RARITAH MOST PROGRESSIVE TOWNSHIP WITH THE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER LARGEST / IN GUARANTEED THIS AREA RDS CIRCULATION "The Voice of the Raritan Bay District" VOL. VI.—No. G FORDS, N. J., FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1941 PRICE THREE CENTS REFERENDUM Fords Junior Woman's Club Again Tells Of Expansion Names Elaine Quadt As President $1,000,000 DEVELOPMENT HERE ON COPS' BID Annual Election Held Tuesday Night; Plans Launched For Dance To Be Held May 10 At Thomsens Hall FOR 8H0URS FORDS—Miss Elaine Quadt was re-elected president IS PROJECTED BY SHELL OIL of the Fords Junior Woman's Club at the annual election Question Of Shorter Shift of officers Tuesday nght at the public library. New Tanks, Buildings Jo Other officers reelected were: Miss Laverne Deik, CHURCH SODALITY 3-3-3 Blast Of Siren To Summon To Be Decided By Vo- vice president; Miss Audrey Miljes, recording secretary, Be Added To Plant Lo- ters In November and Miss Ruth Miller, treasurer. Miss Lois Anderson was PLANS MAY DANCE Home Defense Forces To Service cated In Sewaren fleeted corresponding1 secretary. Plans were discussed for a dance Event To Follow Crowning Red Cross, Aid Squad, Fire Companies, Police Co-Or- COMMISSIONER AGREES to be held May 10 at Thomson's Ceremony Which Will dinated To Act Immediately In Case Of Disaster TO MOVE MAIN OFFICE community hall. The Misses Gladys TOWNSHIP B. OF E. WITH PBA ON PROGRAM Schicker and Florence Menwey Take PlaceMay 25 WOODBRIDGE—3-3-3. SOON FROM ELIZABETH are co-chairmen on arrangements. GIVES CONTRACTS FORDS—Arrangements for the Plans were also discussed for When that number is sounded on the various alarm Edward C. Wunder May dance to be sponsored by the systems throughout the Township it will mean that all the Acceptance Of Plan Is Not the golden jubilee convention to Swales Brothers Submit Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality of 40 New Employes Already be held May 17 and 18 at Atlantic Our Lady of Peace Church on the units of the Home Defense Council are to report to their Expected To Require Ad- City. Mi.ss Miljes reported that the Low Estimate To Supply evening of the annual crowning, cake sale held recently was a com- HOPELAWN FIRE CO. stations. This signal was agreed upon at a meeting of the Added; Others To Be 800 Tons Of Coal May 25, were furthered at a group held last night. ditional Personnel plete success. A new member, Miss meeting of committee members Hired During Expansion Lillian Lund, was welcomed into RARITAN TOWNSHIP —Con- ATTENDIFTCSCHOOL Tuesday night at the church. Represented were the Red Cross, First Aid Squad, the club, tracts for school supplies and coal Rehearsals for the crowning are veteran organizations, fire com- SEWAREN — Within a few WOODBRIDGE-After a serie* A musical program was enjoyed were awarded by the Board of being held every Tuesday and panies and fire commissioners. The <-f discussions and conferences it after the business session. The Chief, Three Others En- Board of Education will cooperate weeks the Shell Oil Plant at Se- Education at a special meeting Thursday nights. The first one BENEFIT ATTRACTS waren will become the main depot ha« been decided that the- question program included several selec- rolled In Classes Held was held last night. and in case of disaster all the of an eight-hour day for members tions by the tflee club under the Monday night in the Bonhamtown school buildings will be opened for of the Shell Oil Company in New of the police department will be direction of Miss Ruth Seel who school. Weekly In Metuchen The committees for the dance relief and hospital purposes with Jersey and immediate steps -will bo are as follows: Eleanor Yams, BIG CROWD FRIDAY taken for a general expansion to left to the voters. also played several piano selec- Swales Bros., Coal Company was HOPELAWN—Recently elected the Red Cross in charge. I*olicci Commissioner Herbert B. Ann Patrick, Irene Bartok, Mary cost in the neighborhood of a mil- tions. Miss Laverne Miederau sanjf officers of Hopelawn Engine Com- Leon E. McEIroy, coordinator of Ran kin announced yesterday that a number of songs, accompanied at awarded the contract to supply ap- Szechi, Jeannette Chirico, Lillian Show To Aid School Safe- lion dollars.' pany No. 1 are planning a varied the Local Defense Council, ex- he met with representatives of the the piano by Miss Seel. proximately 800 tons of coal to Lund, Mary Borkes, Henrietta Edward C. Wunder, general Patrolmen's Benevolent Associa- program of activities to be car- Dunback, Helen Kovacs, Helen ty Patrol In Piscataway plained the fire companies' part and The May meeting of the group { heat the township's six schools Chief of Police George E. Keat- sales manager, admitted yesterday tion earlier in the week ami it was ried out during the year, it was Patrick, Margaret Kalman, Olga Is Success that the engineering, sales -and real then decided to refer the entire will be in the form of a covered during the 1941-1942 school year Bartok, Agnes Schmidt, Rosalia ing discussed the duties of the pro- dish luncheon. at its low bid of $4,629. Crouse announced this week. posed auxiliary police. He urged estate departments of the Shell Oil matter to the people. The ques- Lutrias, Stephanie Sharo, Mary Company would be moved to Se- tion will therefore be put on the Coal and Supply Company was the Chief Frank Soos, William Het- P1SCATAWAYTOWN—A large that each fire company and veter- only other bidder, with a figure Labbanz, Elizabeth Farrington and crowd of parents and children at- waren from Elizabeth by the mid- ballot at the general election in tiger, Anton Gregowita and An- Margaret Prah, tickets. an organization recommend 15 dle of the month. November. If it passes, it will not of $4,044.50. tended the entertainment pro- members who would be willing to T. B. FIGHT ENLISTS ton Kramer are attending the Also Assisting ' gram presented by children of the become effective until January 1 of J. L. Hammett & Company, of Fire Police School at Mctuehen. "The new move," he said, "will next year. Newark was given the contract Marion Schmidt, Grace Grebely, Piscatawaytown school safety pa- serve. mean but the hiring of ten extra This school is held for all Middle- Olga Bartok, Anne Voyton, Pau- trol Friday night in the school "No man will be called upon to people in the clerical force at the There are two ways the ques- SCHOOL HEADS' AID to provide educational and indus- trial arts supplies at a figure of sex County fire chiefs and fire po- line Lance, Stephanie Sharo and auditorium. do strike duty", the chief said, present time. We have already tion can be placed on the ballot. lice who will be taught for eight "nor carry any firearms. In case hired thirty or forty new employes The patrolmen may e;o out and se- $1,520. A hid of $1,(550 was receiv- A'nn Urban, decorations; Lillian The benefit show, second in a PamphletsTelling Of Var- ed from Edward E. Babbit & Com- weeks by Sergeant It. C. Wilson Lund, Vivian Testa and Elizabeth series of patrol events in various anything does happen we will give in the past few weeks and as the cure signatures of twenty per cent expansion program is carried on of the registered voters on a peti- ious Phases Of Dis- pany, of Philadelphia. of the New Jersey State Police. Egan, publicity; Mary Borkes, schools of the township, was held the auxiliary policemen the quiet- Mary Vertes, Helen Zsorey, Helen est posts possible. Each man will and nears completion added men tion or the Township Committee The contract for janitorial sup- At the end of the school period, to raise funds for the annual out- will be employed from time to may pass a resolution to have the ease Distributed an examination will be held and Kirsh, Bernice Unari, Josephine ing of the patrol in June. be deputized with full police pow- plies will be awarded at a meeting Wotanosky, Theresa Shaker, Hel- time." referendum on the ballot. Just FORDS — Nurses 'and health of the board on May 12. those who pass will receive certi- Children who participated in ers. He will be asked to take a which step will be taken has not ficates for fire police work in the en Bryscky and Irene Columbebti, course in training, attend lectures Mr. Wunder also stated that the workers o£ the Middlesex County refreshments. the musical program included been decided as yet. county. Alex Nagy, piano accordionist; on criminal law given by lawyers improvements would cost in tho Tuberculosis and Health League and take courses in first aid. Each neighborhood of a million dollars, It has been pointed out that all will distribute this month to school The new officers of the fire com- Mildred Haig, Dorothy Hughes, possibly more. It is understood the surrounding towns and cities HOPELAWN SCHOOL pany are Frank Kaminsky, presi- Gloria Weyman, Dorothy Bach applicant must have lived in the 1 principals, school nurses, physi- Township for tbreo years, be., a that o"w-ofTico h'liHirt;* "iV* ! ii«. , work their police departments in ding: A_ntop _ Boszc, ,vice .presi- and Dom-hy- Tucker, dancers; constructed, present buildings will eight-hour shifts. The Wmnlbridtfe cians, high school students, • club dent; Anton Crregowitz, secretary; NEW SLATE NAMED Gloria Galino, Dorothy McNally, citizen, and be fingerpi'hited.** UNIT HASMIETING Duties of Firemen be altered and new wings added. department works ten-hour shifts men and women, and industrial William Hettiger, treasurer; Wal- Harold Maitland and Robert Doo- A large percentage of the appro- •with an hour oil" for lunch.
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