Eastern Kentucky University Encompass The Athlete Kentucky High School Athletic Association 5-1-1988 The Athlete, May 1988 Kentucky High School Athletic Association Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/athlete Recommended Citation Kentucky High School Athletic Association, "The Athlete, May 1988" (1988). The Athlete. Book 338. http://encompass.eku.edu/athlete/338 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Athlete by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. May, 1988 Volume L, No. 10 a n-j C~3 Official Publication of The Kentucky High School Athletic Association limber ol Nalional FedersHon ol State High Scliool AuocisHons CHEMICAL HEALTH and STUDENT LEADERSHIP WHITE HOUSE CONFERENCE AIMS FOR DRUG-FREE SOCIETY Editor's Note: The White House Con- Mclntyre, Buchanan and eighteen 3. Parents, as role models, need to ference for a Drug-Free America was other advisors met in Washington, D.C. keep in close contact by attending and held February 28-March 3, 1988 in on February 1 1 - 1 2, 1 988 to develop the participating in pre-season meetings, Washington. DC. Six regional con- report to the Conference. The Sports parent communication networks, drug ferences had previously been held Panel understood that amateur and education programs and by exhibiting throughout the United States. professional sports was not a single responsible parental behavior. faceted, monolithic entity which could be 4. Coaches, as role models, should "We need to review the Nation's pro- scrutinized in a shallow manner. Sports demonstrate responsible behavior, gress against drugs and to reinvigorate had to be properly considered at all age should participate in educational pro- our national strategy to stop ttieir use. and competitive skill levels, from grams on chemical-health issues and We need to share successful strategies younger leagues to the major leagues. It conduct preseason meetings to talk and programs offered in all aspects of was realized that those who participate about drug-related issues. American life. In short, each one of you in sports at these various levels must be 5. A code of conduct is a definite set of has a crucial piece of the puzzle. The considered first as individuals and expectations designed for the develop- Conference is designed to help you put second as athletes. ment of a healthy lifestyle and the the complete picture together." Representatives were included from preservation of the integrity of the sports -President Ronald Reagan, professional sports, amateur sports, program. These expactations, or rules, November 1987 college sports, high school sports, youth need to be flexible, achievable and sports, representatives of player manage- should be applicable for the entire White Conference for The House a ment, intercollegiate administration, rule school year. Drug-Free America was mandated by enforcement and player unions. 6. Drug testing is not perceived as a the United States Congress and admin- The report of the Sports Panel was panacea but as one method of a compre- istered by the Executive Office of the presented to the Sports Commission at hensive drug-free program. It should be President. It was charged with the re- the White House Conference for a Drug- reliable, accurate, confidential and sponsibility of exploring the causes of Free America in Washington, DC, on handled with dignity, and respect for the illicit drug use in this country and IVlarch 1. It covered a variety of areas individual. The test results must be evaluating potential solutions. which includes institutional responsi- handled properly. The framers of the conference deter- bilities; role modeling of parents, 7. Future considerations need to be mined that the most effective way to coaches, and athletes; codes of conduct, given to women athletes who become consider the opportunities to end illicit drug testing, and future considerations: involved with drug abuse and related drug use would be to examine every 1. The term "institution" includes the eating disorders. Also, research is aspect of American life. Each of the six entire age and skills spectrum, from needed on athletes and non-athletes regional meetings involved 10 separate youth sports through professional regarding the causes of illicit drug use panels covering the work place, edu- sports. Helping athletes fight illicit drug and the problems which result. cation, prevention, law enforcement, use and become proper role models is a The final report will be presented to international concerns, transportation, responsibility which is mutually shared. Congress, the President and the media/enlertainment, public housing, This should include comprehensive American People. treatment and sports. substance abuse education, training and Sports was included because of its counseling programs. Coping, decision- impact on our culture. Athletes are role making and general life skills, from models opinion and makers. They often elementary school through college, are as leaders from grade school viewed should find a place within existing to the professional ranks. curriculum. Ethical and spiritual value Dorothy E. Mclntyre, MSHSL Asso- formation should be encouraged. ciate Director and Ora Buchanan, Girls 2. Athletes are role models by choice Athletics, tVlankato, attended regional the or by circumstance. Each has the conference in Cincinnati, Ohio and were responsibility to remain drug free and to appointed to serve as National Advisors help other members of the athletic to the Sports Panel. Their letter of community to stay drug free. No athlete appointment said, "Among the many fine should ever be used to promote or people who participated in our regional facilitate the illegal sale or illegal con- meetings, you have been selected one as sumption of alcohol. of the few whose unique commitment and dedicated efforts stand out as an important weapon in the battle against illicit drug use." The Kentucky High School Athlete Official Publication of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association VOL. L, NO. 10 MAY, 1988 $5.00 PER YEAR Newly Elected Board Of Control Members Sandy Allen Charles Henry Pearl Ray Lefevers Marvin Moore Liz Trabandt Due to the expiration of terms In office for three current Pearl Ray Lefevers, who has served as Principal of Bell members and the implementation of an amendment to the County High School for the last six years, will replace 1971 Federal Court Decree which calls for the election of Charies Wilson of Leslie County High School and will two at-large women, the Kentucky High School Athletic represent Regions 13 and 14. Lefevers has spent 30 years Association Board of Control will expand to twelve members with the Bell County system, serving as a teacher. Head beginning this coming academic year, with five new Teacher, Elementary School Principal, Assistant members having recently been elected. Alexandra "Sandy" Superintendent, and his current position at the High School. Allen, Principal of Louisville Ballard, Charles K. Henry, A graduate of Bell County, Lefevers received his Principal of Paducah Tilghman, Pearl Ray Lefevers, Principal bachelor's degree from Lincoln Memorial University in of Bell County, Marvin Moore, Principal of Rowan County, Harrogate, Tennessee before attending Eastern Kentucky and Liz Trabandt, Assistant Principal at Russell have been University where he was awarded both his Masters' degree elected to serve as members of the Board of Control. and Rank I Certification. Active in the community, Lefevers Sandy Allen, the Principal of Ballard High School since is a past President of the Bell County Education Association, 1986 is a veteran of the education field having served as a has served as Chairman of the Cumberland River Comp teacher, guidance counselor and Assistant Principal before Care Center for the past fifteen years, and is an active assuming her current position. She is also active on a member of the Kentucky Association of School county and statewide level in many educational support Administrators and the Kentucky Education Association. He groups and associations. She has been elected to be the also serves on the Advisory Board of Southeast Community female representative for Regions 1 through 8. College and on the Graduate Advisory Board of Union She attended high school at Rineyville High School in College in Barbourville. Hardin County before enrolling at the University of Louisville In addition to his school duties Lefevers serves as State where she received her B.S. Degree. She then received her Representative for the 87th Legislative District which encompasses Whitley and Bell Counties. He is a member of M.A. and Rank I Certification from Western Kentucky University. She is married to Ralph Allen, and has two the Education, State Government, Natural Resources, Ethics children, Tim, a graduate of the University of Kentucky, and and several ad hoc committees of the House of Meg, a freshman at Miami of Ohio. Representatives. Charles Henr\' will replace Grant Talbott of Owensboro Lefevers and his wife, Bessie, have two daughters, Emily, High School as the minohty representative for Regions 1 and Joyce Mary Lefevers Hurley. through 8. Henry has served as Principal at Paducah Marvin Moore, ready to begin his fourteenth year at the Tilghman High School since 1984 following 14 years of helm of Rowan County High School, will replace outgoing service to that school as Assistant Principal. Prior to his Board of Control President Frank Welch of Belfry High work at Paducah Tilghman, Henry served six years as a School as the representative for Regions 15 and 16, Moore teacher at the Jetton Junior High School. has been the Principal at Rowan County High School since Henry's education began with his graduation from 1975 following seven years as of classroom instruction as an Springfield High School in Springfield, Ohio and continued elementary P.E. teacher.
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