THE FARMER: AUGUST 3, 1915 Kear Admiral Moore, IZ 3CONVENIENT TERMS Naval Commander, Had n Honored Career - 1379 -- 1379 Long MAIN ST. MAIN ST.VfA Between Opposite the v Arch & iiyric -- High ILEE'S QAfiGED BYrBOftRD ORDER Streets Theatre MASNST PUBLIC SPEECH Clearance oa 0 Oi'J . Yederal Bin of Particulars Against Indicted Officials "SILENCE" RESOLUTION OF NEW HAVEN OFFICERS Bays Even Banquet Responses Had to Be "Censored" Odd Dining" Ghairs In Chaxges--Sai- d Resolved, That no officer of the 1, 2, 3 AND .4 OF A KIND Robbins Pigures Conspicuously New Haven make any address, in it. to Have RemovedtBillard Assets and Records. , response to a toast or otherwise, ' that. shall in' any way refer to the Comprising the latest styles of Leather, Cane and .business of the company, its poli-'.ci- es i'."'- - same Wood Seat Chairs, in all the latest finishes, Golden and AW Tnri. Aug. ,3. Olrectwra of the Corporation."' ':. "''; .or prospects unless the New Haven who were (indicted Nov. 2 .j In connection with this transaction shall have beer first submitted to Fumed Oak. These Chairs are all new goods --we make last for conspiracy to monopolize tna it is further, charged that on May 27, the Executive Committee; ansportatlon. of New Ens-flan- d, 1914, - Kobbins received and deposit I That .no officer, give any. infor- these huge reductions simply because we must have the tha ed checks for $20&,000 with J. P. Mor- mation regarding the business of yesterday got. WJl'ot; particrt. ...... Wars demanded, ffrom th goyern-gnen- gan &. Co., the First National Bank of the company, its policies or pros- .room. they ' ' - r Com- ; .';"""'- 'V :s Boston, the Old Colony Trust pects except through, the author- of Arm $6.75 each.' Wood 2 SpeciSo charges areanacle la the bill: pany; the Second National Bank of ized publicity department the Leather Seat Chair Seat Side Chair, for $3.00. respon-sib- ls the! aCity Bank: of Hart- .; for such pur- Value $11.00. , Value $5.00. Thai Che directors :weSiei NewHaven,! company provided"' of ford and the Lincoln National Bank, pose, direct interviews between Leather Seat Arm Chair, $3.75 each. Wood Seat Side" 4 for the tangle proceedings - , - Chair, for $6.00. ;, described-a- s "a of and rep- thai resulted in the elimination of this money being- officials the company I w" Value $7.00v Value $10.00. ' Com- -; of Metro- pro- Side 2 $5.00. K: the Metropolitan. Steam strip part of the proceeds", the resentatives of the press being Leather Seat Chair, for Leather Seat Side Chair, 5 for-$8.7- pany as u competitor, of tHa New politan deat It is added that on the hibited. Resolution adopted by Value $9.00. Value $15.00. , E- 2 "boat lines. j same date Bobbins transferred to his the directors of the New Haven, -i Leather Seat Side Chair, for $8.00. 4 ' Haven's - - - Leather Seat Side 1 : ' Chairs and That Edward t IX SobMns, for wife', Mrs. C. S. Bobbins, "certain April 17, 1913. ' Rear Admiral commandant Value $10.00. Arm Chair, the set for $12.50. counsel for .the New shares of the. Pacific Company, also Moore, Leather Seat Side Chair, 2 for $4.00. Value $18.00. years e cer-ta- m at the naval station at Honolulu, has transferred to his "!sif a par,t of the proceeds' pX the same Value; $7.50.. .: Cane Seat Side 2 Haven, - ust heen retired for He was Chairs,- ' for $2.00. age. stock: formed a ; each. shares of, that - transaction. One Killed As from the Naval s Leather Seat Side Chair, $1.50 Value $3.50. f Metro- ' Express graduated Annapolis jpart of the proceeds of the Billard Assets and Records Sid. academy In 1873 and reached his re Value $3.00. Leather Seat Side Chairs,$2.00 each. Rob-bi- ns each. Value poiitan transactloni Then follows-th- that Runs Into Landslide rank in 1911. , He has seen' long Leather Seat Side Chair, $2.25 $4.00. on 23J. 1914, charge tiring i Tbat (Bobbins, May and aided in' procur- and active service in all parts of the Value $4.50. 4 Wood Seat Side Chairs and 1 Arm received and deposited checks for 3 Seat Side 2 for $3.0O. Chair, the Set I . to the Dominion of Parkers Aug. Run- world. He hails from Ills. Cane Chair, ' for $10.00. Value j ing the removal Landing, Pa., Paris, - $17.00. V in various banks, themoney -- ; Ex- O Value $5.00. - Canada of the assets, books, papers the Buffalo - a farther part of the fMetro- ning at high speed, Cane Seat Side- 3 for.'''..$5.00, Cane Seat Side 4 m teing - and records of the Billard Company, . Chair, Chairs, for $6.00. , the Buffalo & poiitan proceeds. and and aided in procuring press; .on Allegheny Value $7.50. Value $10.00. ,( procured was a. to the -o- That Rohhins parry f-'tthe- Sti Lawrence Division of the Pennsylvania, Railroad, THOUSANDS GREET removal to- Ginada of the f assets, the formation s and-record- f rah into a landslide near here, early. Go'.-NO- foooks;-paper- of the Must holdlng-kicompan- - AH Couch Hammocks ! a i v, for the- Billard today; . Jesse; Williams, engineer of Porch Screens and which " ' Gelf-rich- ,- IH 'through, . was' killed and R. WORLD CHAMP ' carried out its Company, which not only held the Pittsburgh, the New Haven - was seri- . New- and Maine stock , of Pittsburg," .send-Main- deal. ; Haven's Boston fireman, Boston, at a critical time, ibut was an agent ously scalded :Three day coaches and Couch Hammocks Porch Screens Lewis Cass Ledyard spent -, That - , deal. The Bil- a left the but remained SHOW Time now to clean on ' three years in trying "to- 'prevent in the Metropolitan sleeper trp,ck WILD WEST The of our big stock- are marked for quick up Porch Screens, Buy at con- - lard books were not surrendered to upright. ; pick these emphatic reductions and have a screen " e'escsrta4riiis tHefejCts : .... clearance at the following good pf Government" . 24 last. and complete prices: . the until Feb. for many swnmers to come. erni the activities and actions JetEer-so- n I - tig The name COL. BRACKETT BT5RIEB. conspira-tors- " ;. pf Representative. Will Great' Attrac 6 feet Screens. cf the and, - Jes ard Is $8.25 & $9.00 ....',.$3.00 Values' for $2.00 Ha-boa- $6.00, $7.00, New rd ;jf! Jjevy appears- ih the bill, in an 8 . V'... j. That no. member of the . 2 3.-- ser- - tion Show to feet Scrttns. $4.00 Values for $2.50 19X3 was aiiotseed even allegation' that on Jan. 4, 1913, the Washington, Aug. Funeral Plays Big 8 . of tp-d- ay $3.75, $4.00, $4:98, $5.50f feet Screens.'. $5.00 Values - ; Committee authorized the vivces were here for Col. ; " ' for $3.50 to respond to n. toast , involving ; Executive held, ' Business. wlsat had purchase from him of property at a G. B. Brack ett, who for the past railroad matters until he 000. No pomolo-gi- st : Exec price hot to exceed $200, s eighteen years had been chief say was submitted to,, the of this tran- of the. of Thousands of attended the . hoard. ; further details are given department agriculture. persons SPECIAL :the U1--.- SPECIAL SPECIAL saction. ;Vi He' died after a brief Ill- exhibition given yesterday afternoon ' - yesterday IX thins and 3jedyardf,Glriei Figures. v the servicef of the Indicted ness, in his 8 9th year. , and evening 'by the' Miller Brothers & - During TAPESTRY 'ti IS, C ; Hunt of the men .it is In furtherance Arlington's "101 .Ranch .Wild West April Jndg charged they -, COUCH COVERS BRUSSELS RUGS COUCH COVERS 'Ur ited States District Court directed of their plans for monopolising trans- " ' ' Career show which arrived in this oity Sunday lira government to file a. .bill of par- -, portatien facilities, authorized loans Cy Young Began and departed last ; nlgxtt . amidst a BOMAX Size .. Beautiful - - 39c. $8.75 75c 'titulars: "jsKX petition of- "William aggregating $2,275,000 to the Berk Quarter-Centur- y downpour- that mad work about the STRIPES 9x13 Patterns - . - Ago Today - 'tRockefeller." George MacCuIloiigh ilil- shire Street Railway: Company, $2,- sodden canvas ox- effort and drove he Value 69c Value $16. OO Value $1.50 - r, Charles "F. BvooJter, k X. Newton 000,000 to the Boston and Maine, hfs" belated spectator to' cover in' a hjo ! marks ah of - . James S. day. anniversary Robert .W. Taft, to the New Naviga- t of cars Barney; - England intrest to the baseball fans, waiting Jitneys' and trolley Hemingway,-"-'"- Lewi3 Caaa Ledyard, tion and $3,950,000 to the peculiar Company ' for was Just a of a that competed for the business. SPEGIAL-Ged- ar 'Ciarles M. A. Heaton Robert- - New Tork, Westchester and Boston it quarter century That the wild west show is as much Mops & Oil at 38c SPECIAL Pratt, , - Tecumseh x ago today that Denton lin, Frederick.- K4 Brewster, Henry K. Railway. - to as a feature as it was when .first 'OtI-Ha- AlerandBr-ODChr.ane.'.',..-6-v- known fame today rg Tpnng, afterward '. and In great detail the bill sets forth "Old his first league originated ia attested iby the horde's n 24 Iwhose; ot; ; , Cy," pitched big Jane Bobbins; plea f methods said to have been pursued ; na or who nocked to Fairfield oeoasoseJ,he '.had awtfified be--' water game. Young passed: out of the people the Immunity by the New Eaves in .crushing . 'retired-"t- his' Ohio avenue afternoon been .
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