Page 20 Thursday, April 27, 2000 The Westfield Leader and THE TIMES of Scotch Plains – Fanwood A WATCHUNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PUBLICATION Arts & Entertainment Sixth Annual Spring Fling Fair POPCORN Classic Car Show Keeping The Faith To Coincide To be Held April 30 in Westfield A Mixed Blessing With Spring Fling play. Pony rides and a petting zoo By Michael S. Goldberger WESTFIELD – The streets of WESTFIELD — The Westfield Over 35 local businesses will will be located in the parking One Popcorn, Poor • Two Popcorns, Fair • Three Popcorns, Good • Four Popcorns, Excellent downtown Westfield will be bus- Area Chamber of Commerce will vend their wares. Temple Emanu- area of PNC Bank at North Av- tling with shoppers, artisans and 2 & 1/2 popcorns Anne Bancroft as the young rabbi’s host their first of four Classic Car El will offer information on ani- enue and East Broad Street. A It’s irresistible. The premise of Keep- loving Mom who, incidentally, hasn’t craftspeople at the sixth annual Shows for 2000 this Sunday, April mal adoption, The Guillotine will moonwalk, temporary tattoos, ing The Faith, that is, and not necessar- spoken to Jake’s older brother ever Spring Fling Street Fair on Sun- 30, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., in sponsor a cut-a-thon for the face-painting and sand-art cre- ily the film. And knowing full well that since he married a Catholic. day, April 30, from noon to 6 this country’s 2,499 other film critics This troubling fact is not lost on Mr. conjunction with the annual American Cancer Society from ations will be on tap. p.m. and their grandmothers will begin their Stiller’s persona as he agonizes over his “Spring Fling” Street Fair. noon to 5 p.m. Weichert and the For more information, please The raindate will be Sunday, reviews in exactly the same Vaudevil- increasingly fervid relationship with The event will take place in the Blood Center of New Jersey will call The Advertising Alliance at lian way, the temptation is nonetheless Anna. So the two lovers keep it a secret, May 7. municipal parking lot on Central host a blood drive from 11 a.m. (908) 996-3036 or the Chamber overwhelming. So here goes: even to the point of excluding their The festivities will be held on Did you hear the one about the Avenue, across from the Westfield to 5 p.m. at 185 Elm Street. of Commerce at (908) 233-3021. priest pal. And no surprise, Father Elm, East Broad, Prospect and priest and the rabbi? Well, it seems that Brian is harboring a secret of his own. Post Office. More than 30 motor- Quimby Streets. Therefore, traf- growing up on the Upper West Side of Naturally, all these fragile confi- cars and trucks will be on dis- Manhattan in the 1980s they were best dences ultimately foam to a proverbial fic along these streets will be play, ranging from early 1900 detoured during the day. pals with the same girl. There was head. Jake must decide if his love of Jake (Ben Stiller), who grows up to be faith is compatible with his love for vintage Model “T” Fords to 1970 Debbie Schmidt of the the rabbi; Brian (Edward Norton), who Anna. And what will the social ramifi- “muscle cars.” Westfield Area Chamber of Com- becomes a priest, and lovely Anna cations be? From the emotional confla- The disc jockey, sponsored by merce, the event’s sponsor, (Jenna Elfman), the winsome third gration that erupts, director Norton part of their inseparable trio. nudges his work to preach a little Comcast@Home, will play music stated, “Admission and parking from the 1950s and 1960s. Harley- are free and everyone is invited But Anna moves away when they’re sermon, impart some spiritual wis- teenagers. Jake and Brian grow to be dom, and say a thing or two about Davidson of Edison will display downtown for a great day of the best of friends. And then they don’t religious tolerance before sending his seven motorcycles at the event. family fun.” see Anna again until their early 30’s, audience out into the night. Other sponsors who will be rep- when the energetic dynamo blows But while well-intentioned, the Over 300 exhibits of crafts, art, resented at the show include STS local businesses and children’s into town on business, a high-pow- good-natured film is too fluffy to have ered head honcho of some megalo- its pontificating suddenly assume a Tire and Auto of Westfield and activities will be featured. takeover conglomerate. The troika credible gravity. If the picture boasted New Norris Chevrolet, also of Two jazz bands, “The Ollieland takes up where they left off. Only now more farcical heft, and if some serious Westfield. Puppet Show” and “The Hun- the relationship evolves into an un- notes were delivered as skillfully in- likely love triangle. terspersed counterpoints, then the Admission is free. Classic car gary 5 Oompah Band,” Blues owners who wish to participate singer Alvin C. Madison, and the Waiting for a punch line? Ah, that’s screenplay might have enjoyed a the rub. There isn’t one. At least not in greater effectiveness. are asked to call Darryl Walker, 50’s Retro group, “Class: The Girls the conventional sense of the term. For like the complementing ingredi- Chamber Chairman, at (908) 654- Next Door” are scheduled to Keeping The Faith is a leisurely com- ents of a really righteous matzoh ball, the 4100, to register their car. perform. The stage area is lo- edy that takes a little too long to get properties of comedy and drama must be cated at the corner of Elm and where it’s going. And the affable jour- weighted just so or the story won’t float. ney is rather predictable. However, the Having playful fun with some controver- East Broad Streets. comic vehicle’s three principals are sial topics, Keeping The Faith never ex- Please send Musical entertainers and such good company that, for the most plodes into that laugh-a-minute epiphany clowns will stroll the streets. D.J. part, we happily sit back and enjoy the we can truly believe in. A&E Press Releases to: and singer Bob Mele of Elizabeth ride. After all, the conversation is con- * * * * * [email protected] and the New Jersey Workshop vivial and the friendly banter engaging. Keeping The Faith, rated PG-13, by 4 p.m. on But the plot about a devout young is a Touchstone Pictures release di- for the Arts will both present Jew who has a tug of conscience when Fridays programs. rected by Edward Norton and stars he falls in love outside of his religion Ben Stiller, Jenna Elfman and Edward Food specialties will be pro- adds nothing to the ruminations on faith Norton. Running Time: 129 minutes. vided by local restaurants first mulled in The Jazz Singer (1927), credited as the first talkie and undoubt- Ferraro’s Restaurant & Pizzeria, edly the granddaddy of this genre. Cosimo’s Restaurant & Pizza, And so when there’s no big sur- Snacks n’ Such and China Light. AND THE WINNER IS…Anyone who is lucky enough to win one prise, no dramatic turn of events to Spring Fling’s menu includes of these raffle prizes will surely be a winner at the Westfield spirit the plot from conflict through Symphony Orchestra’s 16th Annual Tour of Notable Homes on climax, we suspect that these new calamari, pastas, desserts, curly buddies we’ve just made are already fries, tomato bruschetta, smoked Saturday, May 6. Over 30 elegant gift baskets will be featured in the raffle. The tour and raffle will benefit the Symphony taking our friendship for granted. barbecued ribs, garlic shrimp, directly. Pictured, left to right, displaying some of the home Although Mr. Norton makes no major Greek fare, London broil, accessories and other luxury items included in the raffle, are: gaffes in his directorial debut, he chicken, fresh fruit smoothies, doesn’t earn any gold stars either. His Symphony Friends Members Myriam Gabriel, Home Tour Chair- straightforward approach is clean if deep-fried Oreos, zeppoles, ice woman Andrea McDermott and Helene Reichlin. unimaginative. But while it is a near cream, homemade fudge and Herculean task to overcome inad- Pennsylvania Dutch funnel cakes. equate writing, a more seasoned di- Artisans and crafters are ex- rector might have applied some fancy Raffle Added to Festivities footwork to the more down-at-heal pected to display and offer for portions of the script. sale jewelry, unique designer To coin a phrase, it’s short on clothing, dolls and toys, quilts, Of Symphonys Home Tour schmaltz. woodcarving, pottery, original Then again, there are other com- furniture, as well as home and WESTFIELD – Visitors to the An- year’s raffle. forts to console our funny bones. Just “The Home Tour Raffle, which is as screenwriter Stuart Blumberg’s saun- garden accessories. nual Tour of Notable Homes to benefit tering plot reminds of the drawing Other artwork, such as water- the Westfield Symphony Orchestra held at one of the featured homes, has room farces that brightened spirits in A CENTURY ON THE ROAD…Classic cars from every era, span- colors, oil paintings, lithographs, (WSO) on Saturday, May 6, from 10 always been a popular part of the the 30’s and 40’s, Keeping The Faith is ning 1900 to 1970, will be on display at the Westfield Classic Car photography, wooden instru- a.m. to 3 p.m. will have the opportu- day’s activities.
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