng; Foreign Shipping to ing the peace of the church and nomination, arrived In New York today, as the unexpected plan of state which was begun by the Lat- modification of the National bank­ eran Treaty three years ago. today to sec Alfred E. Smith. Keep Out of Battle Zones. ing system was widely greeted r/ith The premier’s first visit to the “I’m here on business.” he said, Pope, looked for for several months “and to see some friends of mine,' enthusiasm in Wall street. Shanghai, China, Friday, Feb. 12. since the settlement of the contro­ Among the friends, he said, were Prices surged upward in the most JAPAN’S “EMPIRE DAY” versy over the Catholic Action So­ former Governor Smith, who an violent recovery since mid-Decem­ _ ( A P ) —Five-hundred-pound aerial OBSERVED BY CHINA ciety which was expected to last nounced Monday he was not a can­ ber, and buUishnesa spread to,the bombs will smash into Woosung only a few moments, lasted an hour, didate, but would run for president commodity markets, where several when hostilities on that front are Shanghai, Feb. 11.— (AP)- — to the surprise of the waiting at­ if he was nominated at the Demo Here is the beginning of Japan’s armed invasion of Shanghai. While the Chinese defiantly maintained staples made modest advances. resumed, perhaps not today, hut cer­ This strictly informal “war” be­ tendants of II Duce and the Pon­ era tic National convention, and their boycott agaiiSt Japanese goods, 1300 Japanese marines were landed from ten warships m the hartor. Added to the Washington news of tainly before many days have tween China and Japan produced tiff. James A, Farley, chairman of the This NEA Service__The Herald picture gives an idea of the stores and arms and ammunition earned by the the bi-partisan move to increase the passed. another odd Incident today. (Chi­ Judging by the premier’s smile Democratic state committee and ™ l i ? g 4 r t r menacing row of machine guns, set up on their tripods and ready volume of credit and currency, were It will be the first time such huge nese government customs boats as he M erged, the meeting was Governor Roosevelt’s unofficial cam­ to be carried into action, against defenders of the Chinese settlement. aimoimcementa that the Ford Motor missiles of destruction have been in the Whangpo river, brought out most pleasant. It was not learned used in this area, but the big bombs paign manager. Co. would soon start production of all their bunting and dressed whether or not they discussed state will not be dropped c Clhapei be­ its new models, resuming its usual ship in honor of Japan’s "Em­ relations, but from all signs it was Gives No Details cause that is too close to the Inter­ large scale consiunption of mater­ pire Day.” a thoroughly friendly talk. He would not discuss the purpose ials, and the ordering of the regular national Settlement, and the explo­ Party Presented of his visits with Smith and Farley, TRADE BREAKDOWN sion of such a bomb is terrific. All the other foreign warcraft quarter’s dividend of $2.50 by Union also were dressed, for in the After the private conversation but said he expected to see them RITCHIE CALLS ON U. S. Pacific railroad. On Thursday the hostilities along sometime today—he did not know hook of naval etiquette failure to ended II Duce presented the mem­ In the Stock'^change, 1,500,000 the whole twenty-mile front from bers of his party to the Pontiff and just when. Chapei to Woosung w. e suspended recognize another nation’s holi­ MERELY POSTPONED shares were traded in the first two day is justifiable only if the cele­ then reverently bent and kissed the Byrd is the guest of Col. Henry hours alone, or more than the turn­ because of the celebration of Japan’s Pope’s ring, as he did when he en­ Breckinridge, assistant secretary of NOT TO REDUCE ARMY brating country is not recognized over for any five-hour session since Empire Day.” tered, after which he said farewell war in the Wilson administration Behind the lines, however, opera­ orilf there is a state of war. f - Feb. 1. Net gains of $3 to $6 a share and went to visit Cardinal Pacelli, and a close friend of Col. Charles were numerous in leading issues, tions were going on which pointed papal secretary of state. Later he A. Lindbergh. Whet the former British Economist Says Dan­ while volatile Auburn shot up more unmistakably to preparation by both went to St. Peter’s and knelt in governor of Virgftola visited Colonel Governor of Maryland De­ N . Y . REPUBLICANS than $13. sides for a major engagement. crime,” the statement said. “It waa prayer. Breckinridge a few weeks ago he folly. It could not possibly have had ger Has Not Been Averted Came As Surprise It appeared that the Japanese The visit which went down as a fiew up here in an airplane piloted were waiting for the arrival of any military advantage for the Jap­ V' notable mark in recent Italian his­ by Colonel Lindbergh. clares World Is Preparing The Washington plan took specU' heavy reinforcements on the w%y anese.” tory took place as the whole coun­ Colonel Breckinridge was to give START BIG PROBE lative quarters by surprise, particu­ from Japan. The Japanese govern­ (Copies of the protest were sent to By Nations. larly the bears. While constructive try was celebrating a new national a luncheon in Byrd’s honor today, ment has carefully withheld infor­ United States Consul General Edwin For a New War, Says Our news from Washington 'had been holiday, the third anniversary of the but information as to the location mation regarding the date on which S. Ciumingham, dean of the con­ of the Lateran Treaty be­ rumored since early in the week, and who the guests were to be was London, Feb. 11.— (AP)—The dan­ the transports left and the number sular body, with the request that tween Italy and the Vatican. The nothing as far-reaching as the bank­ they be delivered to the consuls of withheld. Army Is Far Too Small. In Surprise Move State Sen­ ing revision projected had been ex­ of men on the way, but Japanese, trjeaty negotiated by envoys of tha- ‘"It’s purely social,” said former ger of a world economic breakdown sources here admitted early today other nations here and that another J pected. I^pe.and the premier ended the long Governor Byrd, “It has no political has not been averted but merely that they were hurrying to finish as copy be sent to the mayor of Great­ ‘imprisonment”, of the Popes in the ate Puts Through Resolu-^ U. S. Steel rose nearly $5, getting significance whatever.” Baltimore, Feb. 11,— (AP)—Gov­ postponed by the measures which quickly as possible their job of driv­ er Shanghai. Vatican and restored relations be­ above $43; American Telephone $6 The camp contained 10,399 refu-< Former Governor Smith’s secre­ the American and British govern­ ing the Chinese out of the Shang­ tween the state and the Holy See. ernor Albert C. Ritchie today called to $117; D im oi^m ore than $6 fo gees Jbetaoe the Shmigbai fighting tary said this morning he had a ments have taken, Sir George Paish, hai area. ^ The premier’s official party left on the United States to maintain tion In Albany. $53; Union PaOTc, more than $7.50 'Wiien the; offensive is resuined the began on January 28. limehebn engagement, but it was noted'British economist, told the As­ to $77; Santa: Fe, more than $5 to the Palaszo Venezia in Borne shorts adequate armed forces to protect Japanese force will be r combina­ onf he bad made Hmself, ajjd^^she sociated Press today, and unless fur­ nearly $78; A m ^ ca n Can, $6 to Iv after 10 a.
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