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Constook Bros', store Hen GOOD and Steal Six . ; Many will be surprised to learn that . .V T " i ' The First Snow.Storm of the Season a Telescopic Grip. iBieneiisit ii all ones: seitraiiilottiia. Frank Steele the well known newspa­ " Fowls. Many Prominent Visitors Present. Iy perman, whose resignation from the Visits Washington. : ^ staff of the Sunday Herald was an­ •yy- * .•ftr Soon after 7 o'elock this morning, r; ' : ' • St, Louis Convention. nounced a few days ago has left town Murder also Committed. Last night was a red letter one in the . GAZETTE'S BUBBAU, ) and before the full force of clerks •&=-:• under a cloud, says the Bridgeport ;y The Republican National Committee annals of St. John's Lodge. Over two 709 EAST CAPITOL STREET > had arrived, a stranger went into Com- Farmer. Such, however, is the case WASHINGTON, DKC. 12th.|» has brushed aside the objections made hundred Masons from various parts of stock Brothers' store and asked to be and there are many people in town to­ Chief Bradley went to Middletown the Btate, representing thirty-eight shown some shirts. He was waited against St. Louis and given that city a Washington 2 day who are loathe to believe that yesterday for the. purpose of commit­ lodges, were present at a special com­ Washington had its first snow storm upon by the junior clerk Alfred Hop­ valuable indorsement as a summer re­ Frank is guilty of the charges which ting Joseph Shannon to tbe asylum foi munication of the home lodge. to-day, which has fallen to the depth of kins, and finally selected one and paid have been made aerainst him. That sort, Passingly Washington, Chicago, the insane in that city. He returned in Among the visitors were Grand Mas­ three or four inches. for it. He then asked to be shown San Francisco, Pittsburg, and other Steele's departure from this city was tbe afternood and reached his home on ter H. O. Warner, of New Milford; ' ' O O o • some collar buttons, purchased one and acompanied by whu? is termed xinseem- Franklin avenue about 5:30 o'clock. •y> Deputy Grand Master J. H. Welsh, of Both Houses of Congrees had but while his purchases were being wrap­ Northern cities which offered excep­ ing haste no one will He left for At that time there was nothing to in­ Danbury; Pa6t Grand Master and Grand brief sessions to-day and then ad­ ped up by the clerk, strolled to the tional climatic inducements, as well as New York rather suddenly, early in dicate that anything of an unusual na­ Secretary J. H. Barlow of Birmingham. journed over to Monday. back end of the store, and walked into the week, without any of his most in­ other excellent reasons, the committee ture would occur and he walked up to Past Grand Master Clark Buckingham o o o the dressing-room. ' decided to chance the rare June days timate friends, so far as can be learned, police headquarters, where he remained of New Haven, Past Deputy Grand Senator Gallinger introduced a bill He came out just as his package was which have so thoroughly farmed the knowing of bis intended move. only a short time. Master A. C. Golding of Norwalk, Dis­ forbidding the introduction of electric ready, and taking it leisurely walked It seems that when the matsh be­ He returned home about 0:30. having trict Deputies Asa P. Fitch for Hart­ wires except under ground within the out of the store. It was noticed at the cookies of the hearts of the St. Louis tween Harry Lane of this city, and Joe been absent an hour, and was surprised ford county, L. M. Woodford for New city limits. time that he had a telescopic satchel in oobble stones. Flaherty, of New London, was first to learn that his hen roost had been Haven county, Benjamin F. Turner for Ox .. o o :• . his hand, but as he brought it in with Not only did the Republican National talked of, Steele, who was the sporting visited by two thieves and despoiled uf Middlesex county, and Morris Pendle­ him no particular attention was paid walsh 3 Committee defy the St. Louis weather, editor of the Herald, interested him- six hens, that despite the cold weather ton, for New London County, also the other than that he kept it in bis hand. self in the arrangement of the contest. had been attending strictly to business In the House, venerable ex-Speaker but it regards the|.Republican chances following Worshipful Masters: E. P, Grow made sad havoc of the President's all the time. if Jim Daley, backer of Flaherty, came in laying eggs. The hens lay dead on Gilbert, St. John No. 3, of ^Bridgeport; 60 bright that it is not the least dis­ inaccuracies in regard to the respective Mr. Comstock arrived at the store here and placed $400 in Steele's hands the ground with their necks broken, E. J. Tapper, Union No. 5, of Stamford; about 8 o'clock, an 1 soon after missed mayed by the St. Louis hoodoo. St. as a forfeit. When the match fell merits of the McKinley and Wilson and lying beside them, also dead, lay a J. W. Ferris,' Ark No. 39, of George­ a valuable overcoat which he had the through, Daley waited upon Steele, and tariff acts. Louis is not conspicuous as a President valuable roqster. town; F. M. Scott, Union No. 40, of night before thrown on a table at the asked for his money. Frank said he o o o making city. The only National Con­ The Chief learned that there were Danbury; W. E. Weed, Jerusalem No. rear of the store. He made a thorough did not have it handy then, but would News of the sudden death of ex-Sen­ ventions of the leading political parties two of the thieves and that one was 49, of Ridgefield; George E. Seeley» search, but could not find the coat. He return it in a day or two. He didn't dressed inVsuit-of reddish brown and ator Allen G. Thurman, cast a gloom held in St. Louis were those of 1876 Harmony No. 06, of New Canaan; A. J. all about tbe Capitol. No one mourned then questioned the clerks as to who but in the mean time Daley returned the other wore. a*$i^nined looking Hallock, Eureka No. 83, of Bethel; him more sincerely than ex-Senator had been in the store and was informed and 1888. Both of these were Demo­ to New London, expecting that Frank black suit. John J. Nash, Old Well No. 108, of Edmunds, now here, so long his politi­ of the actions of the party who had--^ cratic conventions and the nominees, would forward it there. It is thought that the thieves were v South Norwalk; Frank Don, Brainard cal antagonist, but warm personal ad­ made tbe purchase of the shirt. It did. Samuel J. Tilden and Grover Cleveland He waited in vain. Finally he in­ frightened away without their spoils by No. 102, of New London; James H. not take him long to arrive at the con­ structed Jerry Donovan, of this city, to an outcry from Mrs. Bradley whose at­ mirer and friend in the Senate, failed to {each the White House over Corcoran, St. Peters No. 21, of New o o o clusion that the coat had been purloined ; collect it for him. Jerry was in New tention was attracted by unusual noises Milford; and J. G. Hyatt, Temple No. by the customer, and he immediately the Missouri metropolis route. It may Mrs. Bessie W, Seabrook, a lady London, and came here on the mission. at the hennery. She saw them scale 63, of Westport. advised Chief Bradley, and telephoned .7! be, however, that a change of political clerk at the Patent Office, from South He met Steele and the latter told him the bank at the rear of thq coop and The "Master Mason" degree was con­ to different cities the story of the rob-1 v cajnplexion will.change St. Louis luck he had sent a check the day previous run across the property of Henry I. ferred on A. Preston Sherwood. Carolina, 'expired almost instantly upon reaching her desk this morning, from bery. 4 ^ ^ fg[7 as a convention city. to Daley. Donovan was satisfied with Hoyt, near by, and she was thus en­ After the degree work was finished, It is believed that the fellow picked' heart disease. In selecting the 16th of June as the this explanation, and was about to re­ abled to, in a measure, identify them. M. W. G. M. Henry O. Warner, of St. up the coat on his way to the dressing • - . i o o o turn to New London when he was taken It is reported that two thieves an­ Peter's Lodge, New Milford, in a very room, and while out of sight placed it date for the convention the committee Senator Sherman and wife went to ill.
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