LIGHTING-UP TIME WEATHER FORECAST 7.5 3 p. m. Light to moderate south or southeast wind; f TIDE TABLE]FO R JULY fair with scattered showers. Del e High Water Low Water Su_- Sun­ i A.M P-M. AJ*. FJH. set YESTERDAY'S WEATHER rise Maximum temperature .............................. 82.1 j 23 316 '. 4.09 9.30 10.34 sm 723 Minimum temperature Li__ 69.9 ! 24 424 5.10 10.30 11.40 557 7.23 Rainfall 0.15 Inches I VOL. 26—NO. 173 HAMILTON, BERMUDA. WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1946 3D PER COPY—-40/- PER ANNUM Under Water Atom MAJOR APPLEBY MOOTS MOTOR CAR BILL BEFORE Egypt and Arab Nations Demand Secret Ballot Extended COUNCIL RETIREMENT COUNCIL THIS FRIDAY To Bahamas' Islands Bomb Will Reveal Britain End Present Situation in Its Power Today NASSAU, The Bahamas, July Car Bill Decision Given as Majority Yesterday Delay 23 (By Special Cable) — The By ALTON C. FAT House of Assembly has unani­ Main Resignation Reason Extending Temporary Law Palestine and Install New Regime; mously passed a bill extend­ ABOARD USB. MOUNT McKIN- ing voting by secret ballot to LEY, Wednesday, July 24 (ff)—For the DEFERS SENDING LETTER PILOT DOUBTS NEW MEASURE first time in its short violent history the Out Islands of the Baha­ UNTIL ISSUE SETTLED CAN BE PASSED IN TIKE mas. the atomic bomb will be detonated Request Sent to United Nations under water tomorrow, to test the Only two years ago the hulls of the 75 warships anchored at secret ballot was made perman­ Major the Hon. R. W. Appleby, A desire "to get on with" the Motor Bikini Lagoon. Its power is antici­ Car Bill and disappointment that ent at New Providence but a since 1928 a member of the Legis­ NEW YORK, July 23 (Beuter). — The United Nations Secre­ pated to be vastly greater than its tbe message from the House of As­ "Brains Truster* political clique here held out lative Council, yesterday announced tariat announced tonight that Egypt has requested that the United aerial predecessor. The cross roads his intention of resigning from that sembly regarding their acceptance Nations General Assembly should consider the demand by Egypt against extending it to the blast is scheduled for 835 ajn. here and rejection of amendments made Says BJB.C. Has whole Colony. body on completion of the motor and other Arab countries calling am Britain to end the present Pal­ (4.35 pm. E.S.T. Wednesday) provid­ Car Bill. Still holding the view that to the bill by the Legislative Council estine situation and install a new regime. "Left Wing Bias" A commission appointed ed no last minute upsets by man or motor cars on the roads of these would not be considered immediat­ Nations joining witt Egypt in making the demand are Syria, after the 1942 riot in Nassau nature intervene. Islands will result in disaster, Major ely keynoted the meeting of that found the open ballot to be body yesterday morning. An attempt Transjordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, the Lebanon and Yemen. Egypt, LONDON, July. 23. — The British The rigid requirement for almost Appleby gave as the principal rea­ one of the contributing by the member-in-charge, the Hon it was stated, has invited Britain to negotiate speedily with Yemen Broadcasting Corporation, the Gov­ perfect weather conditions which son for retiring his disappointment causes to the disturbance and Sir Stanley Spurling to pass a bill ernment controlled radio monopoly, marked the first Bikini test are not at the result of the Motor Car bill. and the Arab Governments for a "new arrangement" before the recommended a Colony-wide further to extend the Act of 1943. has a definite Left Wing bias, Col­ so demanding this time. But still General Assembly meets in September. adoption of the secret ballot, The Legislative Council will meet because of his belief that legislation onel Waldron Smithers, a Conserva­ good weather is forecast. The prime Communications which have pass and then the Imperial Govern­ at ten o'clock on Friday morning, on the Motor Car bill would not be tive Member of Parliament charged requirement is wind blowing from ed between Egypt and Britain and ment indicated that this re­ one hour earlier than customary, concluded by July n, failed, al- which were later submitted to tha Palestine May Be tonight. the east up to 20,000 feet and capable and on the request of the member- form must be adopted here. of carrying radioactive spray away jthough Councillors allowed the ex­ United Nations, have been circulated In a letter to Mr. Allan Powell, in-charge of the Motor Car Bill, the tension bill to go through its first from the men who are charged with to all member states. Given Separate the BJB.C. Chairman, Colonel Smith­ For over SO years the masses Hon. Sir Stanley Spurling, the mess­ reading. ers said his experience when he par­ clamoured for a secret ballot determining the bomb's effective­ age from the House of Assembly re­ The Egyptian note to the United which was stubbornly reject­ ness. Scientists and naval observ­ After informing members that he Nations expresses "deep regret con­ Arab*Jew States ticipated in the canned "Brains garding their acceptance and re­ would not take up the message Trust" question and answer pro­ ed by a small controlling poli­ ers are reluctant to put themselves jection of amendments made by the cerning the present situation in Pal­ tical group until pressure was on record with predictions. Most of from the House of Assembly until estine." LONDON. Wednesday, July 24 gramme last night, more than justi­ Upper House has been set down as the next day of meeting, Sir Stanley fied his belief that the B.B.O. adopt­ exerted from London. them expect a column of water to the first item on the agenda. "DEEP BEGRET" (Reuter) — The Diplomatic Corres­ be raised followed by a series of said that he saw very little chance pondent of the Liberal "News ed a Leftist slant whenever possible. It was on this motion Major Ap­ of the controversial legislation on I'he Egyptian note to the British giant waves of diminishing height Chronicle," understands there are He expressed suspicion that his cri­ pleby said that he had been under motor cars being completed by the Government sent on June 20, stated: and power. strong Indications that the British ticisms of the BBC and Russia the impression the message from end of July. He pointed out that "The Egyptian Government is anx­ MEW FERRY BOAT FOR Correspondent Howard Blakeslee Cabinet has envisaged a federal solu­ would be censored. the House of Assembly would, un­ the House of Assembly had now ious to see the provisions of the aboard the U.SJS. Appalachian said tion for Palestine, with separate der the ordinary course of events, j adjourned until Friday and that Charter of the United Nations wisely Of the five brains trusters Colonel DOCKYARD PERSONNEL oceanographers expect the waves to Jewish and separate Arab states. Smithers pointed oat he is the only have been considered at that meet­ Monday, ordinarily their next day carried out in order that the objec­ be 50 feet high at a distance of half each in control of the greater part one representing Right Wing opin­ ing, although agreeing that the of meeting, was a public holiday. tives which it strives to attain may a mile from the point of detonation. of its own internal affairs- and ion. Minesweeper from W. Indies member-in-charge had, of course. Asking leave to introduce a Motor be achieved, and cannot refrain What this will do to the taregt task grouped together under a central the privilege of not bringing it for­ Car Temporary Provisions Bill (the from expressing its deep regret con- "SENSE OF INJUSTICE" force Is still pure guess. While the Palestine Government, on which To Be Put Into Service ward if he felt unable to. fourth extension) Sir Stanley said Derning the present situation in Pal­ would be Arabs. Jews and British "I came away from Broadcasting Ceatiaaed ea Page 9 that it seemed to him to be abso­ estine. It wishes to stress the neces­ as representing the mandatory. House with a burning sense of la- The personnel of H.M. Dockyard RESIGNATION LETTER lutely essential to pass the three sity for complying with the national justice committed by the Corpora­ and their families by the end of this readings of the bill to continue the aspirations of the inhabitants of RESUME IMMIGRATION tion which claims to be impartial,'' month will have a faster and more HEALTH DEPARTMENT TRUCK "I was in hopes," continued Major Act of 1943 so that there would not that country. Appleby, "that this question of "This would enable immigration Colonel Smithers wrote. commodious ferry boat to take them DAMAGED BT 10-WHEELER be any period when there was no "However, the actual conditions motor cars — general use, or not — to be resumed into the Jewish prov­ Describing the atmosphere in the to Hamilton when the motor mine­ legislation in effect regarding the resulting from the mandate impos­ would have been settled. Having ince, and would probably enable studio as "terrifying," the MP. sweeper recently imported from the A Public Health Department truck control of motor cars in the Colony. ed upon Palestine and its practical that in mind, I prepared a resigna­ the British Government to announce claimed he found lt difficult to ex­ West Indies takes over the run form­ was badly damaged yesterday after­ application, were contradictory to tion from this Council which would "PLENTY OF TOME" the acceptance in principle of the press himself adequately.
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