HISTORIC BRASS SOCIETY NEWSLETTER - - - News, Views, Notes and Comments for Members and Friends of the Historic Brass Society - - - -+ Issue Number 9 ISSN - 1045-4594 Summer, 1996 HBS Publications: Stewart Carter, Journal Executive Editor; Karen Snowberg, Newsletter bcutive Editor; Jeffrey Nussbaum, Managing Editor; Bany Bauguess,Journal Production; Martha Bixler, Anne Bonn, Sandra Coffin,Michael Collver, Peter Ecklund, Douglas Kirk, Jeremy Montagu, Steven Plank, Richard Seraphinoff,Jefiey Snedeker and Chris Whitehead, Associate Editors. Historic Brass Society: Executive Committee:Jeffrey Nussbaum, President; Jefiey Snedeker, Treasurer; Karen Snowberg, Secretary; Thomas Huener, Membership Secretary, Tom Reicher, Counsel. Board of Directors: Stephen C. Anderson, Bany Bauguess, Stewart Carter, Trevor Herbert, Jeffky Nussbaum, Keith Polk, Jeffky Snedeker, Karen Snowberg. Board of Advisors: Michael Collver, Allan Dean, Bruce Dickey, Ralph T. Dudgeon, Stephen Escher, Douglas Hedwig, Fred Holmgren, Douglas Kirk, Craig Kridel, William G. Mathews, Viola Roth, Richard Seraphinoff, Crispian Steele-Perkins, Robert Stibler, Franz Streitwieser and Edward H. Tam. O Copyright 1996. The Historic Brass Society Newsletter is published annually by The Historic Brass Society, Inc. CONTENTS Page HBS Financial Report .................................................................................................................................................................2 Historic Brass Society Hosts International Historic Brass Symposium-- Jeffrey Nussbaum ....................................................3.. So How Many Holes Is a Baroque Trumpet Supposed to Have? -- Tim Collins ....................................................................I.. I 1996 Survey of Natural Trumpet Makers -- Fred Holmgren ....................................................................................................15 Classified Section .................................................................................................................................................................19.... No Hot Air Here ... -- Bob Rieder ........................................................................................................................................... 20 A Cacophony of Cornettists -- Susan Smith ............................................................................................................................. 26 A Conversation with John Wallace and Trevor Herbert -- Ralph Dudgeon ............................................................................. 33 Grand Concert! A New Exhibition on New Hampshire Town Bands -- Richard C. Spicer ...................................................37 The First International Altenburg Competition -- Anne Hardin ............................................................................................41 Recording Reviews ...................................................................................................................................................................44 Music Edition Reviews .............................................................................................................................................................60 Book Reviews ........................................................................................................................................................................... 63 News of the Field ......................................................................................................................................................................65 Letters to the Editor .........................................................................................................................................................75......... Twelfth Annual Early Brass Festival ...................................................................................................................................... 78 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE It would be easy for 1996 to seem something of a let-down after last year's remarkable International Historic Brass Symposium, the wonderful HBSNL #8 and HBU, v.7, the successful involvement with the National AMS Meeting, and the launching of our new book series with Pendra- gon Press, BUCINA: The Historic Brass Society Series. However, we seem to be going full speed ahead. The Early Brass Festival #12 at Amherst College promises to be a fantastic event with such notable performers and scholars as John Wallace, Wim Becu, Trevor Herbert, Benny Sluchin, Art Brownlow, Gary Towne, Charolette Leonard, Michael Collver, Douglas Kirk, Fred Holmgren, Barry Bauguess, Rick Seraphinoff, Allan Dean and many others who will be in attendance. We have a fantastic HBS Journal v.8 planned for this year and the HBS has continued to stimulate interest in early brass music and serve as an important resource center for everyone in the flield. The HBS has been fielding queries from literally every point of the globe that come in form of letters, phone calls, faxes, and e-mail, and now the HBS has a site on the world wide web which will further help us to be a forum for the exchange of ideas about every aspect of brass music. The www site is: http:Nwww.classical.net~music/guide/society/hbd We have plans to participate in the 1997 International Musicological Society's 16th Annual Congress in London and look forward to future collaborations with other organizations. Lastly, this space is the only place where I can publicly thank the many folks who help me run the HBS. The Board of Advisors, Board of Directors, Editorial Board and Executive Committee do an outstanding job throughout the year and I offer my thanks to them. In particular Stew Carter, Barry Bauguess, Karen Snowberg, Jeff Snedeker and Trevor Herbert have continued to be incredibly helpful offering guidance and friendship year after year. Thanks all. Jeffrey Nussbaum President, Historic Brass Society The Historic Brass Society - 148 W. 23rd Street, #2A - New York, NY 10011, USA - TelIFax (212) 627-3820 E-Mail: [email protected] WWW site: http://www.classical.net~music/guide/society/hbs/ FINANCIAL REPORT: HISTORIC BRASS SOCIETY, INC. FISCAL YEAR, January 1,1995 - December 31,1995 Cash on-hand, Jan. 1,1995 S -0- Financial Report Int '1 Historic Brass Synposium Ju& 25-30,1995 mANuTRANSACTIONS Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts ChewAcct WIav9sAcct EXPENSES (plus cash transactions) Guest Artist travel OPENING BALANCES S 5,024.26 E 2,23 1.90 Guest Artist housing Amherst Early Music (AEM) staff REVENUES Photocopies, supplies, plaque Membership dues, Church rental Library subscriptions 15,674.82 841.38 Accompanists (total) Advertising income 3 10.00 Stage he1 p Sales of back issues 3,037.50 Keyboard moving and tuning Rental of mailing list 130.27 TOTAL EXPENSES Account interest -0- 15.06 . REVENUES -Contributions 4.646.00 National Endowment for the Humanities TOTAL REVENUES $23,798.59 f 846.44 Grant (to HBS) f 9,766.00 Participant Registration Fees (to AEM) 7,040.00 Other Revenue OPERATING EXPENSES Symposium concert gate Contribution to International donations (to HBS) 550.00 Historic Brass Symposium Exhibitors' Fees (to HBS) 300.00 ($3,000) Miscellaneous donations (to HBS) 3,036.37. Journal and Newsletter cost HBS individual contribution 3.496.00 Postagelmailing Total Other Revenue 7.382.37 Photocopying Ofice supplies TOTAL REVENUES $24,188.37 Misc. clerical, legal, advertising, bank * Donations receivedfiom many sources, including: International Donation to Euro-ITG Trumpet Guild, Nelson Research, Inc., AT&T Foundation, International Telephone Horn Socie~Streitwieser Foundation TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES: $25,627.91 f 1,999.86 Respectfblly submitted, Jeffrey L. Snedeker NET FISCAL LOSS S (1,829.32) f (1,143.42) Co-Director, International Historic Brass Symposium Treasurer, Historic Brass Society CLOSING BALANCES, December 3 1,1995 S 3,194.94 E 1,088.48 Cash on-hand, December 3 1,1995 S -0- r-------------------------------- I Cumulative Financial Status, I New HBS Submission Deadline I December 3 1, 1995 S 3,194.94 I I A new submission schedule has been established for the HBS + 1.605.73 (£1,088.48 ' ' I Journal and HBS Newsletter. I aS1.4752) I I $ 4,800.67 Article submissions for the HBS Journal must be submitted by ' Respectfblly submitted, Jeffrey L. Snedeker, Treasurer February 1. Six copies of the article plus a floppy disc and all I art work and illustrations must be sent. I I I Submissions for the HBS Newsletter must be submitted by I Marehl. I Notice of Annual Meeting '------------------------------,,." I The annual meeting of the Historic Brass Society, Inc. will be conducted at 4:00 PM, Saturday, July 31, 1993, at Amherst College, Arnherst, Massachusetts. Plans for the direction of the Historic Brass Society will be discussed. HBS Newsletter, Issue 9, Page 2 SO, HOW MANY HOLES IS A BAROQUE TRUMPET SUPPOSED TO HAVE? by Tim Collins During a recent professional perform- albeit by seventeenth- and eighteenth- An important element of the natural ance of Handel's Messiah in which I century standards (whatever they may trumpet, which is perhaps most variable played second trumpet, the first trumpet have been!). In this paper, I will briefly from one player to the next, is the mouth- player missed some notes in the bass aria explore the temperament of the natural piece. At the point at which the tone is "The Trumpet Shall Sound." When he trumpet and its modem counterpart, with generated it is the first element of the returned to his
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